Научная статья на тему 'The Importance of Using the DSDWEC for Solving the Problems of As-sessing the Wind Energy Potential'

The Importance of Using the DSDWEC for Solving the Problems of As-sessing the Wind Energy Potential Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Ключевые слова
Renewable energy source / wind energy cadastre development / wind energy potential / na-tional software / wind speed / maximum wind speed / возобновляемый источник энергии / разработка ветроэнергетического ка-дастра / энергетический потенциал ветра / национальное программное обеспечение / скорость ветра / максимальная скорость ветра

Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Nurmuhammet A. Allanazarov, Jumanazar H. Batmanov

The scientific work analyzes the importance of using the national software "DSDWEC" in de-termining possible installation sites for wind turbines and assessing wind energy reserves.

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Важность использования ЦСРВК для решения задач оценки ветроэнергетического потенциала

Проанализирована важность использования национального программного обеспе-чения «ЦСРВК» при определении возможных мест установки ветроэнергетических установок и оценке запасов энергии ветра.

Текст научной работы на тему «The Importance of Using the DSDWEC for Solving the Problems of As-sessing the Wind Energy Potential»

Ильина Елена Георгиевна

кандидат химических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физической и неорганической химии, Researcher ID: B-6686-6665

Elena G. Ilina

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Docent of the Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Researcher ID: B-6686-6665

Алтайский государственный университет, Altai State University, 90, Krasnoarmeisky Барнаул, Россия, 656049, пр. Красноармей- avenue, Barnaul, 656049, Russia ский, 90

Статья поступила в редакцию / The article was submitted 04.04.2023

Одобрена после рецензирования / Approved after reviewing 04.05.2023

Принята к публикации / Accepted for publication 12.05.2023

Научная статья/Article

УДК 620


The Importance of Using the DSDWEC for Solving the Problems of Assessing the Wind Energy Potential

Nurmuhammet A. Allanazarov1, Jumanazar H. Batmanov2

12 State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, Mary, Turkmenistan 1 nurysh90@bk.ru

Abstract. The scientific work analyzes the importance of using the national software "DSDWEC" in determining possible installation sites for wind turbines and assessing wind energy reserves.

Keywords: Renewable energy source, wind energy cadastre development, wind energy potential, national software, wind speed, maximum wind speed

For citation: Allanazarov N. A., Batmanov J. H. The Importance of Using the DSDWEC for Solving the Problems of Assessing the Wind Energy Potential. Vestnik Syktyvkarskogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Biologiya, geologiya, himiya, ekologiya = Syktyvkar University Bulletin. Series 2. Biology, geology, chemistry, ecology. 2023. 3(27): 63-68. https://doi.org/10.34130/2306-6229-2023-3-63

Важность использования ЦСРВК для решения задач оценки ветроэнергетического потенциала

Нурмухаммет Аганазарович Алланазаров, Джуманазар Худайназарович Батманов

12 Государственный энергетический институт Туркменистана, г. Мары, Туркменистан

1 nurysh90@bk.ru

Аннотация. Проанализирована важность использования национального программного обеспечения «ЦСРВК» при определении возможных мест установки ветроэнергетических установок и оценке запасов энергии ветра.

Ключевые слова: возобновляемый источник энергии, разработка ветроэнергетического кадастра, энергетический потенциал ветра, национальное программное обеспечение, скорость ветра, максимальная скорость ветра

Для цитирования: Алланазаров Н. А., Батманов Дж. Х. Важность использования ЦСРВК для решения задач оценки ветроэнергетического потенциала // Вестник Сыктывкарского университета.

Серия 2. Биология, геология, химия, экология. 2023. № 3 (27). С. 63-68. https://doi.org/10.34130/2306-6229-2023-3-63

Introduction. Nowadays, it can be seen that consuming rate of energy, raw materials and plants and exhausting of vapor gases to the environment are annually increasing.

As a result, approximately 100 billion tons of ore minerals, fuel and various construction materials and 5 billion tons of natural gas and oil are being mined each year. And also more than 200 million tons of carbon oxide, nearly 150 million tons of sulfur dioxide are exhausted annually and 10 million tons of oil are fell into the world ocean. Cultivable soils for agriculture are reducing from 6 to 7 million hectares each year [1]. Annual increasing of these indicators can be described by rapid growing of world population which brings about increasing of consuming of energy sources by various consumers. Thus, it shows that development rate of not only separate regions, but also all countries in the world is directly related with development of energy sector. Therefore, the solution of this arising vital issue consists of using modern, ecologically proved safety, energy saving technologies which are named as "Green energy" that is gaining the popularity year by year in the world. Development and improvement of "Green energy" are in strong connection with compensation for energy shortage, solution of issues of reducing the effects of vapor gases which are harmful to environment and new phase of technological development of world economy. The usage scope of renewable energy sources includes wide range beginning from local solar and energy power stations to vital projects that give an opportunity of consuming energy in the cosmic space [2].

