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Restructuring / character / AAL cadets / national resilience / structural equation modeling (SEM) / soft system methodology (SSM)

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ferry Supriady, Mohammad Fadli, Anthon Efani, Iwa Soemantri Asep

Character development is very important for the Indonesian nation in order to give birth to a strong generation. The Naval Academy (AAL) is a boarding school where all cadets live and study in dormitories where their complete education, including academics, skills and character attitudes, is all obtained from AAL. The problem is that several concepts about character are already in place, but currently the study load (SKS) for character education has not been accommodated in the curriculum which tends to concentrate on the formation of professionalism, this has resulted in a stagnant and not dynamic educational process, thus causing the phenomenon of a decline in military attitudes and fighting mentality in the cadets, so that it has an effect on the development of the Indonesian Navy's human resources. The purpose of this writing is the Influence of Responsibility, Tanggon, Trengginas and Naval Science on the Character Development of AAL Cadets. The variables Tanggap, Tanggon, Trengginas and Naval Science as well as Character Development were studied, with the Quantitative Method used in the analysis, namely the path equation model, namely Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the aim of testing the predictive relationship between constructs by looking at the relationship between variables. The expected results can improve Naval Science-based character development at AAL.

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UDC 377; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2023-11.02



Ferry Supriady*, Mohammad Fadli, Anthon Efani, Iwa Soemantri Asep

University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia *E-mail: supriadyferry110@gmail.com


Character development is very important for the Indonesian nation in order to give birth to a strong generation. The Naval Academy (AAL) is a boarding school where all cadets live and study in dormitories where their complete education, including academics, skills and character attitudes, is all obtained from AAL. The problem is that several concepts about character are already in place, but currently the study load (SKS) for character education has not been accommodated in the curriculum which tends to concentrate on the formation of professionalism, this has resulted in a stagnant and not dynamic educational process, thus causing the phenomenon of a decline in military attitudes and fighting mentality in the cadets, so that it has an effect on the development of the Indonesian Navy's human resources. The purpose of this writing is the Influence of Responsibility, Tanggon, Trengginas and Naval Science on the Character Development of AAL Cadets. The variables Tanggap, Tanggon, Trengginas and Naval Science as well as Character Development were studied, with the Quantitative Method used in the analysis, namely the path equation model, namely Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the aim of testing the predictive relationship between constructs by looking at the relationship between variables. The expected results can improve Naval Science-based character development at AAL.


Restructuring, character, AAL cadets, national resilience, structural equation modeling (SEM), soft system methodology (SSM).

The dynamics of national and state life are always changing following the times. These changing times inevitably have an impact on changes in the direction of national policy, including in the field of education. Challenges in the field of education also change over time, adapting to changing times. It is material for our collective reflection and thought that the National Education System does need to be reformed to keep up with changes in local, national and global life, but not to change the identity of the Indonesian nation which is full of manners, manners and manners which in turn actually backfires on resilience. National, especially socio-cultural resilience due to changes in social behavior and ways of thinking (Julia Bea Kurniawaty, 2020).

Currently, the world has entered the era of industrial revolution 4.0, which has directly or indirectly had a positive and negative influence on society. The influence of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the field of education can be seen from the use of digital technology which is able to make the learning process more dynamic without knowing the boundaries of space and time. Educational institutions as the most strategic institutions in preparing the future of the millennial generation are required to be able to equip each graduate with competencies that are not only hard skills, but also soft skills.

The complexity of issues surrounding the character or morality of the nation's children has become a common thought and concern for all components of the nation. A crisis of character or morality is characterized by an increase in violent crimes, drug abuse, pornography and pornographic actions, as well as promiscuity which has become a problem or social pathology in society. Character formation must be carried out systematically and continuously, involving aspects of "knowledge, feeling, and action" (Thomas Lickona 1991). The results of a study by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) also show that the existing competency formulation is still separate between attitudes, knowledge and skills,

so it needs to be integrated into one unit. This means that it is necessary to unify the three aspects of attitude, knowledge and skills, because these three aspects are inseparable and complement each other. A successful education system is a system that can internalize three aspects, namely cognitive (tanggap), psychomotor (trengginas) and affective (tanggon) aspects so as to produce student graduates who are not only professionals in their fields but also have character. The failure of educational institutions to form a young generation with character will have an impact on the low mental quality of the nation at various levels of society, both government and private institutions, including the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and has the potential for instability in national and state life.

