THE IMPORTANCE OF TRAFFIC LIGHTS BASED ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Техника и технологии»

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Ключевые слова
Traffic jam / intersection / artificial intelligence (AI) / toxic air / transport / пробка / перекрёсток / искусственный интеллект (ИИ) / токсичный воздух / транспорт

Аннотация научной статьи по технике и технологии, автор научной работы — Choriyeva Malika Shuxrat Qizi, Abdurazzokov Umidulla

Traffic congestion has become one of the most important problems in cities with rapid population growth and rapid urbanization. As a result, the stress caused by air pollution and fuel consumption is making life in the city even more difficult. As a solution to long traffic jams at intersections, the use of smart intersections instead of conventional intersections is making a number of scientists think and believe that this is the solution to such a problem. In the article, the results of the study of the works of a number of scientists and similar problems existing at the intersections in Uzbekistan are studied. Explanations are provided based on personal views and opinions. some actual problems are exactly the same in Uzbekistan, and as a solution, it was mentioned that these methods can be used in crowded intersections of Uzbekistan

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Пробки на дорогах стали одной из важнейших проблем городов с быстрым ростом населения и быстрой урбанизацией. В результате стресс, вызванный загрязнением воздуха и расходом топлива, еще больше усложняет жизнь в городе. В качестве решения длинных пробок на перекрестках использование умных перекрестков вместо обычных заставляет ряд учёных задуматься и поверить, что это решение такой проблемы. В статье изучены результаты изучения работ ряда ученых и аналогичные проблемы, существующие на перекрестках в Узбекистане. Пояснения даются на основе личных взглядов и мнений. некоторые актуальные проблемы в Узбекистане точно такие же, и в качестве решения было упомянуто, что эти методы можно использовать на многолюдных перекрестках Узбекистана.


№ 7(124)

июль, 2024 г.



DOI: 10.32743/UniTech.2024.124.7.17928

Choriyeva Malika Shuxrat Qizi

Doctoral student of the "Vehicle Engineering" department of Tashkent State Transport University,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: malikashuxratovna1838@gmail.com

Umidulla Abdurazzokov

Head of the Department of "Transportation Engineering",

Senior Lecturer, Ph.D, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: abdurazzoqovumid@gmail.com


Чориева Малика Шухрат Кызы

докторант кафедры «Автомобильное машиностроение» Ташкентского государственного университета путей сообщения,

Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Абдураззоков Умидулла Абдураззоков

канд. техн. наук, старший преподаватель, заведующий кафедрой «Транспортная инженерия», Ташкентский государственный университет путей сообщения,

Узбекистан, г. Ташкент


Traffic congestion has become one of the most important problems in cities with rapid population growth and rapid urbanization. As a result, the stress caused by air pollution and fuel consumption is making life in the city even more difficult. As a solution to long traffic jams at intersections, the use of smart intersections instead of conventional intersections is making a number of scientists think and believe that this is the solution to such a problem. In the article, the results of the study of the works of a number of scientists and similar problems existing at the intersections in Uzbekistan are studied. Explanations are provided based on personal views and opinions. some actual problems are exactly the same in Uzbekistan, and as a solution, it was mentioned that these methods can be used in crowded intersections of Uzbekistan


Пробки на дорогах стали одной из важнейших проблем городов с быстрым ростом населения и быстрой урбанизацией. В результате стресс, вызванный загрязнением воздуха и расходом топлива, еще больше усложняет жизнь в городе. В качестве решения длинных пробок на перекрестках использование умных перекрестков вместо обычных заставляет ряд учёных задуматься и поверить, что это решение такой проблемы. В статье изучены результаты изучения работ ряда ученых и аналогичные проблемы, существующие на перекрестках в Узбекистане. Пояснения даются на основе личных взглядов и мнений. некоторые актуальные проблемы в Узбекистане точно такие же, и в качестве решения было упомянуто, что эти методы можно использовать на многолюдных перекрестках Узбекистана.

