Научная статья на тему 'The mechanism of carrying out of business processes certification'

The mechanism of carrying out of business processes certification Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Moroz V. M.

The article offers the approach to an estimation of conformity (certification) of the business processes, uniting ideology of works at stages of creation and manufacturing science-consuming production while distinguishing methods of maintenance and management of technology of manufacturing at these stages. In the offered concept the parameters defining quality of manufacturing of a product, the head customer corresponding to a prototype and the criteria providing a constancy of parameters of quality are entered. The offered approach allows to formulate accurately technical problems in the field of the technology, solved at the state certification of the final production, and at the same time to establish univocal connection between them, almost realized within the limits of the concrete enterprises-developers and manufacturers.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The mechanism of carrying out of business processes certification»

These measures in connection with other steps (for example the decision of technical regulations problem regulating RE development and introduction) in prospect allow to create a sector of alternative energy, to obtain the lowering of national economy dependence from prices for non-renewable resources, to improve ecological situation and not of small importance to earn on the production and export of advanced technology products and engineering decisions.

The support of fundamental and applied science should play the special role in state politics in this sphere. The development of competitive alternative energy is impossible without creation of basic cutting-edge technology, without directed research system. The goal of state and all interested process participants is to help the science to get over present difficulty, to provide it with resources and to obtain maximal return from domestic achievements introduction in this sphere. The RE mastering tasks are included in such federal task program as “Power efficient economy on 2010” (approved by RF Government regulation from the 17th of November in 2001 by the №796. The responsible ministry is the Ministry of Industry and Energy in Russia), “The South of Russia for 2002 - 2006 years» (approved by RF Government regulation from the 8th of August in 2001 by the №581. The responsible ministry is the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade) “Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia on 1996 - 2005 years to 2010 year” (approved by RF Government regulation from the 15th of April in 1996 by the №480. The responsible ministry is the Rus-

sian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade), “R&D priority directions of science and engineering development for 2002 - 2006 years” (approved by RF Government regulation from the 21st of August in 2001 by the №605. The responsible ministry is Russian Ministry of Education and Science) and others.

It should be underlined that the position of society and business is very important in the decision of fuel and energy complex sustainable development problem. So the state is only one of the players. It is able to create only a certain form and to provide for rules of game. It is possible to fulfil this form with content only by the common efforts of power engineering specialists, industry science, consumers and territory leaders.

1. Galichanin E.N. About the condition and prospects of oil complex development // OilGaslndustry. 2007. № 4 (32).

2. Galbraith J.K. Fair society. Humanistic view // New postindustrial wave on the West / ed. V.L. Inozemtsev. M., 1999.

3. Supply: There is a lot of oil in Russia but how much exactly is unknown. URL: www.rbc.ru.

4. Mastepanov A.M., Shafranik U.K. Russian oil and globalization: choice of development paradigm // Energetic policy. 2005. Issue 4.

5. Morzova T.G. and others Economic geography of Russia. M., 2001.

6. Russia: development strategy in XXI century. M., 1997.

7. ChayanovA.V. What is the agrarian question? M., 1917.

8. Yanshina FT. Evolution of V.I. Vernadsky views of biosphere and development of noosphere study. M., 1996.

9. World Energy Outlook. 2001.

УДК 338.24 VM Moroz


The article offers the approach to an estimation of conformity (certification) of the business processes, uniting ideology of works at stages of creation and manufacturing science-consuming production while distinguishing methods of maintenance and management of technology of manufacturing at these stages. In the offered concept the parameters defining quality of manufacturing of a product, the head customer corresponding to a prototype and the criteria providing a constancy of parameters of quality are entered. The offered approach allows to formulate accurately technical problems in the field of the technology solved at the state certification of the final production, and at the same time to establish univocal connection between them, almost realized within the limits of the concrete enterprises-developers and manufacturers.

Key words: quality, certification, processes.

B.M. Мороз


В статье предложен подход к оценке соответствия (сертификации) бизнес-процессов, объединяющей идеологию работ на этапах создания и изготовления наукоемкой продукции при разделении методов обеспечения и контроля технологии изготовления на этих этапах. В предлагаемой концепции вводятся параметры, определяющие качество изготовления изделия, соответствующего прототипу головного заказчика, и критерии, обеспечивающие постоянство параметров качества. Предлагаемый подход позволяет четко сформулировать технические задачи в области технологии, решаемые при государственной сертификации конечной продукции, и в то же время установить однозначную связь между ними, практически реализуемую в рамках конкретных предприятий-разра-ботчиков и изготовителей.

