Teacher Mirzoir MIRQOSIMOV ALFRAGANUS UNIVERSITY e-mail: [email protected]
Annotation. This study clearly demonstrates the methods that can be used to improve the stability and efficacy of football players with amputees in maintaining balance. Detailed explanations are provided for the analysis of the research findings. a technique for increasing the stability of the equilibrium ability of football players with amputated limbs. Abstract This paper clearly shows the choice of means to increase the stability of balance in players with amputated limbs, as well as their effectiveness.This paper details the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the preparation and study of football players with amputated limbs, goals, objectives, methods and conduct of work, as well as the analysis of the results obtained during the study. In recent years, the popularity of amputee footballers has been growing in the world, and they have taken a worthy place among other sports. Modern developed football places high demands on the training of disabled players, which requires the search for new, more advanced methodological approaches to the training process and the development of new scientific and pedagogical technologies that contribute to the improvement of various aspects of the activities of young athletes. accurately coordinate and reconstruct actions in game situations, reaction speed, concentration and transmission, the ability to play at a fast pace depends on the level of development of the ability to maintain balance.The development of this ability is one of the main factors for achieving high results in football.
Keywords: Balance, ball, coordination, balance stick, stability, amputee players, stability, field, championship, spirit.
Currently, taking into account the morphofunctional indicators of amputee footballers of different ages, research is being conducted in the world to improve their physical development and level of physical fitness, increase the effectiveness of technical and tactical actions in competition conditions. In recent years, a lot of theoretical and experimental material has been collected on improving the general and special coordination abilities of athletes of various sports. However, there are few studies aimed at improving balance skills in football for amputees. Issues related to the development of diagnostic methods and tools and the development of balance skills of amputee football players at different stages of the annual training cycle have not been sufficiently studied.
Much research has been accomplished on the development of the football.For example:Abalyan, A.G. The use of a program-target approach in the development of regional target programs: methodological recommendations / A.G. Abalyan, T.G. Fomichenko, M.P. Shestakov / Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy; Federal State University "Center for Sports Training of national Teams". - M.: Soviet Sport, 2010. - 52 p. Abalyan, A.G. Classification of disabled athletes as a factor in the development of Paralympic sports / A.G. Abalyan, O.E. Evseeva, S.P. Evseev, A.V. Kirillov // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2018. - No. 5 (May) - pp. 47-49.Akromov R., Tolibjonov A., Training highly qualified players. -T., 1994.-130b. Abalyan, A.G. Comprehensive pedagogical control in the training of Paralympic swimmers / A.G. Abalyan, D.M. Khalikov, I.I. Khalikova, Adaptive physical culture.2018. - № 1 (73). - P. 45-47. Yo'ldoshev M., To improve the methodology of the coordination of young soccer girls.,- T., Chirchik-2021Abalyan, A.G. Complex pedagogical control in the system of scientific and methodological support of Paralympic sports: monograph / A.G. Abalyan, S.P. Evseev. - M.: First volume, 2017. - 324 p.
Ability of amputee players to maintain balance identification and justification of reliable tests to assess the ability of amputee players to maintain balance during annual preparation periods and stages;determination of the ratios of optimal norms of training tools for microcycle tasks aimed at
improving coordination abilities, taking into account the competitive activity of players with amputated limbs at interspecific preparatory stages of the preparatory and competitive periods;development of options for the development of equilibrium abilities of football players with amputated limbs, varying in degree of impact, based on the priority use of a special set of exercises;the ability of players with amputated limbs to maintain balance is aimed through maintaining balance to determine the impact of funds on competitive activity and to justify their effectiveness on experience.
ability of amputee players to maintain balance identification and justification of reliable tests to assess the ability of amputee players to maintain balance during annual preparation periods and stages;
determination of the ratios of optimal norms of training tools for microcycle tasks aimed at improving coordination abilities, taking into account the competitive activity of players with amputated limbs at interspecific preparatory stages of the preparatory and competitive periods;
development of options for the development of equilibrium abilities of football players with amputated limbs, varying in degree of impact, based on the priority use of a special set of exercises;
the ability of players with amputated limbs to maintain balance is aimed through maintaining balance to determine the impact of funds on competitive activity and to justify their effectiveness on experience.