Keywords: Traffic jam, intersection, artificial intelligence (AI), toxic air, transport

Ключевые слова: пробка, перекрёсток, искусственный интеллект (ИИ), токсичный воздух, транспорт.

Библиографическое описание: Choriyeva M.Sh., Abdurazzokov U.A. THE IMPORTANCE OF TRAFFIC LIGHTS BASED ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 7(124). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/17928

№ 7(124)


Over the years, as time progresses, the population of Uzbekistan is constantly increasing. If we look at the demographics of Uzbekistan, we can see that with the rapid expansion of urban areas, modern road equipment is provided for the efficient movement of traffic.

According to the preliminary data of the Statistics Agency, the number of permanent residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan as of April 1, 2023 was 36 million 197 thousand 781 people. [1]

In accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-111 dated 02.02.2022:

• introduction of intelligent vehicle traffic management systems ("smart intersection", "smart bus" and "smart station") with wide use of digital technologies and innovative approaches and ensuring road safety;

• Introduction of intelligent traffic management systems - "Smart traffic lights" and "Smart Crossroads" at 500 intersections. [2]

It is envisaged to implement a number of measures. The order of introduction of intersections is considered in the decision. This is an indication of the prevalence of problems at intersections.

As the population increases, so does the number of vehicles. This in itself leads to air pollution and traffic congestion in densely populated and urban centers. Traffic lights at intersections of vehicles are green; long traffic jams while waiting for the light to turn on are causing a lot of inconvenience. A burning vehicle standing in traffic emits a large amount of gases that are toxic to the environment and human health. Breathing in polluted air affects the health and development of people. Pedestrians moving between intersections also face a lot of frustration while waiting for the green light of the pedestrian traffic light to turn on for a long time. In order to solve this problem, which causes the same effect on the driver and the pedestrian, scientists from all over the world are struggling and they are also giving partial solutions.

The 21st century is the age of technology - as the Internet is rapidly developing, artificial intelligence (AI) is taking its place in every field of human activity. The transport sector is no exception.

This article analyzes the advantages of traffic lights operating on the basis of artificial intelligence and gives conclusions and recommendations on their practical use in the conditions of Uzbekistan.

Literature review:

The researcher on this issue worked as a deputy director of technical architectural sciences at Accenture. Ramkumar Balasubramanian, an Indian consultant currently working as an IT services professional, is quoted as saying in his LinkedIn article::

The article emphasizes that traffic can be effectively controlled by traffic lights and that current traffic lights do not meet the requirements of the times. It has been mentioned that the conventional traffic light is limited. In order to effectively manage various overheads and jobs, we will only need to add AI Artificial Intelligence to the traffic lights. After installing AI on the traffic lights, it is important to know which road sections have

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traffic, which traffic areas of the road are undergoing traffic accidents or repair work, and how long the traffic will be reduced and traffic will be free. with data, drivers can have the necessary information in the process of driving vehicles. To overcome this problem, we can replace conventional traffic lights with smart traffic lights. Roads can be divided according to the type of transport.

Personal analysis of the situation in Uzbekistan will be considered based on the work studied in the article "Smart traffic light system by using artificial intelligence" by Pakistani M. NASEEM, M. TAHIR and a number of scientists.

The main goal of installing artificial intelligence (AI) instead of traffic lights in oadt is to significantly reduce traffic jams by changing traffic light cycles in the case of traffic flow.

According to the UN, by the end of 2008, half of the total population will live in cities. It is estimated that by 2050, 64% of developing countries and 85% of developed countries will move to urban areas. At the beginning of the article, we got acquainted with the growth of the population in the regions of Uzbekistan. This problem is happening all over the world.

The article mentions the possibility of using GSM to establish a wireless communication system.

