THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND PHYSICAL CULTURE AT SCHOOLS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Turaev M.M., Boltayeva B.J., Razokova S.J.

physical culture is an integral part of general education aimed at improving health and harmonious development of the human body. One of the indicators of the state of physical culture in society.

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inclusion in extreme activities; self-education of volitional qualities; the influence of the coach, who creates the conditions for the sportsman to reveal his/her latent opportunities.

An athlete puts all his energy to his favourite sport so as to achieve success, demonstrates his skills and abilities thoroughly. Wrestlers achieve high results by their individual characteristics and general level of training; financially accessibility, quality of nutrition and physical development also play important role; improving a sportsman's performance depends on factors such as his mental and spiritual education.

In many situations young athletes are in low development of strength qualities when performing a particular exercise having self-doubt, fear of injury, embarrassment, generally, negative feelings about training that may lead to a decrease in interest. Therefore, the emotional development and improvement of them should be maing taken into consideration, cared about. While purposely organized trainings and exercises form positive volitional qualities in athletes that are highly essential in such state.

Sportsmen are encouraged to perform physical exercises to increase their endurance. They do it skillfully, do some exercises to the maximum level and achieve clear results in a short period of time; even if they are in challenging conditions, sportsmen are high on the basis of performing exercises with high technical and tactical skills when they are self confident and emotionally supported. Achieving results, succeeding (in a high jump sports, running from the opposite side, jumping in a particular distance) are the most crucial, they feel more at ease with facing conditions.

References / Список литературы

1. Файзиев Я.З., Зиёев Д.Я. Краткий исторический обзор развития физического воспитания и спорта // Academy. № 9 (60), 2020. С. 32-35.

2. Тураев М.М., Баймурадов Р.С., Файзиев Я.З. Интерактивные методы физического воспитания в вузах // Педагогическое образование и наука. № 3, 2020.

3. Арслонов К.П., Джураев Ж.Р. Роль физкультуры и спорта в содействии личностному и социальному развитию учащихся // Academy. № 10 (61), 2020.

4. Абитова Ж.Р. Десять причин, почему физическая культура так важна в школах // Academy. № 10 (61), 2020.

5. Абытова Ж.Р. Механизмы интеллектуального развития дошкольников с помощью физических занятий // Проблемы педагогики. № 3 (48), 2020.

6. Джумаев Ф.Х., Атаева З.А. Выращивание растения «Indigofera tinctoria L» и его роль в повышении плодородия почв в условиях Бухарской области // Вестник науки и образования, 2021. № 3(106). Часть 2.


CULTURE AT SCHOOLS Turaev M^.1, Boltayeva B.J.2, Rаzokova S.J.3 Email: Turaev6122@scientifictext.ru

'Turaev Mahmud Mukamedovich - Assistant Professor, DEPARTMENT OF THEORY AND METHODS OF PHYSICAL CULTURE; 2Boltayeva Barchina Jamil kizi - Student; 3Razokova Sevarabonu Jamshid kizi - Student, FACULTY OF PHYSICAL CULTURE, BUKHARA STATE UNIVERSITY, BUKHARA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: physical culture is an integral part of general education aimed at improving health and harmonious development of the human body. One of the indicators of the state of physical culture in society.

Keywords: physical culture, society, family education.


КУЛЬТУРЫ В ШКОЛЕ Тураев М.М.1, Болтаева Б.Ж.2, Раззокова С.Ж.3

1Тураев Махмуд Мухамедович - доцент, кафедра теории и методики физической культуры;

2Болтаева Барчиной Жамил кизи - студент;

3Раззокова Севарабону Жамшид кизи - студент, факультет физической культуры, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: физическая культура является неотъемлемой частью общего образования, направленного на укрепление здоровья и гармоничное развитие человеческого организма, это один из показателей состояния физической культуры в обществе.

Ключевые слова: физическая культура, общество, семейное воспитание.

For a long time, special attention was paid to physical culture.

Initially, it depicted a variety of rituals that existed in the form of exercises, various games, labor processes, hunting, competitions and tests similar to military actions. Later, teaching young people fencing, horse riding, archery and individual wrestling became one of the main tasks of society. Renaissance attention Physical education

Humanists tried to include Physical Education in the curriculum. Physical culture was considered an important part of family education and school pedagogical process in medieval Europe Physical culture. Rousseau in his pedagogical brochure "About Emile, or about education" emphasized the importance of physical culture for the intellectual development of children and the education of labor.

The decree "On measures for the further development of physical culture and sports in Uzbekistan" created a legal basis for Physical Culture. A wide system of physical education includes the family and preschool period (from infancy to kindergarten), school age, specialized secondary and higher education, as well as adults (men and women).

According to the "State Standard of Physical Education for General Education Schools" in grades 1-9, 2 hours a week J. t. classes were introduced. In 1999, special tests were developed to popularize JT among students and improve their health. For those who successfully passed these tests, three-level badges "Alpomish" and "Barchina" were installed.

1,588,298 students successfully passed these tests (2002). In addition, Umid Nihollari for schoolchildren, Barkamol Avlod for high school and college students and the Universiade for students are held every two years. In folklore and mass sports, the Alpomish Games Festival and the Tomaris Games are held every two years.

