Научная статья на тему 'The impact of HR-management on the company productivity'

The impact of HR-management on the company productivity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
HR-Менеджмент / людські ресурси / продуктивність / мотивація / тренінги / компенсація / конкурентоспроможність / HR-менеджмент / человеческие ресурсы / продуктивность / мотивация / тренинги / компенсация / конкурентоспособность / HR-management / human resources / productivity / motivation / training / compensation / competitiveness

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Аджибаева Ажархан Шоканкызы

Данная статья посвящена вопросам эффективной системы управления человеческими ресурсами: Как функции HR-менеджмента влияют на продуктивность и производительность работников и компании. Человеческие ресурсы являются важнейшим фактором экономики. Человеческие ресурсы – это люди, составляющие трудоспособное население страны, обладающие определенным человеческим капиталом. Очевидно, что чем выше качество человеческих ресурсов, тем выше возможности для качественного экономического роста страны. Успехи ведущих фирм в развитых странах связаны с созданием высокоэффективных механизмов управления человеческими ресурсами на уровне организации, в основе формирования которых комплексный, стратегический подход к использованию и развитию трудового потенциала. Логика борьбы за выживание в условиях остро конкурентного рынка вынуждает предпринимателей коренным образом менять свою стратегию. Решающей предпосылкой конкурентоспособности является человеческий потенциал.

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This article focuses on effective human resource management system: How HRmanagement function affects the efficiency and productivity of workers and company. Human resources are the most important factor in the economy. Human resources are people, constituting the working population of the country, having a certain human capital. Obviously, the higher the quality of human resources, the greater the opportunities for strong economic growth of the country. Success of leading companies in developed countries is associated with the creation of highly efficient mechanisms of human resource management at organizational level, which are based on the integrated, strategic approach to the use and development of labor potential. Logic of the struggle for survival in the fiercely competitive market forces entrepreneurs to change their strategy radically. The decisive precondition of competitiveness is human potential.

Текст научной работы на тему «The impact of HR-management on the company productivity»

ях поливариантности трендов, показатель успешности в борьбе группировок. Борьба за инициативу обусловлена борьбой лидеров лагеря за право самоутвердиться, легитимизироваться во главе движения. Важный момент: для трендсеттеров совсем не важно, чтобы инертное большинство потребителей стало потребителем конкретно данного бренда, важно, чтобы оно приняла этот бренд, интериоризировало его в свою систему ценностей, стремилось к обладанию им (если не имеет возможности купить) .

Можно выделить 3 вида инициативы:

1) Инициатива группы (способность группы оперативно реагировать на изменения в коммуникативном пространстве, манипулировать знаками: включать в свою систему потребления, находить новинки, предугадывать возможные успешные тренды - все для того, чтобы активно конкурировать с другими группами за бренды, атрибуты своей идентичности в социуме)

2) Инициатива лидеров лагеря по отношению к своим адептам (влияющие факторы: инертность членов группы, степень доверия и готовности действовать вслед за лидерами мнений своей группы, быстрота реакции, привязанность к группе, степень автономности индивидуального выбора, санкции и поощрения)

3) Инициатива лидеров мнений по отношению друг к другу (конкуренция «ядер» групп, борьба идеологий, субкультур - против друг друга, а не за кого-то; критерий оценки - насколько цельна, про-

думанна, привлекательна идеология) -конкурентоспособность на рынке идей

Инициатива потребления - это динамический показатель, отражающий «аван-гардность» группировки по отношению к другим . Чтобы захватить ее, группировке необходимо отслеживать тенденции и новинки через внутреннюю систему кулхан-теров, которые активно изучают медиапространство . Цель коммуникаций производителя, стремящегося построить успешный бренд - эффективно работать с этим авангардом групп

Таким образом, инициатива потребления - движущая сила смены приоритетов, продуктов, инструментов борьбы, естественного отбора брендов, эволюции рынка в целом

Вместо заключения.

В психологии групп есть множество малоисследованных аспектов, которые могут представлять немалый интерес для специалистов по коммуникациям. Например, в момент, когда достигнуто «насыщение» рынка сторонниками определенного лагеря, авангард этого лагеря может утратить к нему интерес и переключиться на создание новой или серьезно усовершенствованной старой субкультуры. Понимание структуры и внутренней логики этих микрогрупп, а также их взаимоотношений между собой, может позволить определить бренду наиболее выгодную позицию, которая обеспечит долгосрочный успех на этом рынке .

УДК 331. 08

A.S. Ajibayeva*


Аджибаева А.Ш. Влияние HR-менеджмента на продуктивность компании. - Статья . Данная статья посвящена вопросам эффективной системы управления человеческими ресурсами: Как функции HR-менеджмента влияют на продуктивность и производительность работников и компании . Человеческие ресурсы являются важнейшим фактором экономики . Человеческие

* Аджибаева Ажархан Шоканкызы - магистрант 2 года обучения, кафедра «Менеджмент», Казахстанско-Британский технический университет, г. Алматы, Казахстан .

