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Ключевые слова
Management / human resources / organizational culture / service quality / government

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Berty Rosalina, Palinggi Yonathan, Dwijatenaya Ida Bagus Made Agung

Human resource management and organizational culture determine the quality of public services at the sub-district office. The best service will create good government. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the partial or simultaneous influence of human resource management and organizational culture on service quality at the sub-district office. A quantitative research design was adopted with an inferential statistical approach. It was conducted in Barong Tongkok District, Kutai Barat Regency, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The primary and secondary data were used, and the total population comprises 198 people. A sample size of 66 people was obtained using the Slovin formula, and the respondents were selected by a simple sampling method. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and literature. The reliability and validity results of the questionnaire items were valid, and the classical economics test met the requirements. Furthermore, inferential analysis was performed with a multiple regression to analyze the data. The results showed that human resource management and organizational culture positively and significantly affected service quality at the sub-district office, either partially or simultaneously. Human resource management has the most dominant influence on service quality. In relation to the results above, the leadership of the Barong Tongkok Sub-district, Kutai Barat Regency, is recommended to pay attention to and improve employee support facilities. Furthermore, organizational culture should be maintained and improved, and human resource management should be evaluated. The employees are also expected to coordinate and synergize in carrying out their work; hence services to the community can be further improved.

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UDC 331; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2022-09.05



Berty Rosalina, Palinggi Yonathan, Dwijatenaya Ida Bagus Made Agung*

University of Kutai Kartanegara Tenggarong, Indonesia *E-mail: dwijatenaya@yahoo.co.id


Human resource management and organizational culture determine the quality of public services at the sub-district office. The best service will create good government. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the partial or simultaneous influence of human resource management and organizational culture on service quality at the sub-district office. A quantitative research design was adopted with an inferential statistical approach. It was conducted in Barong Tongkok District, Kutai Barat Regency, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The primary and secondary data were used, and the total population comprises 198 people. A sample size of 66 people was obtained using the Slovin formula, and the respondents were selected by a simple sampling method. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and literature. The reliability and validity results of the questionnaire items were valid, and the classical economics test met the requirements. Furthermore, inferential analysis was performed with a multiple regression to analyze the data. The results showed that human resource management and organizational culture positively and significantly affected service quality at the sub-district office, either partially or simultaneously. Human resource management has the most dominant influence on service quality. In relation to the results above, the leadership of the Barong Tongkok Sub-district, Kutai Barat Regency, is recommended to pay attention to and improve employee support facilities. Furthermore, organizational culture should be maintained and improved, and human resource management should be evaluated. The employees are also expected to coordinate and synergize in carrying out their work; hence services to the community can be further improved.


Management, human resources, organizational culture, service quality, government.

The demand for the government to provide the best service in realizing good governance is currently a very hot topic in the community. Good governance conditions, which include transparency, accountability, and community participation, are prerequisites that should be met. The benchmark for managing an organization in private and government institutions is the quality of service. According to Menhumham (2009), good employee performance is indicated by good service to the community because government agencies have one of the duties as public servants following the Public Service Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services (Menhumham, 2009). Services to the community in the sub-district are served by Civil Servants (PNS) or those with honorary status.

As an element of state administrators, Civil Servants (PNS) have very strategic roles and responsibilities to implement, maintain and control government and development. Therefore, they must possess exceptional skills and qualities to fulfill the obligations and functions of their respective institutions. One of the providers of public services directly related to the community is the sub-district. They carry out administrative functions and provide services in the development field, making the institution the bearer of the task of carrying out all public affairs. The quality of public services can be measured by the performance of the apparatus. Good service quality is also the community's hope of creating good government. According to Simamora (1999), human resource management (HRM) helps organizations to achieve their vision, mission, and goals. (Mathis & Jackson, 2021) argued that HR management contributes to organizational success, which is realized by

activities focusing on productivity, service, and quality. Based on this theory, it can be said that HR management affects service quality.

Some research that are related to service quality include: (Helmi et al., 2016), (Ayem & Saputri, 2017), (Mohi & Mahmud, 2018), (Rohman & Hanafi, 2019), (Irawan & Laksono,

2019), (Zamroni et al., 2019), (Royes, 2020), (Sudaryanto, 2020), (Hanum et al., 2021), (Putri & Nurhadi, 2021), and (Puteri et al., 2022). According to the research above, government officials can improve the quality of public services to carry out the vision and mission of the institution by maintaining its performance as evidence of service to the State and society.

