THE INTERSECTION OF SCIENCE AND POLICY IN SPORTS SAFETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальные науки»

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Security / sport / Covid 19 / athletes

Аннотация научной статьи по социальным наукам, автор научной работы — Radislav Jović, Biljana Vitković, Andrijana Nešić

The growing and deepening geopolitical differences suggest a growing threat to international security. People often ask us if there is still a cold war. With the involvement of regional and international forces, crises are becoming more widespread and conflicts are becoming more transnational. This is confirmed by the situation in Ukraine, as well as by the rising tensions and conjecture on a European military confrontation. Even in 2021, with fewer people traveling across EU borders due to the COVID-19 epidemic, migration remains one of the most contentious issues in European politics. In an attempt to slow the spread and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, nations have limited international, transnational, and domestic travel. This has had an impact on migration and human mobility in the European region. Safety in sports is of paramount importance to ensure the well-being and longevity of athletes across various disciplines.

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Review Article

UDK: 351.861:316 351.861:33 351.861:796/799 DOI: https://doi.org/10.58984/smb2401105j

Received: 22.2.2024 Accepted: 28.3.2024

Coresponding author: radja21@hotmail.com


In relation to the book ' SECURITY CHALLENGES OF MODERN SOCIETY' (2022) by Dejan Dasic (ed.), publisher: Faculty of Law, Security and Management "Konstantin the Great", University„UNION - Nikola Tesla" Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract: The growing and deepening geopolitical differences suggest a growing threat to international security. People often ask us if there is still a cold war. With the involvement of regional and international forces, crises are becoming more widespread and conflicts are becoming more transnational. This is confirmed by the situation in Ukraine, as well as by the rising tensions and conjecture on a European military confrontation. Even in 2021, with fewer people traveling across EU borders due to the COVID-19 epidemic, migration remains one of the most contentious issues in European politics. In an attempt to slow the spread and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, nations have limited international, transnational, and domestic travel. This has had an impact on migration and human mobility in the European region. Safety in sports is of paramount importance to ensure the well-being and longevity of athletes across various disciplines.

Key words: Security, sport, Covid 19, athletes.

1 PhD, Assistant professor, Faculty of Security and Protection, Independent University of Banja Luka, NUBL, Banja Luka, 78000, +387 666 336 888, radja21@hotmail.com, https:// orcid.org/0009-0000-7589-0077

2 PhD, Associate proferssor, Faculty of Sport, University ''Union - Nikola Tesla'',Narodnih heroja 30, New Belgrade, Serbia, phone number: +381 11 404 40 50,https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-5312-0979; E- mail: biljana.vitkovic@fzs.edu.rs

3 Msc, Independent researcher, adrijananesic83@gmail.com

Radislav Jovic1, Biljana Vitkovic2, Andrijana Nesic



These days, the term "security" is used in a wide range of quite diverse social contexts and is found in practically all languages and cultures. Whether we are reading about politics, sports, computer science, ecology, psychology, economics, finance, or even movies, we frequently come across the phrases "security" or "national security" while reading about global affairs (Bajic, 2023).

According to Baudrillard, cinema, for instance, is utilized not just to recreate the past but also to predict and predestine the future. Put another way, everything is "enacted" on screen first to prepare the audience, and then the proposed building is really repeated in real life. A great deal of armed robberies, hijackings, and the like are premeditated, prearranged in the media's orchestration and ceremonial justifications, foreseen in their staging and potential outcomes.

It is essential to acknowledge that in the contemporary global security landscape, security issues and dangers are posed by both military and non-military threats; nevertheless, non-military threats bear the brunt of these concerns. Because various security challenges and issues are closely related, the state of affairs in one sector may have a big influence on other areas. However, most of the threats and issues that currently plague one area of the planet also impact adjacent areas, or perhaps even a number of far-off places (Radakovic, Marinkovic, 2021). This just highlights the complexity of the current situation for international security. The idea of "comprehensive security," which considers the complete spectrum of security concerns and dangers to communities, states, and the international system as a whole, is therefore a leading item (Nikolajova Kupferschmidtova, 2022).

