THE INFLUENCE OF NATIONAL TRADITIONS ON THE NATURE OF BREASTFEEDING BASHKIRS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Dautova Liliana, Shayakhmetova Rimma

В статье освещены теоретические аспекты грудного вскармливания ребенка. Важность грудного молока для новорожденного. Освещаются предпосылки формирования правил грудного вскармливания среди башкир, которые были основаны на религиозных обычаев Ислама.

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The article highlights the theoretical aspects of breastfeeding of the child. The importance of the mother's breast milk for the newborn. Highlights the prerequisites for the formation of the rules of breastfeeding among Bashkirs, which were based on religious attitudes of Islam.



Dautova Liliana,

Bashkir State Medical University, Candidate of Medicine, Assoc.Prof. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department,

Shayakhmetova Rimma, Bashkir State University, Candidate of sociology, faculty of philosophy and sociology THE INFLUENCE OF NATIONAL TRADITIONS ON THE NATURE OF BREASTFEEDING




Аннотация: В статье освещены теоретические аспекты грудного вскармливания ребенка. Важность грудного молока для новорожденного. Освещаются предпосылки формирования правил грудного вскармливания среди башкир, которые были основаны на религиозных обычаев Ислама. Abstract

The article highlights the theoretical aspects of breastfeeding of the child. The importance of the mother's breast milk for the newborn. Highlights the prerequisites for the formation of the rules of breastfeeding among Bashkirs, which were based on religious attitudes of Islam.

Ключевые слова: грудное вскармливание, младенческая смертность, башкиры, религия, национальные традиции

Key words: breast feeding, infant mortality, the Bashkirs, the religion of Islam and national traditions

Breastfeeding at all times was a perfect, calibrated evolutionary way of eating babies, which is a unique chance to preserve the health of mother and baby, to avoid many diseases time much more distant from the birth and feeding of infants. A deep physiological and psychological connection, laid in the fetal period continues after birth through breast-feeding. Breast milk is a centuries-old tradition common to many peoples and nationalities of Russia [1,2,7].

Bashkirs, the indigenous population of the southern Urals, practicing Islam and having unique cultural and ethnic traditions, rituals and customs that are somewhat different from other Turkic peoples. Bashkirs, leading a nomadic life and herding, there is a long tradition of archaic bolshesemeynaya community, with the distinction between the paternal and maternal lines of relationship. In family and marriage relations, there was widespread engagement of young children by agreement of the parents, early marriage, courtship, payment of dowry before marriage [4, 6]. Bashkir families always had many children. One of the national traditions and education of children, which carries the deep origins of the preservation of health and morality have survived to the present time, is breastfeeding, helped to ensure the survival of babies in difficult climatic and social conditions of the nomadic people. Bashkirs believed that the child will grow strong and healthy in that case, if he first days of life, will receive their mother's milk. Fed baby to breast immediately after birth, first gave the right, then the left breast, was served everytime you cry [4; 25]. Numerous modern scientific studies confirm that people's experiences, proving the undeniable benefits of breastfeeding. Balanced in its composition, breast milk best meets the needs of the growing organism in the complete protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Early initiation of breastfeeding allows you to inhabit the gastrointestinal tract "useful" microorganisms that reduces the risk of intestinal infections, anemia, rickets. Numerous immuno-logical factors of protection of breast milk are the first

"inoculation" of the baby, which was extremely important condition for preservation of health of children of nomadic Bashkir tribes in the absence of medical care. Characteristics of the composition of milk at different times of day and periods of lactation allow the child to get the "personalized" food according to age and time requirements. Therefore, breast-feeding Bashkirs were quite long — up to 2-2. 5 years, a longer time is not welcomed, it was considered that this could adversely affect the health of the mother. Noteworthy is the practice of applying of the child to the breast as and when he has signs of hunger and ensuring the duration of suckling to full saturation. This national experience feeding babies, existed for centuries, is fully consistent with current international recommendations on nutrition of children set out in the Joint Declaration by who and UNICEF "Protection, promotion and supporting breastfeeding: the special role of maternity services" (1989); Innocentish the Declaration on the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding (1990), "Global strategy for feeding infants and young children" (2002) [1]. These documents are encouraged to provide early breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months, not to limit the duration and frequency of feeding, make an effort to preserve breastfeeding up to 2 years [4].

Great attention was paid to the condition of a woman in labor. After birth the placenta, she was washed, clothed in clean clothes, made the broth, milk tea, korot, mashed with butter and warm water. Used during labor, things were carefully washed and buried. After that, the midwife has parts of itself. The first 40 after childbirth was considered the most vulnerable to mother and child during this period, the newborn is bathed every day, care was particularly careful [4, 6]. All this testifies to the empirical knowledge of the Bashkirs on the measures of protection against postpartum diseases and meet the modern scientific requirements of sanitary-epidemiological regime in obstetric


hospitals, the principles of prophylaxis of purulent-septic postpartum diseases and perinatal technologies in maternity care.

