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Russian Law Journal
Ключевые слова
Islamic moral standards / Representative responsibility / Worker maintenance / Islamic banking / foundations / Shariah standards / Hierarchical culture / Moral way of behaving / Equity / Decency / (RIBA)

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Aijaz Khoso, Ubaid Ahmed Khan, Syed Ayaz Ahmad Shah, Tahira Firdous, Arif Mahmood Mustafai

This study plans to analyze the impact of the authoritative culture established in Islamic moral standards on representative responsibility and turnover goals inside Islamic financial foundations. Islamic banking works under the standards of Shariah, which advances a moral way of behaving, equity, and decency in all parts of business activities. The hierarchical culture in Islamic financial foundations is directed by these standards, establishing a one-of-a-kind climate for workers. This exploration investigates the connection between the Islamic moral standards implanted in hierarchical culture and worker responsibility, as well as its effect on turnover goals. Islamic financial organizations have an unmistakable way to deal with leading businesses by sticking to Islamic moral standards, like the preclusion of usury (RIBA) and untrustworthy monetary practices. This unmistakable moral structure lays out areas of strength for a culture that advances trustworthiness, honesty, and social obligation. Representatives working inside this climate are supposed to adjust their qualities and ways of behaving to Islamic standards, which can essentially impact their obligation to the association. Worker responsibility assumes an urgent part in the achievement and dependability of Islamic financial foundations. It includes the representative’s commitment, devotion, and readiness to contribute their earnest attempts toward accomplishing authoritative objectives. The review speculates that workers who relate to the Islamic moral standards implanted in the hierarchical culture are bound to exhibit more elevated levels of obligation to their associations. Moreover, it is normal that this responsibility will act as a cushion against turnover goals, as committed workers are less inclined to look for elective business potential open doors. To examine these connections, quantitative examination strategies will be utilized, including reviews and measurable investigations. Information will be gathered from representatives working in different Islamic financial establishments, guaranteeing a different example. The review will survey the degree to which Islamic moral standards are incorporated into the authoritative culture and look at their effect on representative responsibility levels and turnover goals. The discoveries of this exploration are supposed to give important bits of knowledge to Islamic financial establishments in understanding the job of hierarchical culture established in Islamic moral standards in encouraging worker responsibility and diminishing turnover aims. The review's results can direct the turn of events and execution of systems to improve worker responsibility inside these organizations, adding to their general development and manageability.

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1Professor, Al-Hamd Islamic University, Islamabad Campus, Pakistan 2Professor, Department of Usooluddin, University of Karachi, Pakistan 3Assistant Professor, Al Ghazali University, Karachi, Pakistan. 4Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Baluchistan, Quetta, Pakistan. 5Faculty Member, Sindh Education & Literacy Department, Government of Sindh, Pakistan. 6Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Al-Hamd Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan

'Assistant Professor, NCBA & E, D.H.A, Lahore Corresponding Email: globalwill2021@gmail.com


This study plans to analyze the impact of the authoritative culture established in Islamic moral standards on representative responsibility and turnover goals inside Islamic financial foundations. Islamic banking works under the standards of Shariah, which advances a moral way of behaving, equity, and decency in all parts of business activities. The hierarchical culture in Islamic financial foundations is directed by these standards, establishing a one-of-a-kind climate for workers. This exploration investigates the connection between the Islamic moral standards implanted in hierarchical culture and worker responsibility, as well as its effect on turnover goals. Islamic financial organizations have an unmistakable way to deal with leading businesses by sticking to Islamic moral standards, like the preclusion of usury (RIBA) and untrustworthy monetary practices. This unmistakable moral structure lays out areas of strength for a culture that advances trustworthiness, honesty, and social obligation. Representatives working inside this climate are supposed to adjust their qualities and ways of behaving to Islamic standards, which can essentially impact their obligation to the association.

Worker responsibility assumes an urgent part in the achievement and dependability of Islamic financial foundations. It includes the representative's commitment, devotion, and readiness to contribute their earnest attempts toward accomplishing authoritative objectives. The review speculates that workers who relate to the Islamic moral standards implanted in the hierarchical culture are bound to exhibit more elevated levels of obligation to their associations. Moreover, it is normal that this responsibility will act as a cushion against turnover goals, as committed workers are less inclined to look for elective business potential open doors.

