THE INSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM OF DANCE RESEARCH IN HUNGARY TODAY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Ключевые слова
dance research / dance science / Hungarian Academy of Arts / Dance Archive дуэтный танец / балет / Дмитрий Сушков / казахский балет / классический танец / методика дуэтного танца / исследования танца / танцевальная наука / Венгерская академия искусств / архив танцев.

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Gábor Bolvári-Takács

This article deals with today’s institutions of dance research in Hungary. The most striking feature of today’s Hungarian dance research compared to other branches of arts is the lack of an autonomous, state founded institutional background. The departmental structure of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, which is divided according branches of art, does not include dance. Dance science is also not included in the discipline classification system of higher education. The highest level of scientific coordination and organizing forum for dance research is the Dance Science Working Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Dance research has three public institutions with different backgrounds and research orientations: the Dance Archive of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute of the Petőfi Literary Museum; the Archive and Department for Folk Music and Folk Dance Research of the Institute for Musicology of the Research Center for the Humanities; the Hungarian Dance Academy’s Vályi Rózsi Library, Archives and Dance Science Research Center.

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Эта статья посвящена современным институтам исследований танцев в Венгрии. Самой поразительной особенностью сегодняшнего исследования венгерского танца по сравнению с другими отраслями искусства является отсутствие автономного, основанного государством институционального фундамента. Ведомственная структура Венгерской академии искусств, разделенная по отраслям искусства, не включает танец. Танцевальная наука также не входит в систему классификации дисциплин высшего образования. Наивысшим уровнем научной координации и организации форума по исследованиям танца является Рабочий комитет по науке танца Венгерской академии наук. Исследованию танца отведены три государственных учреждения с различной историей и исследовательской ориентацией: Архив танца Венгерского театрального музея и Институт литературного музея Петефи; Архив и отдел исследований народной музыки и народных танцев Института музыковедения Научно-гуманитарного центра; Библиотека Венгерской Академии Танца Валия Рёзи, Архив и Научно-исследовательский центр танца.






мрнти 18.49.17

g. bolvAri-takacs 1

1 Hungarian Dance Academy (Budapest, Hungaria)



This article deals with today's institutions of dance research in Hungary. The most striking feature of today's Hungarian dance research compared to other branches of arts is the lack of an autonomous, state founded institutional background. The departmental structure of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, which is divided according branches of art, does not include dance. Dance science is also not included in the discipline classification system of higher education. The highest level of scientific coordination and organizing forum for dance research is the Dance Science Working Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Dance research has three public institutions with different backgrounds and research orientations: the Dance Archive of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute of the Petofi Literary Museum; the Archive and Department for Folk Music and Folk Dance Research of the Institute for Musicology of the Research Center for the Humanities; the Hungarian Dance Academy's Valyi Rôzsi Library, Archives and Dance Science Research Center.

Keywords: dance research, dance science, Hungarian Academy of Arts, Dance Archive дуэтный танец, балет, Дмитрий Сушков, казахский балет, классический танец, методика дуэтного танца

I. A general overview

The most striking feature of today's Hungarian dance research compared to other branches of arts is the lack of an autonomous, tfate founded intfitutional background. Neither the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) nor the Hungarian Academy of Arts (HAA) has an organizational unit specifically dedicated to dance science or dance art. Until now, only the ethnographer Karoly Viski (1883-1945) has been elected member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as a scholar engaged (among other topics) in dance research. In the Hungarian academic classification system, dance science is not a recognized discipline. For this reason the categories of musicology, ethnography, theater, education and possibly sports science are used in the classification of scientific research related to dance. This feature inevitably interferes

