Научная статья на тему 'The influence of acrobatic gymnastics on physical qualities development among 7-9 year-old schoolchildren'

The influence of acrobatic gymnastics on physical qualities development among 7-9 year-old schoolchildren Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
physical development / physical fitness / physical education / acrobatic gymnastics / general physical training

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Mariya O. Odintsova, Irina E. Yankevich, Alevtina P. Yaroshinskaya, Aleksandr S. Odintsov

The article considers the results received while studying the influence of acrobatic gymnastics on physical qualities development in 7-9-year-old schoolchildren. Acrobatic gymnastics has a positive influence on the level of flexibility, quickness, strength, speed strength oriented and coordination abilities development among junior schoolchildren from the experimental group (EG). Scientific novelty is in studying the dynamics of physical development and physical readiness under the influence of acrobatic gymnastics. Practical significance is in the influence revelation of acrobatic gymnastics lesson on physical qualities development of 7-9 year-old schoolchildren. Research methods. Information sources analysis, pedagogical testing, experiment, methods of mathematical statistics, the received data analysis and summarizing. Results. The conducted research made it possible to identify significant changes among schoolchildren from the experimental group, where the educational process included the methodology with acrobatic exercises and elements of highly coordinated motor actions. The schoolchildren from the experimental group had valid (P<0,05) improvement in flexibility, quickness, speed-strength oriented and coordination abilities results. Conclusion. The experimental methodology use connected with acrobatic elements introduction into practical physical culture lessons had a significant influence on the results of physical qualities development. At the same time, it should be noted that coordination abilities development was registered almost among all respondents of the experimental group. We saw a valid improvement in coordination based exercises fulfillment. The elements of acrobatic gymnastics can be included into extracurricular physical culture lessons among junior schoolchildren.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of acrobatic gymnastics on physical qualities development among 7-9 year-old schoolchildren»

UDC 796.011.3 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2023-18-1-62-67

The influence of acrobatic gymnastics on physical qualities development

among 7-9 year-old schoolchildren

Mariya O. Odintsova'*, Irina E. Yankevich2, Alevtina P. Yaroshinskaya2, Aleksandr S.


'Astrakhan State Medical University Astrakhan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-7416-8522, knopka55555@mail.ru 2Astrakhan State University Astrakhan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-6930-4916, rigicc@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-2793-88'', ayroshinskaya@mail.ru 3Sports training center of the National teams of Russia Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-000'-9909-74'X, odintsov1994-94@mail.ru

Abstract: The article considers the results received while studying the influence of acrobatic gymnastics on physical qualities development in 7-9-year-old schoolchildren. Acrobatic gymnastics has a positive influence on the level of flexibility, quickness, strength, speed-strength oriented and coordination abilities development among junior schoolchildren from the experimental group (EG). Scientific novelty is in studying the dynamics of physical development and physical readiness under the influence of acrobatic gymnastics. Practical significance is in the influence revelation of acrobatic gymnastics lesson on physical qualities development of 7-9 year-old schoolchildren. Research methods. Information sources analysis, pedagogical testing, experiment, methods of mathematical statistics, the received data analysis and summarizing. Results. The conducted research made it possible to identify significant changes among schoolchildren from the experimental group, where the educational process included the methodology with acrobatic exercises and elements of highly coordinated motor actions. The schoolchildren from the experimental group had valid (P<0,05) improvement in flexibility, quickness, speed-strength oriented and coordination abilities results. Conclusion. The experimental methodology use connected with acrobatic elements introduction into practical physical culture lessons had a significant influence on the results of physical qualities development. At the same time, it should be noted that coordination abilities development was registered almost among all respondents of the experimental group. We saw a valid improvement in coordination based exercises fulfillment. The elements of acrobatic gymnastics can be included into extracurricular physical culture lessons among junior schoolchildren. Keywords: physical development, physical fitness, physical education, acrobatic gymnastics, general physical training.

For citation: Mariya O. Odintsova*, Irina E. Yankevich, Alevtina P. Yaroshinskaya, Aleksandr S. Odintsov. The influence of acrobatic gymnastics on physical qualities development among 7-9-year-old schoolchildren. Russian journal of Physical education and Sport. 2023; 18(1): 51-55. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2023-181-62-67..