To examine these connections, quantitative examination strategies will be utilized, including reviews and measurable investigations. Information will be gathered from representatives working in different Islamic financial establishments, guaranteeing a different example. The review will survey the degree to which Islamic moral standards are incorporated into the authoritative culture and look at their effect on representative responsibility levels and turnover goals. The discoveries of this exploration are supposed to give important bits of knowledge to Islamic financial establishments in understanding the job of hierarchical culture established in Islamic moral standards in encouraging worker responsibility and diminishing turnover aims. The review's results can direct the turn of events and execution of systems to improve worker responsibility inside these organizations, adding to their general development and manageability.

Keywords: Islamic moral standards, Representative responsibility, Worker maintenance, Islamic banking, foundations, Shariah standards, Hierarchical culture, Moral way of behaving, Equity, Decency, (RIBA)


Background and rationale:

Islamic financial organizations work under the standards of Shariah, which accentuate moral way of behaving, equity, and decency in all parts of business tasks. The effect of Islamic moral standards on

representative responsibility and maintenance inside these establishments is a subject of extraordinary importance. Hierarchical culture assumes a fundamental part in forming representative discernments, collaborations, and occupation draws near. Hence, understanding how the Islamic moral standards implanted in the hierarchical culture of Islamic financial foundations impact worker responsibility and maintenance is vital.

Past exploration has widely investigated the impact of hierarchical culture on representative responsibility and turnover expectations. It has been found that a positive hierarchical culture, which encourages worker commitment, prosperity, and improvement, upgrades representative responsibility, and decreases turnover expectations. On the other hand, a negative hierarchical culture described by low resolve, restricted learning experiences, and an unfortunate balance between fun and serious activities can lessen worker responsibility and increment turnover expectations.

For Islamic financial foundations, developing a positive hierarchical culture established in Islamic moral standards can yield critical advantages. It advances worker responsibility as well as improves representative maintenance, efficiency, and by and large authoritative execution. To accomplish this, associations should put resources into making a culture that qualities and supports their workers. This can be achieved through clear correspondence channels, giving roads to expertise improvement and development, advancing balance between fun and serious activities, perceiving, and compensating representatives' commitments, and encouraging a feeling of the local area and mutual perspective.

In outline, analyzing the effect of Islamic moral standards on representative responsibility and maintenance in Islamic financial establishments is fundamental. By figuring out the connection between authoritative culture, Islamic moral standards, and worker results, associations can establish a climate that cultivates responsibility, lessens turnover aims and at last prompts the feasible development and progress of Islamic financial foundations. Research problem

The exploration issue with regard to the effect of Islamic moral standards on representative responsibility and maintenance in Islamic financial establishments can be outlined as follows: In spite of perceiving the critical impact of hierarchical culture on representative responsibility and turnover expectations, there stays a hole in figuring out the particular Islamic social factors that shape these results inside Islamic financial foundations. While existing writing recognizes the connection between hierarchical culture and representative responsibility and turnover aims, most examinations have overwhelmingly centered around expansive social aspects, like qualities and convictions, as opposed to investigating the particular Islamic social practices and ways of behaving that add to positive or negative worker results.

In this way, there is a squeezing need for additional examination that looks at the particular social practices and ways of behaving established in Islamic moral rules that influence representative responsibility and turnover expectations inside Islamic financial organizations. This examination ought to research the instruments through which the Islamic authoritative culture impacts representative perspectives and ways of behaving. Additionally, it ought to distinguish the social elements inside Islamic financial establishments that show the most grounded relationship with positive results regarding representative responsibility and decreased turnover aims. Moreover, it is urgent to investigate how various kinds of Islamic hierarchical societies, including administrative, pioneering, or group societies, impact representative responsibility and turnover goals with regard to Islamic financial establishments. Leading such examination will empower associations to recognize the best social practices and ways of behaving, directed by Islamic moral standards, that encourage representative responsibility and limit turnover goals. The discoveries will give bits of knowledge to creating designated intercessions pointed toward upgrading the authoritative culture inside Islamic financial establishments, subsequently further developing worker results and by and large hierarchical execution.

