THE IMPORTANCE OF AUTHENTIC MATERIAL TO LEARN FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
authentic / material / peculiarities / approach / reading / listening / speaking / competence / integrated-skill / аутентичный / материал / особенности / подход / чтение / аудирование / говорение / компетентность / интегрированное умение.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Akhmedova, Nodima

Nowadays, foreign language learners can use different resources, such as textbooks, vocabulary list, grammar exercises. There are a lot of materials to learn foreign languages. Learners can use a wide variety of different language learning materials such as course textbooks, vocabulary list, grammar exercises, flashcards, audio recording and language learning apps. On the one hand they are beneficial for learners in learning foreign language, on the other hand they make lessons be boring, as language teacher and polyglot, Dr Gareth Popkins says: “Language textbooks can be boring and demotivating. They focus too much on dry grammar, impenetrable exercises and dull texts” So, authentic materials are important to learn foreign language, also. They make lessons effective. , they motivate learners to learn language excitedly.. Although, all of them are helpful, there some shortcomings. These shortcomings can be avoided by using authentic materials. They are interesting, motivate learners, make lessons be exciting

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В настоящее время изучающие иностранный язык могут использовать различные ресурсы, такие как учебники, словарь, грамматические упражнения. Материалов для изучения иностранных языков очень много. Учащиеся могут использовать широкий спектр различных материалов для изучения языка, таких как учебники, список словарного запаса, грамматические упражнения, карточки для запоминания, аудиозаписи и приложения для изучения языка. С одной стороны, они полезны для учащихся при изучении иностранного языка, с другой стороны, они делают уроки скучными, как говорит учитель иностранных языков и полиглот доктор Гарет Попкинс: «Учебники иностранных языков могут быть скучными и демотивирующими. Они слишком много внимания уделяют сухой грамматике, непонятным упражнениям и скучным текстам». Таким образом, аутентичные материалы важны и для изучения иностранного языка. Они делают уроки эффективными, они мотивируют учащихся увлеченно изучать язык. Хотя все они полезны, у них есть некоторые недостатки. Этих недостатков можно избежать, используя аутентичные материалы. Они интересны, мотивируют учащихся, делают уроки увлекательными.




Akhmedova Nodima

Master (second course). At the Chirchiq State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent



Nowadays, foreign language learners can use different resources, such as textbooks, vocabulary list, grammar exercises. There are a lot of materials to learn foreign languages. Learners can use a wide variety of different language learning materials such as course textbooks, vocabulary list, grammar exercises, flashcards, audio recording and language learning apps. On the one hand they are beneficial for learners in learning foreign language, on the other hand they make lessons be boring, as language teacher and polyglot, Dr Gareth Popkins says: "Language textbooks can be boring and demotivating. They focus too much on dry grammar, impenetrable exercises and dull texts" So, authentic materials are important to learn foreign language, also. They make lessons effective. , they motivate learners to learn language excitedly.. Although, all of them are helpful, there some shortcomings. These shortcomings can be avoided by using authentic materials. They are interesting, motivate learners, make lessons be exciting.

Key words: authentic, material, peculiarities, approach, reading, listening, speaking, competence, integrated-skill.


В настоящее время изучающие иностранный язык могут использовать различные ресурсы, такие как учебники, словарь, грамматические упражнения. Материалов для изучения иностранных языков очень много. Учащиеся могут использовать широкий спектр различных материалов для изучения языка, таких как учебники, список словарного запаса, грамматические упражнения, карточки для запоминания, аудиозаписи и приложения для изучения языка. С одной стороны, они полезны для учащихся при изучении иностранного языка, с другой стороны, они делают уроки скучными, как говорит учитель иностранных языков и полиглот доктор Гарет Попкинс: «Учебники иностранных языков могут быть скучными и демотивирующими. Они слишком много внимания уделяют сухой грамматике, непонятным упражнениям и скучным текстам». Таким образом, аутентичные материалы важны и для изучения иностранного языка. Они делают уроки эффективными. , они


мотивируют учащихся увлеченно изучать язык. Хотя все они полезны, у них есть некоторые недостатки. Этих недостатков можно избежать, используя аутентичные материалы. Они интересны, мотивируют учащихся, делают уроки увлекательными.