adversely with the chosen conceptual apparatus of research plans, hinders the success of the project applications, and makes more difficult their implementation. The departmental structure of the HAA, which is divided according branches of art, does not include dance, and the academic members dealing with it are affiliated to the Section of Theatre Arts or Section of Folk Art. Dance science is also not included in the discipline classification system of higher education, although there is a subdivision concerning dance and movement arts; these include the undergraduate and master's courses within the state Hungarian Dance Academy (as university) and the private Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy (as college). In Hungary there is no doctoral program in dance studies; its implementation is envisioned by the Hungarian Dance Academy (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Central building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The highest level of scientific coordination and organizing forum for dance research is the Dance Science Working Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (the full name is Dance Science Working Committee of the Committee on Ethnography of the 1st Section of Linguistics and Literary Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Website: https://mta.hu/ english/scientific-sections-105963#1 and https://mta.hu/i-osztaly/al-es-munkabizottsagok-105864. The committee was called into life by the Section of Linguistics and Literary Scholarship in 2009 on the initiative of Rita Major, Laszlo Felfoldi and Gabor Bolvari-Takacs. The working committee was established in 2010, its membership consists of dance researchers and researchers focusing on dance (up to 22 people, re-elected every four years) who are members of the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The permanent invitees of the working committee with the right of deliberation include dance researchers and doctoral students who do not have an academic degree, their number is random (usually about 30 people). The aim of the working committee is to unite the dance research work in Hungary, to plan its main directions, to alleviate the thematic and institutional fragmentation of dance research, and to promote the definition of dance research/choreology as a multi-and interdisciplinary discipline as well as strengthening its role in the system of disciplines. Its tasks also include strengthening the social recognition of dance through the effective increase and promotion of systematic professional knowledge of dance, and the transmission of the general theoretical, methodological, research organization and science policy

ideals and expectations of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the field of dance research. The working committee holds external meetings in a selected dance research institution several times a year, organizes scientific conferences, professional study trips at home and abroad, undertake publication activities in close cooperation with dance research venues. One of its main tasks is to compile a database of Hungarian dance research locations. The committee provides annual reports on its work. It has no independent apparatus and budget, and its members and officers (Honorary Chairman, Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary) perform their duties without remuneration.

Dance research has three public institutions with different backgrounds and research orientations. None of these is a separate legal entity, but organizational units within a larger institution, such as:

a) the Dance Archive of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute of the Petofi Literary Museum;

b) the Archive and Department for Folk Music and Folk Dance Research of the Institute for Musicology of the Research Center for the Humanities;

c) the Hungarian Dance Academy's Valyi Rozsi Library, Archives and Dance Science Research Center.

II. A detailed presentation of the background institutions of dance research

(Figure 2)

Figure 2. Dance Archive of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute

The Dance Archive of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute of the

Petofi Literary Museum preserves, enriches and scientifically processes the written, audiovisual and material documents of the Hungarian and universal theatrical dance arts - primarily professional dance (headquarters: Budapest, I. Krisztina krt. 57. Website: https://oszmi.hu). The professional collection of evidences and objects related to dance history began in Hungary in the 1950s. In the early 1970s, the archive of the Association of Hungarian Dance Artists was established, which was transferred to the Hungarian Theater Institute in 1987. This institution has been named as the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute since 1991, and it was attached to the Petofi Literary Museum in 2017.

The collection of the Dance Archive is kept in separate units according to

object and document types. In this specialized library which contains about 7,000 volumes in Hungarian and foreign languages, one can consult, in addition to Hungarian dance publications, the most important foreign journals concerning ballet, folk dance, modern dance, pantomime, ballroom dancing, movement art, dance history and theory, pedagogy, and the associated arts and sciences. The video library consists of more than 11,000 items that can be viewed on site. Hungarian and foreign performance recordings, dance films, documentaries and recorded TV programs make up the majority of the stock. The photo collection contains 75,000 cataloged performance and rehearsal photos and portraits. Most of these visual documents portrays the domestic performances of the period after 1945 and the guest performances of foreign

companies in Hungary, but there are also a significant number of pieces from the period between the two world wars. The total number of preserved images is close to a quarter of a million. The material of the exhibition also includes the works of many internationally renowned photographers such as André Kertész, Jôzsef Pécsi, Olga Mâté, Péter Korniss, Endre Friedmann, Éva Keleti, Rudolf Balogh, Marian Reismann or Manassé. The large number of dedicated photographs also highlights the importance of the collection. There is a press documentation containing paper and journal articles as well press releases on individuals, companies, playgrounds, festivals and competitions, guest artists, etc. It covers an area of nearly a hundred running meters with approx. 100.000 items. The collection of personal collections includes the heritage material

