Abstract: the creation of theoretical and innovative technological foundations for the development of musical abilities in blind schoolchildren and the development of scientific and methodological recommendations on them determine the novelty of the work. The results of the work are explained by the fact that they can be used to prepare for future life, to develop theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of music by developing musical abilities of blind students. The article considers an inclusive approach to education of children with disabilities. A special role is assigned to the development of children's musical abilities.
Keywords: musical talent, student with disabilities, innovative technology, listening to music, singing in a team, musical literacy, musical creativity.
Умурова М.Ё.
Умурова Марифат Ёшиевна - преподаватель, кафедра педагогики, педагогический факультет, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: создание теоретических и инновационно-технологических основ развития музыкальных способностей слепых школьников и разработка по ним научно-методических рекомендаций определяют новизну работы. Результаты работы объясняются тем, что их можно использовать для подготовки к будущей жизни, для развития теоретических и практических знаний в области музыки путем развития музыкальных способностей слепых школьников. В статье рассматривается инклюзивный подход к обучению детей с ограниченными возможностями. Особая роль отводится развитию музыкальных способностей детей.
Ключевые слова: музыкальный талант, учащийся с ограниченными возможностями, инновационные технологии, прослушивание музыки, пение в коллективе, музыкальная грамотность, музыкальное творчество.
Pedagogical technology is considered to be a new innovational approach, there is a great significance of its usage in school tuition. Nowadays modern pedagogical technologies is being turned, into a necessary and principal component of educational prosage.
As an elementary school education is proved to be the fundamental chamber of school education, the formation of pupil's personality should not be overlooked. The responsibility belonging elementary school teachers is unlimited. They assist pupils getting used to school life acquiring up-to-date subjects.
Their attitude towards education and knowledge capability take shape during this period. And this shows that the duty of elementary school teachers is indispencable. A teacher's purpose is to avoke pupils interest on education, to attract them to classes, encouraging their creativity. In order to achieve all of them, a tutor has to ponder on tuition process, find new teaching methods and using them on that on - going course.
But unfortunately, there is a problem on using such innovational technologies at elementary school. It demands much more creativity to choose an appropriate method for the elementary school pupils whose writing and reading skills are not perfect yet.
Lessons created in accordance with pedagogical technologies should be appropriate with the necessity of a pupil. Because, lessons like this are closer to pupil's mental behavior. Motivation which is considered to obtain the target by arising pupils' zest for learning is an internal proximity between a teacher and a student.
An independent activity of each pupil provides the efficiency of the lesson.
Following motives can increase pupil's activity:
- Defending one's own opinion
- Active participation in discussion
- The ability of criticizing one's opinion
- Helping passive classmates
- The ability of choosing suitable tasks for an independent work
- Doing independent tasks and exercises according to their interests.
Teacher's responsibility on his work, the existence of news in the educational material, organizing up-to-date lessons, modernizing and popularizing classes, creating questionable, computerized lessons, using multimedia systems, arranging mutual training, enhancing their knowledge via tests, organizing competitions, pedagogical proficiency, friendly attitude of a teacher with his pupils are overhelming factors of increasing student' s interest on a class. It was evident that Short sighted pupils were much more creative, when they were being observed.
Blind pupils are usually taught by moving their hands. For instance:
A mother or a teacher makes target movements by holding the student's hands . That's to say, every movement is done by explaining its purpose and reasons. The only acceptable method done at the school of the blind is considered to be an independent observation.
As the person who deprives from the sight is able to asquire fundamental knowledge only by this way. A correct concluasion about items and their connection can only be made by independent observation. We observed pupils' activity during the lesson, took part in the process of conclusion : Pupils' interests and activity are increased by organizing classes on diverse methods.
Following methods are more efficient ones in order to create a complicated class:
1. Oral methods : a) Story; b) Explaining, Conversation
2. Exhibitions: a) Natural exhibitions; b) The exhibition of applied art
3. Practical methods:
Unusual methods .
Aport from, if we use special didactic games, students will interested in lessons and they will be active. They games : figure games, gumption games, scales games, "yes" or "no" games are important to teach students rightly and quickly and it grows their responsibility . Pedagogical games differ from the traditional methods that because of partner's together participation and occupationalm thought's attempt is based on didactics. It must be such is organized that participants could show all their ability. So, model of pedagogical games should be indicated to make concentrate or studies.
During the games the pedagogical situations must be completely explained and the ways of playing should be discussed. The concrete aim must be set to the participants . The assessment should be hold by expert. The games are considered to be in groups or individual.
The teacher of the subject must pay attention to selection time, tom the preparation of the students, to the level of student's possibility during the games. It is possible to use conversations, display and practical ways. At the end of thegame the result of game is to be discussed.
The students are given many necessary instructions. At contrast, it required pedagogical skills, initation and creativeness by the teacher to use pedagogical games in teaching process. It is considered the main factor to increase effectiveness of the class.
The factors above form student's positive attitude towards the attending to the clas and guarantees to heighten the productivity of the class. In conclusion, the active participation of the students will help to hold the class effectively.
During the particular education to organize their interest to study andteaching, it is useful to use the pedagogical games. These games are chosen according to the aim of the subject, goal and peculiarities in order to use in practice.
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