Junior school is the main period in a person's life during the attitude formation to physical activities as the important elements of a healthy life style [2,3]. Many research works in different countries prove the effectiveness of a purposeful physical education. It influences psychomotor, mental and spiritual development of junior schoolchildren [1,4,5]. All this proves significance of physical training among children and the necessity to search for the ways of their further improvement in accordance with the main tendencies of education development.


Materials and methods

The pedagogical research was carried out in the Municipal budgetary general education establishment in Astrakhan "Secondary General School № 4 named after T.G. Shevchenko" (MBEE OF Astrakhan "SGS № 4") during the period since September, 2021 till June, 2022. In order to reveal the influence of acrobatic gymnastics on physical state of junior schoolchildren we planned and realized the pedagogical experiment using

the following research methods: information sources and empirical data study, analysis and summarizing; pedagogical testing, anthropometric (morphofunctional) studies, pedagogical experiment, statistical handling of empirical data [8, 11]. 7-9 year-old schoolboys took part in the experiment (n=84), 40 people in the control group (CG) and 43 people in the experimental group (EG). The respondents from the EG trained according to "Acrobatic gymnastics" program. In the CG children studied according to the general physical training (GPT) program. The training lessons were held 3 times a week during 9 months. The duration of each lesson was 130 minutes.

The aim of the research was to study the dynamics ofphysical development and physical readiness under the influence of acrobatic gymnastics and general physical orientation lessons. In this connection we studied morphofunctional indices (anthropometry): weight and height; thorax circumference; the ratio of fat and muscle component; vital capacity (VC); heart rate (HR); blood pressure (BP); birth-death ratio (BDR); inspiratory breath holding (IBH) and expiratory breath holding (EBH). We also studied physical qualities indices (pedagogical testing):

passive flexibility, active flexibility, quickness, speed-strength oriented abilities, coordination abilities.

Duration of each lesson was 130 minutes. Statistical handling of the received results was realized using the methods of variation statistics in "StatSoft, Inc." USA program. The indices differences significance between the results of the research was revealed by means of calculating Student's t-test criterion. The presence of significant connections between taken into account indices we stated according to Pearson correlation coefficient.

Results and discussion

In September 2021 and June 2022 we organized physical readiness testing among schoolchildren. Table 1 presents morphofunctional indices. Analyzing the results of the observations we come to the conclusion that anthropometric indices of children from the EG and the CG were within the limits of the norm and didn't have valid differences. After the series of the lessons with acrobatic gymnastics experimental elements use in the experimental group we received the following results (table 2).

Table 1

Morphofunctional indices of the respondents from the experimental and the control groups

Indices Before the experiment V After the experiment r

EG{jh-4U) et; (ni-«) EGfn-40) CG {nz-43)

Weight, 25,6+1,9 26,5+1,9 25.64- 1,9 2H,5+] ,9 p<0.05

E1R, beats,-min H2,l*0,15 p <0,05 N0.0+0,2 7K, 1+0,2 p<0.05

VC, ml 1710,1+0,1 1700,2+0,2 p<0.05 1710.5+0,2 1740,6+1,3 p<0,05

MVV {maximal vû] Lirttaiy ventilation 1/mia L16,Iii,y P<0.05 116,1 + 1,1 120,1 + 1,0 p<0,05

IRR, ■ 43,0+1,5 44*4±U p<0.05 43,0+1,5 47,4*1,6 p<0,05

EBH, s 27,441,5 26,9+1,5 P-3J.Ü5 27.4+1,5 29,9+],5 p<0.05

Tfaanx circumference, cm 49,1 + 1,6 51,1 + 1,5 P<0.05 49.1 + 1,6 52,2+1,5 p<0,05

EJDR 66-ir], 5 64*1,0 p<0.05 66,1+1,1 69,2*0,9 p<0.05

The results of the held research in the EG show positive dynamics of morphofunctional indices among junior schoolchildren, such as VC, MVV, IBH. The average index of Stange's test (inspiratory

breath holding) before the lessons was 43,0±1,5 s, by the end of the experiment it was 47,4±1,6 s. The index increase is statistically valid (with s

B05ta:ine ^ge ■ cSfltroistae^5 100 105

Fig. 1. Dynamics of morphofunctional indices among the respondents from the experimental group

Fig. 1 shows the results of morphofunctional indices development among the respondents from the EG. At the same time the results of the research control stage are accepted as 100% and the results of the stating stage in percentage, proportionally. Picture 1 proves that acrobatics lessons had a positive influence on the studied morphofunctional indices of junior schoolchildren. The most significant dynamics was in weight increase owing to muscle

mass (11±1,9%), in IBH (10±2,1%) and EBH (9±1,5%). Table 2 presents the results of physical readiness testing among the respondents from the EG and the CG. The results show that there were no valid differences between the indices of the respondents from the CG and the EG. During the next stage of the research we studied the dynamics of junior schoolchildren physical qualities from the EG.