Since the introduction of reform, the character of TNI soldiers as People's Army, Fighting Army and National Army seems to have been eliminated or erased. It seems as if TNI soldiers are only required to be professional. As a result, TNI soldiers were co-opted into understanding only to increase professionalism (Uksan Arifuddin, 2017). Efforts to improve the quality of character education, especially in the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL), educational institutions play a very determining role in forming the character of the Indonesian Navy. Therefore, there is a need for continuous guidance and strengthening of educational institutions which play an important role in forming character in accordance with the required competency demands. This is very important to do in order to support government policy with greater emphasis on Human Resource Development (HR) and the Chief of Naval Staff's (Kasal) Priority Program for the 2022 Fiscal Year, one of the main priorities is "Creating professional and tough Indonesian Navy Soldiers based on advances in modern technology."

The Naval Academy (AAL) is one of the institutions that provides military education within the Indonesian Navy with a boarding school system, during the implementation of the educational program all cadets study and live in dormitories. The aim of AAL education is to educate AAL cadets to become Navy officers who have the spirit of fighting for Pancasila and Sapta Marga and have the ability to use, apply knowledge and skills in accordance with the demands of technical functions directed at the spectrum of work in their initial assignment on the Warship of the Republic of Indonesia (KRI) in scientific horizons in naval science (Naval Science) and in Pendirat as well as being able to develop personally as a cadre of Indonesian Navy Leaders (Maritime Leadership). The educational target is that AAL graduates are expected to become Pancasila and Sapta Marga fighting officers who have basic military technical skills as well as certain scientific and technological potential to be able to develop personally as future leadership cadres.

Mc Graw-Hill (1974) in Kaelan (2008) argued in The Study of Natural Sciences and the application of this knowledge for practical purposes, stating that naturally a science is an indicator of broad knowledge regarding the understanding of various fields of sociology, linguistics, anthropology, communication, anthropology, history, archeology, and so on. Based on the concept of knowledge above, naval science studies (Naval Science) in the form of: maritime studies, defense studies at sea, security studies at sea are a scientific field that can stand alone.

In accordance with AAL's vision, it is the realization of a Naval Academy institution that is capable of producing tanggap TNI AL officers, namely as Sapta Marga warriors and have naval professions who are skilled and proficient in their duties and able to respond to various environmental changes that will occur in the future, Tanggon, namely as Sapta Marga soldiers who have a marine profession with high mental and moral qualities are always ready for every assignment in the TNI/TNI AL. The criteria for the condition of soldiers who are active are TNI AL personnel who have good mentality, morals and ethics, are always ready to carry out their duties without prioritizing the interests of individuals/groups and Trengginas, namely as Sapta Marga warriors who have a seaborne profession with good physical condition for seaborne soldiers. healthy and always aimed at fulfilling the demands of assignments in the TNI/TNI AL.

The pattern used in implementing education at AAL is through teaching, training and care activities. Teaching activities are intended to improve tanggapness, training activities are intended to improve student skills and nurturing activities are intended to increase the tanggapness of the cadets educated at AAL. Based on the goals, objectives, vision and

mission of AAL education, the implementation of character education (Ethics) has actually been implemented at AAL but the results have not been fully optimal. The educational process that has been taking place so far emphasizes the development of students' tanggapness and professionalism aspects and tends to ignore the tanggon aspect, this is in line with the opinion of previous research which states that TNI Soldiers seem to only be required to have professionalism aspects alone (Uksan Arifuddin, 2017). As a result, educational institutions function more as a place of teaching than education, the teaching and training aspects have the biggest role and are able to play an individual role, while the attitude/personality aspect has the smallest role and is not able to play an individual role and the research results show that the domain assessment Students' affective behavior must be carried out thoroughly, whether in the school environment, family or community environment around where they live (Fuad Hasyi, 2021) From a study by the AAL Education Directorate and previous research, it was found that there was an imbalance in the comparison between teaching, training and care at AAL. The development of educational implementation at AAL tends to build professionalism in the cadets and there is a lack of emphasis on ethical values (character formation), resulting in a decline in the military and mental attitude of the cadets which influences the quality of AAL's educational outcomes. The lack of emphasis on ethical values has led to a decline in military attitudes and a fighting mentality. This is marked by several violations by AAL cadets from 2017 to 2021, with things being violated based on the Special Regulations for AAL Cadets (Persustar) AAL Governor Regulation Number 63 of 2021 which is guidelines for enforcing discipline and order for cadets/cadets, in daily life while attending education both inside and outside the AAL Knighthood. This is considered to have increased greatly, especially in 2019 and 2020, these violations are in the average category of Ethics violations (Ditdik, 2021). Based on the violation data above, and previous research in research on TNI Character Education in Facing the Challenges of Globalization, the current mental condition of the TNI is still low as evidenced by the high number of soldiers' violations and the discovery of weaknesses in TNI character education. The results of the research conclude that the concept of character education The TNI is not fully ready to face the challenges of globalization. Therefore, AAL needs to develop an education system that is integrated with character education and does not only prioritize aspects of professionalism.