Research results and discussion. effective tests aimed at assessing the ability of players with amputated limbs to maintain balance in annual training cycles have been identified.A set of exercises aimed at developing the ability of football players with amputated limbs to maintain balance has been developed.
The state of the neuromuscular apparatus and the degree of impact of training loads on it in the TC can be assessed by a group of biochemical markers (for example, CPK, AST, urea) or by biomechanical indicators of muscle stiffness and viscosity. The manifestation of most of the "qualities" of the neuromuscular apparatus, as well as the ability to perform large training loads, require vegetative support from the CCC, respiratory, neuroendocrine and other systems.
Research content. In most sports in EC, it is sufficient to evaluate the effectiveness of the CCC in delivering oxygen to the working muscles. In almost all CVS, it is important to evaluate the efficiency of the functioning of the body when performing SU. There is a distinction between physiological efficiency (for example, how intensely the body's systems function when delivering one liter of oxygen to the muscles) and biomechanical efficiency (how economically or effectively an athlete uses the metabolic or mechanical power produced by the muscles to advance or accelerate himself or the projectile in the right direction).
The control function of the nervous system and the state of the nervous system are traditionally assessed by stabilometric indicators that assess the function of motor control at the stage state level, as well as by indicators of stabilometry, hemodynamics and variational pulsometry in TC. Of particular importance is the question of assessing such a parameter of the control functions of the brain as psychomotor status when it comes to Paralympians, in whom neurological and sensory disorders manifest themselves in most pathologies. 320 Makarova, G.A. Laboratory indicators in the practice of a sports doctor: a reference guide.Numerous attempts have been made and are being made to use psychophysiological methods 322 to assess the state of the central nervous system and the psychophysiological state of the body. However, their informati'veness still raises questions.
The study of scientific sources from the previous chapters results of questionnaires and pedagogical testing among specialists demonstrates the methods that can be used to improve the stability and efficacy of football players with amputees in maintaining balance through the creation of a method aimed at improving the results of competitive activity (TTM).
Although the issue of developing and improving coordination abilities is widely covered by specialists in the scientific literature on football, the issue of improving these abilities and their condition in amateur football has determined the relevance of the problem. This sets us the task of creating a scientifically based system of using tools and methods aimed at determining the level of special coordination abilities of amputees and their improvement.
In the studies devoted to the development and improvement of coordination abilities in the process of research, the importance of accompanying the issue of increasing the level of coordination abilities with a comprehensive study of the educational and training process has been revealed. In this chapter, the training of female football players during the preparation and competition was consistently studied, the question of improving coordination abilities was experimentally substantiated.
It was noticed that the results of performing special tests to determine the level of balance skills in players with amputated limbs and the analysis of their performance in game situations for many girls are at an unsatisfactory level. As a basis, an experimental program was developed to improve the balance skills of players with amputated limbs.
One of the key points in the organization of the study was the study of the distribution of loads during the study. In this regard, we studied the distribution of loads at different stages of the preparatory and competitive period and developed an approximate program for the team.
Initially, when compiling microcycles, the correct distribution of the share of general and special coordination abilities was carried out in accordance with the tasks of the stages of the preparatory period.In the attractant microcycle of the preparatory period, special funds were introduced in the amount of 106 minutes. In total, 483 minutes were allocated for basic preparatory microcycles (Table.1.1). Of this time, 251 minutes were devoted to specific media, and 128 minutes to specific media. A total of 444 minutes on the microcycles of the special phase were allocated for balancing the abilities of players with amputated limbs (155 minutes for non-specific, 289 minutes for specific). In the pre-competiti'on microcycle, 110 minutes of total training time were allocated for coordination skills. At the same time, 26 minutes were spent on non-specific funds, and 84 minutes were spent on specific funds.
During the competition period, the distribution in the inter-species preparation cycles looked as follows. The total training time until Round 2 was 2,540 minutes, giving coordination abilities a total of 381 minutes. This means 15% of the time spent on total training. 126 minutes of this time, that is, 5% of 355 minutes were directed to the umuiy tools to special tools (10). the total training time was 3,260 minutes with 108 minutes of it being directed to the general means (5%) 200 minutes i.e. 10% to the special means. The total allocated time for coordination abilities was 308 minutes. In interspecific cycles, the largest hajm uploads were administered until type 2, which acquired a special relevance with the long duration of the cycle.
