THE IMPORTANCE OF INNOVATIVE ANALYTICAL SKILLS IN MODERN EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
blended education / three main components / development of pedagogical competence / information and communication.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yusupova Nargiza Nigmatovna

This article describes the most appropriate and effective educational technologies in the context of blended education. In particular, it was mentioned that it consists of three main components and its composition. Modern technology provides teachers with the information needed to understand students' individual needs.

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EDUCATION Yusupova Nargiza Nigmatovna

Toshkent davlat o'zbek tili va adabiyoti Universiteti "ingliz tili" kafedrasi ingliz tili katta o'qituvchisi (PhD) Yusupova_n@navoiy-uni.uz nargizanigmatovna@gmail.com

tel; 998977702744 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10684664

Abstract. This article describes the most appropriate and effective educational technologies in the context of blended education. In particular, it was mentioned that it consists of three main components and its composition. Modern technology provides teachers with the information needed to understand students' individual needs.

Keywords: blended education, three main components, development of pedagogical competence, information and communication.

Aннотация. В данной статье описаны наиболее целесообразные и эффективные образовательные технологии в условиях смешанного образования. В частности, было упомянуто, что оно состоит из трёх основных составляющих компонентов и его состав. Современные технологии предоставляют учителю информацию, необходимую для понимания индивидуальных потребностей учащихся.

Ключевые слова: смешанное образование, три основных составляющих компонента, развитие педагогической компетентности, информация и коммуникация.

Annotatsiya. Ushbu maqola aralash ta'lim sharoitida eng maqbul va samarali ta'lim texnologiyalarini tasvirlab o'tilgan. Ayniqsa, uning uchta asosiy tashkil etuvchi komponentdan iborat ekanligi va uning saradorligi aytib o'tilgan. Zamonaviy texnologiyalar o'qituvchiga talabalarning individual ehtiyojlarini tushunish uchun zarur bo'lgan ma'lumotlarni taqdim etilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: aralash talim, uchta asosiy tashkil etuvchi komponent, pedagogik kompetentligini rivojlantirish, axborot-kommunikatsiya.

Mixed educational conditions place high demands on the level of professional skills of teachers. Such a model of teaching changes the work of the teacher, that is, taking him from the traditional teaching process and administrative tasks to working with databases and providing individual help and support to students. will come. The tasks of the teacher extend from planning the lesson and providing information on the studied topic to solving the problem of motivating, stimulating and facilitating the learning process. This requires the teacher to constantly acquire independent knowledge and regularly expand his knowledge. Its tasks include assessment, analysis and data collection; use of databases for individual students, groups and the entire audience as an integral part of the planning process; including the use of standardized tests and other assessment options to guide the work of students of varying readiness and achievement.

In the mixed education system, the teacher's leadership skills are extremely important. In order to help the students to get used to the new environment, the teacher should model and demonstrate the learning process to the students, how to find the necessary information or answers to the given questions, and also teach the students to ask the right questions. . A teacher must know how to manage the different types of learning activities needed to complete a specific assignment or project. In the blended learning model, the teacher does not simply deliver the information taught to the students, but helps them to form the skills of applying and adapting the existing

information to new conditions and situations. The task of the teacher is to correctly interpret and analyze the data, and the task of the students is to determine the cause-and-effect relationships, combine the collected data and demonstrate the knowledge gained by applying them to specific situations.

Therefore, the mixed education model requires continuous professional development and improvement from the teacher. This is due to its effective modification of existing strategies to teach students to study independently and freely, acquire knowledge and skills. Modern technology can provide the teacher with the information necessary to understand the individual needs of students. The analysis of these data allows the teacher to develop the necessary program to support and deepen the knowledge acquired by students.

The essence of the educational process is the delivery of educational information by the teacher to the student. Thus, in general, any technology used in pedagogy or in the educational process has an informational character. In most cases, the concept of "information technology" is used for all technologies created for use in computer equipment and telecommunications. In order to avoid misinterpretation, it is necessary to clarify the content of three important concepts in distance education. These are "educational information", "educational technologies" and "information technologies". Now let's talk about each of these three concepts.

Educational information (information) is the knowledge that the learner needs to perform this or that activity competently. It can also be defined as the educational content necessary for a student to perform this or that activity competently, or the educational content necessary for a student to perform this or that activity at a professional level.

In the form of traditional full-time education, the teacher plays the role of an interpreter of knowledge, and in the distance education system, students themselves perform the role of interpreters of knowledge, so the quality of training courses and educational materials, as well as their presentation to students the requirements for the methods will be much higher.