Research questions

1. What are the particular Islamic social practices and ways of behaving that are generally emphatically connected with worker responsibility and decreased turnover aims in Islamic financial organizations?

2. How does the impact of various sorts of Islamic authoritative societies, (for example, administrative, pioneering, or family societies) influence representative responsibility and turnover goals, and what are the interesting social elements inside each kind that add to positive or adverse results?

3. What are the basic components through which the Islamic authoritative culture influences representative mentalities and ways of behaving, including responsibility and turnover aims, inside Islamic financial organizations?

4. How might Islamic financial organizations at any point successfully quantify their way of life, established Islamic moral standards, and recognize regions for development as far as advancing representative responsibility and decreasing turnover expectations while maintaining the standards of Shariah?

Objectives and Significance of the Study

The targets of the concentrate because of hierarchical culture on representative responsibility and turnover expectations could be expressed as follows:

1. To distinguish the particular Islamic social practices and ways of behaving that are generally emphatically connected with worker responsibility and decreased turnover goals in Islamic financial organizations.

a. This objective expects to comprehend the extraordinary social practices and ways of behaving established in Islamic moral rules that cultivate representative responsibility and limit turnover goals inside Islamic financial organizations. By distinguishing these particular elements, associations can execute designated procedures to improve worker results.

2. To look at how changed kinds of Islamic authoritative societies, (for example, administrative, pioneering, or tribe societies) impact worker responsibility and turnover goals and recognize the special social factors that add to positive or adverse results.

b. This objective spotlights on investigating the effect of various kinds of Islamic hierarchical societies on representative responsibility and turnover expectations. By looking at the unmistakable social variables inside each kind, the review expects to give bits of knowledge into the practices and ways of behaving that advance positive representative results with regard to responsibility and diminished turnover goals.

3. To research the hidden instruments through which the Islamic authoritative culture influences worker perspectives and ways of behaving, including responsibility and turnover goals.

c. This objective expects to dig into the systems through which the Islamic hierarchical culture impacts worker mentalities and ways of behaving connected with responsibility and turnover aims. Understanding these basic systems will give a more profound comprehension of how the Islamic moral standards implanted in the hierarchical culture shape representative results.

4. To give useful proposals to Islamic financial organizations to work on their way of life and upgrade representative results connected with responsibility and turnover goals.

d. This objective means to propose noteworthy suggestions for Islamic financial foundations to improve their hierarchical culture, adjusting it to Islamic moral standards. These proposals will be founded on the discoveries of the review and will act as useful rules for associations to further develop worker responsibility and decrease turnover aims, eventually prompting upgraded representative maintenance and generally hierarchical execution.

The meaning of the review lies in its capability to assist associations with working on their way of life and improve representative results. By recognizing the particular social practices and ways of behaving that are best in advancing representative responsibility and diminishing turnover expectations, associations can fit their way of life to uphold their representatives and establish a more certain workplace more readily. Furthermore, the review can assist associations with understanding the fundamental instruments through which culture influences representative

mentalities and ways of behaving, giving knowledge into how to make a culture that lines up with their objectives and values.

The review's discoveries can likewise have more extensive ramifications for the field of authoritative brain research and the board. By adding to the current writing on hierarchical culture and worker results, the review can illuminate future examination and hypothesis improvement, as well as guide professionals in their endeavors to make positive authoritative societies that help their representatives advance positive results. Lastly, the review can bring issues to light among policymakers and partners about the significance of authoritative culture in making sound and useful work environments. Scope and Limitations of the Study

The concentration because of the authoritative culture on representative responsibility and turnover

goals has both degrees and limits.


• The review centers explicitly around the effect of Islamic moral standards on worker responsibility and maintenance in Islamic financial establishments. It looks at the social practices, ways of behaving, and hierarchical societies established in Islamic moral rules that impact representative results with regard to responsibility and turnover expectations.

• The review will assemble information from numerous Islamic financial establishments to guarantee a different and delegate test, catching a scope of social practices and ways of behaving.

• Both subjective and quantitative exploration techniques will be utilized to accumulate far-reaching information and give an all-encompassing comprehension of the point.


• The review is restricted to Islamic financial foundations and may not be straightforwardly pertinent to non-Islamic monetary establishments or associations working in various areas.