Physical education lesson assignments and requirements for it can be widely introduced in these lines, as they are essential on teaching PE at schools. The results of the pedagogical process in physical education depends on the quality of educational work. This is accomplished by solving a series of tasks that underlie each lesson.Physical education is a physical education process such as teaching, training, and greeting.Based on the general objectives of the course, for each lesson there are clear "Introduction", "Assimilation", "Strengthening". This is the formulation and solution of specific tasks, such as "nationalization".

Study assignments are designed to help children complete the exercises recommended in the physical education program. To strengthen and improve exercises, as well as to develop skills and competencies will focus on teaching exercises that have been learned to be put into practice in different contexts. In accordance with educational objectives. This leads to a consistent and thorough study of all teaching materials in the physical education program.

A relatively long time or a series of lessons are necessary tasks for solving some learning problems and one lesson is enough to solve another. For example, climbing a rope in a certain way and the sequence of actions in this case can be technically worked out in one lesson.

This is a common task and requires a series of lessons to complete. In the meantime, move the tenant coordination, physical fitness, the ability to absorb (receive), similar to the mastered movements also a reserve of movement.You can climb the rope with your feet in one lesson. This is a small private task. which is one of the specific objectives of this course.

Organization of physical education lessons and implementation basics are also important at schools. The effect of a physical education lesson is often to make sure the teacher's plan is alive and well. Required stuffs:equipment and sports inventory, technical equipment, methods and techniques chosen for the organization of activities;effective use of equipment, sports facilities, temperature, climatic conditions, preparedness of students,their age, taking into account their individual characteristics.

Lesson organization theory includes:

1) creation and observance of medical and hygienic conditions; 2) material and technical support; 3) effective solution of the task at the expense of the correct choice of methods for organizing student activities.

Physical exercise is the creation of medical and hygienic conditions for classes.The action of a greeting is understood as a whole complex of events taking place in the process.

Therefore, it is important that the training site meets the established medical and hygienic standards. Air temperature for the gym (preferably) 14-16 degrees; keeping the level, open areas during breaks is very important.

Special attention will be paid to splashing water, opening and ventilating windows in gyms. One's air exchange rate at high intensity can be from 4 to 6 degrees per minute, depending on the exercise performed (running, sports), and the intake of air into the body can exceed 10 or in more levels. So to do some exercises fresh air must be provided.Especially the cleanliness of furniture, appliances, mattresses (carpets) in the hall requires constant attention and care. After class, the floor of the hall is covered with a damp cloth, wipe furniture and mattresses with a damp cloth, dust. So after the training, the training area will need to be cleaned again. Because if it doesn't get cleaned in time, the gym is detrimental to the health of the students by contaminating his body.

In recent years, gyms have been opened in many schools and sports areas -having nonstandard equipment, structures that most students can deal with at once equipped with exercise stuffs. The use of such equipment has a much stronger effect on the density of lessons.

To mention how a Physical education lesson content is described, we should mention following stages.The content of a physical education lesson consists of four main components that determine the quality of the lesson, expressed in general. These elements are interconnected and are called characteristic components of the lesson:

a) Exercises included in the lesson. This is the biggest characteristic of the course content.

But such a concept is one-sided and serves as the subject of education. Exercises are a generalized topic of the lesson.

In other words, content is only one aspect of course content.

b) Student activity in the classroom associated with the performance of the recommended exercises.

One of the following major content components. This component makes the practitioner or a student look different, intellectually.

While physical activity also plays an important role, which includes: listening to the teacher, observing the exercise closely,

c) The teacher's activity is the next component of the lesson content, which manifests itself in the following cases:

- who will assign homework and explain it, be able to describe the specific task of the lesson and explains it;

- organization, constant monitoring of participants, analysis of their activities, as well as directing the activities of the participants in the right direction, focusing on the relationship between them;

- principles that play a positive role in the educational process, such as conduct and leadership, direction, control of activities.

References / Список литературы

1. Тураев М.М. ПовышениеМэффективности физического воспитанияфстудентов с помощью компьютерных технологий // Вестник науки и образования, 2021. № 15 (118). Часть 2.

2. Тураев М.М. Методывпреподавания физического образованияди их важные аспекты // Проблемы науки. № 2 (61), 2021.

3. Файзиев Я.З., Зиёев Д.Я. Краткий исторический обзор развития физического воспитания и спорта // Academy. № 9 (60), 2020. С. 32-35.

4. Джумаев Ф.Х., Атаева З.А. Выращивание растения «Indigofera tinctoria L» и его роль в повышении плодородия почв в условиях Бухарской области // Вестник науки и образования, 2021. № 3 (106). Часть 2.


СТУДЕНТОВ Баймурадов Р.С.1, Бахшуллаева М.Б.2, Бобоева З.Д.3 Email: Baymuradov6122@scientifictext.ru

1Баймурадов Раджаб Сайфитдинович - доцент, межфакультетская кафедра физической культуры и спорта; 2Бахшуллаева Малохат Бахтиёр кызы- студент; 3Бобоева Зарифа Джахонкуловна - студент,

факультет физической культуры, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье анализируются преимущества предмета физического воспитания, возможности педагогов-новаторов в процессе обучения студентов. Ключевые слова: инновации, методы, управление стрессом, психическое здоровье.

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