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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Purnomo Halim, Azhar Muhammad

Introduction. Spiritual values are needed in various aspects of educational activities, starting from the process of motivating teaching and learning activities, strengthening soft and hard skills, as well as important in student care and counseling programs. Thus, the counseling and nurturing process for students through spiritual values is very necessary. This topic becomes very meaningful and very important considering the tendency of students to often receive and access all information from their smart gadgets without being analyzed more deeply so that it has the potential to damage character. This research purports to define the influence of social spirituality on the success of counselling, the influence of parenting on the success of counselling, and the simultaneous influence of social spirituality and parenting on the success of the counselling program among Spanish high school students. Materials and methods. This research is a quantitative, non-experimental study looking for correlation. The research population covers all grade X and XI high school students in Madrid and Granada in the academic year 2020/2021. Research samples were 150 pupils selected using sample random sampling. Data collection relied on documentation and questionnaires. Methods for mathematical statistics: t-test, Pearson correlation analysis (r). Research results. The results show that social spirituality is found to influence the success of the counseling program of the study (t =15.932; p <0.000) which is confirmed by correlation analysis (r =0.799**; p<0.000). While there is an influence of parenting on the success of counseling (t =7.555; p <0.000) which is confirmed by correlation analysis (r =0.539**; p<0.000). In addition, «social spirituality» and «parenting» simultaneously influence the success of the сcounselling program for Spanish high school with a significance level of p< 0.000 and an R-squared value of 0.740. Conclusion. We urge researchers to study parenting models to guide students through understanding the values of social spirituality and how it contributes to understanding the students' own life values. Because with these spiritual values, students will be able to build their own life in a more oriented way.

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Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2023-2/23-02/ Accepted: 24 November 2022 Published: 30 April 2023

H. Purnomo, M. Azhar

The influence of social spirituality and parenting on the success of counselling program among Spanish high school students

Introduction. Spiritual values are needed in various aspects of educational activities, starting from the process of motivating teaching and learning activities, strengthening soft and hard skills, as well as important in student care and counseling programs. Thus, the counseling and nurturing process for students through spiritual values is very necessary. This topic becomes very meaningful and very important considering the tendency of students to often receive and access all information from their smart gadgets without being analyzed more deeply so that it has the potential to damage character.

This research purports to define the influence of social spirituality on the success of counselling, the influence of parenting on the success of counselling, and the simultaneous influence of social spirituality and parenting on the success of the counselling program among Spanish high school students.

Materials and methods. This research is a quantitative, non-experimental study looking for correlation. The research population covers all grade X and XI high school students in Madrid and Granada in the academic year 2020/2021. Research samples were 150 pupils selected using sample random sampling. Data collection relied on documentation and questionnaires. Methods for mathematical statistics: t-test, Pearson correlation analysis (r).

Research results. The results show that social spirituality is found to influence the success of the counseling program of the study (t =15.932; p <0.000) which is confirmed by correlation analysis (r =0.799**; p<0.000). While there is an influence of parenting on the success of counseling (t =7.555; p <0.000) which is confirmed by correlation analysis (r =0.539**; p<0.000). In addition, «social spirituality» and «parenting» simultaneously influence the success of the ccounselling program for Spanish high school with a significance level of p< 0.000 and an R-squared value of 0.740.

Conclusion. We urge researchers to study parenting models to guide students through understanding the values of social spirituality and how it contributes to understanding the students' own life values. Because with these spiritual values, students will be able to build their own life in a more oriented way.

Keywords: social spirituality, parenting, success of counselling, Spanish

For Reference:

Purnomo, H., & Azhar, M. (2023). The influence of social spirituality and parenting on the success of counselling program among Spanish high school students. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 62 (2), 386-399. doi: 10.32744/pse.2023.2.22


ducation is humans' conscious effort to provide various knowledge to others to enable them to be more capable and mature both physically and mentally. Education plays a crucial role in human personality and survivability either as an individual, a social creature, and a political subject. Education can be defined as a conscious and planned endeavor to nurture a suitable learning environment and learning process that makes it possible for the participants to actively develop their potential to acquire strength in religion and spirituality, self-control, personality, intelligence, morality, and skill necessary both for themselves, the society and the nation [1; 5].

