THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF FIGHTING CORRUPTION IN THE WORLD Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Key words: corruption / fight against corruption / conventions / moral and legal sanctions / democratic reforms.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Batirova B.N.

Abstract. This article discusses the main directions of fighting corruption in the world. The author analyzed the experience of developed countries in the fight against corruption. Corruption is one of the main factors causing the decline of any country. Democratic laws should be the main driver in the fight against corruption.

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Batirova B.N.

Department of Social Humanities Andijan State Medical Institute



Abstract. This article discusses the main directions of fighting corruption in the world. The author analyzed the experience of developed countries in the fight against corruption. Corruption is one of the main factors causing the decline of any country. Democratic laws should be the main driver in the fight against corruption.

Key words: corruption, fight against corruption, conventions, moral and legal sanctions, democratic reforms.

Until recently, all kinds of funds were common under law enforcement agencies, which accumulated funds from entrepreneurs seeking additional guarantees of protection from various attacks (primarily, from illegal interference in their activities by employees of law enforcement agencies themselves). Creation of coordination and advisory structures under state authorities and local self-government, consisting of business representatives (councils for entrepreneurship, investment, economic development, etc.). In a number of cases, such structures operate on a club principle, providing members of the "selected club" with actual and formal advantages when receiving state and municipal orders, a kind of "safeguard" guaranteeing non-interference (even legal) in their activities by regulatory and law enforcement agencies.

High-level corruption covers politicians working in government bodies, senior officials and is associated with making decisions that have a high price (lobbying and adoption of laws, government contracts, changes in forms of ownership, etc.). Often both parties interested in a corrupt transaction belong to the same government body. For example, when an official of a lower government body gives a bribe to his superior superior because the latter covers up the corrupt actions of the bribe-giver or provides additional finances, resources, powers, etc.

One of the latest international documents aimed at combating corruption, namely the Inter-American Convention against Corruption, signed by the member states of the Organization of American States on March 29, 1996 in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, names the following "cases of corruption": extortion or receiving directly or indirectly by a government official or person performing government duties, any item of monetary value or other benefit in the form of a gift, favor, promise or benefit to himself or another person or entity in exchange for any act or omission to act performed by him 29 their public duties, as well as offering or providing such items or benefits to specified persons; any act or omission to act in the performance of his duties by a government official or person

performing public duties for the purpose of unlawfully obtaining benefit for himself or a third party; fraudulent use or concealment of property obtained as a result of these actions; the improper use by a government official or person performing government duties, for his own benefit or the benefit of a third party, of any property owned by the government, company or institution in which the government has a property interest, if the official or person performing government duties has access to that property due to or in the performance of their duties; the improper use by a government official or person performing government duties, for his own benefit or the benefit of a third party, of any kind of secret or confidential information that the official or person performing government duties obtained as a result of or in the course of performing his duties; the diversion by a government official to an independent agency or private person, for purposes unrelated to those for which they were intended, for his own benefit or the benefit of a third party, of any government-owned movable or immovable property, money or securities which such official received as a result of his official position for the purpose of disposal, storage or other reason.

In general, all the manifestations of corruption discussed above are in one way or another connected with bribery of officials. Because of this, they belong to the so-called "hard" or obvious corruption. At the same time, in political practice, subtle (not obvious) manifestations of corruption are quite widespread, which, according to the classification of some authors, are classified as "soft" corruption. These include, in particular: favoritism, lobbyism, nepotism, clanism, localism and some others. It is apparently impossible to compile an exhaustive list of types of corrupt activities. The most common type of so-called "soft" corruption is favoritism, which is understood as the provision of services or provision of resources to relatives, acquaintances, in accordance with affiliation with a certain party, clan, religion, sect and other preferred groups, which negatively affects the quality of government activities and contributes to the inefficient and unfair distribution of public resources among those who have special claims to public office. At the same time, in favoritism itself, nepotism stands out, which is the organization of a system of power built on kinship, and crownism is a system of power based on friends. Nepotism has a completely Russian synonym - nepotism (a form of favoritism when a leader prefers to nominate his relatives and friends for positions).

The problem of favoritism is relevant for many countries in the world community. It is no coincidence, for example, in Art. 13 of the Model Code of Conduct for Civil Servants, annexed to the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe of 11 May 2000 No. R (2000) 10 on codes of conduct for civil servants, states: "a conflict of interests arises in a situation where a civil servant has a personal interest which affects or may affect the objective and impartial performance of his or her official duties" and that "the personal interest of a public servant includes any benefit to him or her personally or to his or her family, relatives, friends and associates, and for persons and organizations with

whom he (she) has or has had business or political relations. This concept also includes any financial or civil obligation incurred by a public servant." Another manifestation of "soft" corruption is danism and localism. This phenomenon is based on the awareness that a person belongs to a group separate from society, which has specific corporate interests that differ from the interests of the rest of society, which contributes to the unification of power holders into a special clan, a corporation.

As one author wrote: "The typical employee receives his education at the expense of his many relatives and fellow tribesmen, who patiently put aside money to pay for his education in the expectation that, having reached a high position, he would take care of them... Deep-rooted feelings of kinship compel a person violate and circumvent laws that do not allow him to help his relatives, i.e. to do what he considers his primary duty... In doing this, the employee does not feel remorse, since everyone is doing the same thing, and no one considers such behavior reprehensible." Clan corruption has become widespread in recent and contemporary Russian political history.

The political elites of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation are most susceptible to this phenomenon, especially in the Southern Federal District. Here, as an analysis of modern political practice shows, clanism is not only extremely developed in all spheres of life, but is actually the basis for the formation of a system of government bodies. At the same time, it is no longer limited to the national republics of the North Caucasus, but gradually goes beyond its boundaries, forming corresponding relations at a higher - federal level. The above classification of corruption cannot be considered complete and, to a greater extent, can serve as a kind of basis for further research in this direction.

Moreover, in the context of constantly changing socio-political, economic, psychological and spiritual-ideological situations in the life of modern society, new forms of corruption may appear. This implies the need for constant monitoring of the state and evolution of this phenomenon in order to develop effective anticorruption measures.


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