Научная статья на тему 'The legal basis of moral norms in the activities of head'

The legal basis of moral norms in the activities of head Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Shakarov Uktam Berdiboevich

This article refers to the establishment of the legal foundations of the moral principles and the rules in an efficient and conscientious performance of their official duties by employees of State and local authorities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The legal basis of moral norms in the activities of head»

Section 4. Political culture

Shakarov Uktam Berdiboevich, Senior lecturer, Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, E-mail: uktam_sh81@mail.ru


Abstract: This article refers to the establishment of the legal foundations of the moral principles and the rules in an efficient and conscientious performance of their official duties by employees of State and local authorities.

Keywords: State, society, governance, government, citizen, law, spirituality, head, justice, patriotism, interests, morality.

Since the Independence periods until now there has been a great attention paid to the concerns of leadership attitudes and responsibilities, during analyzing the critical and beneficial experiences of the leaders acted in different spheres, understanding of the goodness, depends on the attitudes of leadership has been lighted in. Especially, the first president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islom Karimov had emphasized too much to the problems related to the leadership and its morality since the first days of our Independence, said: "Firstly, mentality and comprehension is required from leader, as being mentally comprehensive leader, leader person should have strong will, belief and need to be diffident at the the same time" [2, 188]. Obviously, the moral aspect of the issue has found its expression in those opinions. However, if the leader becomes negligent to the tasks given to him and does not feel their responsibility, it demonstrates that the person with those attitudes may be morally disable. Moreover, ethics can act as a criteria signing and emphasizing leadership rules.

In Independence years, over establishing the governance of national state as in the developed coun-

tries, organizing it related to the applying improvements in the Republic, there has been a significant results achieved, the specific specialists has been training accordingly. This requires development of practical and theoretical means that can respond to those kinds of necessities, as well as using applied factors in daily routine. Therefore, what is the problems in our implementations on this way and in what kind of things, the reality and general aspects of them has been presented? Through choosing leader personnel and creating their reserve, training, recommending, organizing services for them, learning problems in order to form moral world outlook of them, as well as, developing related rule, norms, regulation, and sufficiently modern scientific-methodical handbooks, it requires to develop scientific and theoretical basics of usage of intellectual resources intelligently. Accordingly, this means that there is an exact system is being organized to motivate and control the functions leader personnel obeying moral norms who is working under the State service [5, 34].

Improvement of social processes is creating a need to fully investigate new problems, develop-

ing methods accepting relationships of the era and manufacture. As to this, adopting of "moral-ethical norms of the State ruling deputies and local legislative authority deputies' personnel" [3, 94-article] under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the second of March, 2016, with the number of 62 means the strengthening of legal basics of demanding requirements from modern personnel. The main purpose of those regulations is to approve principles and norms of morals and ethics of State ruling deputies and local legislative authority deputies' personnel, create opportunities for them to do their tasks honestly and effectively, overcome negligent attitudes in the State service.

Those moral norms of State authority and local legislative authority deputies' employees regardless their job positions, consist of accumulation ofbasic rules of moral aspects of them during their duty and general principles ofjob regulations and norms of State authority and local legislative authority employees.

While committing democratic improvements, State employees should do their job according to the principles built on those moral-ethical norms.

Moreover, acting of State authority deputies personnel during their duties according to principles definitely, such as, legitimacy, civil rights, freedom and strengthening of legal interests, love for homeland and devotion to duty responsibility, faithfulness to the State and social interests, loyalty, honesty and neutrality, overcoming colliding of personal interests, it determines legal basics of bringing loyal governance. Therefore, Abu Nasr Farobiy had stated in his thoughts about organizing of state authority and loyal governance that, importance of ruling the state with the persons who are capable in all spheres and gathered humanitarian features themselves. Therefore, he highlights his concept about an ideal and capable community in all spheres that leads the people to the knowledge. Forobiy had claimed that leaders naturally should have twelve features [6, 55].

Therefore, it has been adopted in following rules strictly that State employees are obligatory to those

below. Firstly, during implementing their duty tasks, State employees should follow State principles and requirements strictly, doing their duty tasks honestly, committing in higher professional level, completing decrees on time with quality that have been adopted by higher State deputies and higher ranked persons under their powers, implementing their duties according to the their reputation power approved in law documents and internal documents, not to make a favor with someone, groups, organizations and not to surrender to them during doing their tasks, being independent from their influences, accepting civil rights, obligations and their legal priorities, not allowing discrimination situations, ending activities related to influences of some personal, property and other interests that disturb doing their duty responsibilities, obeying to prohibitions and bans that are written in norms and regulation documents and administrative documents, doing their tasks uninterruptedly, overcome any opportunity that effects in order to commit their duty tasks, respecting customs and traditions of nations of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other countries, accepting cultural and other specificities of different ethnic, social groups and confessions, supporting of social stability, international peace and peace between confessions, refraining themselves from attitudes that can create doubts in order to do their duty tasks honestly, not allowing situations that are able to harm their reputation and state deputy's reputation, not using the State deputies, organizations and their higher ranked personnel to illegally impact activities of the citizens, following approved norms while presenting information and task information to the State deputy [3, 94-article]. Activities of State employee and leader person based on above moral-mental principles that bring formation ofloyal authority is not only nowadays, but also was important in history.