The human's spiritual side is interconnected with his faith. This exemplifies a fact that human has the required basics to establish a real connection with The One he or she constantly believes in. Generally speaking, human tends to state that faith is the fundament of belief. Faith serves as a guide to our path in life and leads to a more meaningful existence. As such, many intentionally develop a religious lifestyle as their materialization of faith. Their actions may range from rituals, prayers, to other forms of worship [2].

Two important aspects of parenting are acceptance and control. Acceptance is support and love manifested in smiles, praise, and motivation. Control leans towards supervision over children's behavior and consists of modelling, mentoring, organizing, and teaching [3].

Education in Spain does not differ much from the education practice in Indonesia, and equally maintains guidance and counselling programs for their students. Their programs are also available at the high school level. In its implementation, guidance counsellors are required to pay attention to evaluation. The purposes of evaluation are to monitor progress and give space for feedback concerning counselees' development and gauge the effectiveness of the program. In addition, evaluation is also beneficial for measuring success rate and identifying a weakness that needs improvement, to further bolster the quality of the service provided. Spanish students definitely differ in their social spirituality and parenting patterns, relative to Indonesian students. This will, to a certain degree, dictate the level of success of counselling programs at school. As such, this research is dedicated to studying how far Spanish students' social spiritualty and their parenting patterns influence the success rate of the counselling program at various Spanish high schools.

_Social Spirituality, Parenting and the Success of Counselling

Social Spirituality

Spiritual is defined as faith in relationship to the one [4]. Spiritual might mean the very essence of humanity penetrating deep into and influencing life and manifested as thought, actions, relations with the inner self, nature, others, and God [5]. Citing from Hodge [6], Ratnaker and Nair [7] define spirituality as the interconnectedness with God, the "end" that brings significance, purpose, and mission in life. Parsian and Dunning [8] argue that spirituality is the search for meaning in life, self-actualization, and association with the inner self, others, and everything to which this understanding is applicable both for the religious and non-religious alike. Hence, spirituality has a larger universal scope and is not rooted in just one religion or another expression of faith [9].

Spirituality in the psychology of religion is a complex concept, ideographic and multidimensional. Such conception is taken as something unrelated to any specific institutional churches, or rituals of any religion. On the other hand, religiousness brings a strong association with the institutionalized practice of religion. Spirituality is thus defined as the more personal aspect and carries a stronger positive connotation, relative to religiousness [10].

Religiousness differs from spirituality. Spirituality is perceived as a two-dimensional concept connecting the vertical and the horizontal. The vertical one represents the God-man relationship, while the horizontal denotes the man-man relationship. Spirituality focuses more on the nonmaterial like faiths, beliefs, and hope and less on the material such as possession, accumulation, ownership, and competition. Spirituality in a psychological context emphasizes abstract thought more than physicality, being above having, and strong mental effort in engaging spiritual essence [11].

Gotterer [12] also differentiates the term religiousness from spirituality. Religiousness is the social sensitivity that was born out of one's spiritual dimension and as such, both spiritual and religious dimensions are strongly interconnected in societal practice. The main difference between spirituality and religiousness according to Imaduddin [13] is that spirituality is the ingredient of individual development, existing not as a part of religiousness. Armstrong defines religiousness as the established practice and belief of religion, while spirituality is emphasized more as the relationship between a man and non-human transcendent power i.e. God or such higher entities. Therefore, religiousness is deeply associated with the practice of beliefs, while spirituality emphasizes the transcendent link between a person and God instead [14].

Bennet and Bennet [15] state that there are thirteen spiritual dimensions: aliveness, empathy, love, caring, expectancy, respect, compassion, harmony, sensitivity, eagerness, joy, tolerance, and willingness. Graci [16] states that the spiritual dimension comprises charity, community, compassion, forgiveness, hope, learning opportunity, meaning/ purpose, and morality.