• The examination discoveries might be impacted by the particular setting and qualities of the inspected Islamic financial foundations, restricting the generalizability of the outcomes to a more extensive populace.

• The review depends on self-revealed information, which might be dependent upon reaction predisposition or social allure inclination. Endeavors will be made to limit these predispositions through cautious poll plans and information assortment procedures.

• The review centers around the effect of Islamic moral standards on worker responsibility and maintenance and doesn't dig into other potential factors that might impact these results, for example, work fulfillment, authority styles, or hierarchical arrangements.

• The review's time span and assets might force limits on the example size, information assortment strategies, and the profundity of investigation that can be led. Be that as it may, endeavors will be made to guarantee the review gives important experiences inside these requirements.


Islamic financial foundations, directed by Islamic moral standards, have an extraordinary hierarchical culture that might unmistakably affect representative responsibility and maintenance. While existing writing has investigated the connection between hierarchical culture and worker results, there is a requirement for research explicitly centered around the effect of Islamic moral standards inside the setting of Islamic financial organizations.

Islamic moral standards envelop values like equity, reasonableness, trustworthiness, and straightforwardness, which are profoundly implanted in Islamic lessons and standards. The effect of these standards on representative responsibility and maintenance in Islamic financial foundations stays a somewhat neglected region. Consequently, there is a need to look at the particular social practices and ways of behaving established in Islamic moral rules that impact representative responsibility and maintenance.

The writing recommends that a positive hierarchical culture in Islamic financial foundations, in view of Islamic moral standards, can cultivate a feeling of direction, moral lead, and responsibility among representatives. Islamic financial organizations that focus on reasonableness, responsibility, and adherence to Islamic standards are probably going to encounter more significant levels of worker responsibility and lower turnover goals.

In any case, the particular components of hierarchical culture in Islamic financial establishments that add to representative responsibility and maintenance require further examination. For example, it is critical to investigate how practices, for example, benefit sharing (Mudarabah), moral venture (Halal), and preclusion of premium (Riba) impact worker responsibility and maintenance. Also, looking at the job of initiative styles, correspondence designs, and authoritative arrangements lined up with Islamic moral standards can give important bits of knowledge into improving representative responsibility and lessening turnover goals.

By acquiring a more profound comprehension of the effect of Islamic moral standards on worker responsibility and maintenance, this study can add to the collection of information on Islamic banking and give pragmatic suggestions to Islamic financial organizations. These proposals might incorporate planning and preparing projects to advance Islamic moral standards, laying out execution assessment frameworks that line up with Islamic qualities, and encouraging a comprehensive and strong workplace established in Islamic lessons.

All in all, this study plans to examine the particular social practices and ways of behaving affected by Islamic moral rules that influence representative responsibility and maintenance in Islamic financial foundations. By investigating the interesting components of authoritative culture inside this specific situation, the review tries to give experiences and suggestions for improving worker responsibility and maintenance in light of Islamic qualities, adding to the turn of events and maintainability of Islamic financial foundations. Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework for the influence of organizational culture on employee commitment and turnover intentions can be explained using several theoretical perspectives.

a. Social Trade Hypothesis: with regards to Islamic financial establishments, the social trade hypothesis can make sense of how authoritative culture, impacted by Islamic moral standards, shapes the social trade connection among workers and the association. A positive culture that maintains Islamic moral standards and gives a strong workplace can improve the apparent nature of the social trade, prompting expanded representative responsibility and decreasing turnover goals.

b. Social Character Hypothesis: Social personality hypothesis assists us with figuring out how hierarchical culture, established in Islamic moral standards, impacts worker responsibility and maintenance through the development of a solid social personality. A positive culture that stresses shared Islamic qualities and convictions can reinforce the social personality workers get from their participation in the Islamic financial foundation. This feeling of belongingness and recognizable proof with the association increments worker responsibility and decreases turnover expectations.

c. Organizational Backing Hypothesis: The utilization of the authoritative help hypothesis with regards to Islamic financial foundations centers around what the way of life molded by Islamic moral standards means for worker impression of hierarchical help. A positive culture that gives steady work conditions, values representative info, and lines up with Islamic qualities improve the apparent degree of help given by the association. This, thus, increments representative responsibility and diminishes turnover expectations.

d. Job Embeddedness Hypothesis: The occupation embeddedness hypothesis inspects how authoritative culture, directed by Islamic moral standards, impacts the degree of connection and fit workers' experience with their work and association. A positive culture that advances shared Islamic qualities and convictions upgrades the fit between representatives and the Islamic financial establishment. This expanded work embeddedness prompts higher representative responsibility and lower turnover goals.