Various factors, including human resource management (HRM) and organizational culture, determine the success of sub-districts in realizing good governance. The objective of HRM is to manage the human element properly to obtain a workforce that is satisfied with their work and responsibilities, and it is necessary to realize good governance. Humans are the driving force and determinant factor in running an organization. Therefore, organizations should provide a positive direction for the achievement of goals. The flow of globalization is a challenge that should be faced and anticipated by the human resources of the apparatus. Every HR must uphold high professionalism, which necessitates technical and management expertise in the job's subject matter. Government affairs will be carried out well in an organization with an effective, efficient, and innovative management system. According to Herwati (2018), HR management significantly affects the quality of services, including civil servants. Other research that showed a significant effect of HR management on service quality are: (Priharwantiningsih, 2019); (Supriatin & Suhendra, 2021); and (Hanum et al., 2021). In addition to HRM, organizational culture is closely related to service quality. Organizational culture is a glue that binds members through shared values. It is reflected in the daily behavior of its members, which also indicates that it is a standard working daily. Organizational culture determines the extent to which service quality will be achieved. Furthermore, it involves shared expectations, values, and attitudes (Ivancevich et al., 2006); (Sudarmanto, 2009). Research on the influence of organizational culture on service quality, among others, was conducted by (Hadju & Adam, 2019), (Yudhasena & Putri, 2019), (Imron & Suhardi, 2019), (Ayal et al., 2019), (Permana et al. 2019), (Dunggio, 2020), and (Harahap,

2020). There is a need for appropriate human resources and organizational culture designed with the focus on service quality in order to satisfy community expectations and needs. It was also observed that service quality was simultaneously influenced by HRM and organizational culture (Dahlan et al., 2017), (Maharani, 2019), and (Candra, 2019). This research has theoretical and empirical similarities and differences. Its equation examines the effect of human resource management and organizational culture on service quality.

Figure 1 - Conceptual Framework of Effect of Independent Variables on Dependent Variables

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of this research. The following hypothesis is proposed for the conceptual framework:

• H1: Human resource management has a significant effect on service quality;

• H2: Organizational culture has a significant effect on service quality;

• H3: Human resource management and organizational culture significantly affect service quality.

This research aims to obtain a real picture of service quality at the sub-district level. In detail, the research aims to analyse:

• Influence of HR management on service quality;

• Influence of organizational culture on service quality;

• Combined influence of HR management and organizational culture on service quality.


A quantitative research design was adopted with an inferential statistical approach. This research was conducted in Barong Tongkok Sub-district, Kutai Barat Regency, East Kalimantan Province. A sample of 66 people was obtained from the total population of 198 using the Slovin formula with a sampling error rate of 10 percent (Sedarmayanti & Hidayat, 2002). Both the primary and secondary data were used and were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and literature. Furthermore, validity and reliability tests were carried out (Sugiyono, 2012) to determine the statement's validity. When the r-count is greater than 0.30, the factor is a strong construct with good construct validity. The calculation results using the SPSS version 20 program showed an r value> 0.30. The reliability assessment is based on the Cronbach Alpha score criteria. The instrument has good reliability when the Cronbach's Alpha > 0.60. However, the instrument has poor reliability when the value is < 0.6. The calculation result showed that all variables have a reliability coefficient value of more than 0.60; hence, they are reliable.

The multiple regression analysis was used to test the proposed hypothesis. The independent variables, namely HR management (X1) and organizational culture (X2), and the dependent variable is service quality (Y). The formula used as proposed by (Supranto, 2001) is presented as equation (1). The proposed hypothesis was tested using-test (a partial test) and an F test (simultaneous test):

Y = b0 + blXl + b2X2 + e (1)

Where: Y = service quality, b0 = constant, b1,2 = regression coefficient of each variable, X1 = HR management, X2 = organizational culture, e = residual variable.