Family, or more specifically parents, is the basic and the most important education unit to children, as they play a significant role in their daily life at home. This is partially due to the fact that parents will always be role models that their children imitate. Grusec, Subisky, and Midlarsky [17], with their expertise in psychology conducted research and concluded that parents as role models greatly influence children's ability in shaping their prosocial behavior.

Several aspects of parenting are: 1) control, meaning parents are to limit freedom, initiative, and the behavior of their children; 2) demand for Maturity, meaning parents are to optimize children's potential to behave like an adult in many things; 3) clarity of Communication, meaning parents are to ask their children for reasons when they want their demands to be fulfilled; 4) nurturance, meaning parents are to express warmth and love toward their children, and pride for their achievement [18].

Nasir et al. [19] argues that the way of life of a family will shape children's behavior and personal development. There are three ways of life in a family i.e. democratic, permissive and authoritarian. Kids growing up in a democratic family will be at ease when it comes to making friends, tend to be more active and friendly, as well as open to

others' opinions. Kids growing up in a permissive family will tend to be less active in their social environment and harbor a tendency to hate others. On the other hand, those living among authoritarian family members possess a calm disposition, are non-confronting, unaggressive, and good-mannered [3].

Success of Counselling

The actual contact between the counselor and the counselees who are in need of a solution or help is the main point of Counselling service. The counselors could employ numerous theories and digest counselees' problematic situations, as well as use various techniques to conclude and solve their troubles. Several approaches can be selected to understand counselees even further. Effective Counselling primarily relies on the functioning of the relationship between the counselor and his counselees; what anticipation is necessary should this relationship be somehow broken, and what undertaking is needed to set it straight.

Their relationship should be dynamic. This particularly implies that either verbal or non-verbal change is necessary. Their relationship should also emphasize the affective aspect, which can be defined as an emotional quality originating from the interaction. The importance of the counsellor-counselees relationship is indicated in many studies. In various studies, counselees are asked to recount the benefit of Counselling and what they found not beneficial in Counselling [20].

A counsellor's main duty is to evaluate his own guidance and Counselling program after completing the implementation. According to the decision by Minister of Education No.84/1993 the five main duties of a counsellor are 1) develop a guidance and Counselling program, 2) implement guidance and Counselling program, 3) evaluate guidance and Counselling program, 4) analyses the result of guidance and Counselling program and 5) follow up the guidance and Counselling program given to pupils with further actions. Regulation issued by Ministry of Education and Culture No. 111 Year 2014 concerning Guidance and Counselling in Elementary and High School requires counsellors to conduct evaluation over their guidance and Counselling program to gauge the success of the service provided and plan for further development. Indonesia implements guidance and Counselling programs using comprehensive methods comprising basic service, individual planning, responsive service, and a support system [21].

Evaluating a Counselling service is one important aspect of managing a guidance and Counselling program. The completion or success of Counselling service is assessed mostly in an evaluation stage. Evaluation can be completed by assessing how far any problem experienced by a student can be mitigated. In addition, Counselling services can encourage a pupil to experience different emotions, improve their understanding, be able to make and follow a decision [22].

Based on the above, we can hypothesize three hypotheses as follows:

• The first hypothesis (H1) assumes that there is an influence of social spirituality on the success of counseling.

• The second hypothesis (H2) assumes that there is an influence of parenting on the success of counseling.

• The third hypothesis (H3) assumes that there is a simultaneous influence of social spirituality and parenting on the success of counseling.

_Literature Review

Previous studies which are relevant to this research e.g. a study by Saputra [23], which indicates that the spiritual development of teenagers at Dharma Putra high school was mainly divided into three stages; the indicator of how right or wrong behavior was viewed using teenagers' consideration based on what their peers say was found to reach 23%. Research by Noviyanti et al, concludes with a result that points out a correlation between spirituality and stress in parenting (p-value = 0,009). A high level of spirituality influences the way parents accept their children; this includes how stress in parenting is handled when their children suffer from any kind of disability [24].