The traditions of breastfeeding, careful storage in the generations have strengthened the physical health of children. The infant mortality in nineteenth-century Russia was significantly lower among the Bashkirs and Tatars, in contrast to the Orthodox peasant families who already have 1-2 months introduced solid foods milk, bread, artificial feeding through a nipple or horn. Many researchers have noted such differences in infant mortality rates, with great pain I wrote about this about Leo Tolstoy, knowledgeable about the life of Tatars and Bashkirs. "Abroad .... in other countries, where any mother to feed her child only breast and knows no nipple and not use them, in the countries out of 100 newborns do not survive to the year's 9, 10, 12 people, and at us in Russia of 100 newborns do not live to 33 years, and sometimes even 60. What is ruining these 20 or more extra children dying for every hundred? It is terrible to say. But it's true. Killed millions of children and kills thousands and thousands - nothing but nipple like a silly custom to give children a pacifier. Not only that, abroad mret less children than we have, we have in Russia is among the Tatars of children mret half, and even three times less than we do.According to the law of Mohammed, every mother should feed the baby anything else but her Breasts.... It is time to throw this stupid and cruel custom of destroying millions of children. Wisdom that that the people did, to choose the good and follow it and throw the evil and stop it to do." This is a Prime example of active citizenship the great Russian writers, calling to adopt a reasonable experience of the Muslim peoples.

Nomadic life of the Bashkirs, animal husbandry as the main activity, allowed the Bashkir woman to spend more time with the family and accordingly pay more attention to feeding, mutual communication and education of the child up to the age of 3-4 years. Subsequently, the children were involved in domestic work. Scientific works of contemporary authors have convincingly proved that breastfeeding and rooming-in mother and baby has beneficial effects on children's intellectual development, even in cases of low birth-weight. Moreover, the more breast milk a baby receives, the better development indicators, fixed tests [7;67].

Creating a positive experience of breastfeeding Bashkirs took place on the basis of religious attitudes feeding and rearing children. Muslim state throughout its history have given this subject much attention, providing appropriate social guarantees. Our righteous predecessors have been trying to encourage women to feed their babies at the breast, because he knew the importance of this for the child and for the family as a whole. Modern medical science has confirmed the necessity and importance of breast-feeding and warns about the danger of neglecting it, as for Islam, he encouraged Muslims to this initially:

S after the birth, the mother must feed him breast milk. However, if the father is rich and can afford to hire a wet nurse, the mother will not sin in the case of abandonment.

S not allowed to breast-feed another's child without her husband's permission. However, if the child is extremely hungry, to the extent that it is likely that he will die if he does not feed, it is permitted to feed him without asking the permission of her husband.

S the maximum period of breastfeeding is 2 years.

S if the child started to eat solid food and because of this, the woman stopped to feed before the expiry of two years - no harm in that.

S when the child receives the milk of another woman, she becomes his [breast] mother. The woman's husband becomes a father. The woman's children are regarded as his half-brothers and sisters [3,5].

Breastfeeding, according to the canons of Islam, has many advantages, its implementation in the family is clearly regulated. "Mothers feed their children two full years. And who has born the child, the obligation to feed and clothe a mother and a child in a decent manner in accordance with his income. And never expose the mother of sorrow for her child, giving to cost less than expected, and do not deprive it of the right to keep the child with him. And do not expose to the chagrin of his father, demanding his child costs exceeding its capabilities. It is not necessary that the child was the cause of the grief of the father or mother. In the case of his father's death or his incapacity in the heir of the child under the same obligations. If both (father and mother) wish to stop feeding the child prior to the completion of two years, bearing in mind the benefit to the child, then there is no sin on them. If the child's father wants to entrust the child to the nurse, there is no blame on him provided that it would be fair to give the nurse what is necessary according to custom". Islam protects the rights of nursing mothers and repeatedly emphasizes remuneration prescribed to the woman for the great work of pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. "When she gives birth, no being on earth or in heaven knows what consolation [of enjoyment] are hidden for her. But after birth neither SIP [of milk], flowing from it, and none of the sucking movement [of a child] are not left without compensation" [3,5]. Deep commitment to the religious principles of Islam allowed the Bashkir people to form a rational tradition of feeding babies, save them in subsequent generations.

Currently in the Republic of Bashkortostan is one of Russian regions with the highest rates of breastfeeding. Implementing current recommendations for feeding children, we should first actively to revive the national traditions of breastfeeding, which is great wisdom of the people for raising a healthy, active generation with high intellectual potential.


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