THE INTERNET IS A GLOBAL INFORMATION SPACE OF SOCIAL LIFE Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
Global information / information obtained / space / social life / mutual / library / mass media / глобальная информация / полученная информация / пространство / социальная жизнь / взаимная / библиотека / средства массовой информации.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Ahmedova, Mohinur

This article describes the role of the Internet in our lives today, the evaluation of events and reality, the validity of information obtained from the Internet, or its feelings, emotional experiences, mood, enthusiasm, nervousness, tension, and processes. The information obtained from the Internet is the main indicator, i.e., the criterion for evaluating social phenomena, various ideas, and public realities by people.

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В данной статье описывается роль Интернета в нашей жизни сегодня, оценка событий и действительности, достоверность информации, полученной из Интернета, или ее ощущения, эмоциональные переживания, настроение, энтузиазм, нервозность, напряжение, процессы. Информация, полученная из Интернета, является основным индикатором, т. е. критерием оценки людьми социальных явлений, различных представлений, общественных реалий.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 9

educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7


Ahmedova Mohinur

Basic doctoral student of the Department of Sociology National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek E-mail; ahmedovamohinur92@gmail.com


This article describes the role of the Internet in our lives today, the evaluation of events and reality, the validity of information obtained from the Internet, or its feelings, emotional experiences, mood, enthusiasm, nervousness, tension, and processes. The information obtained from the Internet is the main indicator, i.e., the criterion for evaluating social phenomena, various ideas, and public realities by people.

Keywords: Global information, information obtained, space, social life, mutual, library, mass media


В данной статье описывается роль Интернета в нашей жизни сегодня, оценка событий и действительности, достоверность информации, полученной из Интернета, или ее ощущения, эмоциональные переживания, настроение, энтузиазм, нервозность, напряжение, процессы. Информация, полученная из Интернета, является основным индикатором, т. е. критерием оценки людьми социальных явлений, различных представлений, общественных реалий.

Ключевые слова: глобальная информация, полученная информация, пространство, социальная жизнь, взаимная, библиотека, средства массовой информации.


It's no secret that today the Internet is entering almost every aspect of our life. We are getting to the point where we can't even imagine our daily life without the internet. It is not an exaggeration to say that social relations and simple daily communication between people are carried out through the Internet. On the other hand, it is not an exaggeration to say that we, sociologists, study the "positive" aspects of the Internet as well as the "negative" aspects, which helps the well-being of the society and makes people's views on life more "realistic"1. Today's global

1 1Hilbert, Martin, and Priscilla López.

"The World's Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information." Science 332, no. 6025 (April

1, 2011): pp. 60-65

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 9

educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

information space is directly delivered to the general public by Internet networks, and the process of information exchange between people is taking place at a rapid pace. Information exchange is a form of interpersonal relations, with the help of which people enter into psychological contact with each other, exchange information, influence each other, perceive, create certain images of imagination and understand each other, understand and evaluate this or that potential. . Information obtained from the Internet is the psychological essence of a person's attitude to social events, situations, and reality, which creates his conscious, active, goal-oriented, socially conditioned personal experience, system-based objective and subjective characteristics.2


The information obtained from the Internet also creates the process of evaluation of the event and reality, its validity or feelings, emotional experiences, mood, enthusiasm, nervousness, tension. The information obtained from the Internet is the main indicator, i.e., the criterion for evaluating social phenomena, various ideas, and public realities by people. As a result of this, various voices, rumours, obsessions, confusions can be born in people and spread widely. Information obtained from the Internet causes human imitation, i.e. imitation-contagion, influence. Many experts call the Internet an invention of the military. In fact, it was initially discovered by four universities in the United States. These universities have integrated computers into one system and started using mutual libraries. Gentagok quickly found out about this, and after studying the possibilities of the invention, he attracted scientists from it in order to improve military command, created all the conditions for them, and directed the arpanet to his goals. Journalists soon began to use it. Internet journalism was born as a result.