Research by Fridayanti [25], has not brought a consensus on the definition of religiousness, which can be traced back to the origin of religiousness conception in the West, the various efforts attempted in the Islamic world to formulate some understanding that can go side-by-side with conceptual thought in Islamic tradition, as well as criticism and advise for further development toward a better comprehension of religiousness that Moslem communities can rely on. Research by Mbeo and Kuanine [26], indicates that the influence of spirituality on students' learning attitudes was as much as 80 percent. The result of the hypothesis test indicated the value of t = 13,486 with a significance level of 0,000 < 0,05. As such, the numbers suggest that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, which proves that there was a strong influence at play between both variables, which was statistically significant.

Khoirunnisa's [27], research on the effort of guidance counsellors to improve discipline through the development of spirituality among students of State High School (SMA N) 5 Yogyakarta explicates two points i.e. 1) Preventive measure and development; 2) Curative measures using punishment in religious activities to improve discipline. A study by Mutiara et al [28], indicates the lack of knowledge and skill among parents when it comes to parenting can cause misbehavior in their children and this can be prevented and minimized; the fulfilment of children's needs can be accomplished so long as parents actively improve their knowledge and skill through a parenting education program and the like.

A study by Jannah [29], indicates that in order to reach success, Moslems and the educated generation need parenting developed based on Islamic fundament, which can start from the nuclear family and extend further beyond schools and social environment. Research by Pathah Pajar Mubarok points out that the parenting program is confirmed to be effective in improving three aspects of skill in mindful parenting. Acceptance for own self and children without any judgment, as well as love for own self and children, are found to be less significant [30].

Mubarok's [18], study shows that parenting has a direct influence on students' religious awareness with a coefficient value of 0,29, and on their mental health with a coefficient value of 0,10. Teachers' role at school has a direct influence, too, with a coefficient value of 0,11, but does not influence students' mental health. A study by Petrus [20] refreshes our theoretical understanding of Counselling practice about developing a beneficial relationship. This study further elaborates on empirical situations related to common factors influencing the success of Counselling. A study by Widyatmoko and Purwanta [22] on the discrepancy evaluation model in use indicates that the majority of individual Counselling generates a good result.

Putri's [21], research depicts the elaboration of fundamental theories and the comprehensive execution of Counselling programs covering the definition of the evaluation

program, the components of guidance and Counselling, the benefit of evaluation program for guidance and Counselling, the procedures to evaluate guidance and Counselling service, and impeding factors in an evaluation program for guidance and Counselling. A study by Abidin [31] maintains that in order to warrant success for the students, guidance counselors are expected to implement both individual and collective Counselling.

Research by Ridwan [32], points out the role of Islamic teachers in their effort to establish Islam as the main resource to build a good Moslem personality. Guidance and Counselling from an Islamic perspective is the activity of giving direction, teaching, and reference to help students develop their intellectual and spiritual potential, and their faith and belief, so they can deal with various problems in the family, at school, and amid society well.



This research employs quantitative methods. Quantitative research makes use of methods to test theories by studying the relation between variables [33]. Quantitative research rests on the philosophical values of positivism and concerns the quantitative study of objective phenomena [34]. This research is a non-experimental study, grouped under a similar umbrella with other correlational studies aiming at discerning how a change correlates with others without directly attempting to influence the change in progress [35]. Places of research were several high schools in Madrid and Granada city during the academic year 2020 / 2021. The research was conducted from October until November 2021.


The population comprises all subjects covered by research [36]. Research population denotes the source from which data is gathered, which can be big in number and broad [37]. The population of this research is composed of Spanish high scholars. The determination of the number of samples refers to Isaac and Michael for an error rates of 1%, 5%, and 10%. Since the population exceeds 1000, samples are ideally composed of at least 15% of the population. The final samples for this research are 150 students from Madrid and Granada, Spain.