The total training time was 1,620 minutes, of which 204 minutes, i.e. 15%, were spent on coordination abilities. At the same time, 54 minutes were allocated to general funds, and 150 minutes to special funds. These normative indicators help to solve the problem of improving the quality of training and optimizing workloads based on existing criteria.
The tables reflect the distribution of funds by size and direction of impact, which the research team directed to improve the ability of football players with amputated limbs to maintain balance during the training process. This means that a total of 483 minutes during the entire training period were focused on improving coordination abilities. At the same time, 16% of the total number of downloads were divided into large, 61% - medium and 23% - small. The distribution of loads in the direction of impact was manifested in the form of an oval. Aerobic loads 109 minutes, mixed 202 minutes,
While at the special training stage, the total number of downloads was 444 minutes, large downloads were 22%, medium downloads were 59%, and small downloads were 19%. Approximate time allocation aimed at improving the level of coordination abilities:aerobic-153 minutes, mixed-153 minutes, anaerobic-glycolyti'c-109 minutes and anaerobic-alactate-98 minutes.
When studying the volumes of training loads of the preparatory period, it turned out that the total volume of loads in the preparatory period is 7111 minutes, in the general preparatory period-3510 minutes., 2611 minutes at the stage of special training and 990 minutes at the preliminary stage. sapphire. Loading in the direction of the pile, the largest volume was in the mixed direction (2398 min).
While in the general preparatory period it was 31%, in the special preparatory stage it was 40.3%, and in the pre-competi'tion-26.2%.
An integral indicator of fitness is a sports result expressed in measured values or in the rating of an athlete (team) relative to the main rivals. However, such an assessment has a significant drawback: it
does not give any idea about the factors and components associated with the psychosomatic functional system of the athlete (team players), and therefore does not allow us to answer the key question on which the orientation of the entire training management system depends - about the athlete's (team athletes') LF SPS, his tactical skill (effectiveness of tactical interactions).
In this regard, the meaning and main content of the OSD is the registration, analysis and on this basis the assessment of the parameters of the athlete's (team's) SU, according to which it is possible to make an informed judgment about physical fitness and thereby lay the foundation for planning effective preparation for the next macrocycle (game, tournament, multi-day race, etc.). Example of a graphic form, by which it is convenient to evaluate the components of the SD, is shown in the figure . An example of a diagram for evaluating the components of a swimmer's SD relative to the three leaders of the swim: swimmers; the three leaders of the swim, however, it is often impossible to judge the LF SD by the parameters of the SU. In this case, the following two methodological techniques are used.
To assess the implementation effectiveness of SD, the ratio of the sports result to the integral assessment of individual indicators of the most relevant functional systems of the body is used according to the formula RESD = CP/£ (P1, P2, ..., Pi), (1) where RESD is the implementation effectiveness of SD; CP is the sports result; P1, P2, ..., Pi are the results in tests evaluating SPS components. 2) P1, P2, ..., Pi are evaluated relative to individual or team MX. This, with some restrictions, will allow you to identify the athlete's LF. Often, as a model of SD, you can use the data of the winning athletes in a particular race, swim, fight, game. An example of such an approach is a system of test indicators for their implementation in complex pedagogical control Based on theoretical analysis, analysis of literary data, research of the existing practice of conducting PDA in Paralympic and Olympic national sports teams, a classification of test procedures and indicators recommended by us for use in the PDA system of Paralympic sports, as well as an approximate list of equipment (Appendix B).
In addition to the well-known requirements imposed on diagnostic systems by sports metrology 325, the classification is based on the following requirements. 1) Test indicators should assess the functional capacity of systems and organs that determine the components of fitness that have a high correlation with the power and efficiency of athletes' SPS by the time of the main start(s) in all types of Paralympic sports. 2) The selection of test procedures for determining the indicators of the functional capacity of systems and organs that determine the components of fitness in this sport should be carried out using exercises selected according to the principle of "biomechanical similarity", that is, to be as specific as possible for the main SU for this sport.
