Научная статья на тему 'The material and spiritual factors of creation prosperous life in villages of Uzbekistan'

The material and spiritual factors of creation prosperous life in villages of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Tukhtayev Husan Mirzaevich

The scientific article outlines the main directions of the reforms being implemented in Uzbekistan for the existing villages, the living standards of the population involved in agricultural production, the quantitative and qualitative changes in it, the material and spiritual factors for the creation of a prosperous life.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The material and spiritual factors of creation prosperous life in villages of Uzbekistan»

Section 1. Biology

Tukhtayev Husan Mirzaevich, Researcher, Samarkand State University E-mail: qiryigitov12345@mail.ru; guli_d@inbox.ru


Abstract. The scientific article outlines the main directions of the reforms being implemented in Uzbekistan for the existing villages, the living standards of the population involved in agricultural production, the quantitative and qualitative changes in it, the material and spiritual factors for the creation of a prosperous life.

Keywords: agriculture, population, living standards, prosperity, material and spiritual factors, reform, material and spiritual wealth.

More than three and a half billion people in the world live in rural areas, mainly engaged in foodstuffs for the people of the world, and light and food industry needs for raw materials. Hence, the residence of the rural population is one of the main attributes of the socio-economic life of any country. Therefore, in the context of globalization, the rural population is a specific social space where people live and, thus, determining their future prospects are among the most pressing issues of the day.

More than one billion economically active population of the world's population is engaged in agriculture. It is well-known that the prospect of agriculture has always been dependent on the proper and degraded lands and the way they are used. Today, the area of land suitable for rural areas is 4 billion 480 thousand hectares, and the useless land is 4 billion 400 thousand hectares.

Most of the rural lands are annually withdrawn from rural areas for expansion of urban areas, industrial construction, construction of transport routes and other purposes. This, in turn, leads to a decline

in rural and urban discrepancies, deterioration of the ecological situation, and a decline in human health.

As a result, 124 million people in the world suffer from hunger [4, 34].

Thus, it is one of the topical issues that have been raised to the level of vital necessity to find a scientifically-practical solution to this problem. The number of permanent residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan is 33,254.1 thousand. People, of which

16805.0 thousand. People live in urban areas (50.5% of the total population), and the rural population is

16449.1 thousand. People (49.5%).

At the same time, 30.3% of the total population of the Republic has reached the working age, 59.5% of able-bodied age and 10.2% of the adult population (as ofJanuary 1, 2019). The population density is 74.1 people in the country, including 713.2 in Andijan region, 544.8 in Ferghana region, 370.0 in Namangan region, and 8.8 in Navoi region. and 11.2 in the Republic of Karakalpakstan [5, 78].

Today, there are about 10.000 to 11.000 rural settlements in Uzbekistan, with about 16 million

inhabitants [3]. So the prosperity of the villages, the prosperity of the people living there, the happiness of the entire population of our country. Farmers living in the countryside are the main drivers of farming. In this regard, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoev said: "When we say a farmer, we have a lot of fields, gardens, a variety of festive meals, wedding parties, cheerful days and all our lives.

In this sense, the farmer is not an exaggeration if we say that life is a strong pillar and a solid supporter of life [2, 123].

That is, the rural population, the peasants who are its main driving force, have the right to live a comfortable life. Therefore, it is crucial to deeply analyze the results of the ongoing reforms to ensure the well-being of the rural population, and to identify the most important measures for the harmonization of the material and spiritual factors of the welfare of the rural population on the basis of the received scientific and practical conclusions.

Building a prosperous life in the village begins with improving the lives of the rural population. The greater the standard of living depends on their real earnings, which they earn because of their skilled work in this area. Real income is a source ofprosper-ity for the rural population. The greater or less of it depends on the proportion of material and spiritual factors existing in the village.

So, what is the question of the village itself? Village is a place where people are engaged in agricultural work, their place of residence and place of residence. Scientists primarily divide agriculture into a consumer-oriented, second-generation, commercially-based group based on extensive activity.

Villages in Uzbekistan were subjected to "cotton alone" during the Soviet era. Various poisonous chemicals were sown in the rural population as a result of the overwhelming harvest of cotton. As a result, the water and the land were in danger of exposure to toxic chemicals. The villagers began to play a massive "yellow patient." The women had anemia. Children's death rose.