From the age of the Internet to today, news delivery methods have become a major area of ideological struggle. In this field, not only journalists, but also political scientists, polytechnologists, economists, in short, all specialists who convey mass information to the public, have become masters.3 Their skills have developed to such an extent that regardless of the content of the news, it is delivered to the audience in any way it needs to be released. And it is not difficult to systematize the fighters in the necessary order, their sequence itself provides the necessary information to the

2 Nikitenko, V. A. (2018). Education as a factor of creative personality establishment and development in information society. Humanitarian Bulletin of ZSEA, 74, 150-158

3 Усманов З.Б. Влияние некоторых сайтов интернета на сознание молодежи/ З.Б. Усманова // Теория и практика образования в современнем мире: материалы II междунар.науч.конф.-СПБ. Реноме, 2012,- с, 222-224


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 9

educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

audience and forms the worldview necessary for the informant. Features of the information war are the development of the information weapon, the organization of experts in different fields, the relativity of borders, states, legal and illegal. It consists of difficulties in the form of various blocks, associations, the inability to prevent an attack between actions, information, the complexity of calculating the damage to be seen. International Legal Norms: Agreements, Treaties, Licenses, Patents and Copyrights. Today, the freedom to use the Internet and the impossibility of control over it are actually becoming a major social problem. Because, over the last 10-15 years, the number of free visitors to the Internet has grown geometrically 4.

Mass media are responsible for the truthfulness of the information they disseminate together with the source and author of the information in accordance with the law. The right to information security is divided into two. That is, it is divided into international and national. International legal regimes of information security are formed by a set of principles and norms that are consolidated in the main sources of international law: in international conventions that define rules clearly recognized by states; as evidence of universal practice recognized as a legal norm in international traditions; in the general principles of law recognized by developed countries5. Judgments and doctrines of the most qualified experts on public law of different nations can be used to determine the interpretations of international law norms. National legal regimes of information security are found in sources of international law, national legislation, as well as information security, databases, information technology. technologies and systems, is formed by a set of institutions, principles and norms strengthened in normative-technical regulatory acts in the field of information infrastructure provision. National legal regimes of information security are formed by a set of institutions, principles and norms strengthened in the sources of international law, national legislation, as well as normative and technical regulatory acts in the field of information security, databases, information technologies and systems, information infrastructure. Subjects of public relations regulated by information security and information infrastructure are divided into three main groups. Entities interested in the use of information and information infrastructure for the implementation of economic, cultural, political and other activities, the implementation of state functions. Such entities operate as information owners, as owners or owners of funds that make up the information infrastructure, as

4 А.Ф.Даллес- Энциклопедия российско-американскых отношений XVIII-XX века.-Москва: 2001.-696 с.

5 Hilbert, Martin, and Priscilla López.

"The World's Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information." Science 332, no. 6025 (April 1, 2011): pp. 77-80.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 9

educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

operators of various information systems, as authorized persons in the field of establishing legal regimes of secrets within the scope of the rights granted to them6. Competent subjects in the field of information security activities, i.e., in the activity of combating security threats, have lawyers who can plan and implement measures to protect information security objects from threats, control and law enforcement practices, law enforcement activities, and conducting rapid-investigation activities. . Entities who use vulnerabilities in information security and information infrastructure security systems to develop and use special harmful information technologies for illegal political or selfish purposes will have the status of persons who commit criminal acts that harm the interests and objects of other persons with the help of the legal information security regime7.

Despite the fact that the process of informatization of society is often evaluated as a purely technological process, it is also considered a deep social process by its essence. Because informatization means the transition from one form of society to another form with a higher level of social development and determines the future characteristics of society8.

As with any process, there are positive and negative aspects of informing society. In particular, in addition to positive aspects such as informatization and promising information technologies provide increased production efficiency and labor efficiency, the rapid spread of scientific knowledge and advanced technologies in society, and an increase in the general level of intellectualization of society, the fight for information space and information-psychological impact on people also poses a particular risk, such as the escalation of display. Since information attacks are different, security measures against them are implemented in different fields (politics, economy, defense) and on different fronts (territorial, organizational and personal at the state level). That is, the work involved in ensuring information security at the state level differs from the information security carried out within a specific organization. First, when it comes to protecting national interests, in the second case, negative situations related to the spread of rumors, slander, etc. in the exchange of information between certain social groups in the organization are meant. Both

6 Hilbert, Martin, and Priscilla López.

"The World's Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information." Science 332, no. 6025 (April 1, 2011): pp. 85-88.