Overview of the Research Area. Barong Tongkok is one of 16 sub-districts in West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. It is also the capital of the Kutai Barat Regency. This sub-district has the largest number of villages (21), and 17 are on the plains. The geographical location of this sub-district is between 115o31'54" East Longitude to 115o46'05" East Longitude and 0o5' South Latitude to 0o20" South Latitude, with an area of 492.21 Km2. The Tering sub-district borders Barong Tongkok in the north, the Mook Manaar Bulatn and Sekolaq Darat in the east, the Damai in the south, and the Linggang Bigung and Nyuatan sub-districts in the west. This district is located at an altitude between 83-183 above sea level. It has the largest population in West Kuta Regency, with a total of 31,746 people in 2020 (BPS Kutai Barat, 2021).

Description of Research Variables. This research uses two independent variables, namely human resource management (X1) and organizational culture (X2), with service quality as the dependent (Y). The indicators of the HRM variable (X1) consist of completing tasks correctly and on time (X1.1), quality (X1.2), the number of work results (X1.3), completing work faster (X1. 4), and using resources appropriately and efficiently (X1.5). The indicator of the work culture variable (X2) consists of self-awareness (X2.1), aggressiveness (X2.2), personality (2.3), performance (2.4), and team orientation (2.5). The service quality variable (Y) is measured by indicators such as supporting facilities (Y1), complementary

goods and services (Y2), explicit services (Y3), and implied benefits (Y4). The answers of respondents are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Descriptive Statistics of Research Variables, 2022


Variable Indicator 1 2 3 4 5 Mean

F % F % F % F % F %

Public service quality (Y Y1 0 0 0 0 1 1.5 41 62.1 24 36.4 4.34

Y2 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 62.1 25 37.9 4.37

Y3 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 51.5 32 48.5 4.48

Y4 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 50.0 33 50.0 4.50

TOTAL Y 17.71

Human resource management (X1) X1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 59.1 27 40.9 4.40

X1.2 0 0 0 0 1 1.5 41 62.1 24 36.4 4.35

X1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 57.6 28 42.4 4.42

X1.4 0 0 0 0 2 3.0 34 51.5 30 45.5 4.42

X1.5 0 0 0 0 1 1.5 34 51.5 31 47.0 4.45

TOTAL X1 22.06

Organizational culture (X2) X2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 56.1 29 43.9 4.44

X2.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 63.6 24 36.4 4.36

X2.3 0 0 0 0 1 1.5 37 56.1 28 42.4 4.41

X2.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 39.4 40 60.6 4.61

X2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 60.6 26 39.4 4.39

TOTAL X2 22.21

Source: Primary Data Processed by the researchers.

Table 1 show that respondents rated the quality of public services in Barong Tongkok Sub-districts, Kutai Barat Regency, and East Kalimantan as generally satisfactory, with an aggregate score of 17.71. Good service quality includes the following:

1. The sub-district has supporting facilities for providing good public services;

2. Employees provide good public services in the form of goods and services;

3. Employees provide firm services to the community;

4. Employees provide implied benefits of public service.

The average score of respondents' answers for the HRM variable with a value of 22.06 is included in the good category. This indicates that HR greatly determines the quality of public services. The HRM has been running well, which can be measured by:

1. Employees trying to complete work assignments correctly and on time;

2. Quality of work of the Barong Tongkok Sub-district Office employees in accordance with the work standards determined by the office;

3. Quantity of employee work completed in accordance with the work plan;

4. Fast completion of work by employees in this sub-district office;

5. Employees can use resources appropriately and efficiently in carrying out the work.

Furthermore, respondents' answers to the work culture variable with an average score

of 22.06 mean they tend to be good. The work culture that grows and develops in this organization, which is reflected in the individual culture of employees, is capable of delivering high-quality public services. In this completely transparent condition, employees offering services to the public are supported by an organizational culture rooted in the local, in addition to their individual qualities. An organizational culture that affects the quality of public services is analyzed and measured from:

1. Self-awareness of employees in trying to provide the best in their services;

2. Their good aggressiveness in preparing work plans and trying to complete them well;

3. Their good personalities in providing services;

4. Employees of Barong Tongkok Sub-districts Office of Kutai Barat Regency have a performance that prioritizes quality in completing work;

5. They provide implied benefits from public services, such as trying to establish cooperation to improve the best results for the agency.