Validity & Reliability Tests

To test validity, Pearson Product Moment can be used (if normal samples >30) [38]. Reliable research instruments can generate trustworthy data. To analyze reliability, Cronbach's Alpha method is preferable [39].

Normality Test

This research employs Kolmogorov-Smirnov method to test normality. This test purports to see if a residual value has a normal distribution or not. A good regression model will have a normally- distributed residual value. To determine the result, data is said to have a normal distribution if the significance level > 0.05.

Multi collinearity Test

This test purports to discover if in the regression model any correlation between independent variables can be found. The absence of a possible correlation can be identified

by looking for the correlational strength between variables in a regression model and concluding that the correlation coefficient between independent variables is weak (less than 0.5). If the correlation is strong, a multi collinearity problem occurs [39].

Test of Linearity

The purpose of a linearity test is to discover the relationship between independent and dependent variables. This research employs F-test to measure linearity. To determine the result, if Sig. deviation from linearity > 0.05 it can be concluded that there is a relationship between independent and dependent variables.

Testing Hypotheses

Multiple regression analysis is meant to discover the influence of two independent variables (X) on the dependent variable (Y). The hypothesis testing in this research is based on a t-test and F-test. The purpose of the t-test is to determine the partial influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. I

rejected and H1 is accepted. In other words, if sign < 0.05 or t > t... there is an influence

calc table

of X variable on Y. ANOVA (analysis of variance) is also used for statistical calculation. F-test on the other hand is employed to measure the simultaneous influence of independent variables on the dependent variable.

Correlation Test

The correlation test in this research is based on the Pearson method because the number of research samples exceeds 30 respondents. A correlation test is useful to gauge the association between variables, denoted as coefficient correlation (r). To determine the result, if the significance level < 0.05 a correlation is present, conversely if the significance level > 0.05 then there is no correlation.


Result of Validity and Reliability Test

The result of the instrument validity test for the social spirituality variable consisting of 25 itemized questions indicates that 7 questions do not fulfil the validity requirement since r < r with a value of 0.444 and 18 questions are deemed suitable for the purpose.

calc table

The result of the instrument validity test for parenting consisting of 25 itemized questions indicates that 9 questions do not fulfil the validity requirement because r < r and 16

calc table

questions are deemed suitable for the purpose.

The result further indicates that the value of Cronbach's Alpha (Rcalc) for the social spirituality variable is 0.917, for parenting is 0.877, for the success of Counselling the value is 0.912 and since these exceed the value of rtable, it can be concluded that both instruments are reliable.

Normality Test

The table representing the result of the normality test above indicates that the data gathered from 150 respondents come with a significance level of 0.200 > 0.005, meaning the residual value has a normal distribution and can be carried over to regression analysis.

Table 1

Normality Test Result. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Unstandardized Residual

N 150

Normal Parameters3,13 Mean ,0000000

Std. Deviation 5.80792595

Most Extreme Differences Absolute 0.059

Positive 0.056

Negative -0.059

Test Statistic 0.059

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .0200cd

a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data. c. Lilliefors Significance Correction. d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

Multi collinearity Test

Table 2

Result of Multi collinearity Test. Coefficients3

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 1.702 2.254 0.755 0.451

Spirituality 0.556 0.035 0.701 15.932 0.000 0.913 1.095

Parenting 0.390 0.052 0.333 7.555 0.000 0.913 1.095

a. Dependent Variable: Success of Counselling

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According to the table above, the tolerance value is 0.913 (more than 0,10) and the VIF value is 3.341 (less than 10) both indicate there is no multi collinearity and it can be concluded that the data is suitable for the purpose.

Linearity test

The linearity test table indicates Sig deviation from linearity value of 0.183. This value is more than 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between the spirituality variable and the success of Counselling.