Ключевые слова: аутентичный, материал, особенности, подход, чтение, аудирование, говорение, компетентность, интегрированное умение.


Teaching and learning English has some specific peculiarities and is required a special teaching program and methodology. The integrated-skills approach, which incorporates language skills and aspects, has become a new trend in EFL contexts because it is believed an effective approach to develop students' communicative competence and the ability to use English to gain access to social, vocational, educational, or professional opportunities. However, the effective way to improve students' lexical competence, is using authentic materials in class and out of class. Also authentic materials are found as the way to acquisition of language. A lot of researches have been done by scholars, researches and they worked on these areas. Such as Breen.M.P, Nunan D, Peacock.M, Herington, Jacobson, Degener, PurcellGates and others. According to Herington and Oliver (2000), authentic materials are called authentic learning. This term is directly, related to the students' real life and prepares them to face and deal with real world situations. Also, from the point of Herod (2002), authentic materials and activities are designed to imitate the real world situations. Nunan (1989) defines authentic materials as the materials which have been produced for purposes other than to learn language. Authentic materials can help learners to face with real world. Also, learners assimilate words in common usage and words in native speakers speech which are mostly informal.. Furthermore, the learners are exposed to real-life situations. They are more useful for the students who are very slow learners. Beside that, authentic materials help to make lessons more interesting. This in turn leads to learners being motivated from lessons. As Peacock said: (1997) "Authentic materials are more motivating for students, even lower level students, than artificial materials". Adding to this, authentic materials play essential role as connection between classroom and real world when it is used in classroom. Students can improve their lexical competence enormously. About this, Briton (1991 cited in Qura2001) states : "Authentic materials relate more closely to learners' need, for they build a connection between the language classroom and outside world. Authentic materials are print, video, and audio materials students encounter in their daily lives, such as change-of address forms, job applications, menus, voice mail


messages, radio programs, and videos. Authentic materials are not created specifically to be used in the classroom, but they make excellent learning tools for students precisely because they are authentic. Teaching lexis with authentic materials is a bit different than teaching with books.


Many teachers have a habit of collecting authentic materials wherever they go in the community. Authentic texts vary by type, region, and context. Research tells us that students will benefit more from using local authentic materials than using ones that are a step removed from their lives (Jacobson, Degener, and Purcell-Gates, 2003). For example, generic charts and maps from life skills textbooks may not be as motivating to students as the local theater schedule, local rainfall charts, or the municipal bus map. There is a wealth of local authentic materials available online, such as city council meeting agendas, library schedules, and recipes for favorite regional dishes.

Choosing materials is a difficult task and instructors must be aware of many aspects before selecting specific material for their students; for example, whether the level is appropriate, the activities meaningful, or the material helpful for the learners to reach the stated objectives . However, other important elements are not necessarily represented in textbooks, such as the fact that readings should contain language as it is really used since learners will eventually be exposed to authentic texts (texts not created for teaching purposes) outside of class . This aspect forms part of the research that has been carried out in which I have analyzed whether theories or information established by experts are present (explicitly or implicitly) in the texts available. Much of this material, although valuable, does not inc1ude a variety of authentic readings which integrate authenticity, meaningfulness, and student s ' needs or interests. The level of the book chosen is also relevant. We must ensure that the level really suits students ' needs. The problem lies in that textbooks indicate the level that they were designed for, but many do not provide a description of what that level actually represents. For this reason, all exercises and material should be designed using an accepted framework of reference such as the CEFR.

