THE MAIN ASPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRODUCTION POTENTIAL OF THE ENTERPRISE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие сельскохозяйственные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по прочим сельскохозяйственным наукам, автор научной работы — Saidov M.S., Shafaiziev Sh.

The main link of the economic complex, the enterprise concentrates all production resources in this regard, an objective assessment of the production capabilities of enterprises, as well as the parameters and characteristics of their production potential, are of no importance for decision-making.

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УДК 330.322

Saidov M.S., DSc. associate professor department of management Shafaiziev Sh. master TSUE


Abstract. The main link of the economic complex, the enterprise concentrates all production resources in this regard, an objective assessment of the production capabilities of enterprises, as well as the parameters and characteristics of their production potential, are of no importance for decision-making.

Key words. Production power, production modernization, production factors, fixed assets, working capital, working capital.

The enterprise is the main link in the economy, concentrating in itself all production resources. Therefore, an objective assessment of the production capabilities of enterprises, as well as the parameters and characteristics of their production potential, are important for decision-making. The study of production potential is aimed at finding ways to use it more effectively.

The main value of the production potential of the enterprise lies in the creation of new values, while its elements must purposefully adapt to the requirements of the manufactured products.

Characteristic features of the production potential of the enterprise:

1. Integrity. It means that all elements of the potential serve a common goal facing the system. The integrity of the potential is ensured by the implementation in the process of managing its formation and use of the following principles: the commonality and unity of the target function for the production potential and each of its elements, the commonality of the criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning and development of the elements and the potential itself as a whole.

2. Complexity. It manifests itself in the presence of several constituent elements, each of which is a collection of separate parts. For example, the production potential of an enterprise includes fixed production assets, which, among other elements, contain working machines and equipment, in turn, the main technological equipment. And the latter includes metal-cutting machines containing lathes, etc. In addition, the system has inverse material and material and informational links between potential elements.

3. Interchangeability, alternative elements of production potential. As one

of the forms of interchangeability of elements of production potential, one should consider the saving of production resources as a result of the use of new equipment, technology, energy, information resources and methods of organizing management and production.

4. Interrelation and interaction of elements of production potential. This is a qualitative and quantitative relationship, expressed by a measure of the correspondence and correlation of material, personal and non-material factors of production.

5. The ability to perceive the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress, the ability to develop through the direct and systematic use of new technological ideas. At the same time, industries with a higher scientific and technical capacity are more efficient and have broader development prospects.

6. Flexibility. It indicates the possibility of reorienting the production system to the production of new products, the use of other types of materials, etc., without a radical change in its material and technical base. The requirement to increase the flexibility of the production potential is especially relevant in the conditions of market instability, increasing fluctuations in the volume and structure of demand, and a sharp acceleration in the pace of scientific and technological progress in industrial production.

7. Class character. This largely determines its scope and structure. Thus, the goals of modernization of production lie in the desire of capital to get away from solving social problems, to get a new stable source of superprofits, an effective means of putting pressure on the working class and an instrument of struggle against trade unions.

8. Power. It is a quantitative assessment of the productive capacity of the potential of the enterprise. The power of the potential, being objectively determined, shows the place of a particular economic unit in the sectoral and national economic potentials. It serves as an important link between the production potential, scientific, technical and economic potential of society.

The main problems in assessing the components of the production potential of the enterprise are:

• selection of the most significant indicators evaluating the production potential of the enterprise for each component;

• selection or development of a methodology for evaluating these indicators and determining the integral indicator of the enterprise's production potential.

Table 1 - Advantages and disadvantages of methods for assessing the

production potential of an enterprise

Method name Advantages disadvantages

Assessment of indicators of loading of potential 1) universality, because coefficients are used; 1) the limitations of the methodology, because only on the example of equipment analysis;


The technique proposed by I.P. Tsyganov 2) a detailed study of fixed assets (equipment). 2) is methodologically poorly developed.

The technique proposed by Yu.S. Valeeva and N.S. Isaeva 1) universality, because valuation; 1) the complexity of use, because unknown stock analogues;

Optimization of production time 2) completeness, because OPF, working capital and labor resources are considered. 2) absolute figures make comparison difficult.

Method P.A. Fomin and M.K. Starovoitov 1) indicator weights are used; 1) there is no methodology for estimating weights, the possibility of different weights for different enterprises.

Based on the foregoing, the assessment of the production potential of an enterprise is a rather complex, multi-stage process, individual for each enterprise. For its implementation, a system of indicators is used, which can be both qualitative and quantitative, and the criterion for the production potential of the enterprise is the qualitative and (or) quantitative characteristics of the object.

The main production assets of an enterprise are the value expression of the means of labor. The main defining feature of fixed assets is the method of transferring value to the product - gradually: over a number of production cycles; parts: as wear. After the sale of products, the accrued depreciation is accumulated in a special depreciation fund, which is intended for new capital investments. Thus, the lump-sum advanced value in the authorized capital (fund) in the part of the fixed capital makes a constant circulation, passing from the monetary form into the natural, into the commodity and again into the monetary one.

The material resources of an enterprise are objects of labor prepared for launching into the production process. In their composition, in turn, the following elements can be distinguished: raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components, containers and packaging materials, spare parts for current repairs, etc.

The labor resources include that part of the population that has the necessary physical data, knowledge and labor skills in the relevant industry [1, p. 25].

The main value of the production potential of the enterprise is to create new values, and its elements must purposefully adapt to the requirements of the manufactured products.

The role and importance of the production potential of the enterprise in social production does not remain unchanged. The production potential of the enterprise is a material prerequisite for accelerating scientific and technological

progress. There is a relationship between them - the higher the technical and economic level of the elements of the potential and the degree of their use, the more powerful the base (material and technical) of scientific and technological progress, the wider the horizons for the implementation of its achievements, the more opportunities for improving and increasing the size of the elements of the production potential of an industrial enterprise. They mutually improve and develop each other.

Thus, the study of the production potential, aimed at finding ways to use it more efficiently, is becoming increasingly relevant, and this problem itself is gaining national economic significance.


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