ресурсы - это люди, составляющие трудоспособное население страны, обладающие определенным человеческим капиталом . Очевидно, что чем выше качество человеческих ресурсов, тем выше возможности для качественного экономического роста страны . Успехи ведущих фирм в развитых странах связаны с созданием высокоэффективных механизмов управления человеческими ресурсами на уровне организации, в основе формирования которых комплексный, стратегический подход к использованию и развитию трудового потенциала. Логика борьбы за выживание в условиях остро конкурентного рынка вынуждает предпринимателей коренным образом менять свою стратегию. Решающей предпосылкой конкурентоспособности является человеческий потенциал .

Ключевые слова: HR-менеджмент, человеческие ресурсы, продуктивность, мотивация, тренинги, компенсация, конкурентоспособность

Ajibayeva A.S. The impact of HR-management on the company productivity. - Article .

This article focuses on effective human resource management system: How HR- management function affects the efficiency and productivity of workers and company Human resources are the most important factor in the economy Human resources are people, constituting the working population of the country, having a certain human capital. Obviously, the higher the quality of human resources, the greater the opportunities for strong economic growth of the country. Success of leading companies in developed countries is associated with the creation of highly efficient mechanisms of human resource management at organizational level, which are based on the integrated, strategic approach to the use and development of labor potential . Logic of the struggle for survival in the fiercely competitive market forces entrepreneurs to change their strategy radically The decisive precondition of competitiveness is human potential .

Keywords: HR-management, human resources, productivity, motivation, training, compensation, competitiveness

Аджибаєва А.Ш. Вплив HR-Менеджменту на продуктивність компанії. - Стаття .

Дана стаття присвячена питанням ефективної системи управління людськими ресурсами: Як функції HR-Менеджменту впливають на продуктивність та продуктивність працівників і компанії. Людські ресурси є найважливішим чинником економіки. Людські ресурси - це люди, які є працездатним населенням країни, що володіють певним людським капіталом Очевидно, що чим вище якість людських ресурсів, тим вище можливості для якісного економічного росту країни . Успіхи провідних фірм у розвинених країнах пов'язані зі створенням високоефективних механізмів управління людськими ресурсами на рівні організації, в основі формування яких комплексний, стратегічний підхід до використання та розвитку трудового потенціалу Логіка боротьби за виживання в умовах гостро конкурентного ринку змушує підприємців повністю міняти свою стратегію . Вирішальною передумовою конкурентоспроможності є людський потенціал .

Ключові слова: HR-Менеджмент, людські ресурси, продуктивність, мотивація, тренінги, компенсація, конкурентоспроможність

In a rapidly changing competitive en- of human resources plays a decisive role in

vironment, human resources are one important determining the future success or failure

source of competitive advantage. The way of employee performance and the business

an organization manages its HR has a significant a whole. It is important that the HR strategy has

relationship with the organization's results, a re- to be aligned with the organizational strategy;

velation that supports the resource-based view, otherwise a healthy strategic fit cannot be

where business competitiveness is related, achieved [3].

at least in part, to the investments in company Human resource management operates

specific assets [1].We need to emphasize the im- through human resource systems that bring

portance of HRM in the organization and that together in a coherent way: HR philosophies

the impact on the organization due to turnover describing the overarching values and guiding

can have detrimental repercussions on the or- principles adopted in managing people; HR

ganization due to several factors [2]. HRM strategies defining the direction in which

is a strategic process because management HRM intends to go; HR policies, which are

the guidelines defining how these values, principles and the strategies should be applied and implemented in specific areas of HRM; HR processes consisting of the formal procedures and methods used do put HR strategic plans and policies into effect; HR practices comprising the informal approaches used in managing people; HR programmes, which enable HR strategies, policies and practices to be implemented according to plan [4, p . 4]. Human resource management (HRM) refers to the policies, practices, and system that influence employees’ behavior, attitudes, and performance . HRM practices include analyzing and designing work, determining human resource needs (HR planning), attracting potential employees (recruiting), choosing employees (selection), teaching employees how to perform their jobs and preparing them for the future (training and development), rewarding employees (compensation), evaluating their performance (performance management), and creating a positive work environment (employee relations) [5] . The assumption underpinning the practice of HRM is that people are the organization’s key resource and organizational performance largely depends on them. If, therefore, an appropriate range of HR policies and processes are developed and implemented effectively, then the HR will make a substantial impact on firm performance [4, p. 20]. On the Job Training is very effective and it also saves time and cost Training and Development, On the Job Training, Training Design and Delivery style have significant effect on Organizational Performance and all these have positively affect the Organizational Performance . It means it increases the overall organizational performance [6].