The genealogy of the rural population began to fail. All this has created serious socio-economic, ecological, spiritual-cultural problems.

After the independence of Uzbekistan, the issue of solving the problem of ensuring the well-being of the rural population on the basis of consistent harmonization of the new production and mental and spiritual environment that satisfies the material and spiritual needs of the population in rural areas has become a historical necessity.

To solve this problem, villagers were given land for private farming, farms were established, cotton fields were reduced, crops of grain, vegetables, melons and gourds were created, gardens were created, people's livestock horses increased, attention was drawn to family business in the village As the agricultural sector progresses, the people living in rural areas have a strong hope for a prosperous life.

Today, the following sources of material wealth for rural livelihoods are: "expanding the production of environmentally-friendly products, significantly enhancing the export potential of the agrarian sector; further optimization of sown areas through new intensive orchards and placement of vineyards: development of multistage farming enterprises dealing with the processing, procurement, storage, sale, construction and rendering of agricultural products; construction of new processing plants equipped with state-of-the-art hi-tech equipment for the production of semi-finished and ready-made foodstuffs and packaging products, storage, transportation and sale of agricultural products, agrochemical, financial and other expanding the infrastructure of market services; introduction of modern agricultural and water saving technologies; It is among the strategic tasks to address the global climate change and the adoption of structural measures to mitigate the adverse impact of the Aral Sea on agricultural development and the adverse effects on the lives of the population".

These tasks have begun to give positive results. As a result, the volume of agricultural production in the past two years (2017-2018) amounted to

101.9%, including agricultural products - 100.7% and livestock products - 104.2%. 63.6% of agricultural output was made up by dekhkan (personal subsidiary) farms, 34.7% by private farms and 1.7% by agricultural activities [5, 65].

This creates a solid foundation for the well-being of the rural population.

First of all, the natural factors - the improvement of the soil structure through the means of human inventions, the selection in the field of agriculture, the development of genetics in livestock, and second, the social factors - strengthening the physical, psychological, intellectual abilities of the rural population, forming; thirdly, organizational and economic factors - the acceleration of agricultural production organization, specialization, advanced experience, new management systems and methods; Fourthly, the technological and technical factors are the following: technical assistance in the agricultural sector, automation, introduction of science in production, development of agricultural products processing nanotechnologies; Fifthly, the economic factors -the prospects of agricultural development, development of road maps, analysis of their implementation, introduction of modern methods of payment; Sixth, ethical-spiritual-ideological factors - to nourish as the primary source of the production of bread, to cultivate ecologically clean products, to look at soil and water as valuable, to grow traditional products inherited from the ancestors (apricot, almond, walnut, melon, watermelon and so on), look at the deh-

kans and livestock as labor creatures, and strengthen their admiration and enhance their praise.

The combination of the material and spiritual factors of a well-being in the village is as follows: a) simple, traditional - spiritually worn out; b) intensive - high productivity; c) high intensity - the use of technologies that provide competitiveness.

In harmonizing the material and spiritual factors of a well-being in the village, the following is required:

1) to develop non-extensive, but not intentionally rural development;

2) specializing in comprehensive production of agricultural products (including seasonality);

3) wide opportunities for independent development of production of dekhkan, farmer and private farms;

4) putting a number of agricultural activities into the sphere of public services;

5) the development of public methods of state support and response in different ownership conditions;

6) full coverage of agricultural production with highly qualified personnel;

7) Complete programming of agricultural infrastructure at the fastest pace of development of information and communication technologies;

8) the achievement of its ultimate goal, if the development of agriculture is accomplished through the establishment of an alliance with the upbringing of a great moral and spiritual character [8; 9].


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2. Mirziyoev Sh. M. Our main task is to glorify the work of the agriculturally livelihoods of the creator, and to elevate the development of the industry to a new level. It is ours. The consent of our people is the highest gem in our work.- Tashkent: NMIU, Uzbekistan, 2018.- 42 p.

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4. Stat. uz. Official site of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. URL:http://day. news.uz/news/2018/03/24/bmt-duneda-city-customers-worldly-conducted-for

5. Stat. uz. Official site of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. URL:https://kun. uz/55381466

6. Stat. uz. Official site of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. URL:http://uztag. info/uz/news/zbekistonda-ar-t-rtinchi-ishlo-a-olisi-soni-1-001dan-2-ming-teng-teng

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