of about 90 dancers, choreographers, teachers, dance historians and institutions, so e.g. manuscripts, memorabilia, photos of Valéria Dienes, Gyula Harangozô, Ferenc Havas, Zoltân Imre, Gabriella Lakatos, Aurél Milloss, Béla Paulini, Anna Pôr, Olga Szentpâl, Kâroly Szigeti. Among the document collections related to companies and institutions, the collections of the Association of Hungarian Dance Artists covering almost six decades, as well as the documents of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, the Gyongyosbokréta (Pearly Bouquet) movement, the State Ballet Institute - Hungarian Dance Academy deserve special attention. Among the roughly 10,000 items of the potfer library, there are also exceptional rarities. The digital catalog of the Dance Archive consists of about 30,000 items (Figure 3).

The Archive and Department for Folk Music and Folk Dance Research of the Institute for Musicology of the Research Center for the Humanities is the basic institution of folk music and folk dance research in Hungary and the Carpathian Basin. Its headquarter is in Budapest, I. Tancsics Mihaly utca 7. Website: http:// zti.hu/index.php/en/folkmusic. The institutional unit was established in 1965 at the initiative of Zoltan Kodaly whose idea was to situate the research on folk music and the closely related folk dance not in the Institute of Ethnography, but in the Institute of Musicology within the framework of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 2019, the Institute of Musicology moved from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to the newly established Eotvos Lorand Research Network.

The responsibilities and tasks of the Archive and Department for Folk Music and Folk Dance Research are as follows:

a) ethnomusicological (folk music) research; the Hungarian Folk Music Library (critical edition of Hungarian folk music); the maintenance and publication of historical folk music orders (Bartok order, Kodaly order), the maintenance, enrichment, and arrangement of the central folk music collection; the publication of its style orders; research on folk instruments and folk instrumental

music; folk music history and comparative research (Finno-Ugric, Turkish folk music, folk music and historical sources of neighboring countries); folk games, research, systematization and publication of folk singing and music customs; maintenance of the "European melody catalog"; library and sound collection development; contemporary musical cultural anthropological research.

b) ethnocoreological (folk dance) research and publication, historical research of folk dance; individuality analysis; formal and comparative analyzes; development of motifs; dance notation and movement analysis; dance anthropological research.

c) maintenance, enrichment, cataloging, and digitalization of domestic, Hungarian minority, neighboring, Finno-Ugric, Turkish and international folk music and dance archives (collection of records, manuscript archives, records, CDs, audio tapes, films, videotapes and photographs) and the release of them in various formats (online, cd, dvd).

The most significant support material for folk dance research maintained by the institution is the Knowledge Base of Traditional Dances edited by Janos Fugedi and made available on the Internet at first in 2014: http://db.zti.hu/neptanc_ tudastar/index_en.asp (Figure 4)

Figure 4. Valyi Rozsi Library, Archives and Dance Science Research Center of the Hungarian Dance Academy

The Vâlyi Rôzsi Library, Archives and Dance Science Research Center of the Hungarian Dance Academy is a public institution which fulfills the functions of higher education, public education as well as library and university archival research in dance arts. It serves the purposes of university education, high school education, and dance science research.

Headquarters: Budapest, XIV. Columbus u. 87-89. Website: http://mte.eu/konyvtar, the website of the Research Center: http:// mte.eu/tudomany.

The Hungarian Dance Academy - the only Hungarian state university in the field of dance - was established in 1950 and called State Ballet Institute till 1990. (Figure 5)

Its Library was founded in 1952 with the unification of smaller units, e.g. book collections the ballet school of the Opera House and other special school textbooks and teaching materials. In 1968, a Methodological Cabinet was established which supervised the Book and Music Library operated, and from 1973 to 1981 the Visual and Audio Archive. In 1999, the library was expanded with a document collection, which in 2018 received the certification of being a specialist collection. The institution gained its current location in 2011, when it also took the named of the dance historian Rózsi Vályi, the

founding teacher of the State Ballet Institute. In 2015, from the remit of the Audiovisual Studio and Dance Art Archive, the collection tasks were reassigned to the library.