Problems encountered:

1. Despite the fact that human life is in danger, emergency vehicles, like ordinary cars, have to wait for a green light at intersections and spend too much time in traffic. The problem is how AI detects these types of vehicles and ensures their smooth movement without traffic jams;

2. Effective delivery of this information to traffic lights at several intersecting intersections;

3. Central servers should be separate for each region;

4. Taking control of the ongoing processes. must be controlled by some specific system or person.

As a personal opinion and solution for these above mentioned problems:

1. Installation of special devices for the necessary vehicles. It should be such a device that the AI can easily identify vehicles of that type

2. It is possible to offer a separate server for each lane at the intersections

3. This problem is mentioned in the comment itself, that is, making servers separate.

4. Taking into account the rapid development of AI and the unlimited possibilities of Artificial Intelligence, it is possible to solve the problem by creating separate codes for each situation and programming and controlling them all in a unified state in a smart program.

Traffic management system based on artificial intelligence

A suggested framework of the 4-element model is outlined. These are:

1. Current information

2. Calculation server

3. Intersection Management Agency

4. control center

Personal attitude to the traffic management system based on artificial intelligence: the model is structured

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very positively. Using the above model, there is a possibility to implement the operation of intersections in Uzbekistan on the basis of artificial intelligence.

Research discussion

Today, artificial intelligence is rapidly entering every aspect of human life. Today, most of the conventional traffic lights operate on the basis of old techniques. Red, yellow and green lights work alternately in a fixed cycle, regardless of the level of traffic on the roads. There are no intelligent techniques, devices and programs to solve road problems.

The purpose of the study

Urban areas are characterized by dense vehicular and pedestrian traffic, which makes managing intersections, especially crosswalks, difficult. Conventional traffic lights often follow a predetermined time schedule, which cannot adapt well to changing road conditions or adequately provide pedestrian safety. Artificial intelligence-based traffic lights improve traffic flow efficiency and provide pedestrian safety, while offering an intelligent automatic switching of traffic light cycles by using real-time data and algorithms to optimize signal times.

Artificially intelligent traffic lights use cameras with radar, ultrasonic acoustic location sensors, and predictive algorithms to improve traffic flow. Smart traffic lights or Intelligent traffic lights are a vehicle traffic control system that combines traditional traffic lights with an array of sensors and artificial intelligence to intelligently route vehicle and pedestrian traffic8. A technology for smart traffic signals has been developed at Carnegie Mellon University and is being used in a pilot project in Pittsburgh in an effort to reduce vehicle emissions

References: 1. 2.


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in the city. Unlike other dynamic control signals that adjust the timing and phasing of lights according to limits that are set in controller programming, this system combines existing technology with artificial intelligence. [3] Conclusions and suggestions As of 2018, there were 3,200 automobile factories in Pakistan. With an investment of 92 billion, each produced 1.8 million motorcycles and 200,000 cars annually.

So far the numbers are as follows Pakistan Automobile Manufacturers Association (PAMA) data shows that motorcycle production increased by 26.76 percent in April 2024 compared to April 2023. Certainly not the pre-flood numbers, but we can see a significant decline.

Enid, if we compare these data with the number of cars in Uzbekistan, the total number of motor vehicles owned by the population in 2017 was 2,273,419. In 2022, it will be 3,051,734 units (93.4% of the total number of cars). By 2023, this figure will be 344,800 units or 11.3% more than in 2022. By 2024 In the May 23, 2024 issue of the "People's Word" newspaper, based on the data of the Statistical Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a message entitled "On average 103 passenger cars per 1,000 permanent residents" was published. was

From the above, it is known that not only in Uzbekistan, but also in the whole world, such traffic jams, traffic jams, and weather disturbances cause various diseases for which there are still no treatment measures. in the It is concluded that intelligent, modern artificial intelligence-based intersections are needed in densely populated areas in order to be able to deal with such problems.

Electronic resource https://old.gov.uz/en/pages/population

Electronic resource https://lex.uz/docs/-5847479 Decision of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan about additional measures to further develop the public transport system of Tashkent city

Международный научный журнал № 8(100), часть 1 «Научный Фокус» Декабря, 2023 439 "The benefits of using artificially intelligent traffic lights" Chorieva Malika Shukhratovna Doctorate of Tashkent State Transport University Abdurazzokov Umidulla Abdurazzokovich Supervisor: Assossiate professor, phD at Tashkent State Transport University 439.

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