Научная статья на тему 'The impact of starter cultures on functional and technological properties of model minced meat'

The impact of starter cultures on functional and technological properties of model minced meat Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие сельскохозяйственные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по прочим сельскохозяйственным наукам, автор научной работы — Nesterenko Anton Alekseevich

The work presents the results of a research of the impact of low-frequency electromagnetic field on starter cultures. The research results certify the possibility of usage of electromagnetic back away in the technology of hard-smoked sausages.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The impact of starter cultures on functional and technological properties of model minced meat»

Секция 8. Пищевая промышленность

17. АзПатент № F 2012 0009 Тестомесильная машина непрерывного действия/Э. Э. Байрамов, Г. Ю. Кулиев,

З. Ю. Асланов, Т. Х. Мусазаде, от 21.09.2012, Бakу.

Nesterenko Anton Alekseevich, Kuban State Agrarian University, Senior Teacher at the Department of technology of storage and processing of livestock products E-mail: [email protected]

The impact of starter cultures on functional and technological properties of model minced meat

Abstract: The work presents the results of a research of the impact of low-frequency electromagnetic field on starter cultures. The research results certify the possibility of usage of electromagnetic back away in the technology of hard-smoked sausages.

Keywords: electromagnetic impact, starter cultures, model minced meat, hard-smoked sausages

The analysis of literature sources [1, 217] certifies the application of starter cultures in the technology of production of hard-smoked sausages in order to accelerate the process of sausage aging. The activity of starter cultures is based on biotechnological principle of modification of fresh sausage meat in the process of which there is directed regulation of biotechnological, microbiological and physical-chemical processes [1, 216; 2, 66]. As a result of the given processes there is formation of structure, color and taste and aroma characteristics of hard-smoked sausages.

Guided by the experimental data about the impact of electromagnetic field of low frequency (EMF LF) on microflora [3, 790], it was established that EMF LF can intensify the growth of microflora. Currently, there isn’t clear data about the study of impact of EMF LF on starter cultures and dynamics ofphysical and chemical, biological and microbiological processes typical for the technology of hard-smoked sausage production.

The goal of the given work is to study a required dose of added starter cultures processed by EMF LF on the property of model minced meat of the hard-smoked sausage type.

To determine the degree of effect of added starter cultures processed by EMF LF on the model system, we used model minced meat consisting of60% ofcooled beef and 40% of cooled pork. We used starter cultures Almi 2 by Almi as experimental microflora. As for the control group, starter cultures were activated in accordance with the recommendations of a producer.

As for the experimental sample, starter cultures were activated as follows: they were dissolved in warm water in the amount of 100cm 3 with the temperature of 25-30 °C; they were left aside for 30 minutes for

complete dissolution (as it was recommended by the producer) and then, they were processed with EMF LF with the frequency of 45Hz during 60 minutes. After that the minced meat was added and mixed.

The selection of an optimal added dose of starter cultures.

According to the producer’s recommendations, starter cultures Almi 2 are applied in the amount of 20g per 100kg of minced meat. Preliminary data [4, 96], obtained during the selection of optimal frequencies for starter cultures activation, proved that processing of microflora with the frequency of 45Hz during 60 minutes intensifies the growth of microflora. In this respect, to determine the optimal dose of added starter cultures, we took the following correlations as per 100kg of mixed meat: 20g served as control; 17,5; 15; 12,5; 10g were added to experimental samples as per 100kg of minced meat. The dynamics of microflora growth was checked when storing model minced meat under the temperature of 20 °C during 12 hours. The results of studies are presented in Table 1.

It was established that if 12,5 and 10g of processed starter cultures are added, there is no optimal development of microflora compared to the control. If 17,5 and 15g of processed starter cultures are added, there is active development of microflora compared to the control. It is known that excessive active growth of microflora can lead to fast reduction of pH and, consequently, to acidification of minced meat. Hence, were determined the adding of 15g of starter cultures processed by EMF LF to the minced meat, which is most effective from economic and technological point of view.

The study of physical and chemical indicators of raw material after adding starter cultures processed by EMF LF.