Nowadays, It is not only required to solve technological issues, to pass the legislation laws and to provide financial support for projects by state but also it is required the scientific and legal foundation of issues related with analyzing the various types of sources of renewable energy sources for developing the use of renewable energy sources in Turkmenistan.

Wind energy is considered as one of the widely used type of renewable energy source. It has a great interest for effective usage of wind energy and major projects are carried out now. One of the main defining factors of economic effectiveness of project is to get complete information about natural phenomena and observed energy source in the region in where wind power stations will be built. For precise solution arising issue, it is not sufficient the general meteorological characteristics which are annually collected from meteorological stations. As a consequence, it arises the necessity of special characteristics that consider the natural structure of wind, precision and accuracy scopes of initially given data, opportunities of applied use of wind energy and other some factors. Obtaining and uniting of such features show the vitality of working out the wind energy cadaster.

Approximately 40% territory of Turkmenistan is considered suitable for using wind energy. It is more suitable for using the wind energy in northern-western regions, the average value of wind speed in these regions is more than 4 m/s. Specific capacity of air stream in the northern coasts of Caspian Sea is higher that equals to 110-135 W/m2. The potential of wind energy is calculated much higher in Balkan and Kopetdag passages which of value equals to 150 W/m2. Specific capacity of wind is not higher than 100 W/m2 between the territories of central provinces and northern borders ([3] р. 12).

Research methods, theoretical base. Wind is the circular movement of air masses caused by uneven heating of the earth's surface, as well as the rotation of the Earth around its axis. By origin, several types of winds are distinguished:

• Winds associated with the peculiarities of the heating of the earth's surface.

• Winds associated with currents of the general circulation of the atmosphere over mountain ranges.

• Winds associated with currents of the general circulation of the atmosphere, but without a descending component.

• Numerous dust whirlwinds, squalls, sandstorms.

As a natural phenomenon, the wind greatly affects human life and economic activity, but it turned out to be possible to use it for energy production.

To create a wind turbine, you need to know the characteristics of the wind. In another language, they are called the wind energy cadastre - a set of wind characteristics in terms of using it to produce mechanical or electrical energy.

Its main components include the average annual wind speed, speed frequency, maximum wind speed, distribution of wind periods and wind calms, specific power and specific wind energy, wind energy resources of the region.

It is arisen the vitality of designing the wind energy cadaster and necessity of evaluating the wind energy sources of Turkmenistan. In order to solve arisen issue effectively, it is significant to find solution for arisen problem in connection with accurate and precise obtaining of information about repetition of wind directions and its speed in the wind power stations according to the regions of Turkmenistan.

Now it is collected useful information complex which is base for giving scientific analysis to renewable energy sources. At the same time, it is major task to gather base of this information and also to clarify the potential of renewable energy sources for different regions of country.

In the research paper, it is given an analysis to the significance of using "DSDWEC" national software application in order to evaluate the wind energy resources with the purpose of putting the tasks arising from State programs into the economic sectors.

It is used the information gathered from meteorological observations during the several years in the software application in order to give an analysis to the wind directions, duration of wind speed, average and maximum wind speed, specific capacity and specific energy of wind, general and technical potential of wind.

Y«llonft ga?1alany$y _ 0 X

Sisr- -Sffl -3SST E ■ »"Si;***"

Sebiti sayla Owgm » Beyikligi sayla 10 Q □MijM»№x«a»i*KiUi a a a

2Q15 67.6 175,1 18}?,i 18396 1}1i 965.6 613.2 I7S.2 0 0 0 0 C 0 »

/ 3 / / / Yelin tizliginin gaytalan;ynyn grafigi 0»

Fig. 1. In the "DSDWEC" software application, determination of duration of wind speed repetition

for chosen region during the year. 1 - Graphic of duration of wind speed repetition, 2 - duration time of wind speed repetition during

the year, hour; 3 - wind speed, m/s

The analysis of the frequency of wind speeds in the program includes the possibility of determining the parameters of the Weibull distribution based on long-term observations. This allows for additional research using software products that use the Weibull distribution as input data (fig. 1).

ie.rt gundalik : 'j* !>:>_ _ fl X

Fig. 2. In the "DSDWEC" software application, determination of daily change of wind speed on the same date in various years for chosen region 1 - wind speed, m/s; 2 - hours; 3 - graphic of wind speed in various years, m/s

Statistically raw data from weather stations used by DSDWEC allow solving the problem of estimating the wind energy potential with hourly detail. Let's consider the application of "DSDWEC" on the example of three WEP estimation problems with hourly detail.

Perennial average speed of wind characterizes its feature in the period of longer time. In this period, wind intensity varies in wide scopes and in this case, legality which is conditioned with annual and daily time along with random changes of wind has a great place. Such changes are called as annual and daily changes of wind in the practice of designing the wind energy cadaster [4]. In the section of daily change of wind, it can be given an analysis to the daily changeability of wind speed in the chosen region, on the chosen date and in the chosen height (fig. 2).