Based on the background explanation described above, the researcher raised the title The Influence of Tanggap, Tanggon, Trengginas and Naval Science on the Character Development of Naval Academy Cadets. And a problem formulation can be formulated: How does Tunjungan, Tanggon and Trengginas influence the character development of AAL cadets and how Tunjungan, Tanggon and Trengginas influence Naval Science, and how does Naval Science influence character development.


This type of research is quantitative descriptive, namely research on data collected and expressed in the form of numbers, such as words or sentences composed of questions in a questionnaire, sentences resulting from consultations or interviews between researchers and informants, Sugiono (2007).

The population studied by researchers consisted of TNI AL (TNI AL) work units according to strata and ranks involved in recruitment, educational processes and user units of TNI AL education results, totaling 230 people, while the sampling method used Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling using the Slovin formula, a sample of 146 people was obtained.

Data analysis and processing uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), in a quantitative paradigm (positivism), hypothesis testing is an important stage to confirm or develop theory, answer research problems, and provide solutions to research subjects, (Jogiyanto, 2011). In the regression technique, the research model is built based on one dependent variable and several independent variables. When a research model uses more than one dependent variable, other analytical tools or methods are needed. A method that can solve problems without having to create several regression equations because analyzing them separately is not appropriate. One method that can be used to analyze path equation models is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Furthermore, Wright in Jogiyanto (2011) stated that SEM is an analytical technique used to test and estimate causal relationships by integrating path analysis and factor analysis.

In this study, researchers used PLS-SEM, which does not require a large sample size and uses nominal, ordinal and continuous measurement scales. Iteration is carried out on a variance basis, when using PLS-SEM, does not require normally distributed data, ignores the effects of multicollinearity between indicators and latent variables, and parameter estimation can be carried out directly without the requirement of goodness of fit criteria.

SEM modeling steps basically consist of a measurement model and a structural model. A measurement model functions to confirm a dimension or factor based on its indicators, while a structural model is a relationship structure that forms or explains causality between factors/constructs/variables. The following are the modeling steps carried out (Minto Waluyo 2020), as follows: the model is developed based on theory; the causal relationship is shown with a flow diagram (path diagram); convert the flowchart into a set of structural equations and measurement model specifications; input matrix and estimation techniques for the model being built; assess identification problems; model evaluation; model interpretation and modification.

Primary data in this research was taken from respondents' answers via the collected questionnaires and will then be processed through editing, coding, tabulation and scoring to convert respondents' answers into numbers. To measure respondents' perceptions in this research, a Likert scale was used, which is a scale used to measure attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena (Sugiyono, 2018). With a Likert scale, the variables to be measured are translated into indicator variables which will later be used as a starting point for compiling instrument items which can be in the form of statements or questions. The following is an explanation of the 5 point Likert scale (Sugiyono, 2018), namely: A score of 5 represents strongly agree; A score of 4 represents agree; A score of 3 represents somewhat agree/undecided; A score of 2 represents disagree; A score of 1 represents strongly disagree.

The operational definition of variables is used to define the concept and main variables (latent variables) in this research, so that they can be operationalized. The operational definition is an analysis, review and study based on literature studies and theories on research variables, which is then concluded in a definition which becomes the basis and reference in the process of collecting research data.