Section 8. Food and Beverage

Table 1 — The dynamics of microflora growth after EMF LF processing on the model minced meat

№ Amount of starter cultures per g/100kg of minced meat Duration, h

0 3 6 9 12

Number of cells, C FU/g

1 20 control 4,8x10 5 5,7x10 5 6,7x10 5 8,7x10 5 1,0x10 6

2 17,5 5,2x10 5 6,8x10 5 8,1x10 5 1,7x10 6 2,4x10 6

3 15 4,9x10 5 6,1x10 5 7,4x10 5 9,5x10 5 1,6x10 6

4 12,5 4,1x10 5 4,7x10 5 5,8x10 5 7,1x10 5 8,2x10 5

5 10 3,7x10 5 4,1x10 5 4,7x10 5 5,2x10 5 6,1x10 5

To determine the degrees of impact on functional and technological properties of model system, the activated starter cultures were added to model minced meat, mixed and stored during 12 hours under the temperature of 3±1 °C.

The results of change of a moisture-binding ability of model minced meat are presented in Figure 1.

The presented data shows that control sample of model minced meat without adding starter cultures processed with EMF LF exceeds experimental sample of model minced meat in terms of moisture-binding ability. The indicator of moisture-binding ability of experimental sample accounts for 75,8%, which is 2,0% lower than the control indicator of 77,8%.

Figure 1 — Moisture-binding ability of model minced meat

Moisture-preserving ability determines the output ready product at the expense of binding moisture [5, 220]. The

results ofthe study ofmoisture-preserving ability ofminced meat after adding starter cultures are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 — Moisture-binding ability of model minced meat

The presented results certify that adding starter cultures processed by EMF LF to model minced meat and storage during 12 hours under the temperature of 3±1 °C contributes to reduction of MPA of model minced meat by 1,8% towards the control.

Stickiness of fresh meat is determined by accumulation of salt-soluble proteins on the surface of the meat [6, 225]. The results of the study of stickiness of model minced meat are presented in Figure 3.


Секция 8. Пищевая промышленность

Figure 3 — Stickiness of minced meat when adding starter cultures

The study of stickiness of model minced meat showed that when starter cultures processed by EMF LF are added, the stickiness increases by 15,3%. We believe that, possibly, it is related to the activation of intra-cellular ferments due to the accumulation of lactic acid produced by starter cultures. Positive results of the research of impact of EMF LF on moisture-binding ability, moisture-preserving ability and stickiness of model minced meat obtained by us also certify the more effective operation of starter cultures subject to activation with the help of EMF LF.

Proteolytic activity of used starter cultures is important. It is determined by the level of dissolution of meat proteins. The given principle contributes to the increase of qualitative characteristics of fresh meat [7, 94; 8, 778]. Proteolytic activity of ferments presupposes the change of quantity of protein in the end product. Thus, the next stage of work was the study of fractional composition of protein of model minced meat (Table 2).

Table 2 — Fractional composition of model minced meat

Indicator Minced meat samples

Experiment Control

Prior to biomodification After biomodification Prior to biomodification After biomodification

Water-soluble fraction,% 2,9 4,2 2,9 3,6

Salt-soluble fraction,% 13,3 12,8 13,3 12,9

Insoluble (alkali-soluble) fraction,% 3,9 3,4 3,9 3,6

Obtained data certifies the increase of water-soluble fraction in model minced meat with application of starter cultures activated by EMF LF confirming more effective operation of ferments. Accumulation of water-soluble fraction and loosely bound moisture in minced meat during the production of hard-smoked sausage contributes to effective drying of sausage product due to the transition from

firmly bound moisture to loosely bound moisture [9, 76-77; 10, 77].

Conclusions. It was established that processing of starter cultures by Almi 2 device with the frequency of 45Hz during 60 minutes stimulates their growth: when starter cultures processed by EMF LF are added to model minced meat, the MBA reduces from 81,78% to 77,80%; BPA by 4,8% and the stickiness increases by 15,3%.


1. Нестеренко А. А. Применение стартовых культур в технологии сырокопченых колбас [Текст] / А.А. Нестеренко, К. В. Акопян // Молодой ученый. - 2014. - №8. - С. 216-219.

2. Нестеренко, А. А. Применение стартовых культур в технологии производства ветчины / А. А. Нестеренко, Ю. А. Зайцева // Вестник Казанского государственного аграрного университета. - 2014. - № 1(31) - С. 65-68.