The Influence of Human Resource Management and Organizational Culture on the Quality of Public Service. The multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect of two independent variables (X) on service quality (Y). The results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Regression results of the influence of the independent variable (X) on the dependent

variable (Y), 2022

Variable Coefficient t Value Significant F Value Sig.

MSDM (X1) 0.431 3.994 0.000 57.299 0.000

Organizational culture (X2) 0.336 3.004 0.004

Constant= 1.035 t Table = 1.998 R = 0.803

F count = 57.299 R2 = 0.645

F Table = 3.140

Source: Primary data processed by researchers.

The following equation is obtained based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis in Table 2.

Y = 1,035 + 0,431X1 + 0,336 X2 (2)

Equation (2) contains the following:

1. The regression constant value of 1.035 indicates that the HRM variable (X1) and organizational culture (X2) have a constant relationship with public service quality;

2. The coefficient value of 0.431 recorded for X1 indicates it is positively related to service quality (Y) and this means the enhancement of HRM (X1) has the ability to improve the quality of service (Y) by 0.431 units assuming the other variables are held constant;

3. The 0.336 value recorded for the organizational culture coefficient (X2) indicates it is positively related to service quality (Y) and this shows that an increase in the organizational culture with the assumption that other variables are constant, the service quality (Y) is improved by 0.336 units.

Furthermore, the regression results obtained an R-value of 0.803, indicating that HRM and organizational culture have a very strong relationship with the quality of public services. The R2 value of 0.645 indicates that the HRM (X1) and the work culture variable (X2) are simultaneously able to explain the effect on service quality (Y) at the Barong Tongkok Subdistrict office, Kutai Barat Regency. However, other variables not used in the model account for the remaining 36.6%.

The F test results obtained an F count of 57.299 > F Table of 3.140, indicating that HRM and organizational culture positively and significantly influenced service quality simultaneously in the study area. Human resources are a determining factor for the quality of public services. Therefore, they need attention, especially in increasing their competence and productivity. Organizational culture also determines the quality of service in addition to the HR factor. When supported by local culture, it will provide optimal results for the organization. Therefore, combining these two factors has provided maximum quality of public service. These results are consistent with the reports of (Dahlan et al., 2017), (Maharani, 2019), and (Candra, 2019).

The Influence of Human Resource Management on Service Quality. The t-test result showed that human resource management is significantly and positively related to service quality as indicated by the t-count value of 3.994 > t-table of 1.998 at a significance value of 0.000 < 0. 05. HRM has the most dominant influence on service quality. The results further indicate that when the support and implementation of HRM are improved, it will further encourage the improvement of the quality of public services. This research is consistent with the results of (Herawati, 2018), (Priharwantiningsih, 2019), (Supriatin & Suhendra, 2021), and (Hanum et al., 2021).

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Service Quality. The t-count and t-table values were compared to determine how organizational culture influenced public service quality. It was discovered that the variables were positively and significantly related, as indicated by the t-count value of 3.004, indicating greater than 1.998 recorded on the t-table, and a significance value of 0.004 which is observed to be lesser than 0.05. This result indicates that the better the implementation of organizational culture, the better the quality of service. Furthermore, a strong culture will form loyalty and commitment to the agency, resulting in good service quality. This research is consistent with the results of (Hadju & Adam, 2019), (Yudhasena & Putri, 2019), (Imron & Suhardi, 2019), (Ayal et al., 2019), (Permana et al., 2019), (Dunggio, 2020), and (Harahap, 2020).


This research aims to analyze the influence of HRM and organizational culture on service quality at the Barong Tongkok Sub-district Office, Kutai Barat Regency, East Kalimantan Province. Three hypotheses were proposed, and the results showed that public service quality was significantly and positively influenced by HRM and organizational culture. It was also discovered that the most significant effect experienced by service quality is associated with HRM. Moreover, the two variables, HRM and organizational culture, influenced public service quality positively and significantly at the same time. The quality of human resources largely determines that of public services. Therefore, organizational leaders, including Barong Tongkok Sub-district, are advised to pay attention to the quality of their subordinates' human resources. Similarly, organizational culture should continue to be developed by strengthening local culture.


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