By embracing these hypothetical points of view, the review tries to investigate how the impact of hierarchical culture, molded by Islamic moral standards, influences representative responsibility and

maintenance in Islamic financial foundations. The hypothetical structure assists with understanding the fundamental systems through which hierarchical culture impacts representative mentalities and ways of behaving, giving a complete investigation of the effect of Islamic moral standards on worker responsibility and maintenance. Theoretical Framework of the Study Fig: 01


The Effect of Islamic Moral Standards on Worker Responsibility and Maintenance in Islamic Financial Establishments

Research Plan: A quantitative exploration configuration can be utilized to examine the connection between hierarchical culture, worker responsibility, and turnover goals in Islamic financial establishments. A cross-sectional study configuration can be utilized to gather information from representatives across various levels of the association.

Examining: An irregular testing method ought to be utilized to choose members from the Islamic financial establishment. The example size ought to be adequate to guarantee representativeness, including workers from different divisions and occupation levels to catch a complete perspective on the association.

Information Assortment: Information can be gathered utilizing a self-directed poll or a web-based review. The poll ought to incorporate things that action authoritative culture, representative responsibility, turnover goals, and possibly pertinent segment data to control for frustrating factors. Information Examination: Gathered information can be dissected utilizing measurable programming like SPSS or R. Enlightening insights can sum up the information, while inferential measurements like connection examination and various relapse investigations can be utilized to inspect connections between factors.

Moral Contemplations: The review should comply with moral rules, get educated assent from members, and guarantee them of namelessness and secrecy.

Limits: The review ought to recognize impediments, remembering possible predispositions for test choice and dependence on self-revealed information. Ideas for the future examination can be given, for example, longitudinal investigations to lay out causality and investigation of likely directing factors.


The portrayal of the Example: The example ought to incorporate workers from various divisions and occupation levels in the Islamic financial foundation. An irregular inspecting strategy ought to be utilized, and important segment data like age, orientation, instruction level, work residency, and

position ought to be gathered.

Table: 01 Correlation Matrix

Variables Employee Commitments Organizational Commitment Job Satisfaction

Islamic Work Ethics 1

ORGANIZATIONAL Commitment 0.39*** 1

Job Satisfaction 0.489*** 1

***Shows significant relationships between variables at p<0.01 level (2-tailed)

Graphic Insights: Illustrative measurements, like means, standard deviations, and frequencies, can

sum up the gathered information. Mean scores for authoritative culture, representative responsibility,

and turnover expectations can be determined, alongside their separate standard deviations and


Table-1: Represents the Correlation between variables. All variables are positively associated with each other.

Table: 02 Linear Regression (Direct Relationships)

Models B R2 t value pvalue* Fvalue

Model:1 Organizational Commitment (Islamic work ethics) 0.33 0.12 7.12 0.000 42.15***

Model:2 Job Satisfaction (Islamic work ethics) 0.41 0.21 9.45 0.000 94.16***

Model:3 Organizational Commitment (Job Satisfaction) 0.72 0.52 18.24 0.000 355.42***

***Shows significant relationships between variables at p<0.01 level (2-tailed) Inferential Measurements: Inferential insights, similar to connection examination and numerous relapse investigations, can be utilized to test connections between factors. For example, connection examination can analyze the connection between hierarchical culture and representative responsibility, as well as between authoritative culture and turnover aims. Numerous relapse examinations can decide the special commitment of hierarchical culture to representative responsibility and turnover goals subsequent to controlling for likely puzzling factors. Results Show: Results can be introduced in tables and figures to work with understanding and correspondence. Examinations with earlier exploration can evaluate consistency and legitimacy. Impediments ought to be recognized, and ideas for future exploration can be advertised.


The conversation ought to investigate and decipher the outcomes, zeroing in on the connection between hierarchical culture, worker responsibility, and turnover goals.