Ключевые слова: качество, сертификация, бизнес-процессы.

The term “certification” means conformity procedure by to the requirements of a certain normative document or a

certificate of some product, system and service according group of documents. The function of a certificate - is to

inform the participants of the market relations, their juridical regulation of the quality issues on the documentary basis, provision of a single base for orientation in the field of quality in the international scale, systematization and simplifying of this problem in market operations. Tow constituents of certification - is the presence of a real conformity of a product to the requirements of the normative document (ND) and confirmation of this conformity by the authorized body - are important, because not all consumers may establish the conformity reliably and objectively enough. To the current moment, certification became an inalienable part of the market relations, developed in one of the basics of the trade relations of any level, particularly industrial cooperation and outsourcing.

There are the following types of product certification:

a) manufacturer's self-certification, through declaration of the conformity of their products with the ND requirements. This type is efficient when a manufacturer has a great prestige or he has certificates of the authorized organizations in forms different form the certificates;

6) consumer's certification, when he individually check and confirm the product conformity, acquired without any certificate. It is important for a consumer himself and for some parties that trust him;

b) certification of the third party i.e. a competent organization, possessing a documentary accreditation for the right of certification of the given type of a product or service.

A certified quality system characterizes the capacity of the enterprise to produce rather stably products of appropriate quality and may be considered as one of the meaningful factors of enterprise's competitiveness.

In the same time, the specifity of Russian business activity demands to conduct evaluation of the conformity (certification) not only according to the standard's requirements, but to monitor the link with the client (large business and assessment of its satisfaction. ISO 9001-2008 standard provides: «Organization must define and implement the efficient measures to maintain connections with a consumer...” (art.7.2.3). Organization must provide information monitoring, concerning consumers' perception of the conformity of the organization to the consumers' needs as one of the methods of measuring of the efficiency of the quality management system. The ways of receiving and using of this information must be established (art.8.2.1).

The formal approach to implementation of the requirements in the sphere of consumer's satisfaction, realized in enterprise's practice, is analysis of evaluation forms of consumer's satisfaction in marketing departments, which are sent together with the enterprise's products. However, the real percent of feedback of these forms is rather low, as far as it contains too many questions form all services (design, technological, manufacturing, sales), wishing to get information about their activity, the answer to which are possible only under a serious pressure. Still there are methods of evaluation of consumer's satisfaction on the basis of indirect criteria and parameters. The correspondent agencies are aware of them, but are not learnt to use them in practice. One of these methods is familiar to the enterprises, which tried to conduct self-evaluation of their activity according to the criteria of the RF government award in the sphere of quality [2].

Consider the known list of indices of consumer's satisfaction monitoring, based on points 6a and 6b of that method:

ба. Indices of consumer's perception of organization, quality of its products and services.

The given indices characterize the organization perception by the consumers (these indicators are determined on the basis of consumers' inquiry, including the work of focus -groups, salesmen's rates, claims and gratitude).

Depending on the sphere of activity of the organization this information may contain indicators, characterizing:

- organizational image (availability channels of communication, flexibility, active behavior, responsiveness);

- products and services (quality, cost, reliability, design novelty, delivery, impact on the environment);

- sales and after-sales service (professional skills and personnel's behavior, advise and aid, literature for consumers, technical documentation, claims -response, technical aid, guarantees and guarantee service);

- consumers' loyalty (intention to keep buying, wish to purchase the other products and services of the organization, wish to recommend its products to the other consumers).

бб. Indices of organization's work to increase satisfaction of consumers.

These internal indices of activity, used for monitoring, understanding, forecasting and improving the work of organization to increase consumers' satisfaction.

Depending on the sphere of enterprise activity the current information may contain the internal indicators, characterizing:

- perception of the whole organization (awards, received form consumers at the fairs, exhibitions, competitions, opinions of consumers in Mass media);

- products and services (competitiveness, reclamations, claims and complaints, remarks concerning product quality results of a feedback work, guarantees and guarantee);

- sales and after-sales service (training of consumers, number and timeliness of responses to consumers' requests);

- consumers' loyalty (share of constant consumers, duration of cooperation with the consumers, efficiency of recommendations of the regular consumers to use products and services of the organization for other consumers).

