THE IMPORTANCE OF MORFOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF A WORD IN ENRICHING ENGLISH VOCABULARY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
morphological structure / morphemes / derivational and grammatical affixes / stem / grammatical system / lexical meaning. / морфологический строй / морфемы / словообразовательные и грамматические аффиксы / основа / грамматическая система / лексическое значение.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Rakhmonova Matluba Janzakovna

This article focuses on the role of the morphological structure of the word in vocabulary enrichment. This article explains about morphemes and their types, and that the morphological structure of the word is one of the main ways to further expand the vocabulary. In this article, various approaches and guidelines for creating new words are described, along with a theoretical explanation of the word formation category.

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В данной статье основное внимание уделяется роли морфологической структуры слова в обогащении словарного запаса. В этой статье рассказывается о морфемах и их типах, а также о том, что морфологическая структура слова является одним из основных способов дальнейшего расширения словарного запаса. В этой статье описаны различные подходы и рекомендации по созданию новых слов, а также теоретическое объяснение категории словообразования.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(9), September, 2023



Rakhmonova Matluba Janzakovna

Senior teacher of department "Foreign languages" The Tashkent Institute of Chemistry Technology, Uzbekistan.


This article focuses on the role of the morphological structure of the word in vocabulary enrichment. This article explains about morphemes and their types, and that the morphological structure of the word is one of the main ways to further expand the vocabulary. In this article, various approaches and guidelines for creating new words are described, along with a theoretical explanation of the word formation category.

Keywords: morphological structure, morphemes, derivational and grammatical affixes, stem, grammatical system, lexical meaning.


Ushbu maqolada so 'zning morfologik tuzilishining so 'z boyligini boyitishdagi o 'rni haqida so 'z boradi. Ushbu maqolada morfemalar va ularning turlari haqida, so 'zning morfologik tuzilishi so 'z boyligini yanada kengaytirishning asosiy usullaridan biri ekanligi tushuntiriladi. Ushbu maqolada so'zyasalish kategoriyasini nazariy tushuntirish bilan bir qatorda yangi so'zlarni yaratish uchun turli yondashuvlar va ko'rsatmalar tasvirlangan.

Kalit so'zlar: morfologik tuzilish, morfemalar, yasama va grammatik affikslar, o 'zak, grammatik tizim, leksik ma 'no.


В данной статье основное внимание уделяется роли морфологической структуры слова в обогащении словарного запаса. В этой статье рассказывается о морфемах и их типах, а также о том, что морфологическая структура слова является одним из основных способов дальнейшего расширения словарного запаса. В этой статье описаны различные подходы и рекомендации по созданию новых слов, а также теоретическое объяснение категории словообразования.

Ключевые слова: морфологический строй, морфемы, словообразовательные и грамматические аффиксы, основа, грамматическая система, лексическое значение.


In linguistics, a "morpheme" is the smallest meaningful unit in a language. The field of study dedicated to morphemes is called "morphology". A morpheme is not

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identical to a word and the principal difference between the two is that a morpheme may or may not stand alone, whereas a word, by definition, is freestanding. Every word comprises one or more morphemes. A morpheme is also an association of a given meaning with a given sound pattern. But unlike a word it is not autonomous. Morphemes occur in speech only as constituent parts of words, not independently, although a word may consist of a single morpheme. Nor are they divisible into further smaller meaningful units. That is why the morpheme may be defined as the minimal meaningful language unit. The term morpheme is derived from the Greek morphe "form", the Greek suffix -eme has been adopted by linguists to denote the smallest significant or distinctive unit. (Cf. phoneme, sememe.) The morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of form. A form in these cases is a recurring discrete unit of speech.

Every morpheme can be classified as either free or bound. These categories are mutually exclusive, and as such, a given morpheme will belong to exactly one of them. Free morphemes can function independently as words, e.g. "town", "dog" and can appear with other lexemes, e.g. "townhall", "doghouse "

Bound morphemes appear only as parts of words, always in conjunction with a root and sometimes with other bound morphemes. For example, un-appears only accompanied by other morphemes to form a word. Most bound morphemes in English are affixes, particularly prefixes and suffixes, examples of suffixes are: -tion, - ation, -ible, -ing, etc. Bound morphemes that are not affixes are called cranberry morphemes.


According to the role they play in constructing words morphemes are subdivided into roots and affixes. The latter, in their turn, fall into, according to their position, into prefixes, suffixes and infixes, and according to their function and meaning, into derivational and functional (grammatical) affixes, the latter also called "endings" or "outer formatives"

When a derivational or functional affix is stripped from the word, what remains is a stem (or a stem base). The stem expresses the lexical and the part of speech meaning. For the word hearty and for the paradigm heart (sing.)-hearts the stem may be represented as heart-. This stem is a single morpheme, it contains nothing but the root, so it is a simple stem. It is also a free stem because it is homonymous to the word "heart".

A stem may also be defined as the part of the word that remains unchanged throughout its paradigm. The stem of the paradigm hearty - heartier - (the) heartiest is hearty-. It is a free stem, but as it consists of a root morpheme and an affix, it is not simple but derived. Thus, a stem containing one or more affixes is a derived stem. If

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after deducing the affix the remaining stem is not homonymous to a separate word of the same root, we call it a bound stem. Thus, in the word cordial "proceeding as if from the heart", the adjective-forming suffix can be separated on the analogy with such words as bronchial, radial, social. The remaining stem, however, cannot form a separate word by itself, it is bound. In cordially and cordiality, on the other hand, the derived stems are free.

Bound stems are especially characteristic of loan words. The point may be illustrated by the following French borrowings: arrogance, charity, courage, coward, distort, involve, notion, legible and tolerable, to give but a few. After the affixes of these words are taken away the remaining elements are: arrog-, char-, cour-, cow-, -tort, -volve, not-, leg-, toler-, which do not coincide with any semantically related independent words.