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the inadequacy and moral bankruptey of our global financial system, which has increased systemic inequality between North and South. Some authors state, one of the key questions regarding COVID-19 vaccines is whether they can reduce viral shedding (Dukic, Kojic, 2023). Its detrimental impacts are evident in every aspect of peoples' lives and careers. Flows of foreign direct investment are also subject to this procedure. Foreign direct investment flows declined mostly as a result of political responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, including border closures, which combined with supply and demand shocks to cause a pandemic. Worldwide productivity was significantly impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic (Koblianska, 2022), increased the prices of many products, and significantly increased the price of transportation, i.e., distribution of products to the end customer (consumer).

Sport plays a key role in every society by contributing to social cohesion, overcoming prejudices, increasing positive public opinion, and spreading ethical and general principles conveyed through it. In the times we live in, sport is currently one of the most important and significant social activities, primarily motivated by economic reasons and opportunities for quick profit, followed by its positive impact on health. Therefore, due to the increasing profit in the sports industry and the popularity of sports globally, there is no sector of production that is not interested in collaborating with the sports industry (Dasic, 2018).

The most crucial aspect of organizing a sporting event is safety. The sports sector generates enormous revenue, in the hundreds of billions of euros or dollars (Stan-kovic, Charalambides, Misic, 2023). The sports sector cannot withstand any disruptions for whatever reason, including safety concerns, as it does not expand and experiences financial losses. It is crucial to stress that ensuring safety must come first in order to successfully utilize marketing opportunities during sporting events.

The monograph contains 28 works divided into 5 sections, by authors from 13 countries (Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, USA, Croatia, India, Ukraine, Cyprus, UAE, Montenegro end Serbia) by 35 institutions. Security challenges of modern society: dilemmas and implications: thematic international monograph, it has 522 pages, B5 format, all works are in English, and it was printed by the printing house Sven from Nis.

The Far-Reaching Impact of COVID-19 on Economy, Society, and Media

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only posed a significant threat to global health but has also unleashed a cascade of socio-economic repercussions (Chmyha, 2022), reshaping the fabric of societies and transforming the media landscape. From the disruption of supply chains to the surge in misinformation, the pandemic has left an indelible mark on economies, societies, and the media worldwide.

The economic fallout of COVID-19 has been profound, with businesses of all sizes grappling with closures, supply chain disruptions, and plummeting consumer demand. Lockdown measures and social distancing protocols have forced many industries, including retail, hospitality, and travel, to adapt or face existential threats. Small businesses, in particular, have borne the brunt of the crisis, with millions forced to shutter their operations permanently (Singh, Singh,2022; Kogi, 2022).

In their work "Quality of data and information in the function of business," Nebojsa Denic and Milan Misic report that, according to recent research, the average

company uses only 10% of its existing data and information efficiently, despite possessing 90% of what is needed for an efficient business. The amount of information that businesses and business systems import on a daily basis into their databases these days is enormous. Businesses now gather significant volumes of data from a variety of sources, and by employing business intelligence (BI) to gather, organize, and analyze this data, they may greatly enhance their firm's value. From a theoretical and practical standpoint, it has emerged that the quality of data and information has a direct impact on the efficacy and efficiency of business operations for firms. It also plays a significant role in delivering enjoyment to larger audiences and serves as a foundation for making the best judgments possible in the present. Business intelligence comprises concepts and techniques for enhancing and bolstering business decisions grounded on truth from company operations. Typically, while implementing business intelligence solutions, the majority of issues arise during the data transformation process from the original systems. Even though the relevance of business process management has been demonstrated in recent studies, there are still surprisingly few important scholarly publications in this field. The answer to the question "how much are the managers of companies, pleased with given informations, are they getting real reliable and usefull informations" was sought for with this article, which is based on conducted investigations among others. The majority of managers are only somewhat satisfied with the information gathered, but there must still be room for enhancing the caliber of business information.