According to the National governance, High experienced commander Amir Temur during his duty had ruled the State based on the principle "Power is in Loyalty". He had settled governance following to

the twelve rules below: being based on local traditions in that time, ruling the society with dividing it to the twelve positions, cooperating in every work, obeying only to the regulations while governance, commanding the State employees with an encouragement, satisfying citizens, respecting the nation's promoted persons, working courageously, be cautious always about citizen's situation, appreciating the active persons while their duty, not forgetting the works of good persons, sufficiently settling the supply of the army [7, 74-48]. The main purposes of those norms include only civil priorities. Great commander Amir Temur had stated, "Unless the state is not built based on law and order, this empire will lost its power, reputation and stability" [3, 94-article].

Leader person should be an example to the employees under his command with being more professional, honest, and loyal, not to require the employees under his command to do the tasks that are out of their responsibility, as well as not to coordinate them to do illegal acts. The relationships of leader person and employees should be based on moral norms above is very important. Moreover, during ruling, being informed about the employees' plans of leader person, to estimate to them properly, as well as proper setting of the communication to observe their knowledge and activities, firstly, helps to provide strong organization, secondly, not allowing improper acts to appear that do not suit to leader, eases the management. Leader person that is not accepting the employee's existed characteristics and spiritual aspects, sometimes can create conflicts between leader person and employee. Therefore, regardless how strong leader person's requests and requirements are, being the leader person- restrained, active and honest will provide effectiveness of communication.

Leader person should not allow situations such as choosing employees due to objectives of relative relation, native relation and personal trust. They should strictly overcome the image of sectionalism, localism and favoritism, as well as, negative factors

during implementing their duty tasks; otherwise, it may cause moral conflict while ruling performance. One of the main reasons of causing of moral conflicts in governing system is dependent on its regard as social institution of specifications and characteristics of its internal relationships. Adaptation of government personnel to the State requirements and norms usually becomes experienced with much complicated moral conflicts. As being special core of social experience, leadership function is based to supply general national preferences and depends on high ethical responsibility. In order to adopt orders at social status, convene of government and responsibility at one point, moral selection process will get complicated and as the result of it, there will be an increase in moral conflicts and tension.

While committing their duty, leader person should take measures on time in order to maintain collapse of personal interests and regulate them, taking steps to overcome corruption, commanding employees effectively, approach to the property and financial funds that are entrusted to them, carefully and economically. Leader person is responsible for not taking measures in order to overcome acts of employees under their command who are breaking ethical principles and laws in duty. One of the main problems in leadership function is the problem ofconflicts. It is rather important to determine the condition and factors that may cause conflicts in leadership than overcome the conflicts. Reasons of causing the conflicts are that there is not order and norms in community and opportunity for not obeying of members to it and finally they have been caused as the result of weak moral-ethical condition. As to the experience, more the personnel will be satisfied with their activity, the atmosphere will be healthy. Leader's role is very big to form healthy atmosphere in the community. Ifleader person obeys to those moral norms and can apply them to the daily j ob activity of employees, not only increases the healthy atmosphere, but also effectiveness of production will be higher. Sometimes, conception of leader of being strict will tighten the atmosphere in community, cre-

ates stress, everlasting tiredness, disbelief among them, not being hopeful, significantly cause big conflicts.

During their duty, State employees must be open minded, polite, well behaved, cautious, become patient to the relationship with citizens and their colleagues, and respect them. State personnel should not be rude to the employees under their command and citizens, must not discriminate people's honor and price, not to allow conditions that can effect physiologically and physically to them baselessly. While implementing duty tasks, physical appearance of State employees depending on forms of working

conditions and task events should help citizens to deal with respectful relationship with State deputy.

Nowadays, implementation of improvements is becoming dependent on how leader personnel dealing with their responsibility. According to this, President of our country Sh. Mirziyoyev has said: "Critical estimation, strict order and regulation and personal responsibility should be daily norms of leader activity" [1, 6]. To conclude, having leader persons of moral-ethical features above can be a foundation to create loyal governing system and to supply improved life standards of the nation.


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