However, it is not reasonable to perform the whole complex of work to fulfill all certificate procedures for a small firm, as it is resource-consuming, mainly, human and time, that of particular demand in Russian organizations. As far as the demand of constant quality work is a first-priority task during the implementation of orders, we consider it\s quite possible to offer a non-standard approach to certification, restricting to business-processes certification method, uniting the ideology of performance at the stages of creation, manufacturing under distinguished methods of provision and control of the manufacturing technologies at these stages [1].

In the given conception of business-processes certification, the indicators, defining quality of product manufacturing, corresponding to a standard design, and criteria, maintaining the constancy of the quality parameters, are introduced. Parameters and criteria are based and established on the stage of prototype approval, and are maintained and controlled during a serial manufacturing. According to the conception all great number of parameters, defining a standard design are tracked according to requirements:

- individually for critical parameters, influencing on product safety;

- individually for the parameters, identifying a standard design;

- summarily by all measured parameters of all types of manufacturing and production in general.

At the same time product manufacturing quality is defined and evaluated by:

- critical engineering and technological parameters of specially important design elements and systems, affecting the safety;

- critical parameters, identifying a standard design;

- quality indicators of manufacturing of production types and manufacturing in general.

The constancy of the quality product manufacturing is evaluated via the results of control of stability of the marked parameters and quality indicators. Under such interpretation the implementation of the external monitoring provides technological succession of work. That's why at the stage of product formation the requirements to its manufacturing technology are shaped and at the stage of serial manufacturing they are implemented and controlled. Methods of work implementation at each stage must provide the completeness and credibility of information, allowing evaluating the quality constancy during creation and product manufacturing.

The offered conception uses the current approaches under certification and develops them further in the following directions:

- establishing of requirements to a constant control of stability during product manufacturing rather than during some period of exploitation without necessary statistics data;

- indication of particular critical parameters of especially important elements of stability control;

- inclusion the parameters, subjected to the stability control, parameters, identifying the prototype, and quality indicators of all types of manufacturing as well;

At the stage of product manufacturing capacity of maintenance of required quality constancy of a standard design is established on the basis of:

- directive technologies for components manufacturing and assembling elements with stage, methods, means regulation and specific requirements of critical parameters control, influencing on safety and identifying the standard design;

- results of adjustment of new technological processes according to the state and branch normatives considering the requirements of the offered conception;

- demand to control and evaluation of stability, as well as statistic regulation of the technological processes on the basis of critical indicators and quality indices of all types of manufacturing and production in general. The remarkable feature of technological adjustment of a product is the implementation of the critical parameters during the formation of directive technological processes. The bases of their choice are the lists of especially important elements and identifying product parameters. The list of especially important elements is built on the materials of analysis of possible types of failure of the product construction and system elements and assessment of their impact on safety. It shows the main constructive parameters, the failure to implement them violates the requirements to safety and causes an accident or disastrous situation.

The further analysis of the structural parameters allows dividing them into controllable and non-controllable. The list of identifying parameters is built on the basis of analysis of specificity of the product design, influencing on technological and exploitation characteristics and connected with manufacturing technologies. Of all general totality of the structural and technological controllable parameters from the both lists, we choose the critical ones in reference to a recommended technology of manufacturing.

Obviously, the results of stability control must be used for grounding the decisions on statistic regulation of product manufacturing technological processes. Stability control of the critical parameters and indicators of quality of manufacturing with the following statistic regulation of technological processes allows confirming the constancy of quality of manufacturing considering all critical parameters and requirements to them, and ability to their implementation is proved by the results of manufacturing and testing of a standard structure. Methodological provision of the given work is based on the usage of the current normative-technical documentation, and a newly developing one. The offered methods of the stability control via qualitative and quantitative indicators must provide credibility of stability control of the technological processes.

At the stage of a serial manufacturing and certification of production the constancy of required manufacturing quality is maintained and confirmed on the base of:

- establishing of the critical parameters of the working technological processes for their regulation;

- conformity of working and directive technological processes;

- conformity of production to the requirements of working technological processes;

- results of control and evaluation of stability of the critical parameters of the indicators of manufacturing quality and indices of operational safety;

- statistic regulation of the technological processes.