The Library holds about 34,000 storage units: professional and fiction books, textbooks and notes, yearbooks, dissertations, professional journals and other field related documents in dance and university education (such as musicology, theater history, art history, aesthetics, pedagogy, ethnography, etc.) sheet music, records, audio and video cassettes, CDs, DVDs, photo albums. The library holds

15,000 books, 800 volumes of journals; 2,800 sheet music and music books; 2,500 audiovisual documents; 2,000 dissertations; 1,600 slides; 134 photo albums and 7,000 study notes, as well as approx. 4,000 library units of personal collections and gifts.

The Dance Science Research Center is responsible for integrating and synthesizing individual research, developing research curriculums, implementing the university's research priorities, cooperating with domestic

scientific workshops, establishing relationships with international research centers, joining international programs, facilitating the use of research applications and educating young researchers. The research center has been organizing international dance science conferences in every two years since 2007, hosting other scientific events, operating a research group exploring dance science sources, and publishing periodicals and professional publications. (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Dance Teacher's Training Institute of the Hungarian Dance Academy

III. Other research institutions in dance research

A) Public collections

National Széchényi Library, Theater Hitfory Collection. Headquarters: Budapest, I. Szent Gyorgy tér 4-6. Buda Castle, Building F. Website: http://www. oszk.hu/en/documents_on_theater_ history.

Hungarian Heritage House, Folklore Documentation Library and Archive. Headquarters: Budapest, I. Corvin tér 8. Website: https://hagyomanyokhaza.hu/ en/archives/fdk

Museum of Ethnography. It cannot be visited at its current headquarters due to relocation. Its new headquarters in Varosliget are under construction. Website: https://www.neprajz.hu/en

Museum of Applied Arts. Headquarters: Budapest, IX. Ulloi ut 33-37. Website: http://www.imm.hu/en/

Hungarian National Museum, Hitforical Photographic Collection. Headquarters: Budapest, V. Muzeum krt. 14-16. Website: https://mnm.hu/en/collections/ historical-photographic-collection

Metropolitan Ervin Szabô Library, Music Collection. Headquarters: Budapest, VIII. Otpacsirta u. 4. Website: http://www. fszek.hu/konyvtaraink/zenei_gyujtemeny Budapetf City Archives. Headquarters: Budapest, XIII. Teve u. 3-5. Website: http://bparchiv.hu/en/18

Film archive of the National Film Intfitute. Headquarters: Budapest, II. Budakeszi ût 51./E. Website: https:// filmarchiv.hu/en

B) Higher education institutions Library of the University of Theater

and Film Arts. Headquarters: Budapest, VIII. Vas u. 2/c. Website: http://szfe.hu/ konyvtarunkrol-2/

Archive of Budapetf Contemporary Dance Academy. Headquarters: Budapest, III. Perc. u. 2. Website: http://tanc.org.hu/ wp/category/archiv-en/

Library of the Liszt Academy. Headquarters: Budapest, VI. Liszt Ferenc tér 8. Website: https://lfze.hu/library

Library and Archives of the University of Physical Education. Headquarters: Budapest, XII. Alkotâs utca 44. Website: https://english.tf.hu/library

University of Debrecen, Ethnographic Department. Headquarters: 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. Main building, III. floor. Website: https://neprajz.unideb.hu/en University of Szeged, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology. Headquarters: 6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2. Website: https://etnoszeged.wordpress.com/

C) Research institutes

Intfitute of Art Hitfory of the Research Center for the Humanities. Headquarters: Budapest, IX. Tôth Kâlmân u. 4. Website: https://mi.btk.mta.hu/en/

Research Intfitute of Art's Theory and Methodology of Hungarian Academy of Arts. Headquarters: Budapest, II. Budakeszi ût 38. Website: https://www.mma-mmki.hu/

D) Non-public collections of performing

arts organizations

Archive of the Hungarian State Opera House. Headquarters: Budapest, VI. Andrâssy ût 22. Website: http://www. opera.hu/?lan=en

Archive of the Honvéd Ensemble. Headquarters: Budapest, VIII. Kerepesi ût 29/B. Website: https://www.folkarchivum. hu/

Archive of the National Dance Theater. Headquarters: Budapest, II. Kis Rôkus u. 16-20. Website: http://www. nemzetitancszinhaz.hu/