The review's outcomes might uncover a critical positive connection between hierarchical culture and worker responsibility, showing that a positive culture grounded in Islamic moral standards improves representative responsibility. Shared values, standards, and convictions can cultivate a feeling of having a place, pride, and reliability among representatives.

The outcomes may likewise show a critical negative connection between hierarchical culture and turnover goals, recommending that a positive culture diminishes turnover expectations. Islamic moral standards incorporated into the hierarchical culture can furnish workers with reason, backing, and inspiration, decreasing their goal to leave the association.

Different relapse examinations can recognize explicit elements of authoritative culture, like correspondence, acknowledgment, and administration, that unequivocally impact representative responsibility and turnover aims.

By and large, the examination and translation of the outcomes underscore the significance of a positive hierarchical culture grounded in Islamic moral standards. Associations can benefit by putting resources into such a culture, prompting higher worker commitment, work fulfillment, efficiency, and lower non-attendance, turnover, and enlistment costs. Research Article End

This exploration article is expected to research the impact of Islamic moral standards on worker responsibility and maintenance in Islamic financial organizations. Through a quantitative examination plan, the review inspected the connection between hierarchical culture, worker responsibility, and

turnover goals. The discoveries shed light on the significance of integrating Islamic moral standards into the authoritative culture to upgrade representative responsibility and diminish turnover expectations.

The consequences of the review uncovered a huge positive connection between hierarchical culture and worker responsibility in Islamic financial organizations. This suggests that a solid and positive hierarchical culture, grounded in Islamic moral standards, cultivates a feeling of having a place, pride, and steadfastness among workers. The common qualities, standards, and convictions are inborn in Islamic moral standards to advance a positive workplace that urges worker obligation to the association.

Moreover, the review showed a huge negative connection between hierarchical culture and turnover expectations. This recommends that a positive hierarchical culture, established in Islamic moral standards, assumes a fundamental part in decreasing workers' goal to leave the association. By giving motivation, backing, and inspiration, the authoritative culture enlivened by Islamic moral standards diminishes turnover aims and adds to the maintenance of representatives in Islamic financial establishments.

The numerous relapse investigation featured explicit components of hierarchical culture that considerably affected representative responsibility and turnover expectations. Quiet, the components of correspondence, acknowledgment, and initiative arose as essential variables affecting representative responsibility and turnover aims. Associations in the Islamic financial area ought to focus on compelling correspondence rehearses, perceive worker commitments, and encourage solid authority to fortify representative responsibility and lessen turnover goals.

The ramifications of this examination have critical reasonable and hypothetical ramifications. From a functional viewpoint, the discoveries propose that Islamic financial establishments can upgrade worker responsibility and maintenance by developing a positive hierarchical culture in light of Islamic moral standards. Hierarchical pioneers ought to foster a reasonable vision and values, advance transparent correspondence, give open doors to acknowledgment and criticism, put resources into initiative turn of events, and support representative cooperation in dynamic cycles. These means can add to a more grounded hierarchical culture and more significant levels of representative responsibility and maintenance.

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Hypothetically, this exploration adds to the current writing on authoritative culture, worker responsibility, and maintenance by featuring the particular effect of Islamic moral standards in Islamic financial foundations. By giving observational proof of the connection between these factors, this study adds to the comprehension of the components through which authoritative culture impacts representative responsibility and turnover goals. It likewise underscores the significance of incorporating Islamic moral standards into the hierarchical culture to serve representative responsibility and maintenance.

While this study contributes important bits of knowledge, it isn't without restrictions. The utilization of a cross-sectional study plan and self-detailed information might present likely inclinations. Future exploration ought to consider longitudinal examinations to lay out causality and investigate extra directing factors that might impact the connection between authoritative culture, worker responsibility, and maintenance in Islamic financial foundations.

All in all, this examination highlights the critical job of Islamic moral standards in forming worker responsibility and maintenance in Islamic financial establishments. A positive hierarchical culture that integrates these standards upgrades worker responsibility as well as lessens turnover goals. By adjusting their practices to Islamic moral standards, associations in the Islamic financial area can encourage a strong and draw in the workplace, prompting higher worker fulfillment, efficiency, and long-haul hierarchical achievement.


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