The social ramifications of COVID-19 extend far beyond the realm of economics, profoundly altering the way people live, work, and interact with one another. Lock-downs and social distancing measures have led to increased feelings of isolation, loneliness, and mental health challenges, particularly among vulnerable populations and those living alone.

The authors of "Political risk as a treath factor of global order security," Radomir Stojkovic and Sladan Milosavljevic, believe that political risk is an inevitable component of contemporary international (economic) relations. The concept's multidisci-plinarity is a result of its intense and comprehensive character, which gives it an economic and social realm in addition to its original political one. Political risk, broadly speaking, is any action taken by the government that has political motivations and disturbs the social and/or corporate environment.

In modern circumstances, the global order is burdened with numerous challenges. The beginning of the 21st century was marked by security, economic and energy crises. Political risk (generally and as a summary category) has become increasingly important in the multipolar division of the world.

Moreover, the pandemic has exposed and exacerbated pre-existing social divides, including disparities in access to healthcare, education, and digital resources. Marginalized communities, including racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and people with disabilities, have faced heightened risks of infection and mortality, further underscoring systemic inequities in society.

In the midst of the crisis, the media has played a pivotal role in disseminating critical information, debunking myths, and holding governments and institutions accountable. However, the pandemic has also exposed the vulnerabilities and pitfalls of the media landscape, with misinformation, sensationalism, and polarization running rampant (Mihic, Dasic, Bogdanova, 2023; Vlajkovic, 2023).

In their work "Media as an instrument of strategic communication in armed conflicts," Miroslav Mitrovic and Nenad Peric assert that the media has a powerful influence on shaping public opinion. When it comes to conflicts and security-related matters, the media is a potent tool for shaping public perceptions of reality, promoting made-up, oblique, yet impactful experiences, and being especially useful during a state of war. Because "modern societies are highly integrated in terms of communication, through the mass media," the media may effectively mobilize the country to engage in military war. It is obvious that the public's power affects political elites in making choices since the public is described as the "ultimate democratic authority" or the largest form of democratic administration. In light of this, there is no denying the opposing effect of the media and politics, as demonstrated by the stance of the "information controlers," who shape the narrative and subjects covered by the media for a variety of reasons.

Social media platforms have become breeding grounds for misinformation and conspiracy theories, fueling public confusion and eroding trust in traditional media sources. The proliferation of fake news and misinformation has hampered efforts to combat the pandemic effectively, leading to widespread skepticism about public health measures and vaccination campaigns.

Furthermore, the pandemic has accelerated existing trends in media consumption, with digital platforms experiencing a surge in traffic as people increasingly turn to online sources for news, entertainment, and social interaction. Traditional media outlets, already grappling with declining revenues and audience fragmentation, have been forced to adapt to evolving consumer preferences and digital disruptions.

The COVID-19 pandemic has precipitated unprecedented disruptions across all facets of society, none more so than in the realm of information technology (IT). As nations grappled with the need for remote work, distance learning, and virtual interactions, the demand for innovative technological solutions skyrocketed. From

accelerating digital transformation to reshaping cybersecurity priorities, COVID-19 has reshaped the landscape of information technology in profound and lasting ways.

One of the most noticeable impacts of COVID-19 on information technology has been the accelerated pace of digital transformation across industries. With lockdown measures and social distancing protocols in place, organizations were compelled to rapidly adopt remote work solutions, cloud-based collaboration tools, and digital communication platforms to sustain operations Vladisavljevic, Milenkovic, Radosav-ljevic, 2023).

To mitigate these risks, businesses and government agencies ramped up cybersecurity measures, implementing robust encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication systems, and employee training programs. Additionally, there has been a growing emphasis on cybersecurity awareness and resilience, with organizations investing in threat intelligence, incident response capabilities, and cyber insurance to safeguard against evolving cyber threats.

Moreover, the pandemic has underscored the critical role of technology in fostering resilience, agility, and innovation in the face of unprecedented challenges. As societies adapt to the realities of a post-pandemic world, information technology will continue to play a central role in driving economic recovery, enhancing public health initiatives, and shaping the future of work and education.

