Научная статья на тему 'The influence of intellectual competition to social development in the 21st century'

The influence of intellectual competition to social development in the 21st century Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Negmatova Shakhzoda Shukhratovna, Oripov Khasan Abdivakhobovich

The article argues that intellectual competition is the beginning of competing with the knowledge of the laws and principles that apply in all areas of society, science gains, and the secrets of the secular world, the importance of knowledge in the struggle for knowledge, not merely the threats to our knowledge, will be discussed. In the 21st century, human knowledge has been accumulated in the mind, and if a person is able to apply this knowledge to life, he is expected to have a great leap for a new civilization. The result of intellectual competition today is that the economic income of most developed countries is based on military industrial complexes. Therefore, the idea of disarmament remains simple slogans, on the one hand, because of their contradiction to their economic interests and, on the other, the deterioration of their geopolitical position.

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В статье утверждается, что интеллектуальная конкуренция это начало соревнования со знанием законов и принципов, которые применяются во всех сферах общества, достижений науки и тайн светского мира, с важностью знаний в борьбе за знания, а не просто угрозы нашим знаниям. В 21-м веке человеческие знания были накоплены в уме, и если человек способен применить эти знания в жизни, он, как ожидается, сделает большой скачок в новую цивилизацию. Результатом интеллектуальной конкуренции сегодня является то, что экономический доход большинства развитых стран основан на военно-промышленных комплексах. Поэтому идея разоружения остается простыми лозунгами, с одной стороны, из-за противоречия их экономическим интересам, а с другой из-за ухудшения их геополитического положения.

Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of intellectual competition to social development in the 21st century»



SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY 1 2 Negmatova Sh.Sh. , Oripov Kh.A. (Republic of Uzbekistan)

Email: Negmatova449@scientifictext.ru

1Negmatova Shakhzoda Shukhratovna - Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor;


Abstract: the article argues that intellectual competition is the beginning of competing with the knowledge of the laws and principles that apply in all areas of society, science gains, and the secrets of the secular world, the importance of knowledge in the struggle for knowledge, not merely the threats to our knowledge, will be discussed. In the 21st century, human knowledge has been accumulated in the mind, and if a person is able to apply this knowledge to life, he is expected to have a great leap for a new civilization. The result of intellectual competition today is that the economic income of most developed countries is based on military industrial complexes. Therefore, the idea of disarmament remains simple slogans, on the one hand, because of their contradiction to their economic interests and, on the other, the deterioration of their geopolitical position.

Keywords: intellect, competition, development, society, knowledge, education, upbringing, healthy competition.


СОЦИАЛЬНОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ В XXI ВЕКЕ 12 Негматова Ш.Ш. , Орипов Х.А. (Республика Узбекистан)

1Негматова Шахзода Шухратовна - доктор философских наук, доцент;

2ОриповХасан Абдивахобович - магистрант, кафедра философии, Самаркандский государственный университет, г. Самарканд, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье утверждается, что интеллектуальная конкуренция - это начало соревнования со знанием законов и принципов, которые применяются во всех сферах общества, достижений науки и тайн светского мира, с важностью знаний в борьбе за знания, а не просто угрозы нашим знаниям. В 21-м веке человеческие знания были накоплены в уме, и если человек способен применить эти знания в жизни, он, как ожидается, сделает большой скачок в новую цивилизацию. Результатом интеллектуальной конкуренции сегодня является то, что экономический доход большинства развитых стран основан на военно-промышленных комплексах. Поэтому идея разоружения остается простыми лозунгами, с одной стороны, из-за противоречия их экономическим интересам, а с другой - из-за ухудшения их геополитического положения.

Ключевые слова: интеллект, конкуренция, развитие, общество, знания, образование, воспитание, здоровая конкуренция.

Considering the experiences of developed states in the history of mankind and the results of modern development processes, it seems that the basis of socio-economic life is not only

science, technology, technological development, but also the intellectual potential of their organization, and the renewal of contemplation in complicated historical periods. In short, today the world is built with the help of human intelligence and intellect, while the negative or positive effects of the achievements are also the result of intellectual action.

In the 21st century, human knowledge has been accumulated in the mind, and if a person is able to apply this knowledge to life, he is expected to have a great leap for a new civilization. As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev emphasized, "Today, the role of education as an important factor of development is rising in conditions of the quality and level of life of the population, which in many respects become the main indicator of the country's competitiveness. At the moment, society and civilization are primarily competing with social values and education systems." [1].

The experience of developed countries shows that currently investments in science are faster than the investments in fixed assets, and they are gaining their intellectual potential through their development. For example, more than 20% of the Japanese economy is exported to science and high technology. Seven developed countries account for 95 percent of the world's intellectual market. Today, there are standards of the market for the "trafficking" of personnel and intellectual potential, the most important among them is to have professional competence, a strong skill, and to bring a productive effect to the working enterprise.

Today, there is a strong demand for staff who have the same aspects, and labor force and the intellectual market are also competitive.

After gaining independence, our country has been proclaimed the highest value for humanity, its interests, its rights and freedom. It has become a necessity to upgrade the system of education, to train highly qualified specialists who meet the requirements of the times, to increase the social significance of education and to strengthen their spiritual and moral foundations, while the issue of creating a new society in Uzbekistan has become a crucial task.