Table 2

Results of studying physical qualities among junior schoolchildren during the stating stage of the experiment

Te*tv Before the I l]U 1 ■! Ill P Alier the experiment V

EG (n 1=441) CG (nj=43> EC (□1=411) t

Konvaid lean of the body from Ktsndng pcriitiofi 77.i±L,2 75,8=1.1 77.6±l,2 H7.fi±L. 1

Dipupin prone poiii ion L1,0±t,5 p<(I.H5 Il.l±ti,5 5

"Walking cm a [gymnastic bench" test. h H.7^5 K.K-H0.5

'"Swallow stajid" tc*t. h [KH.H5

Romberg's tes<, s 1 ¿,4± L. L ItltlJ. p<0.05 I2,2±LL 9 p<D,D5

SLIMJ I-J lu hand;; km J. b lajteU I2,4±I_J I2±L 15±L

3(1 molcrs run. y K,6±ti,l H,7-tU.2 H,7*(M 7.6=0.1

ld№ mdR .Lin. mm 4.2^1.] 4,3±0J A. 3±(U 4T0±0,1 piU,(J5

Shuttle mn4*]Um LIJiM 11,41=1,2 p<U,U5 11 L 0.4=^,2 1 <1,05

standing position", "Dip up in prone position", Thus, taking into account the results of the "Romberg's test", "Straight hands hang", "30 meters research we revealed statistically valid changes in run", "1000 meters run", "Shuttle run 4x10 m". the following tests: "Forward lean of the body from It proves positive influence of acrobatics lessons

on flexibility, quickness, speed-strength oriented and coordination abilities. Picture 2 presents the

dynamics of physical qualities development among the respondents from the EG.

Shuttle run 4x10 m 1000 meters run, min 30 meters run, s Straight hands hang, s R omberg's te£, s "Sw a Mow stan tf test, s "Walking on a gymnastic bench" test, s Dip up in prone position Forward lean of the body from standing...





100 120

1 Staling Sage ■ Control stage

Fig. 2. Physical qualities of junior schoolchildren from the experimental group

Fig. 2 shows that (results of the research control stage are accepted as 100%, the results of the stating stage - in percentage, proportionally) acrobatic gymnastics lessons had a positive influence on all studied physical qualities of the respondents form the EG. The most significant dynamics in percentage was in the following tests: "Dip up in prone position" (22±2,6%), "Swallow stand" (22±2,4%), "Romberg's test" (20±1,8%), "Straight hands hang" (20±1,7°z


1. According to the results of the carried out research work in the experimental group we revealed positive dynamics of morphofunctional indices of junior schoolchildren, in particular according to such parameters as VC, MVV, IBH. The average index of Stange's test (inspiratory breath holding) at the beginning of the lessons was 43,0±1,5 s, by the end of the experiment it was 47,4±1,6 s. The index increase is statistically valid (with significance level p <0,05). It proves pulmonary ventilation and respiratory function improvement in general.

2. During acrobatic gymnastics lessons we proved their positive influence on the level of flexibility, quickness, strength and speed-strength oriented and coordination abilities development of junior schoolchildren from the experimental group. The most significant dynamics in percentage was in the following tests: "Dip up in prone position" -22±2,6%, "Swallow stand" - 22±2,4%, "Romberg's test" - 20±1,8%, "Straight hands hang" - 20±1,7 %.


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Submitted: 02.02.2023 Author's information:

Mariya O. Odintsova - Senior lecturer, Astrakhan State Medical University, 414000, Russia, Astrakhan, Bakinskaya str, House 121, e-mail: knopka55555@mail.ru

Irina E. Yankevich - Associate professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., House 2oа, e-mail: rigicc@mail.ru

Alevtina P. Yaroshinskaya - Doctor of biological sciences, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., House 2oа, e-mail: ayroshinskaya@mail.ru Aleksandr S. Odintsov - Athlete-instructor, Sports training center of the National teams of Russia, Moscow, 105064, Russia, Moscow, Kazakova str., House 18, block 8, e-mail: odintsov1QQ4-94@mail.ru

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