A research variable is an attribute or trait or value of a person, object or activity that has certain variations determined by the researcher to be studied and then conclusions drawn (Sugiyono 2019). Meanwhile, research variables can mean phenomena that vary in

form, quality, quantity, quality and standard, meaning that a variable is a changing phenomenon (Bungin, 2019). In accordance with the research title chosen by the researcher, the independent and dependent variables are as follows:

(1) Independent variable (Independent variable). Independent variables are often referred to as stimulus, predictor and antecedent variables. In Indonesian it is often called an independent variable. Independent variables are variables that influence or cause changes or emergence of the dependent variable (Sugiyono, 2019:69). In this study the independent variables studied were Tunjung (X1), Tanggon (X2) and Trengginas (X3).

(2) Dependent variable. Dependent variables are often referred to as output, criterion, consequent variables. In Indonesian it is often referred to as a dependent variable. The dependent variable is the variable that is influenced or is the result, because of the existence of the independent variable (Sugiyono 2019). In this research the independent variables studied are tanggapness, tanggon and trengginas which are directly related to the Naval Science (Y) and Character Development (Z) based models.


The validity testing used in this research uses content validity and instrument reliability. This validity test is carried out to determine the extent to which an instrument or measuring tool can demonstrate accuracy and suitability. Before being used to collect research data, the questionnaire was tested to test the validity, reliability and objectivity of the instrument on 30 samples of Echelon IV civil servants, Headquarters Personnel Staff. Validity testing is carried out to find out whether the instrument used correctly measures what it should measure or not, so it can be said that the higher the validity of a test, the more precise the test tool will hit the target. The validity value is basically the correlation value. Therefore, to test validity, the total item correlation technique is used, which is the basis of Pearson correlation. The Pearson correlation formula is:

Validity calculations are obtained by correlating the score of each item with the total score which is the sum of each item's scores. The significance of the total correlation results is tested to determine whether the item is valid for its factors. Items that have a positive correlation above the table's critical r value, in other words, rcount> rtable indicates that the item is valid, and conversely if rcount < rtable then the item is invalid.

Figure 1 - Validity Test Results

Based on the results of calculating the validity of the Tanggap (X1), Tanggon (X2), Trengginas (X3), Naval Science (Y) and Character Development (Z) variables above, it can be seen that all the statement items are in the valid category because the calculated r value is greater than 0.361 (rtable) so it can be concluded that all statements can be used/valid for use in research.

Reliability calculation is a reliability test of an instrument that is carried out to ensure whether the instrument is reliable or not. This reliability analysis was carried out using the alpha reliability coefficient technique (Cronbach's Alpha). Furthermore, the reliability test can be seen in the Table 1.

Based on the table above, the Cronbach alpha value is above 0.800, it can be interpreted that the entire statement of each instrument in the category is quite reliable.

Table 1 - Reliability Analysis

Variable Number of Item Cronbach's Alpha

Naval Science (Y) 11 0,826

Pengembangan Karakter (Z) 8 0,819

Tanggap (X1) 10 0,822

Tanggon (X2) 12 0,863

Trengginas (X3) 9 0,850

The descriptive analysis of respondent characteristics in question is to describe the frequency of data regarding Gender, Age, Last Education, Years of Service and Rank/Class. Respondents selected based on sample criteria were stakeholders and commodities involved in education in the Indonesian Navy, the Indonesian Navy Education Academic Community and users of educational results with a total of 146 respondents, with the following results: based on gender: the majority are male 88.4% (11.6% female); based on age: the majority of the highest frequency is aged 41-45 years (32.9%), the lowest is aged 26-30 years (2.1%), the remainder is divided according to the distribution of age strata; based on last education: the majority have a master's degree 35.6%; based on length of service: the highest majority of work period is 21-25 years (32.9%), and the lowest work period is 31-35 years (4.8%); based on rank/class: the highest majority has the rank of lieutenant colonel.

