Научная статья на тему 'The impact of fluctuations in spectrum and intensity of radiation on plant productivity'

The impact of fluctuations in spectrum and intensity of radiation on plant productivity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
irradiation facilities / economic efficiency / stabilization

Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Ibragimov Ravshanbek Ismoilovich

The article considers the question of the influence of the fluctuations of the spectrum and the intensity of radiation on the productivity of plants

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Похожие темы научных работ по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям , автор научной работы — Ibragimov Ravshanbek Ismoilovich

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Текст научной работы на тему «The impact of fluctuations in spectrum and intensity of radiation on plant productivity»

5. Никончук А. В., Никончук А. В., Гришин К. М. Имитационное моделирование раскряжевки хлыстов сосны с максимизацией выпуска плановых круглых лесоматериалов // Вестник КрасГАУ, 2014. - № 7. - С. 130-135.

УДК 621.321

DOI 10.24411/2409-3203-2018-11648


Ibragimov Ravshanbek Ismoilovich

Postgraduate Student of the Department "Energy Systems" Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University The Republic of Tajikistan

Abstract: The article considers the question of the influence of the fluctuations of the spectrum and the intensity of radiation on the productivity of plants

Keywords: irradiation facilities, economic efficiency, stabilization

So far not developed a clear methodology for assessing the impact on plant productivity fluctuations in the spectrum and intensity of radiation. Therefore, when engineering parameters of limit ourselves with regard to material and energy losses caused by the overconsumption of electricity, the increase in installed capacity and a shorter lifespan.

In accordance with the stated [7] the method was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of devices of stabilisation in the breeding complex of the all-Russian Institute of plant industry (VIR). The complex includes 3,000 hectares of breeding greenhouses and more than 30 chambers of artificial climate. With more than 70% of electricity consumption accounted for irradiation facilities. To assess the effectiveness of the use of statistical characteristics of voltage deviation on the buses of the transformer substation of the complex. Given the preliminary information of the voltage measurement was carried out in the range of 0...20% of nominal. The probability of the monitored signal in the interval P(x)and standard deviation o(x)is determined cyclically in General, per day and for three time intervals of 8 hours. The measurement results are shown in table 2.2. The mathematical expectation of the deviation of the voltage during the day amounted to 24.5, which corresponds to the voltage of the control point network 404,5 V. the Values of mathematical expectations of power consumption, reduction-of-life HL, the variances of the irradiance lamps and spectral ranges are given in table 1

Table 1 - Mathematical expectation of deviations of the main parameters of irradiation facilities breeding complex VIR

Parameters Type discharge lamp

ДМ4-6000 6,3 ДРИ-2000 6,3 ДНаТ-400 6,3 ДРЛФ-400 6,3

Voltage deviation, %

The increase of power consumption and energy consumption, % 17 15 16 18

The reduction of the lifetime of HL % 20 18 18 18

The deviation of the radiation spectral ranges, %

400 - 700 нм 32 28 26 22

400 -500 нм 20 19 24 —

500 - 600 нм 24 22 16 —.

600 - 700 нм 79 68 35 —

Analysis of the data obtained shows a significant (up to 18%) energy overuse with a decrease in the service life of the GL by 18-20%. In climatic structures, the instability of UQ leads to disruption of the conditions of biological experiments due to the fluctuations of the spectrum and the intensity of HH radiation. The mathematical expectation of the variance of the HEADLIGHTS was 22-28% nominal. In this case, the deviations of the radiation of the blue, green and red spectral ranges reach, respectively, 24, 22 and 68% of their nominal values.

It can be noted that the compensation of deviations Uc will reduce electricity consumption by more than 25% and reduce the annual need for lamps by 20%. When designing irradiation facilities for greenhouses and SCS, the instability of Uc is taken into account in the accepted safety factor, the value of which reaches 1.5 [6]. Thus, additional losses are obtained due to the overestimated installed capacity of the irradiation facilities.

Table 2 - Baseline data for calculating the economic efficiency of stabilization of the parameters of the irradiation facilities of the climate chambers of the breeding complex VIR (for 1 camera)

Power supply conditions Nominal From the network

Installed power GL, kW 9 9

Number of lamps (DRLF-400), pcs. 18 18

Power consumption kW 9 11.5

The number of hours of work per year, hour. 5000 5000

Lamp life, hours 6000 4800

Number of replacement lamps, pcs. in year 15 18

Electricity consumption, kW * hour 45000 57500

In the course of the research, an assessment was made of the damage caused by the instability of Uc and a feasibility study was carried out to stabilize the parameters of irradiation units of the type YOPT-1-6000 and Y0PTY-2-3000 with DM4-6000 and DMZ-3000 lamps. As in the design of irradiation systems, the actual conditions of their operation are not known in advance, the magnitude of the voltage deviations was taken in accordance with existing norms and standards. Thus, the overuse of electricity and the drop in the life of the lamps caused by their operating conditions were not taken into account.

In [8], it was shown that the amount of additional installed GL power to ensure a guaranteed minimum irradiance of HEADLIGHTS when Uc is unstable is determined by the power deviation coefficient of the CU. 28 Thus, with fluctuations in Uc within ± 5% of U and ensuring the normalized integral level of the HEADLIGHT is not lower than the specified, the installed power of the GL is overestimated by 28%. In this case, the power consumption with Uc fluctuations from 0.95 UH to 1.05 will vary from 1.14 P to 1.42 P. At the same time, the effective return decreases

by 10-15% and the terminal parameters of the radiation regime are not supported. The economic efficiency of the use of stabilization devices for irradiation facilities of the type UORT-1-6000 and WART-2-3000 was calculated for a seating area of 1000 m2. In this case, in accordance with the initial requirements [7], it is assumed that devices are individually installed in each control cabinet, i.e., one device for one DM4-6000 lamp or two DM4-3000 lamps.

The baseline data for calculating the economic efficiency of stabilizing the parameters of the IRT-1-6000 irradiation units are given in Table 3 Their analysis shows the possibility of reducing the installed power and power consumption by about 25%.

Thus, the compensation of deviations of Uc in existing SCS will allow to obtain an economic effect by reducing power consumption and increasing lamp resources. The introduction of devices, stabilization at the design stage of the SCS irradiation plants provides savings by reducing the installed capacity of the GL.

Table 3- Baseline data for calculating the cost-effectiveness of stabilizing the parameters of irradiation installations UORT-1-6000

Light zone 1 2 3 4

Power supply conditions Nomi-bulk From the network Nomi-bulk From the network Nomi-bulk From the network Номинальные From the network

Irradiated area, m2 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Number of units, pcs. 22 28 14 18 13 16 9 11

The area irradiated by one lamp.m2 26 36 72 56 78 63 111 91

Number of lamps, pcs 22 28 14 18 13 16 9 11

Power of installations, kW 132 168 84 108 78 96 54 66

The number of hours of work per year, hour 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400

Electricity consumption. kWh 52800 67200 33600 48200 31200 38400 21600 26400

Conclusion: an additional economic effect can be obtained by meeting the spectral composition and intensity of radiation technological requirements.


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