THE LINGUACULTUROLOGICAL ASPECT OF TERMINOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
terminology / lingua-culturological characteristics / culture / language / society

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zulfiya Xojabayevna Kabulova

Terminology plays a pivotal role in the field of linguistics, with its significance deeply intertwined with both language and society. This article delves into the linguaculturological characteristics of terminology, exploring how it reflects and shapes cultures and societies.

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Zulfiya Xojabayevna Kabulova

Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Interfaculty Department of

Foreign Languages

Terminology plays a pivotal role in the field of linguistics, with its significance deeply intertwined with both language and society. This article delves into the lingua-culturological characteristics of terminology, exploring how it reflects and shapes cultures and societies.

Keywords: terminology, lingua-culturological characteristics, culture, language, society

Culturological terms are not only words but also windows into the values, beliefs, and worldview of a particular culture. They can be challenging to translate precisely into other languages because they often encapsulate complex cultural ideas and experiences. Understanding these terms can provide valuable insights into the richness and diversity of human cultures.

1. Language as a Cultural Mirror

Language is more than just a means of communication; it is a reflection of culture. Terminology within a language embodies the values, traditions, and knowledge of a particular culture. For example, terms related to cuisine, clothing, and rituals can provide insights into the cultural nuances of a society[1][2].

2. Terminology as a Cultural Identifier

Terminology can serve as a cultural identifier, distinguishing one group from another. Regional dialects and specialized vocabularies can reveal a person's origin, profession, or social affiliation. This linguistic diversity is a testament to the rich tapestry of human culture.

3. Influence of Globalization

In an increasingly globalized world, the spread of English as a lingua franca has led to the adaptation and incorporation of English terminology into various languages and cultures. This phenomenon, known as anglicization, showcases how terminology can transcend cultural boundaries[3].

4. Terminology and Cultural Evolution


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Languages are dynamic and evolve over time, often due to cultural shifts. New terminology emerges to describe technological advancements, societal changes, and cultural trends. For instance, the digital age has given rise to a host of tech-related terminology that reflects the modern way of life.

5. Terminology Preservation

Cultural heritage is preserved through terminology. Indigenous languages, for example, house terminology that encapsulates centuries-old traditions and knowledge. Efforts to document and revitalize such languages are vital for safeguarding cultural diversity.

Culturological terms, also known as cultural terms or cultural concepts, are words or phrases that carry cultural meaning and significance. These terms are deeply rooted in a specific culture and often do not have direct equivalents in other languages or cultures. Culturological terms are essential for understanding and describing various cultural aspects, traditions, beliefs, and practices. Here are a few examples of culturological terms:

Saudade (Portuguese): This term represents a deep emotional state of longing or nostalgia, often associated with the Portuguese and Brazilian cultures. It conveys a unique mixture of sadness, melancholy, and a desire for something absent.

Namaste (Sanskrit): In Indian culture, "Namaste" is a respectful greeting or salutation. It is used to acknowledge the divine spark within each person and show respect for their inner spirit.

Hygge (Danish): Hygge describes a Danish concept of coziness, comfort, and well-being. It encompasses the feeling of contentment and warmth that comes from enjoying simple pleasures in life, like spending time with loved ones or savoring a cup of tea by the fireplace.

Guanxi (Chinese): Guanxi refers to the intricate social networks and relationships in Chinese culture. It involves personal connections and mutual obligations that play a crucial role in business and social interactions.

Ubuntu (Nguni Bantu): Ubuntu is an African philosophy that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all people. It translates to "I am because we are" and underscores the importance of community, compassion, and shared humanity.

Schadenfreude (German): This term represents the pleasure or satisfaction derived from the misfortune or suffering of others. It reflects a complex human emotion not easily expressed in a single word in many other


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Bildung (German): Bildung encompasses the concept of personal and intellectual development through education and cultural enrichment. It emphasizes self-cultivation and lifelong learning.

Dharma (Sanskrit): Dharma is a fundamental concept in Indian religions and philosophies, including Hinduism and Buddhism. It refers to one's moral duty, righteousness, and the path to spiritual fulfillment.

