Научная статья на тему 'The impact of pesticides on organism. The manifestations of the action of pesticides on organs and systems'

The impact of pesticides on organism. The manifestations of the action of pesticides on organs and systems Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Nuritov Nurpullo Rajabovich, Musurmonkulov Jakhongir Mahamatjonovich, Shamatov Jakhongir Ravshanovich

On the basis of literature data, the question of the effect of pesticides on the human body was analyzed. Pesticides are one of the most important inventions of our time, affecting the life of humankind. But their downside is in accumulation in the environment and in the human body along food chains. The analysis of available literature data indicates the relevance of this topic, since elucidation of the characteristics of cell proliferation, differentiation, structure and metabolism under the action of pesticides is a necessary attribute for establishing adaptive reactions of the body to the effects of pesticides and developing ways to correct them.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The impact of pesticides on organism. The manifestations of the action of pesticides on organs and systems»


Nuritov Nurpullo Rajabovich, senior lecturer, department of histology, Pathological Anatomy, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Musurmonkulov Jakhongir Mahamatjonovich, assistant of the department of histology, Pathological Anatomy of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

Shamatov Jakhongir Ravshanovich, student of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute E-mail: jakhsham97@gmail.com


Abstract: On the basis of literature data, the question of the effect ofpesticides on the human body was analyzed. Pesticides are one of the most important inventions of our time, affecting the life of humankind. But their downside is in accumulation in the environment and in the human body along food chains. The analysis of available literature data indicates the relevance of this topic, since elucidation of the characteristics of cell proliferation, differentiation, structure and metabolism under the action of pesticides is a necessary attribute for establishing adaptive reactions of the body to the effects of pesticides and developing ways to correct them.

Keywords: pesticides, anthropogenic pollution, manifestations, impact.

Pesticides can enter the body through the respiratory sys- The action of OPC and OCC causes a violation of pro-

tem, the skin and the alimentary route with food and water, tein-forming, neutralizing and other functions of the liver. while such well-soluble lipid pesticides as organophosphate Acute intoxication with chlorophos (300 mg/kg) is ac-

compounds (OPC) and organochlorine compounds (OCC), phenols, cyanides and some salts begin to be absorbed into the blood already in the upper digestive tract. The intake of pesticides in the body is accompanied by their interaction with the chemical components of cells and body fluids, which leads to a change in the functions and structure of the internal organs and the organism as a whole.

One of the specific indicators of the toxic action of pesticides is the inhibition of the activity of enzyme systems: the activity of erythrocyte acetylcholineterase, serum and tissue cholinesterase, and mitochondrial redox enzymes.

Thus, under the action of OPC, cholinesterase loses its inherent catalytic activity. Daily administration for 30-60 days with food to white rats acetorate (ortene) at a dose of 60 mg /kg resulted in a decrease in the activity of tissue succinate dehydrogenase and glutathione in the liver and blood.

Many pesticides do not have selective toxicity, but affect the body as a whole. However, the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the liver and its detoxification function determine the greatest contact of this organ with harmful factors. The results of many toxicological and morphological studies have shown a significant effect of most pesticides on the liver. So, with a 5-month intragastric administration of chlorophos in the liver, pathological changes of varying severity were observed: central necrosis in the lobules, the phenomenon of postnecrotic cirrhosis, hemorrhage.

companied by an increase in the content of phospholipids in the mitochondrial membranes of the liver of experimental rats. Changes in the content of phospholipids are considered as the result of their catabolism. In the animals on the background of a long daily (for 9 months) administration of chlorophos through the mouth (0.01 LD50), it caused more pronounced biochemical and ufological changes in the liver. A pronounced decrease in the antitoxic function of the liver, an increase in the activity of alanine aminotransferase and sorbitol dehydrogenase in the blood serum of rats was revealed. After 6 months, widespread cirrhotic changes and fatty degeneration of the liver were determined.