A set of test procedures should make it possible to create systems of indicators reflecting the specifics of Paralympic athletes of various medical groups and assigned to various functional classes. Problems of the modern system of training highly qualified athletes.
Model characteristics of the functional fitness of high-class athletes in various sports: The specifics of Paralympians relative to Olympians in the development of a set of test procedures and indicators will be expressed as follows. 1) When organizing the TC, to a greater extent relative to the Olympians, the following should be used: - methods for assessing the state of motor analyzers and coordination of movements due to the fact that, on the one hand, this sphere of motor function suffers first of all, but on the other hand, it can play the most significant role in compensating for lost functions; -methods of psychological control and psychophysiological diagnostics due to the fact that Paralympians are more characterized by emotional lability, and restrictions in a more prominent form are psychosomatic in nature. 2) When organizing the EC of the technology of its implementation shared with the Olympians (frequency, logic of selection of procedures and calculated indicators, etc.), the main specifics will be expressed in the fact that the set of MX should be developed separately for each sports and functional class or, more often, for each athlete separately.
In CONCLUSION, The analysis of the available scientific and methodological and specialized literature on football experience reveals the existence of a problem that requires research on ways to improve the ability of football players with amputated limbs to maintain balance. In the question of analyzing the scientific foundations of this problem and finding its solution , it is necessary to focus on two main parts:
Firstly, the lack of methods for assessing the ability of amputee children to maintain the balance of highly qualified athletes, taking into account the characteristics of the body of amputee football players; Secondly, the development of balancing skills and the relationship of technical and tactical actions in practice have not been proven by experimental methods.
The study of special literature on football aimed at improving balance skills, including assessing the level of general and special physical fitness of players with amputated limbs, taking into account the peculiarities of their ability to maintain balance, showed that there are practically no existing norms.
The problem of the increasing degree of practical significance of improving the specialized training of amputee footballers has clearly shown the level of ahamicity of scientifically based recommendations that are currently associated with monitoring and evaluating the improvement of the technical skills of amputee footballers.
The theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological and specialized literature allows us to identify the problem of research. It consisted in developing practical recommendations for amputee players to improve their balance skills and purposefully improve their technical tactical skills. The problematic aspect in the training of football players arose due to the lack of a way to rationalize the complexity of coordinating specialized loads at the stages of long-term training of football players. On the one hand, in the urgent requirements of practice, the need to optimize the structure of technical training of athletes is obvious, on the other hand, the distribution of specialized loads by age coordination complexity, which limits the possibilities of its planning. Features of loads and, as a result, the possibility of improving the quality of technical training in general. One of the areas requiring development in this regard is the introduction of specialized loads of consistent complexity into the diet. At the same time, a new technology is needed that ensures sufficient age, gradual transition to a long stage of preparation, continuity in planning the volumes of this load characteristic.
Abalyan, A.G. The use of a program-target approach in the development of regional target programs: methodological recommendations / A.G. Abalyan, T.G. Fomichenko, M.P. Shestakov / Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy; Federal State University "Center for Sports Training of national Teams". - M.: Soviet Sport, 2010. - 52 p.
Abalyan, A.G. Classification of disabled athletes as a factor in the development of Paralympic sports / A.G. Abalyan, O.E. Evseeva, S.P. Evseev, A.V. Kirillov // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2018. - No. 5 (May) - pp. 47-49.
Akromov R., Tolibjonov A., Training highly qualified players. -T., 1994.-130b.
Abalyan, A.G. Comprehensive pedagogical control in the training of Paralympic swimmers / A.G. Abalyan, D.M. Khalikov, I.I. Khalikova, Adaptive physical culture. 2018. - № 1 (73). - P. 45-47.
Yo'ldoshev M., To improve the methodology of the coordination of young soccer girls.,- T., Chirchik-2021
Abalyan, A.G. Complex pedagogical control in the system of scientific and methodological support of Paralympic sports: monograph / A.G. Abalyan, S.P. Evseev. - M.: First volume, 2017. - 324 p.