One of the important steps in this regard was the adoption of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and "On the National Program of Personnel Training". Today, the National Program for Personnel Training is unique, not only in our country, but also worldwide, which is unique in its content and essence. The program allowed for a twelve-year full-fledged mandatory continuous education system and a comprehensive and systematic improvement of the quality of education processes, and the adoption of special measures aimed at bringing up a new generational cadre of professional and professional culture and high moral and ethical standards.

"The purpose of this program is to radically reform the education sector, to completely eradicate its past ideological views and attitudes, and build National Training System that meets the highest moral and ethical requirements at the level of developed democratic states" [2].

In our country, general and secondary education is guaranteed by the state. The coverage of children aged 7-15 years in primary and general education, as well as the literacy level of the population today is about 100%.

Creating a system of state human resources policy in any society on the basis of moral and ethical principles and legal norms is a key element in the development of this society. That is, if the moral and ethical responsibility of any specialists and cadres before the people and their legal obligations are not regulated by law, nonviolent behavior will remain. Especially in today's world, the globalization of moral issues necessitates spiritual-ethic education and upbringing to the priority of political institutions of the society, the public, non-governmental and non-state organizations.

In this sense, the essence of the reforms being implemented in our country, in many respects, is that increasing the scientific potential of the owners of the future -young people, revealing their intellectual abilities, their progression with the world civilization and spiritual development.

However, "today we are reaffirming this fact in the 21st century - globalization, which is of paramount importance for intellectual work, and the Internet that the increasing competition in the global marketplace are gaining momentum." [3].

Hence, such a situation necessitates new content in the concept of competition and requires interpretation as a comprehensive philosophical concept. This requires a new methodological approach to the issue. In other words, not only the competition in economic or political spheres, but also the intellectual competition in the world market, and the need to explore theoretical aspects of scientific research. Because thinking about intellectual competition, it is necessary to answer that the process always has a positive content and essence.

It should be noted that if the individual does not manifest the ethical principles and intellect integrated in the society during his creative activity, the achieved result can become a weapon of unrealistic goals.

When we think about intellectual competition, we first need to know the meaning of "intellect" and "competition." Intellect (lot. intellectus - intelligence, perception, intelligence) - is a mental capacity, a mental capacity, and a degree of intelligence, perception, intelligence, and spiritual maturity of people [4].

The word "competition" is derived from the Arabic word "rival" and literally means "guardian," "guardian," "observer," "spy," and in everyday life: 1) enemy, aggression; 2) something, for anyone who is a controversy, a fighter, a competitor (with respect to each other); 3) sports games, debates, competition, etc. [5].

In foreign literature the term "concession" is used as the synonym of "competition". The term is derived from the Latin term "concurrenta" - "conflict", "encounter" and, first of all, the competition to achieve the best results in achieving something; secondly, the struggle to profit from the greater sales of goods, based on the favorable conditions and capacities of the commodity producers; thirdly, the applicants are meant to mean the struggle of opponents [6].

The Nobel Prize winner Austrian economist Friedrich A. Fon Hayek, in his book 'Knowledge, Competition and Freedom', says: "Competition is the process through which people get knowledge. Competition leads to productive use of knowledge and abilities. Most humane fraternities are created through competition, competition. Competitiveness is a special means of cultivating a person's intellectual abilities, as well as the invention of great inventors and entrepreneurs" [7]. The scientist describes the dialectical relationship between intellect and competition in this definition.

The result of intellectual competition today is that the economic income of most developed countries is based on military industrial complexes. Therefore, the idea of disarmament remains simple slogans, on the one hand, because of their contradiction to their economic interests and, on the other, the deterioration of their geopolitical position. If this is not based on intellectual competitiveness, morality and morals, it will show that it cannot have its humanitarian essence and will bring irreparable threat to humanity.

In this sense, the intellectual potential of human beings plays an important role in the process of social development, and if the intellect is based on ethical principles, the ideas, theories and teachings that are derived are considered as the most important factors of social development. The spiritual values and moral principles, as a matter of fact, are manifested as human beings' attitudes towards humanity: each other, family, community, homeland and all humanity; and their high-level influences positively to the development of the society.

On the contrary, the deterioration of moral values and morals will undermine the stability of society. Aristotle, a philosopher of antiquity noticed, " nature has given to person physical and intellectual power. But human beings can use this power for indefinite purposes. Therefore, the one whose work is not ethically guaranteed is the worst and wild one. "[8] We are convinced that this is still a matter of significance.

Without understanding the spiritual-moral essence and perspectives of cultural-technical progress in the society, it is impossible to imagine the rise of national unity in this regard.

Because the basis of any rise is national self-consciousness, spiritual and moral perfection. In this regard, the reforms in the education sector carried out in Uzbekistan are primarily aimed at raising the intellectual potential of the youth, moral and spiritual upbringing.

The word, knowledge, and power that once had divine significance have risen to a powerful engine position, which today plays the most important role in solving the world's fate.

"We are living today in the new millennium. Which state will be powerful in the 21st century, and which nation will be strong? Obviously, a child who is intellectually competent, knowledgeable, healthy, honest, independent, conscientious and decisive, will be strong and powerful." [9].

From these points of view, it is possible to conclude that intellectual competition is a struggle to compete with the knowledge of the laws and principles that apply in all spheres of society, the achievements of science, and the secrets of communication.

In other words, knowledge gains a victory in the struggle for knowledge, but this knowledge alone does not lead to threats, but rather for progress, and we can call them a healthy competition.

References / Список литературы

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