The table also shows the Sig deviation from the linearity value of 0.809. This value exceeds 0.05 so a conclusion can be drawn to confirm a linear relationship between the spirituality variable and the success of Counselling.

Testing Hypotheses


The first hypothesis (HJ in this research assumes that there is an influence of social spirituality on the success of Counselling. According to the table above, the Sig value for the influence of X1 on Y is 0.00 < 0.05 which means that Hx is accepted and the influence of X on Y is confirmed (social spirituality influences the success of the Counselling).

Table 4

T-test Result for Parenting and the Success of Counselling

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Success of Counselling * Parenting Between Groups (Combined) 7161.951 23 311.389 3.224 0.000

Linearity 5626.329 1 5626.329 58.254 0.000

Deviation from Linearity 1535.622 22 69.801 0.723 0.809

Within Groups 12169.382 126 96.582

Total 19331.333 149

The second hypothesis (H2) in this research assumes that there is an influence of parenting on the success of the Counselling. According to the table above, the Sig value for the influence of X1 on Y is 0,00 < 0.05 so it can be concluded that H2 is accepted, and the influence of X on Y is confirmed (parenting influences the success of the Counselling program).


The third hypothesis (H3) in this research assumes that there is a simultaneous influence of social spirituality and parenting on the success of the Counselling. The F-test result for this hypothesis is as follows:

Table 5

F-test Result

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 14305.265 2 7152.632 209.197 0.000b

1 Residual 5026.069 147 34.191

Total 19331.333 149

a. Dependent Variable: The Success of Counselling

b. Predictors: (Constant), Parenting, Spirituality

The result of the F-test indicates that the simultaneous influence of X1 and X2 on Y is 0.000 as such it can be concluded that H3 is accepted (Spirituality and parenting variables simultaneously influence the success of the Counselling).

Coefficient Determination

Table 6

Coefficient Determination. Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 0.860a 0.740 0.736 5.847

a. Predictors: (Constant), Parenting, Spirituality

According to the output above it is known that the value of R-squared = 0.740 which indicates that the influence of spirituality and parenting on the success of Counselling is as much as 74%.

Correlation test

Table 7

Correlation Test Result

Spirituality Parenting Success of Counselling

Spirituality Pearson Correlation 1 0.295** 0.799**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000

N 150 150 150

Parenting Pearson Correlation 0.295** 1 0.539**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000

N 150 150 150

Success of Counselling Pearson Correlation 0.799** 0.539** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000

N 150 150 150

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The result in the table above indicates that the significance level of the social spirituality variable is 0,000, which is less than 0,05. Therefore, it can be concluded that a correlation exists between religiousness and the success of Counselling. How close the association between variables in this test can be seen in the Pearson Correlation value. The social spirituality variable has a Pearson Correlation value of 0.799, which is within the 0.61 - 0.80 range, meaning the social spirituality variable is closely correlated with the success of Counselling. The result in the table above indicates that the significance level for the parenting variable is 0.000, which is less than 0.05, meaning a correlation exists between religiousness and parenting. The correlational strength between variables in this test is expressed in the Pearson Correlation value. The parenting variable has a Pearson Correlation value of 0.539 within the 0.41 - 0.60 range, indicating the parenting variable has a moderate correlation with the success of Counselling.

The influence of independent variables on the dependent variable and their correlation is depicted in the graphic below:

Success of Counseling

Graphic 1 The influence of X on Y and its correlation


The result indicates that social spirituality influences the rate of success of Counselling programs for Spanish high schools. This result is in line with the previous study by Cobb [40] stated that there is effect of spirituality on counseling students' professional competencies. Research has shown that spirituality can be a protective factor for mental health and an asset for positive development [41]. School counselors are encouraged to include spiritual elements into their core training competencies and to create an environment where students from different spiritual backgrounds feel accepted [42]. Additionally, studies have found that students prefer to address spiritual issues with their school counselors if given the opportunity [40]. Counselors should also be aware of ethical and legal concerns when addressing student spirituality [43]. Therefore, it is important for school counselors to be knowledgeable about how to integrate spirituality into their practice in order to best support their students' social-emotional, academic, and career development.