The study of human resource management is concerned with the nature and regulation of the employment relationship and is a field to which a variety of disciplines contribute notably sociology, psychology, and industrial relations . In the figure 1 shows the definition of Human Resource Management (HRM) [7].

Figure 1. The definition of HRM

Training is a key element for improved performance; it can increase the level of individual and organizational competency It helps to reconcile the gap between what should happen and what is happening - between desired targets or standards and actual levels of work performance Training need is any shortfall in employee performance, or potential performance which can be remedied by appropriate training There are many ways of overcoming deficiencies in human performance at work, and training is one of them Training enhances skills, competency, ability and ultimately worker performance and productivity in organizations It followed that organizational success relied on the skills and abilities of their employees, and this means that organizational success depends to an extent on considerable and continuous investment in training. This would ensure an adequate supply of staff that is technically and socially competent and capable of being developed into specialists for the relevant departments or management positions . In the organizations there is a continual need for the process of staff development, and training fulfills an important part of this process. It is recommended for the managers and organizations that: “Training Need Analysis” should be given primary importance so that organizations can fully achieve desired training goals Biasness should be minimized while selecting the candidates for training Training programs should be linked with employees promotions so that these programs help increase employee motivation which ultimately results in

high performance Employees should be clearly communicated about the potential benefits of training programs so that they can participate whole heartedly Trainer should be from within the organization because trainees feel more comfortable to communicate and discuss issues and problems Evaluation of the training program is of vital importance because it helps in ensuring the effectiveness of the training program [8].

Training should made critical part of the organizational structure. For employee performance, innovativeness and competitiveness, the most vital ingredient is its workforce’s knowledge and skills Those organizations which invest in employee training, and are aware of cut throat competition are the ones who know the importance of training Fast pace technological development and organizational change helped employers to realize that success demands the enhancement of employee skills and abilities and it requires uninterrupted investment in training. Reward dimensions have significant effect on employees’ performance pay, performance bonus, recognition and praise are the tools that management can use to motivate employees in order for them to perform effectively and efficiently [9]. While the employees are unhappy with the physical conditions of the workplace, they have remarkable satisfaction with the workplace by having strong behavioral workplace conditions It is proven that workplace environment affects employee performance but behavioral workplace environment has greater effect on employees’ performance [10].

Affirmative, objective and fair human resource management practices affects the level of perceived justice among supervisors and consequently their job performance through the positive influence of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and lessen the influence of negative word of mouth and quitting intention Ineffective, and unfair practices and incidents occurring in such human resource practices as selection, promotion, training,

career development opportunities, shifting, compensating, rewarding, and performance appraisal are expected to reduce the level of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance ; in addition to talk negatively about the organization and to intend to quit it [11] Adversely, fair, objective, and effective HRM practices are expected to improve the level of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and les-sen the quitting intention, and negative word of mouth Simply put, productivity is efficiency in production: how much output is obtained from a given set of inputs . As such, it is typically expressed as an output - input ratio Singlefactor productivity measures reflect units of output produced per unit of a particular input. Labor productivity is the most common measure of this type, though occasionally capital or even materials productivity measures are used Of course, single factor productivity levels are affected by the intensity of use of the excluded inputs Two producers may have quite different labor productivity levels even though they have the same production technology if one happens to use capital much more intensively, say because they face different factor prices [12].

A recent McKinsey Quarterly survey underscores the opportunity The respondents view three noncash motivators - praise from immediate managers, leadership attention (for example, one-on-one conversations), and a chance to lead projects or task forces - as no less or even more effective motivators than the three highest-rated financial incentives: cash bonuses, increased base pay, and stock or stock options (exhibit) The survey’s top three nonfinancial motivators play critical roles in making employees feel that their companies value them, take their well-being seriously, and strive to create opportunities for career growth These themes recur constantly in most studies on ways to motivate and engage employees With profitability returning to some geographies and sectors, we see signs that bonuses will be making a comeback: for

instance, 28 percent of our survey respondents say that their companies plan to reintroduce financial incentives in the coming year While such rewards certainly have an important role to play, business leaders would do well to consider the lessons of the crisis and think broadly about the best ways to engage and inspire employees A talent strategy that

emphasizes the frequent use of the right nonfinancial motivators would benefit most companies in bleak times and fair. By acting now, they could exit the downturn stronger than they entered it [13].

Bureau of Labor statistics give quick facts about HR Managers for 2012. This information shows in the figure 2 [14].