To find out the magnitude of the influence between variables, you can see the SEM Model Analysis Results analyzed using the following Smart PLS Software:

Figure 2 - Image of Path Coefficient and Outer Loading of SEM Model

Figure 3 - Image of Path Coefficient and T-Value of SEM Model

The results of data processing using SEM show whether or not the path coefficient is significant in the research results with the following results:

• Outer model consisting of: Construct validity testing including valid outer loading with a value above 0.7, Construct reliability testing including: Average Variance Extracted (AVEe): quite good with a value greater/equal to 0.50, and Composite Reliability (CR): quite good with a value greater than or equal to 0.70;

• Inner model consisting of: testing the r square value with a value of 0.636 (63.60%) and 0.771 (77.10%), the Path Coefficient Direct Effect is positive and significant with a value greater than 1.96, and the Path Coefficient Indirect The effect, namely the goodness of fit of the SEM structural model, is not fulfilled with a value of 0.102 (less than 0.114).

Table 2 - Processing results for testing research hypotheses

Hypothesis | Estimation T Statistics P Values Conclusion

Direct Effect

Tanggapness (X1) has a direct positive effect on Character Development (Z) 0,256 2,983 0,003 Hypothesis Accepted

Tanggon (X2) has a direct positive effect on Character Development (Z) 0,202 2,344 0,019 Hypothesis Accepted

Trengginas (X3) has a direct positive effect on Character Development (Z) 0,251 3,011 0,003 Hypothesis Accepted

Naval Science (Y) has a direct positive effect on Character Development (Z) 0,295 3,049 0,002 Hypothesis Accepted

Tanggapness (X1) has a direct positive effect on Naval Science (Y) 0,390 2,785 0,000 Hypothesis Accepted

Tanggon (X2) has a direct positive effect on Naval Science (Y) 0,208 2,785 0,006 Hypothesis Accepted

Trengginas (X3) has a direct positive effect on Naval Science (Y) 0,303 3,089 0,002 Hypothesis Accepted

Indirect Effect

Tanggapness (X1) has a positive direct indirect effect on Naval Science (Y) through Character Development (Z) 0,115 2,353 0,019 Hypothesis Accepted

Tanggon (X2) has a positive direct indirect effect on Naval Science (Y) through Character Development (Z) 0,061 2,078 0,038 Hypothesis Accepted

Trengginas (X3) has a positive direct indirect effect on Naval Science (Y) through Character Development (Z) 0,089 2,114 0,035 Hypothesis Accepted

Source: Researcher Analysis (2023, processed).


Based on the research objectives, the results of hypothesis testing and the discussion in the previous chapter, the research results can be concluded as follows:

• The results of the hypothesis analysis provide findings that Tunjung, Tanggon and Trengginas have a direct positive effect on Character Development;

• The results of the hypothesis analysis provide findings that Tunjung, Tanggon and Trengginas have a direct positive influence on Naval Science;

• The results of the hypothesis analysis provide findings that Naval Science has a direct positive effect on character development;

• The results of the hypothesis analysis provide findings that the indirect influence of Tunjung, Tanggon and Trengginas on Character Development through Naval Science is positive and significant;

• Based on the results of the data analysis carried out, it can be seen that the implementation of tanggapness, tanggon and trenginas can be carried out by formulating regulations, optimizing the curriculum, providing care and always carrying out evaluations, then the caretakers are given rewards either through career development priorities in education or strategic position promotions so that ultimately developing the character of AAL Cadets can be achieved.


Suggestion to Headquarters Personnel Staff, the Indonesian Navy and AAL Education Service to reformulate the rules regarding the implementation of Character development using the Tanggap, Tanggon and Trengginas approach as well as the implementation of Naval Science for AAL Cadets and formulate a pattern of career development in the form of education and special position placement for Officers after serving in educational institutions, especially at AAL as a form of appreciation for his role in developing the character of AAL Cadets.

Suggestion to the Indonesian Navy and AAL Education Services to reformulate the curriculum containing material supporting the implementation of Tunjungan, Tanggon and Trengginas as well as Naval Science.

Suggestion to AAL and the Indonesian Navy's Psychology Service that they continue to carry out continuous evaluations regarding the results of the implementation of Tunjung, Tanggon and Trengginas as well as Naval Science as a form of character development so that it can be used as a basis for determining strategies to produce cadets who have values, ethics and discipline as expected.

It is necessary to consider that the parenting philosophy must be oriented towards human age development. Cadet age is in the transition period between the teenage and adult age ranges. So an adequate parenting pattern is needed to determine the specific criteria for selected and recommended caregivers.


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