In addition, there is an influence of parenting on the success of counseling for students in schools. This finding is consistent with the authors of Hill [44] that emphasize the importance of parental involvement in students' educational achievement during middle school. Extensive research has shown that academic achievement increases when parents are involved in their children's education, and the more intensively involved the parents are, the greater the positive impact on academic achievement [45]. Parental involvement leads to better classroom behavior, self-esteem, absenteeism, and motivation, and can influence whether a child stays in school or drops out [44]. Counselors should work to include parents in conversations regarding a child's school experience. Communication is key in providing support for students with absent parents by holding small group and individual counseling sessions with students from a strength-based approach. Counselors should not merely focus on the potential negative aspects of a child's life who may be experiencing an absent parent but instead draw on the student's strengths, courage, and positive behaviors to help them succeed [46].

According to the result of this study also, there is a simultaneous influence of social spirituality and parenting on the success of counseling. There is evidence that both social spirituality and parenting can have a positive influence on the success of counseling for student school [47]. A study by Purnomo found that both social spirituality and parenting had a significant influence on the success of counseling programs for students, while Pizzigoni et al. [49] found that it can be a protective factor for mental health and an asset for positive development [48]. In addition, research by Gilbertson et al. [46] has shown that spiritual struggles may or may not be related to negative outcomes depending on the student's closeness to God and the specific context [49]. This suggests that university counselors should pay greater attention to spirituality when trying to promote well-being among college students [49].

The success of counselling can be linked to the main essence of spiritual values. Parenting also that any parents can provide will play a strong role in shaping habit and their children, at one point in life, will retain a certain habit and behavior. Yet, that should not be considered the only means to shape children's behavior, as there are other influencing factors at play. Everyone has their own preference when it comes to parenting, and each parent will have a unique style of educating children. Parenting will bring certain habits, and

with it, a certain behavior. Parenting aside, the social environment also affects our children's behavior. As we already know, the social environment in Spain differs greatly from that of Indonesia. This results in a different culture, and as the consequence, the parenting patterns will be affected, too. Good parenting with a proper emphasis on combination or interaction and rationality might yield a less-than-ideal result due to the negative effect of a social environment. Even with relatively strict parenting, children might still be badly shaped by their social environment. In more liberal parenting, the environment is given to exert even a bigger influence on children's behavior.


According to the result of analysis and hypothesis testing concerning the influence of social spirituality and students' parenting on the success of the counselling program for Spanish high schools, it can be concluded that social spirituality is found to influence the success of the counseling program of the study (t =15.932; p <0.000) and is correlated with (r =0.799**; p<0.000). While there is an influence of parenting on the success of counseling (t =7.555; p <0.000) and is correlated with (r =0.539**; p<.000). In addition, social spirituality and parenting simultaneously influence the success of the counselling program for Spanish high school with a significance level of P< 0.000 and an R-squared value of 0.740. As future research, that should not be considered as the only means to shape children's behavior, there are other influencing factors at behavior. Everyone has their preference when it comes to parenting, and each parent will have a unique style of educating children. Parenting will bring certain habits, and with it, a certain behavior. Parenting aside, the social environment also affects children's behavior. This results in a different culture, and as the consequence, the parenting patterns will be affected, too. As suggestion, the role of parenting can be explained using operant conditioning theory i.e. Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence.


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Information about the authors Halim Purnomo

(Indonesia, Yogyakarta) PhD in Islamic Psychology Sciences, Associate Professor of Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Email: halimpurnomo@umy.ac.id ORCHID ID: 0000-0003-3515-7609 Scopus Author ID: 57226195371

Muhammad Azhar

(Indonesia, Yogyakarta) Ph.D. in Islamic Educational Psychology, Professor of Islamic Educational Psychology Study Program

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta E-mail: muazar@yahoo.com ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7846-3203 Scopus Author ID: 57205557733

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