E) Private collection

Orchetfica Foundation, Collection of Movement Art. Headquarters: Budapest, IX. Taglô u. 11-13. Website: https://moha. mozdulatmuveszet.hu/?page_id=179

F) Non-governmental professional organizations

Hungarian Choreological Society (reorganized in 2020). Website: http:// mte.eu/tudomany/kutatasi-keretek/ magyar-tanctudomanyi-tarsasag/

Hungarian Association for Ethnochoreology. Website: https:// etnokoreologia.wordpress.com/english/

Hungarian Ethnographic Society. Website: http://neprajzihirek.hu/tarsasag


In this paper we dealt with today's institutions of dance research in Hungary. Within this context, it was not possible to review the history of scientific workshops, research results and dance researchers. About this historical development, see: Gâbor Bolvâri-Takâcs: Dance research at the Hungarian College of Dance 19902015 (Frames, forums, results). Hungarian Dance Academy, Budapest, 2016. 16-25. http://mte.eu/tudomany/publikacios-eredmenyek/tudomanyos-es-szakmai-kiadvanyok/

Г. Больвари-Такач

Венгер би академиясы (Будапешт, Венгрия)


Эта статья посвящена современным институтам исследований танцев в Венгрии. Самой поразительной особенностью сегодняшнего исследования венгерского танца по сравнению с другими отраслями искусства является отсутствие автономного, основанного государством институционального фундамента. Ведомственная структура Венгерской академии искусств, разделенная по отраслям искусства, не включает танец. Танцевальная наука также не входит в систему классификации дисциплин высшего образования. Наивысшим уровнем научной координации и организации форума по исследованиям танца является Рабочий комитет по науке танца Венгерской академии наук. Исследованию танца отведены три государственных учреждения с различной историей и исследовательской ориентацией: Архив танца Венгерского театрального музея и Институт литературного музея Петефи; Архив и отдел исследований народной музыки и народных танцев Института музыковедения Научно-гуманитарного центра; Библиотека Венгерской Академии Танца Валия Рёзи, Архив и Научно-исследовательский центр танца.

Ключевые слова: исследования танца, танцевальная наука, Венгерская академия искусств, архив танцев.

Г. Больвари-Такач

Венгерская академия танца (Будапешт, Венгрия)


Бул макала Венгриядагы заманауи бидi зерттеу институттарына арналган. бнердщ баска салаларымен салыстырганда венгр бшн зерттеудщ казiргi тацдагы ец айкын ерекшелИ - автономды, мемлекетке непзделген институционалды непзшщ болмауы. 0нер салаларына белЫген Венгрия енер академиясыныц ведомстволык курылымына би шрмейдк Би гылымы сонымен катар жогары бiлiм пэндершщ ж^теу жYйесiне де кiрмейдi. Бидi зерттеу форумын гылыми Yйлестiрудiц жэне уйымдастырудыц ец жогары децгей Венгрия гылым академиясыныц би туралы жумыс женшдеп комитетi болып табылады. Тарихы мен гылыми-зерттеу багыты эртYPлi Yш мемлекетпк мекеме бидi зерттеумен айналысты: Венгрия театр муражайыныц би мурагаты жэне эдеби муражайдыц Петефи институты; Рылыми-гуманитарлык орталыктыц Музыкология институтыныц халыктык музыка жэне халыктык билердщ мурагаттык-зерттеу белiмi; Венгрия би академиясыныц кiтапханасы, Валия Рёзи, мурагат жэне би гылыми орталыгы.

Ирек свздер: битану, би туралы гылым, Венгрия енер академиясы, би мурагаты.

Сведения об авторе:

Г.Больвари-Такач - PhD, профессор, Ректор Венгерской Академии Танца (Будапешт, Венгрия). email: bolvari@mte.eu

Автор туралы мэл1мет:

Г.Больвари-Такач - PhD, профессор, Ректор Венгер би академиясы (Будапешт, Венгрия). email: bolvari@mte.eu

Authors bio:

Gabor Bolvari-Takacs - PhD, professor, Rector Hungarian Dance Academy (Budapest, Hungaria). email: bolvari@mte.eu

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