Roots are main morphemic vehicles of a given idea in a given language at a given stage of its development. A root may be also regarded as the ultimate constituent element which remains after the removal of all functional and derivational affixes and does not admit any further analysis. It is the common element of words within a word-family. Thus, -heart- is the common root of the following series of words: heart, hearten, dishearten, heartily, heartless, hearty, heartiness, sweetheart, heart-broken, kind-hearted, whole-heartedly, etc. In some of these, as, for example, in hearten, there is only one root; in others the root -heart is combined with some other root, thus forming a compound like sweetheart.

The root word heart is unsegmentable, it is non-motivated morphologically. The morphemic structure of all the other words in this word-family is obvious — they are segmentable as consisting of at least two distinct morphemes. They may be further subdivided into:

1) those formed by affixation or affixational derivatives consisting of a root morpheme and one or more affixes: hearten, dishearten, heartily, heartless, hearty, heartiness;

2) compounds, in which two, or very rarely more, stems simple or derived are combined into a lexical unit: sweetheart, heart-shaped, heart-broken.

3) derivational compounds where words of a phrase are joined together by composition and affixation: kind-hearted. This last process is also called phrasal derivation ((kind heart) + -ed)).

It will at once be noticed that the root in English is very often homonymous with the word. This fact is of fundamental importance as it is one of the most specific features of the English language arising from its general grammatical system on the one hand, and from its phonemic system on the other. The influence of the analytical

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structure of the language is obvious. The second point, however, calls for some explanation. Actually, the usual phonemic shape most favoured in English is one single stressed syllable: bear, find, jump, land, man, sing, etc. This does not give much space for a second morpheme to add classifying lexico-grammatical meaning to the lexical meaning already present in the root-stem, so the lexico-grammatical meaning must be signalled by distribution.

In the phrases a morning's drive, a morning's ride, a morning's walk the words drive, ride and walk receive the lexico-grammatical meaning of a noun not due to the structure of their stems, but because they are preceded by a genitive.

An English word does not necessarily contain formatives indicating to what part of speech it belongs. This holds true even with respect to inflectable parts of speech, i.e. nouns, verbs, adjectives. Not all roots are free forms, but productive roots, i.e. roots capable of producing new words, usually are. The semantic realisation of an English word is therefore very specific. Its dependence on context is further enhanced by the widespread occurrence of homonymy both among root morphemes and affixes. Note how many words in the following statement might be ambiguous if taken in isolation: A change of work is as good as a rest.


The above treatment of the root is purely synchronic, as we have taken into consideration only the facts of present-day English. But the same problem of the morpheme serving as the main signal of a given lexical meaning is studied in etymology. Thus, when approached historically or diachronically the word heart will be classified as Common Germanic. One will look for cognates, i.e. words descended from a common ancestor. The cognates of heart are the Latin cor, whence cordial "hearty", "sincere", and so cordially and cordiality, also the Greek kardia, whence English cardiac condition. The cognates outside the English vocabulary are the Russian cep^e, the German Herz, the Spanish Corazon and other words.

Unlike roots, affixes are always bound forms. The difference between suffixes and prefixes, it will be remembered, is not confined to their respective position, suffixes being "fixed after" and prefixes "fixed before" the stem. It also concerns their function and meaning.

A suffix is a derivational morpheme following the stem and forming a new derivative in a different part of speech or a different word class, cf.-en, -y, -less in hearten, hearty, heartless. When both the underlying and the resultant forms belong to the same part of speech, the suffix serves to differentiate between lexico-grammatical classes by rendering some very general lexico-grammatical meaning. For instance, both —ify and -er are verb suffixes, but the first characterises causative verbs, such as

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horrify, purify, rarefy, simplify, whereas the second is mostly typical of frequentative verbs: flicker, shimmer, twitter and the like. If we realise that suffixes render the most general semantic component of the word's lexical meaning by marking the general class of phenomena to which the referent of the word belongs, the reason why suffixes are as a rule semantically fused with the stem stands explained.

A prefix is a derivational morpheme standing before the root and modifying meaning, cf. hearten — dishearten. It is only with verbs and statives that a prefix may serve to distinguish one part of speech from another, like in earth n — unearth v, sleep n — asleep (stative). It is interesting that as a prefix en- may carry the same meaning of being or bringing into a certain state as the suffix -en, cf. enable, encamp, endanger, endear, enslave and fasten, darken, deepen, lengthen, strengthen.


To sum up, the smallest meaningful unit in a language is known as a "morpheme" in linguistics. "Morphology" is the name of the discipline devoted to morphemes. A morpheme is not the same as a word, and their main distinction is that while a word is by definition freestanding, a morpheme is not necessarily so. A morpheme is also a link between a particular meaning and a particular sound pattern. However, it is not independent, like a word. Even if a word could include just one morpheme, morphemes only appear in speech as constituent parts of words, never on their own. They are also not subdivided into smaller, more meaningful pieces. The morpheme can therefore be regarded as the simplest unit of language. According to the role they play significantly in constructing words, the morphological structure of a word is one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary.


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2. Abduazizov A.A. Tilshunoslik nazariyasiga kirish. -T.: Sharq, 2010. -175b.

3. Bauer, L. (1983), "English word-formation". Cambridge University Press Plag, I.(2003), "Word-formation in English". http://www.translationdirectory.com/article37.htm

4. K.A. Levkovskaya. Word formation. //Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1966.

5. Xhina, Olsa. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Published by MCSER-CEMAS- Sapienza University of Rome Vol 2 No 4 May 2013, p 274-279

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