Among the most optimal and effective educational technologies of teaching in the conditions of the current educational cluster, the following can be included: "video lectures; multimedia lectures and laboratory exercises; electronic multimedia textbooks; computerized training and testing systems; simulation models and computer simulators; giving advice and conducting tests using telecommunication means; video conferencing. V.P. Demkin and G.V. According to Mojayeva, "information technology is based on the use of computer technologies, storage and processing of educational information, its delivery to the student, interactive interaction of the student with the teacher or pedagogical software, as well as the knowledge of the student control device device and software tools.

In the educational process, not information and communication technologies themselves, but the results of their use, their contribution to the achievement of educational goals are important. The choice of means of communication is formed, first of all, not by technologies, but by content, that is, their choice is based on the analysis of the content of educational courses, the level of student activity, specific goals, the level of their involvement in education, learning outcomes, etc. based on Success in teaching depends not directly on the type of information and communication technologies, but on the quality of preparation and teaching of courses.

Information and communication technologies are designed to ensure the cognitive activity of students and introduce interactive forms of lessons, the most effective of which is currently mixed education. Blended education in the higher education system means the integration of distance education technology (online), full-time education (working with a teacher) and Internet

education. Such a model allows you to control the time, place, speed and method of studying the educational material. Mixed education allows combining traditional methods and modern information and communication technologies in teaching academic subjects.

Therefore, mixed education technology consists of three main constituent components: distance learning (Distance Learning), classroom teaching (Face-To-Face Learning) and online learning (Online Learning). The components of this system work in constant interdependence and must be organized methodically correctly. Achieving optimal results in teaching academic subjects depends on organizational and structural aspects, because all elements of the educational process are interrelated "must merge and form a whole."

Among the advantages of this technology, the following can be highlighted:

- mixed education combines virtual and direct communication, within which discussions, discussions are organized, experience and practical skills are exchanged, and some of the educational materials are independently mastered through online technologies, allows you to save time to practice certain skills and competencies in the audience;

- mixed education develops critical thinking and independent work skills;

- in mixed education, the presentation of educational materials is carried out not only in printed publications, but also in electronic forms that allow students to choose an individual working mode of teaching a subject;

- mixed education includes students' independent use of electronic resources, which allows the teacher to save a lot of class time;

- blended learning is an interactive method that allows "teacher-student" and "studentstudent" to express their point of view, exchange ideas, and influence the content of the presented materials. implies possibility;

- in mixed education, individual psychological characteristics of students are taken into account, because the combination of different forms of work gives students the opportunity to master different learning and material at different speeds and demonstrate their abilities.

Therefore, the importance of blended learning is that it allows for the creation of a nonlinear learning model without the constraints of strict programming, time, content and technology. There is no authoritarian leadership of the teacher, his main task is to monitor the activities of students and create favorable conditions for the implementation of educational activities based on an individual-oriented approach. The teacher supports and develops the personality of the student, the relationship between them is based on the principles of cooperation and initiative. This helps to understand the essence of the educational process and to manage it independently, as well as to reveal the mechanisms of acquiring new knowledge.

Thus, taking into account the concept of mixed educational technology, as well as its goals and highlighted advantages, it can be said that this technology of teaching is the flexibility of teaching involving educational and technological resources that serve to improve the quality of education. allows to organize on the basis.

Various educational events and educational activities used in the development of pedagogical competence of students in the conditions of mixed education are introduced using the following methods: offline seminar (conference); presentation; transfer of powers; rotation, practical training; work on projects; working with cases; training; independent work; seminar; internship or production practice; tutoring; participation in projects; design-analysis session; individual protection of projects; group protection of projects; exam; webinar; video conference; coaching; video lecture; virtual consultation; performing control work; virtual tutorial; coaching;

business game; consultation; lecture; feedback; laboratory work; master class; educational expedition; educational competition and others. In the development of pedagogical competence of students in the conditions of mixed education: collective; group; the use of different forms of education, such as individual, increases the quality of the educational process and gives effective results.

In the conditions of today's pedagogical educational innovation cluster, the implementation of reforms and changes in the training of highly qualified specialists and increasing their competitiveness is aimed at achieving new educational results within the framework of the modernization of the education system of our country, it is possible to develop the pedagogical competence of future teachers. modern approaches are gaining priority. Taking into account that the competitive advantages of graduates of higher education institutions are manifested not only in the knowledge specific to their chosen field and professional activity, but also in new universal personal abilities and behavioral models, the most important task of higher education at the current stage of its development is educational efficiency and improving its quality, which requires the creation of concepts aimed at increasing the quality of education and the effectiveness of training pedagogical personnel in higher education institutions. These concepts serve as the basis for the development of the quality of training of pedagogical personnel and their creative potential in the educational process, as well as the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, the development of teaching technologies, educational methods and forms that ensure academic mobility.


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