7 Ermakova, L., & Sukhovskaya, D. (2020). Value orientations of the information society in the context of the information revolution of the 21st century

8 Усманов З.Б. Влияние некоторых сайтов интернета на сознание молодежи/ З.Б. Усманова // Теория и практика образования в современнем мире: материалы II междунар.науч.конф.-СПБ. Реноме, 2012,- с, 222-224

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 9

educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

situations are considered as a factor that causes information attacks for the normal activities of people.

In this regard, the statement made in 1946 by the former director of MRB, A.F. Dulles, who is considered one of the founders of the "free information exchange" theory, deserves attention. "If I were given the right to choose only one principle of foreign policy," wrote A.F. Dulles, "I would choose the principle of free flow of information." In the West, the term "free flow of information" refers to the one-way transfer of an unlimited amount of information, in which the content of the information is not limited by any standards and the information is not controlled by the state in the area where it is delivered.9


It is necessary to emphasize that even now the essence of the concept has not changed and it is widely used with the intention of misleading our youth and influencing their hearts and worldview. In the process of information transmission, exchange and reception, ensuring speed, accuracy, quality and effectiveness, creating the possibility of wide spread of information around the world, the importance of the "worldwide spider web" is great, and this factor is increasing the need for its use. In the new century, the Internet entered Uzbekistan rapidly and took its place in everyday life. By 2008 The number of Internet users in our country has exceeded 2 million 200 thousand people. Science and technology achievements must serve human interests and good goals, of course. However, it is also true that some forces are using the virtual world for their malicious purposes. According to psychologists, only 15-25 percent of the population is able to absorb information from a critical point of view, and the remaining 75 percent of people are so influenced by the received information10. As a result, modern means and methods of mass information ensure the control of society. People enter the world of virtual reality to escape from everyday problems. Despite all the positive aspects of the Internet, there are also disadvantages. First of all, these are viruses that can be very dangerous for any computer. Therefore, it is better to install a reliable antivirus program. Another downside is the hilarious content. There is a lot of violence and cruelty on the Internet. People suffer from inappropriate information on the Internet because it is very difficult to manage information from the Internet. Although the Internet offers

9 Nikitenko, V. A. (2018). Education as a factor of creative personality establishment and development in information society. Humanitarian Bulletin of ZSEA, 74, 150-158

10 Nikitenko, V. A. (2018). Education as a factor of creative personality establishment and development in information society. Humanitarian Bulletin of ZSEA, 74, 160-170

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 9 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

us a lot of information, its reliability is questionable because a lot of fake news can be published that can mislead many people. It is very difficult for us to determine which sites are reliable and which are not. You may also receive blackmail or spam messages. I believe that the Internet is becoming a way of life and is very harmful to our health. Many teenagers sit at the computer for a long time and damage their eyes. I don't mean that I am against the internet, but it should have its limits. Everyone needs the Internet now. The Internet is an electronic media used as a place to download content and communicate with a communication network.


1. Усманов З.Б. Влияние некоторых сайтов интернета на сознание молодежи/ З.Б. Усманова // Теория и практика образования в современнем мире: материалы II междунар.науч.конф.-СПБ. Реноме, 2012,- с, 222-224

1. А.Ф.Даллес- Энциклопедия российско-американскых отношений XVIII-XX века.-Москва: 2001.-696 с.

2. Hilbert, Martin, and Priscilla López. "The World's Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information." Science 332, no. 6025 (April 1, 2011): pp. 60-65

3. Nikitenko, V. A. (2018). Education as a factor of creative personality establishment and development in information society. Humanitarian Bulletin of ZSEA, 74, 150-158

4. Nikitenko, V. A. (2018). Education as a factor of creative personality establishment and development in information society. Humanitarian Bulletin of ZSEA, 74, 150-158

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