Terminology plays a pivotal role in linguistics, acting as a bridge between language and society. To understand the lingua-culturological characteristics of terminology, we must delve into its significance and how it reflects the intricate relationship between language and culture.

1. Language as a Cultural Marker

Language is not merely a means of communication but also a reflection of culture. Each language embodies the beliefs, values, and social norms of the community that uses it. Terminology, as a subset of language, carries these cultural markers within its lexicon and usage.

2. Terminology's Cultural Significance

Terminology encompasses specialized vocabulary used within specific fields or communities. This specialized language reflects the unique knowledge systems, practices, and traditions of those groups. For example, medical terminology reflects the culture of the medical profession, while legal terminology embodies the culture of the legal system.[3]

3. Terminology's Role in Identity

Terminology reinforces group identity and solidarity. It allows professionals within a field to communicate effectively and distinguishes them from others. This creates a sense of belonging and shared cultural values.

4. Language and Globalization

In an era of globalization, English has emerged as a lingua franca in various fields, including science and technology. The use of English terminology in these contexts brings about a clash of cultures as non-native speakers adapt to English-language norms.[2]

5. Challenges and Opportunities

The study of terminology in a culturological context helps bridge gaps between cultures and promotes understanding. However, it also raises challenges, such as the potential loss of indigenous knowledge as English dominates. Balancing the preservation of cultural diversity with effective

communication remains a key challenge.

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The act of translation goes beyond simply transferring words from one language to another. It also encompasses the realm of intercultural communication. This underscores the pivotal role of translators as intermediaries between cultures. However, it's essential to recognize that this task is not straightforward, given the challenges arising from cultural terminology.

As highlighted by Guerrera in 2012, translating terms rooted in specific cultural contexts, such as realia or cultural terms, can pose significant difficulties. Nevertheless, these challenges should not lead to the assumption that such terms are untranslatable. Resorting to the concept of "untranslatability" would be an oversimplification. Instead, there are effective approaches to tackle the intricate task of translating cultures.[4]

To overcome these obstacles and achieve successful cultural translations, the translator's role becomes indispensable. A culturally aware translator can employ various methods, techniques, and strategies to bridge the cultural gap. Guerrera discusses some of these strategies and procedures in relation to translating cultures.[4]

According to Nida , differences in translations can generally be attributed to three fundamental factors: the nature of the message, the author's purposes, and the type of audience. Additionally, Nida distinguishes between two types of equivalence: formal and dynamic.[5] Formal equivalence focuses on preserving both the form and content of the message, while dynamic equivalence seeks to achieve naturalness of expression and connect the receptor to behaviors within their own cultural context, without requiring them to understand the source-language cultural patterns.

Newmark points out that translation challenges often arise when there's a cultural emphasis, stemming from the cultural differences between the source and target languages. He offers several categories for translating between cultures. The first category deals with ecology, encompassing aspects such as flora, fauna, geography, and climate. The second category pertains to material culture, covering items like clothing, transportation, architecture, and notably, cuisine. The third category delves into social culture, addressing aspects related to work, leisure, and societal norms. The fourth and fifth categories encompass organizations, customs, activities, procedures, and concepts, including political, administrative, artistic, and religious elements, as well as non-verbal communication like gestures and habits, such as "cock a snook" and "spitting."[6]

In accordance with Vinay and Darbelnet, translators

generally have two methods at their disposal: direct (literal)

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translation and oblique translation.[7] Direct translation includes techniques like borrowing, calque, and literal translation, while oblique translation comprises strategies such as transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. Conclusion

In conclusion, terminology is not just a linguistic tool; it is a cultural artifact that reflects the values and identity of its users. Understanding the lingua-culturological characteristics of terminology is essential for effective cross-cultural communication and the preservation of cultural diversity. Therefore, terminology is not merely a linguistic tool; it is a cultural artifact that reflects the intricacies of societies and their evolution. Understanding the lingua-culturological characteristics of terminology is crucial for appreciating the richness and diversity of human culture.


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