Moreover, authentic materials have a vital role to improve reading skills. Textbooks in lessons are monotonous and because of this, learners are bored. Authentic material can be inspirational for learners, because they don't include inaccurate language, and consist of a real life information. Authentic materials are the kind of material that learners will need and want to be able to read when travelling, studying abroad, or using the language in other contexts outside the classroom.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Scientific Journal Impact Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 1 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2021: 5.423

Authentic materials enable learners to interact with the real language and content rather than the form. Learners feel that they are learning a target language as it is used outside the classroom. When choosing materials from the various sources, it is therefore worth taking into consideration that the aim should be to understand meaning and not form, especially when using literary texts with the emphasis being on what is being said and not necessarily on the literary form or stylistics. Devie Reztia Anjarani says: " related to improving reading skill, authentic materials also give the reader the opportunity to gain real information and know what is going on in the world around them.". Moreover, it can be seen vitality of authentic material in listening skill. Authentic Materials stimulate learner's motivation. Research by scholars in this field have revealed that the use of authentic materials in teaching listening is more appealing to the learners as compared to the use of scripted materials . As earlier indicated, sources of authentic listening materials include newspapers, the internet and such other electronic media. These forms of media are mainly part and parcel of the popular culture in the society. This is given the fact that they carry materials that embodies popular culture in the society. This is for example interviews with celebrities, interviews that are contained in websites and on fashion magazines. These materials tend to be more appealing to the contemporary learner, especially for the youthful learners. As such, the materials are more effective in teaching these students. The authentic materials also tend to have content that is more current and as such relevant to the students . For example, newspapers and television broadcasts contain more recent information than books that were written years ago. Internet articles are also updated regularly. As such, the gap between the students and the social reality in the world is bridged by authentic listening materials . The students therefore find these materials to be more interesting to interact with, and their experiences in this interaction are enriched. This enables them to acquire the listening skills easily and faster. Wang is of the view that "Learners who constantly receive the authentic listening input are better placed than their counterparts who receive scripted inputs." This is given the fact that the former will find it easier to communicate and interact with the native speakers of the language that they are learning in real life situations . This is as opposed to those students who make use of scripted listening materials, which are more often than not out of touch with the reality.

As above, authentic material play role significantly in increasing speaking skill. A good communication will happen when the language users can apply their listening and speaking skills well .learners can use visual or audiovisual media for speaking

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Scientific Journal Impact Factor


VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 1 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2021: 5.423

skill. And there are lots of advantage of them for learners. Katarzyna Chmielowie fount that authentic materials in seem more interesting for students than the ones prefabricate especially for the purpose of learning, because they provide insight into natural everyday language and situations . Moreover authentic visual materials increase students' motivation and students are more active to take part in in communicative activities. One of effective authentic materials is film. Learners discuss about film after they watch it. Because of this, learners can improve their communicative skills.


In conclusion, using authentic material in learning foreign languages is one the most effective ways. They provide comprehensive assistance to learners in mastering the language. They can raise their reading, listening skills. What is more, as authentic materials can be a bridge between a real world and classes, learners have an opportunity to improve their communicative competence.


1. Devie Reztia Anjarani , "Using authentic materialsin improving EFL students' English skills" INTERAKSI,volume 12 Nomer1,January,12-17 pages

2. MiftahulHuda ." The use of authentic materials in teacing Englishlndonesia teachers' perspective in EFL classess" International Journal of Social Sciences .(2017) page 1911.

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4. ParupalliSrinivasRao . "The effective Use of Authentic Materials in the English Language Classsrooms. International Journal of Art ,Sciences and Humanities. (2019) page1

5. Thaler, E.: Englisch unterrichten. Cornelsen 2012, p. 231 (adapted and translated by Peter Struben)

6. Jacobson, E., Degener, S., & Purcell-Gates, V. (2003). Creating authentic materials and activities for the adult literacy classroom: A handbook for practitioners. NCSALL teaching and training materials. Boston, MA: NCSALL at World Education. Authentic materials and authenticity in foreign language learning Article in Language Teaching- April 2007

7. Breen, M.P. (1985) Authenticity in the language classroom Applied Linguistics 6/1 pp60-70

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