THE IMPORTANCE OF PROVERBS AND SAYINGS UZBEK AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tulabaeva G., Saydaliyeva D.

In this article the importance of proverbs and sayings evaluation of Uzbek proverbs and sayings with the English proverbs and their equivalents with one of a kind languages. There are given a few Uzbek proverbs and sayings which are common region use in speech and their evaluation with the English language.

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УДК 10.02.01

Tulabaeva G.

English teacher Saydaliyeva D.

English teacher Tashkent Institute of design, construction and maintenance of automobile roads



Annotation: In this article the importance of proverbs and sayings evaluation of Uzbek proverbs and sayings with the English proverbs and their equivalents with one of a kind languages. There are given a few Uzbek proverbs and sayings which are common region use in speech and their evaluation with the English language.

Key words: proverb, saying, concept, evaluation, equivalents, context.

Nowadays, attention is given to mastering a remote places language by using majority of humans. Especially English language is being located out as a target language by the use of the people of maximum countries. Always just studying the words in goal language however moreover being acquainted with phrases, idioms, proverbs and phraseological devices of its. Proverbs and sayings help us to research English, due to the fact they're accurate example of English way of life and language. In old times humans were studying Latin thru the use of proverbs. Proverbs and sayings - are beneficial material to show, how one concept need to be understood in several extraordinary ways. They make speech alive and interesting. English proverbs and sayings have one-of-a-kind meaning, each proverb will be used in tremendous situations, they'll be understood usually by the usage of English speaking a part of the world, however not via any other people, because if foreigner translate them into his nearby language he's going to get some aspect strange.

A proverb (from Latin: proverbium) is a simple and concrete pronouncing popularly recognized and repeated, which expresses a truth, primarily based on common feel or the practical enjoy of humanity. They are frequently metaphorical. A proverb that describes a fundamental rule of behavior may be known as a maxim. If a proverb is outstanding via in particular proper phrasing, it can be referred to as an aphorism. Different scholars classify the proverbs of the English language differently. According to distribution degree, the proverbs may be classified within the following way: Universal proverbs — on comparing proverbs of culturally unrelated elements of the world, one finds numerous ones having not simplest the equal fundamental concept but the form of expression, i.e. The wording is additionally equal or very similar. These are specially simple expression of easy observations became proverbs in every language. Regional proverbs — in culturally related regions — on the pattern of loan-words — many

loan-proverbs appear except the indigenous ones. A sizable element to them can be traced lower back to the classical literature of the location's past, in Europe the Greco-Roman classics, and within the Far East to the Sanskrit and Korean classics. Local Proverbs — in a cultural area frequently internal variations appear, the classics (e.g. The Bible or the Confucian Analects) are not equally seemed as a supply of proverbs in every language. Geographical area offers also upward push to any other set of commonplace local proverbs. These issues are illustrated in numerous European and Far-Eastern languages, as English and Korean [ 2, p. 153].

Proverbs are regularly borrowed throughout strains of language, religion, or even time. For example, a proverb of the approximate form "No flies enter a mouth that is shut" is currently located in Spain, Ethiopia, and many nations in between. It is embraced as a true neighborhood proverb in many locations and should not be excluded in any series of proverbs because it's miles shared by using the neighbors.

Speakers utilize proverbs for quite a few purposes. Sometimes they may be used as a way of pronouncing something gently, in a veiled manner. Other times, they are used to carry more weight in a discussion; a weak individual is capable of enlist the tradition of the ancestors to help his position, or even to argue a prison case.

Proverbs can also be used to really make a conversation/discussion extra lively. In many elements of the world, the usage of proverbs is a mark of being a good orator. Saying a saying is a familiar expression that is regularly repeated. Also known as, an adage, a pronouncing is something that was stated in the beyond and has emerge as famous to be regularly repeated in each day lifestyles of common people. If you appearance up a dictionary, you would find that the synonyms given for a saying are aphorism, proverb, maxim, adage etc. Something that is said is a pronouncing.

Sayings are clever expressions that keep their fee and significance even today even though they were said and used in historic times. It is difficult to trace the origins of sayings, as they have been there in view that time immemorial, exceeded down to successive generations. Sayings are short and direct. Most of them make use of simple language to make them without difficulty understandable. Of the different styles of sayings, it is proverbs, which can be the most popular.

Take a look at the following sentences that are sayings to understand their hidden value and wisdom.

• A stitch in time saves nine

• Where there is smoke, there is fire

• Honesty is the best policy

Difference between proverbs and sayings

Main difference between proverb and saying is that proverb expresses common thinking, and pronouncing expresses simplest taking into account partial character. A saying is something that has been stated, and there are numerous different kinds of sayings such as adage, maxim, aphorisms, proverbs, etc. Out of all of the sayings, the proverbs are believed to be the most popular around

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the world. Sayings are pithy statements that specific a universal value. Proverb is mostly common sense wisdom even as announcing may be broader to incorporate maxim and adage too. So, all proverbs are essentially sayings, however not all sayings are proverbs.

The analyses of proverbs showed that, the structure of English and Uzbek proverbs especially partly corresponds:

Eat poison for your friend- Do'sting uchun zahar yut; The sun heats the air, a friend heats a soul - Quyosh olamni isitadi- do'st qalbni;

Measure thrice before you cut once -Yetti o'lchab bir kes; A man can only die once — Bir boshga bir o4im; Every bean has it's black — Oyda ham dog' bor;

The moon is not seen when the sun shines — Yetmish yulduz yarim oyga tatimas;

Complete correspondence of proverbs with numeral component is rarely observed:

Two heads are better than one — Bitta kalladan ikkita kalla yaxshi; There are two sides to every question- Har yaxshida bir ammo bor, Har yomonda bir lekin;

Two of a trade never agree — Ikki qo'chqorning kallasi bir qozonda qaynamas;

Have more brains in one's little finger than one has in his whole body-Yuzta axmoqdan bitta aqlli zor;

Two blacks do not make a white — Ikki yomon qo'shilsa keng dunyoga sig'ishmas;

Hear twice before you speak once — Ikki marta tinglab, bir marta gapir; The voice of one man is the voice of no one-Bir daraxtdan bog' bo'lmas, yoki yo'lg'iz otning changi chiqmas;

One fool makes many-Axmoq elchi ikki tarafni buzadi and others. Some English proverbs not containing numerals have numeric elements in Uzbek equivalents:

No great loss without some small gain -Har bir qiyinchilikning rohati bor; Much cry little wool — Bir tomchi suv chumoliga daryo ko'rinar; Murder will out — Qing'ir ishning qiyigi qirq yildan keyin ham chiqadi; Nothing stings like the truth — Haqiqat qilni qirq yorar;

Conclusion. To sum up, English proverbs have become essential assets of proposal just due to the fact they contain truth, wisdom, counsel, rule of conduct. That is why we need to apply many colloquial proverbs and sayings.

Sources used:

1. Дубровин М.И. Английские и русские пословицы и поговорки в иллюстрациях. 1995.

2. Maslova V.A. Introduction to linguoculturology. Moscow, 1997

3. Sh. Rahmatullayev. «O'zbek tilining izohli frazeologik lug'ati».

4. Урантаева Н. Б., Нурматова М. Р., Полванова Н. М. The comparative analysis of English-Uzbek idioms with the component of «ear»

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