Enhancing Safety Measures in Sports: A Comprehensive Approach

Sports play a significant role in promoting physical fitness, teamwork, and personal development. However, along with the myriad benefits, sports also carry inherent risks of injuries ranging from minor sprains to severe concussions and fractures. Safeguarding athletes against such risks requires a concerted effort from various stakeholders, including sports organizations, governing bodies, coaches, athletes themselves, and medical professionals. This paper delves into the critical aspects of safety in sports and proposes strategies to enhance safety measures across different levels of participation.

Sports safety is a multidisciplinary field that draws insights from various disciplines, including biomechanics, epidemiology, psychology, sociology, and public health. Sports safety books provide interdisciplinary perspectives on complex issues, fostering collaboration and exchange of ideas among researchers and practitioners from different academic backgrounds:

Injury Prevention:

Preventing injuries is paramount in maintaining the safety of athletes. This involves a combination of strategies, including proper warm-up and cool-down routines, strength and conditioning programs tailored to specific sports, and regular health screenings to identify any underlying medical conditions. Additionally, coaches and trainers should emphasize proper technique and skill development to reduce the risk of acute injuries such as ligament sprains and muscle strains.

The fast industrial revolution of the late 19th century made safety a major issue that needed to be addressed in industries; similarly, as sports become increasingly "industrialized," we are witnessing a similar need in today's sports. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines safety as the "condition in which conditions and hazards leading to physical, psychological, or material harm are controlled in order to preserve the health and well-being of individuals and the community" (Vuksanovic, 2017). Sports and physical exercise are likely to always include some degree of danger, at least for certain participants, because they test human physical capabilities. However, the majority of the dangers connected to participating in sports, especially for those at the community level, may be reduced or managed by implementing effective preventative measures. (Timpka, et al., 2008).

Equipment Standards:

The use of appropriate sports equipment is essential in minimizing the severity of injuries. Sports organizations and governing bodies should establish and enforce rigorous standards for equipment such as helmets, pads, goggles, and footwear. Regular inspection and maintenance of equipment are crucial to ensure their effectiveness in protecting athletes during play. Moreover, advancements in technology should be leveraged to develop innovative protective gear that offers enhanced safety without compromising performance.

While most accidents that occur in school sports facilities are unintentional, maintaining the equipment's safety is a crucial component since many of these incidents are brought on by poorly maintained areas and sporting goods. In modern society, this cannot be tolerated if we are to uphold the law and ensure that children receive a high-quality education. Therefore, in addition to classifying potential hazards, the solution should also include a deeper comprehension of the factors that might aid in their prevention (Macia, et al., 2020).

Rule Modifications:

Modifying rules and regulations can significantly impact the safety of sports. For instance, in contact sports like football and rugby, rule changes aimed at reducing

high-impact collisions and head injuries have been implemented, such as stricter penalties for illegal tackles and limits on full-contact practices. Similarly, in sports like gymnastics and diving, regulations governing equipment specifications and competition formats can be adjusted to minimize the risk of catastrophic injuries.

Athlete Education:

Educating athletes about injury prevention, recognition, and management is essential for empowering them to make informed decisions about their health and safety. Athletes should receive comprehensive training on concussion awareness, proper tackling techniques, injury rehabilitation, and the importance of rest and recovery. Additionally, coaches and support staff should be trained in first aid and emergency response protocols to ensure prompt and effective care in the event of an injury.

Team performance is negatively impacted by injuries, although those that could be attributed to "training load" are typically seen as "preventable," falling under the purview of the sport science and medical team. The aim of practitioners of sport medicine, which includes physicians and physiotherapists, and sport science, which includes strength and conditioning specialists, is to prevent injuries in athletes. By subjecting athletes to physically challenging training, sport scientists and strength and conditioning professionals want to build resilience in players and prepare them for the physical demands of competition, especially the most taxing play segments.