3. Нестеренко, А. А. Влияние активированных электромагнитным полем низких частот стартовых культур на мясное сырье / Нестеренко А. А., Горина Е. Г. // Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Кубанского государственного аграрного университета (Научный журнал КубГАУ) [Электронный ресурс]. - Краснодар: КубГАУ, 2014. - №05(099).- С. 786-802. - IDA [article ID]: 0991405053. - Режим доступа: http://ej.kubagro.ru/2014/05/pdf/53.pdf, 1,063 у.п.л.


Section 8. Food and Beverage

4. Акопян К. В. Способы интенсификации созревания сырокопченых колбас [Текст] / К. В. Акопян, А. А. Нестеренко // Молодой ученый. - 2014. - №7. - С. 95-98.

5. Нестеренко А. А. Физико-химические показатели сырья после внесения стартовых культур [Текст] / А. А. Нестеренко, К. В. Акопян // Молодой ученый. - 2014. - №8. - С. 219-221.

6. Нестеренко А. А. Функционально-технологические показатели сырья после внесения стартовых культур [Текст] / А. А. Нестеренко, К. В. Акопян // Молодой ученый. - 2014. - №8. - С. 223-226.

7. Акопян К. В. Формирование аромата и вкуса сырокопченых колбас [Текст] / К. В. Акопян, А. А. Нестеренко // Молодой ученый. - 2014. - №7. - С. 93-95.

8. Нестеренко, А. А. Биологическая ценность и безопасность сырокопченых колбас с предварительной обработкой электромагнитным полем низких частот стартовых культур и мясного сырья / Нестеренко А. А., Акопян К. В. // Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Кубанского государственного аграрного университета (Научный журнал КубГАУ) [Электронный ресурс]. - Краснодар: КубГАУ 2014. - №05(099). - С. 772 - 785. - IDA [article ID]: 0991405052. - Режим доступа:Ьй:р://е].киЬа£;го.ш/2014/05/рб£/52.рб£, 0,875 у.п.л.

9. Нестеренко, А. А., Пономаренко, А. В. Использование электромагнитной обработки в технологии производства сырокопченых колбас // Вестник НГИЭИ. - 2013. - № 6 (25). - С. 74-83.

10. Нестеренко, А. А. Влияние электромагнитного поля на развитие стартовых культур в технологии производства сырокопченых колбас [Текст] / А. А. Нестеренко // Вестник Мичуринского государственного аграрного университета. - Мичуринск, 2013. - № 2 - С. 75-80.

Hasanova Svetlana Dzhenishevna, Skobelskaya Sinaida Grigoryevna Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow E-mail: [email protected]

Studying the mechanisms of binding moisture in sugar fondant in storage

Abstrakt: Die Probleme der Gewährleistung einer hohen Qualität der Bonbons auf Basis von Fondant, Ausweitung ihrer Haltbarkeit, zu reduzieren hohen Zuckergehalt relevant zu dieser Tag für die Süßwarenindustrie zu bleiben. Dies gilt insbesondere für Zuckerfondant, die eine Zwei-Phasen-Dispersion ist. Zucker Fondant, die aus Zucker, Melasse und Wasser besteht trocknet schnell. Durch Veränderung der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Lippenstift, was die Rezeptur Molkerei, Obst und Gemüse ergänzt, kann man den Trocknungsprozess zu verzögern.

Stichworte: chemisch gebundene Feuchtigkeit, osmotische Feuchtigkeit, Zucker Fondant, Amaranth Mahlzeit, Thermogravimetrie.

Хасанова Светлана Дженишевна, Скобельская Зинаида Григорьевна Московский государственный университет пищевых производств, г. Москва E-mail: [email protected]

Изучения механизмов связывания влаги в сахарных помадных массах при хранении

Аннотация: Проблемы сохранения высокого качества конфет на основе помадных масс, продление их сроков годности, снижения сахароемкости остаются актуальными по сей день для кондитерской отрасли. Это особенно актуально для сахарной помады, представляющей собой двухфазную дисперсную систему. Сахарная помада, которая состоит из сахара, патоки и воды, быстро высыхает. Изменяя химический состав помады, внося в рецептуру молочные, овощные и фруктовые добавки, можно добиться замедления процесса высыхания.

Ключевые слова: химически связанная влага, осмотически связанняа влага, сахарная помада, шрот амаранта, термогравиметрия.


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