YeM maksmal lirliklwi _ Q X

Fig. 3. In the "DSDWEC" software application, determination of maximum values of wind speed

for the regions of Turkmenistan

When commissioning wind power capacities, it is necessary to take into account a number of features associated with the impossibility of an accurate forecast of an energy resource even in the short term, for example, the probability of calm or storm wind speed, at which the generation of electricity from wind farms stops. In the case when the WPP operates in parallel with the power system, the volatility of the energy resource leads to power fluctuations and the threat of violating the stability of the regime.

In the 3rd picture, it is shown the values and graphics of wind in the 50 meter height for the regions of Turkmenistan.

Research results and discussion. In the "DSDWEC" software application, by considering the environmental and socio-economic effects that influence to the location of renewable energy facilities, it is determined that there is an opportunity to evaluate the solar and wind energy sources across the region, to create digital database for selecting the most suitable places for installation of wind power stations as well as to take precise calculations for designing the wind energy cadaster in the selected region in a short time.


1. Created digital database for evaluation of solar and wind resources of country.

2. It is determined that gathered information can be used to define the installation places of wind energy stations.

3. On the basis of national software application, methodical ways of designing projects are determined in order to increase the capacity of power energy industry and to strengthen its infrastructure.


1. Statistika okruzhayushchej sredy i prirodnyh resursov [Statistics of the environment and natural resources]. [Electronic resource]. Available at: https://works.doklad.ru/view/xNa8Hdk_8mU.html (accessed: 03.07.2023) (In Russ.).

2. Egorova M. S. Razvitie vozobnovlyaemyh istochnikov energii - mirovoj opyt i rossijskaya praktika [Development of renewable energy sources - world experience and Russian practice]. Vestnik nauki Sibiri. Seriya Ekonomika i menedzhment. = Bulletin of Science of Siberia. Series Economics and Management. 2013. No 3 (9) Pp. 146-150. Available at: http://sjs.tpu.ru (accessed: 03.07.2023) (In Russ.).

3. Programmy razvitiya energeticheskoj diplomatii Turkmenistana na 2021-2025gody [Programs for the development of energy diplomacy of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025]. Available at: https://www.turkmenistan.gov.tm/index.php/ru/post/36951/utverzhden-paket-dokumentov-po-mezhdunarodnomu-sotrudnichestvu (accessed: 03.07.2023) (In Russ.).

4. Zubarev V. V., Minin V. A., Stepanov I. R. Ispol'zovanie energii vetra v rajonah Severa: sostoyanie, usloviya effektivnosti, perspektivy [The use of wind energy in the regions of the North: state, conditions for efficiency, prospects]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1989. 208 p. (In Russ.).

Список источников

1. Статистика окружающей среды и природных ресурсов [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://works.doklad.ru/view/xNa8Hdk_8mU.html (дата обращения: 03.07.2023)

2. Егорова М. С. Развитие возобновляемых источников энергии - мировой опыт и российская практика // Вестник науки Сибири. Серия Экономика и менеджмент. 2013. № 3 (9) С. 146-150. URL: http://sjs.tpu.ru (дата обращения: 03.07.2023)

3. Программы развития энергетической дипломатии Туркменистана на 2021-2025 годы. URL: https://www.turkmenistan.gov.tm/index.php/ru/post/36951/utverzhden-paket-dokumentov-po-mezhdunarodnomu-sotrudnichestvu (дата обращения: 03.07.2023)

4. Зубарев В. В., Минин В. А., Степанов И. Р. Использование энергии ветра в районах Севера: состояние, условия эффективности, перспективы. Л.: Наука, 1989. 208 с.

Информация об авторах / Information about the authors

Алланазаров Нурмухаммет Аганазарович

Инженер научно-производственного центра «Возобновляемые источники энергии»

Государственный энергетический институт

Nurmuhammet A. Allanazarov

Engineer of the scientific-productional center "Renewable Energy Sources"

State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, Bay-

Туркменистана, г. Мары, ул. Байрамхана, 62, 745400, Туркменистан

ramhan str., 62, Mary, Turkmenistan, 745400

Батманов Джуманазар Худайназарович

Старший преподаватель кафедры «Механика и технологии металлов»

Государственный энергетический институт Туркменистана, г. Мары, ул. Байрамхана, 62, 745400, Туркменистан

Jumanazar H. Batmanov

Senior lecturer at the Department of «Mechanics and Technology of Metals»

State Energy institute of Turkmenistan, Bay-ramhan str., 62, Mary, Turkmenistan, 745400

Статья поступила в редакцию / The article was submitted 03.04.2023

Одобрена после рецензирования / Approved after reviewing 16.06.2023

Принята к публикации / Accepted for publication 29.06.2023

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