Quiet Fitts; Hmnjiii RejJOurMS №MOt*3

ÏQH HsdiM Pay 0 £99,720 par 54 7 .94 per hour

Entry-Leifd Educj tJon Bachelor's degree

Work Experience In a Related Occupation ^ 5 years or more

ûn-tfie-joh Training None

Number of Jobs, 2012 <f| I02r700

Job Outlook, 2012-22 Ü 13% {As fast as average)

E mployment Change, >012-23 13,600

Figure 2. Quick Facts: Human Resources Managers

As competition increases, organizations will seek ways in which they can stimulate higher levels of performance from its employees in order to remain competitive Indeed, employee productivity is often directly related to organizational performance The organization’s reward system can play a critical role in influencing employee performance However, HRM practitioners and compensation specialists must consider a number of factors when designing reward systems Many employees will be motivated to maximize their pay and performance-enhancing compensation practices can play an important role in helping employees achieve higher levels of pay However, we contend that individual competition for rewards and high levels of stress can stimulate bullying behavior among employees . Ultimately, such conditions can produce a system in which employees who bully will realize higher levels of productivity than those who are targeted by bullying Moreover, such a system may present a threat to the organization’s long-term survival when employee productivity is not based on capability but rather, their willingness to use bullying tactics on co-workers [15] .

Human resource planning (HRP), the process of systematically reviewing human resource requirements to ensure that the required

numbers of employees, with the required skills, are available when and where they are needed Effective staffing decisions begin with human resource planning [16].

HRM can usefully be understood as set of activities aimed at building individual and workforce performance On the level of individual performance, HRM consists of managerial attempts to influence individual ability (A), motivation (M), and the opportunity to perform (O) If managers want to enhance individual performance, they need to influence these three variables positively This is true in any model of HRM, whether we are talking of one in which employees have relatively basic skills (such as fast-food services) or very advanced qualifications (such as brain surgery) Using mathematical notation:

P = f (A, M, O)

In other words, individuals perform when they have:

- the ability (A) to perform (they can do the job because they possess the necessary knowledge, skills and aptitudes);

- the motivation (M) to perform (they will do the job because they feel adequately interested and incentivized); and

- the opportunity (O) to perform (their work structure and its environment provides

the necessary support and avenues for expression) .

The AMO framework is depicted in Figure 3 . We should note that it is not only H RM that affects the AMO variables . Employees are motivated and enabled not only through incentives (such as pay and promotion) and work processes (such as supervisory help and co-worker support) but also through the wider organizational environment, including such things as the quality of information systems and the level of funding available. It is easier to perform when a firm is financially successful and management decides to plough its wealth back into new technologies and better staffing budgets [17].

Figure 3. The AMO model of individual performance

Organizations need to be efficient in doing the right things, in the optimum use of their resources and in the ratio of outputs to inputs . But organizations must also be effective in doing the right things and in their outputs related to some specific purpose, objective or task Performance should be related to such factors as increasing profitability, improved service delivery or obtaining the best results in important areas of organizational activities Organizations must also ensure that they meet satisfactorily, or exceed, the demands and requirements of customers, and are adaptable to specific requirements, changes in the external environment and the demands of the situations .

However the HRM function is organized or evaluated, proper attention to the establishment of good HR policies and employment relations will help to improve the efficiency of the workforce and standards of service to customers Full use should be made of specialist HR staff,

the involvement of line managers and modern methods and processes

Browning lists ten ways to make HR effective:

1 . Be the catalysts for making things happen.

2. Avoid being the corporate soft touch .

3. Understand the whole business .

4. Keep people-management systems simple .

5 . Remember line managers manage people, not HR.

6 . Work with, not above, line managers .

7 . Be super-efficient in the transactional stuff.

8 . Be leaders in the transformational stuff

9. Help the business to manage change.

10. Accept that good 'people ideas’ exist outside HR [18].

Logic of the struggle for survival in the fiercely competitive market forces entrepreneurs radically changes its strategy. Decisive precondition of competitiveness is its human potential. In this regard, in various forms is a movement to create a new model of development and use of human resources Its main features include focus on highly skilled and enterprising workforce, integrated production system, continuity of the development of knowledge and skills, flexibility of work organization, delegation of responsibility from top to bottom, a partnership between the parties made

The essence of the present stage of human resource management is that high-level management of the organization, a determination of strategy and organization . Participation of all line managers in the implementation of a common policy in the field of personnel management requires constant strategic missions at all stages of management on the basis of a common program development organization

Success of leader companies in developed countries are associated with the creation of highly efficient mechanisms of human resource management at the organizational level, in which the basis of formation of integrated, strategic

approach to the use and development of labor potential

Human resources are the most important factor in the economy Human resources are people, constituting the working population of the country, having a certain human capital . Obviously, how higher the quality of human resources, so the greater the opportunities for strong economic growth of the country.

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