There is evidence of a negative effect of butifos on the functional state of the liver, as well as on the activity of some liver enzymes and blood of experimental animals.

With the long-term administration of hexachloran in small doses, despite the absence of visible signs of intoxication, significant changes are revealed in the liver of animals. The mass of the liver increases mainly due to hypertrophy of hepatocytes, the number of dual-core cells increases. Biochemically and histochemically, the tendency to an increase in the content of RNA, glycogen and protein in the liver tissue are determined, and the content of enzymes of the micro-somal fraction in it also increases.

The experimental material showed that pesticides have similar biological properties and cause qualitatively identical

Section 2. Medical science

morphological changes. For example, 6 days injection with Mileran (20 mg/kg), the spermatogonia quantity sharply decreased.

Analysis of the research results of15 chemical compounds (mainly pesticides) showed that 9 of them negatively affected the gonads in low doses: blockade of gonad proliferation and differentiation occurs, which is accompanied by the development of destructive changes in spermatocytes and spermatids. It is assumed that pesticides have an inhibitory effect on the endocrine function of the gonads.

Important are studies of the reactions of blood cells and hematopoietic tissue to the action of pesticides. Hematopoietic tissue refers to tissues with a high capacity for renewal, which maintains a stable balance between the formation and destruction of blood cells, and the effect of pesticides can lead to disruption of the mechanisms for maintaining this balance, which manifests itself in the form of changes in peripheral blood.

Thus, paraphenididine and metatrifluoromethylaniline cause changes in erythrocyte metabolism and the formation of methemoglobin. Nitrofor leads to a decrease in hemoglobin level by 14%. Phthalafos, mercaptos and others increase the hemoglobin level and the number of red blood cells in the peripheral blood, cause neutrophilia with a left shift, eosino-penia and lymphopenia. Triethylenemelanin changes the cellular composition of the bone marrow, reducing the number of polychromatophilic normocytes. Under the influence of methylsystox there is an increase in the number of erythro-blasts, which indicates bone marrow irritation.

A similar change in red blood, coupled with symptoms of anemia, is observed with chronic effects of butyphone, aniline, nitrobenzene and their derivatives. In case of chronic poisoning with glyphtor, there is leukocytosis with eosinophilia and decrease in the activity of cholinesterase, peroxidase, as well as a decrease in the antitoxic function of the liver.

A decrease in the number of red blood cells, monocytes, eosinophils and the level of hemoglobin was detected in 37 workers exposed to aromatic isocyanates and tertiary amines. At the same time, a decrease of glycogen and an increase of RNA in leukocytes, hypochromic anemia, erythropenia, methemoglobinemia, reticulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, and a tendency to leukopenia are found in those who work on contact with aniline, dimethylaniline, tolol and nitro derivatives, and their derivatives with nitro derivatives, are found.

The peripheral blood of persons who had a contact with anti-treflan showed a decrease in the percentage ofhemoglobin by 12.6%, the number of erythrocytes by 17.3% and the development of leukocytosis, mainly due to the staple neutrophils and segmented forms, neutrophils appeared hypersegmented nuclei, there was an increase in the content of eosinophils in the blood to 5-8%. The functional activity of neutrophils changed, as evidenced by a decrease in the amount of lipids and glycogen in them, a decrease in the activity of cytochrome oxidase and peroxidase enzymes. The revealed violations of cytochemical parameters indicate violations of the functional activity of leukocytes. Such a diverse, chemical effect helps to reduce the body's reactivity and increase overall morbidity.


Available data suggest that pesticides with long-term effects on the organism can lead to serious changes in many systems. At the same time, this problem has been studied insufficiently and requires further scientific research. Its solution would allow in risk groups, first of all in children living in agricultural regions, to carry out effective biomonitoring of the concentration of toxic substances, to carry out programs of screening studies included in the system of regular medical check-ups. Such measures are designed to ensure the early detection and treatment of the toxic effects of pesticides, as well as to determine a system for the prevention of associated damage to the organs.


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