Although there is a link between high training loads and injuries, this study shows that the issue is more prevalent with prescribed training than with training in general. A significant number of non-contact, soft-tissue injuries are probably the result of excessive and abrupt increases in training loads. But exercise that is physically demanding (and appropriate) builds physical attributes that help prevent injury (Gabbett, 2016).

Organizational Responsibilities:

Sports organizations and governing bodies bear a significant responsibility in fostering a safe and supportive environment for athletes. This includes implementing policies and procedures to address issues such as bullying, harassment, and abuse, which can have profound effects on athletes' physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, organizations should prioritize investments in medical resources, including qualified healthcare professionals and sports medicine facilities, to provide timely and effective care for injured athletes.

Safety in sports is a multifaceted endeavor that requires collaboration and commitment from all stakeholders involved. By prioritizing injury prevention, enforcing stringent equipment standards, implementing rule modifications, educating athletes, and fulfilling

organizational responsibilities, the safety and well-being of athletes can be safeguarded effectively. As sports continue to evolve, it is imperative to adapt and innovate safety measures to address emerging challenges and ensure that athletes can enjoy the benefits of sports participation without undue risk to their health and safety.

Athlete abuse has been the subject of several high-profile international incidents, which has prompted initiatives to promote "Safe Sport." Organizations involved in coaching and sports are working quickly to develop and execute programs, rules, and procedures that will promote a culture of safe sport. In order to promote a culture of safe sport -one free from abuse and harassment- national and inter-national sport and coaching organizations have created efforts, such as educational programs and laws. To improve safeguarding practices among sport stakeholders and organizations, Safe Sport International (2019), an international collaborative agency dedicated to the worldwide eradication of all forms of abuse, harassment, and violence committed against athletes of any age, offers educational webinars, current research, and consulting services. A national coaching organization that supports coach development in Canada, the Coaching Association of Canada (2020), provides a range of safety-based regulations and educational training programs centered on ethics, concussion awareness, and abuse. There are other organizations that work to promote safe sport: the International Olympic Committee (2020), the Child Protection in Sport Unit in the United Kingdom (2020), Play by the Rules (2020) in Australia, and the U.S. Center for SafeSport (2020). Each of these organizations uses a different strategy. The duties and responsibilities of these organizations differ when it comes to safe sport; some, like Play by the Rules, just serve as advocacy bodies and provide information, while others, like U.S. SafeSport, handle allegations of sexual assault (Gurgis, Kerr, 2021).

The work "Sports competitions safety management" by Igor Radosevic and Ana Gavrilovic serves as a helpful reminder that the most crucial aspect of organizing sporting events is safety. The sports sector generates hundreds of billions of euros or dollars in revenue annually. Because the sports industry does not grow and loses money, it cannot allow itself to be disturbed for reasons of safety or any other kind. The writers of this research conducted an investigation of the safety factors in the sports business that are essential to the smooth running of sporting events. Because of these factors specifically, safety management may be separated into:

1. Safety management of sports competitions;

2. Safety management of top athletes;

3. Safety management of sports venues;

4. Security management of sports companies. Information technology today is the most efficient method of the security sector in sports.

Thanks to surveillance cameras and facial recognition program, we can identify potential hooligans or terrorists who may endanger the safety of sports competition. The theory of sport and safety and security in sport, that is, their reciprocal compatibility and cause-and-effect interactions, are the topic of the study "Safety and security in sports corresponds with the structure of the theory of sports" by Zoran Masic and Marko Begovic. A solid understanding of a subject is required to describe it, and great expertise and abilities are required to protect specific assets or values. This calls for an unbiased observation of the variables, realizations within and between them, and the anticipation of potential dangers. In this regard, the paper's three sections -sport actors, sport processes, and circumstances for sport realization- present the framework of the theory of sport. Sports safety and security are taken into consideration, and several risk categories are listed. Next, several aspects of the idea of sport were examined in relation to environments and practices that promote safety and security, or their impact. It is clear that every section of the philosophy of sports appropriately addresses safety and security in sports. Early identification and mitigation of potential hazards in sports allows for the avoidance of potential outcomes and demonstrates the interdependence between sports theory and safety and security in sports.