The main thing at the serial manufacturing - is development of technological documentation and organization of production, providing the requirements of the engineering documentation. In this case the most important are the demands of the exposure of the technological parameters, control over which is necessary for statistic regulation of technological processes, and implementation of which provide realization of non-controllable engineering parameters, above the list of especially important indicators. The mentioned non-controllable parameters also define special processes. Practicing and testing of new for the given production technological processes, and also newly established processes are performed to confirm of realization of the requirements and definition of composition of newly found technological parameters, subject to stability control. The list of the critical technological indicators of special processes is expanding and used to refine the working technological documentation.

To organize stability control over the technological processes it is necessary to have the information system, allowing to process efficiently the results of measuring of distinguished parameters and indicators of quality. The data about failure, malfunction, found during the operational testing of the products must come to the same system. On the basis of combined information the decisions on technological processes regulation are made, and conclusion about stability of manufacturing quality is drawn.

Preservation of conditions, maintaining manufacturing quality stability must be confirmed by regular checking of observance of technological and production discipline. The methodological provision at this stage must include methods of justification of the selection of technological regulation indicators and methods of processing and generalization of the statistic information to conclude about manufacturing quality stability varying according to the types of manufacturing and production in general. The offered approach allows defining precisely the technical tasks in the

sphere of technology, solved under a state certification of the type, production and state tests of the final products, and at the same time to establish unambiguous link between them, realized in frames of particular enterprises-developers and product manufacturers.

1. Gugelev A.V. Urgent issues of quality management processes// Quality Bulletin. 2008. №1 (79).

2. Guidelines. Self-evaluation of the organization's activity in concordance with criteria of the awards of the RF Government in the sphere of quality 2003. M: Ôry BHMMC, 2003.

удк 658.1 Ye.A. Natsypaeva


The paper considers existing approaches to business activity of an enterprise assessment. The author provides their analysis, shows their strengths and weaknesses and suggests ways to improve them.

Key words: financial analysis, business activity, competitiveness, turnover rate, profit, profitability, equity capital.

E.A. Нацыпаева


В статье рассматриваются существующие подходы к оценке деловой активности хозяйствующего субъекта, проведен анализ, выявлены сильные и слабые стороны и предложены направления их совершенствования.

Ключевые слова: финансовый анализ, деловая активность, конкурентоспособность, оборачиваемость активов, прибыль, рентабельность, собственный капитал предприятия.

In a market economy enterprises must strive for a dynamic, efficient and sustainable development which is impossible without management of business activity for ultimately increasing competitiveness of a business entity Development of competitiveness of an enterprise is inextricably linked to the management of its business activity: only companies with efficient management of business activities may gain advantages in the market, which in turn is a prerequisite for the formation of competitiveness. “Competitiveness improvement, no doubt, is at the center of national economic interests, but it is defined not at macro level but at enterprise level” [13, p. 93]. Business activity of an enterprise determines the efficiency of using financial, labor, material and other resources across all business lines and activities and characterizes the quality of governance, economic growth potential and capital adequacy of an organization. Therefore, now one of the urgent challenges is to study business activity of economic entities at micro level, which will help solve specific problems in a specific market situation and lead to more effective management of enterprises.

In our opinion, the most accurately business activity can be defined as a set of activities in the process of business operation, based on active interaction with environment and aimed at economic growth and achievement of positive dynamics of an organization in order to enhance the competitiveness of an enterprise.

Analysis of business activity is a separate unit in the system of complex financial analysis of organization, its aim is to present economically sound evaluation of efficiency of using resources and to identify potential for their increase. Analysis of business activity of an enterprise, in particular, allows assessing financial situation of enterprises, ability to repay obligations incurred, capital adequacy for current operations and long-term investments, ability to build equity, rationality of using borrowed capital, etc. That is, assessment of business activity can complement and refine the data of financial stability analysis, solvency, liquidity and profitability. The level of business activity is an important indicator to potential lenders and investors without whose involvement businesses simply can not survive in competitive environment (one of the problems hindering the development of “new” economy in the Saratov region is the inaccessibility of loans [4, p. 39]). Thus, we can safely say that business activity is an indicator that characterizes viability of an enterprise.

Analysis of business activity involves the following tasks:

- studying indicators of business activity in their dynamics and assessment of changes;

- carrying out factor analysis to determine the effect of individual factors on changes in business activity indicators;

- concluding the analysis, development of specific activities in order to utilize identified potential reserves.

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