It is crucial to stress that ensuring safety must come first in order to successfully utilize marketing opportunities during sporting events. According to Dejan Dasic and Milijanka Ratkovic's work, "Safety at sports events as a condition for the implementation of marketing potential," sport management started to prioritize security more after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, especially when it came to planning sporting events. Other elements like as organizational theory, sport marketing, sport facility management, sport law and policy, economics and finance, gender and diversity, have been deemed less important because they cannot exist without security.

In the present world, the topic of sport safety is quite essential (Masic, Begovic, 2023). It is critical that society be awash in justice, morality, and culture for the sake of all sports spectators, athletes, and residents of sporting facilities. The safety of all resources used in the sport, both individually and internationally, is a component of sport safety. It encompasses all athletes, sporting venues and associations, sporting events, and other sports-related businesses.

And lastly, there is a serious public health issue with sports injuries. They are frequent, expensive, a deterrent to engaging in physical exercise, and a source of worry for parents of younger participants. Many sports injuries are thought to be

avoidable, and it has been suggested that doctors, scientists, and sports administrators should make it a top priority to prevent them.

There have been compelling arguments made for the inclusion of implementation research components in sports injury prevention studies. Athletes and athletic organizations have to implement and uphold effective sports injury prevention procedures in order to prevent injuries. Some efficient preventative measures may not have been shown beneficial in field-based research due to a lack of awareness of the implementation environment. In the larger area of injury prevention, it has also been noted as a research priority how crucial it is to comprehend the implementation environment in order to support the acceptance and spread of successful treatments. "To date, despite calls for an ecological approach to understanding sports injuries and their prevention, very little research has been conducted into the safety management structures or processes of community sporting organisations" (Donaldson, Borys, Finch, 2013).


The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed a seismic wave of socio-economic upheaval, reshaping economies, societies, and the media landscape in profound ways. As the world grapples with the ongoing crisis and its aftermath, it is imperative to address the systemic inequalities and vulnerabilities exposed by the pandemic, rebuild resilient economies, and foster a media ecosystem that promotes truth, transparency, and trust. Only through collective action and solidarity can we navigate the challenges ahead and emerge stronger and more resilient in the post-pandemic world.

The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed a seismic shift in the realm of information technology, accelerating digital transformation, reshaping educational paradigms, and heightening cybersecurity concerns. As organizations and societies navigate the complexities of a post-pandemic world, the transformative impact of COVID-19 on information technology will shape the trajectory of technological innovation and digital resilience for years to come.

Sports safety books serve as valuable resources for the academic community due to several significant reasons. These texts provide in-depth insights into various aspects of safety in sports, including injury prevention, risk management, athlete health, and organizational responsibilities. By synthesizing research evidence, providing educational resources, and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue, these texts contribute to the development of effective strategies to enhance safety and mitigate risks in sports.

Conflicts of inerests

The authors declare no conflict of interest

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: R.J., Formal Analysis: B. V. Investigation: R.J., Methodology: R.J., B.V., Data curation: B.V., Resources: R.J., A.N. Writing - original draft:

R.J, Writing - review & editing: B.V. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


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19.Radosevic, I., Gavrilovic, A. (2022) Sports competitions safety management. In: Dasic, D. (ed) SECURITY CHALLENGES OF MODERN SOCIETY - Dilemmas and implications, Thematic International Monograph. Faculty of Law, Security and Management "Constantine the Great", Nis "UNION - Nikola Tesla" University, Belgrade, Serbia. 459-475.

20.Singh, P Singh G. S. (2022) Cyber security current scenario in India. In: Dasic, D. (ed) SECURITY CHALLENGES OF MODERN SOCIETY - Dilemmas and implications, Thematic International Monograph. Faculty of Law, Security and Management "Constantine the Great", Nis "UNION - Nikola Tesla" University, Belgrade, Serbia. 237-252.

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