Научная статья на тему 'The Image of Uzbekistan is Radically Changing'

The Image of Uzbekistan is Radically Changing Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Strategy of Uzbekistan
Ключевые слова
development / strategy / national / uzbekistan / reforms / Digitalization / rivojlanish / strategiya / milliy / o‘zbekiston / islohotlar / raqamlashtirish
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Текст научной работы на тему «The Image of Uzbekistan is Radically Changing»


Abdulaziz KOMILOV,

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Repub/ic of Uzbekistan

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We wi/l further develop our relations based on pragmatic and we/l-thought-out foreign policy and economic diplomacy. We pay specia/ attention to expanding mutually beneficial and multifaceted relations with our partners in a// regions of the world.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev

In his speech at the 76th session of the U N General Assembly in September this year, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that the large-scale and

rapid democratic reforms in Uzbekistan in recent years are irreversible, and based on ensuring and protecting human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

1 n turn, this statement, according to foreign observers, is a strong positive call for the world community, especially for Uzbekistan's foreign policy partners and international investors.

So, what has changed the image of Uzbekistan in the international arena?

First, the political will and determination of the President, who has set himself the goal of ca rrying out deep structural reforms, including

f reedom of speech and media, freedom of religion and belief, gender equality and interethnic harmony.

As you know, in October 2020, for the first time in history, Uzbekistan was elected a member of the UN Human Rights Council, which includes 47 countries responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights around the world.

Secondly, the

foreign policy program approved by the President of Uzbekistan is pragmatically and strategically well thought out. These aspects have served to strengthen the image of our country as a reliable and active foreign policy partner.

The main result of this foreign policy has been the radical improvement




of the political situation in Central Asia, the formation of a true spirit of neighbourliness in the region, the beginning of joint work of Uzbekistan and neighbouring

countries to address important regional issues.

In addition, the country has expanded multifaceted and mutually beneficial relations with leading countries - Russia, China, the United States, the European Union and European countries, Turkey, South Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, as well as many other countries in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Third, multilateral

diplomacy has intensified significantly. The

international conferences held at the initiative of the country's leadership have been highly praised by the world community. First of all, we are talking about historically important forums dedicated to the formation of international

transport corridors, the solution of the Afghan problem, strengthening the interconnectedness of Central and South Asia. The World Conference on Youth Involvement in Global Movements was a success.

AII these major forums have formed a political platform for developing a new, effective model of regional and international relations in the political, economic, investment, transport and logistics, energy, technological, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

As a continuation of such prestigious events, another important

international conference will be held in Tashkent. It focuses on a pressing issue facing the international community - the challenges of global economic recovery and the study of best practices in poverty reduction in the post-coronavirus pandemic period.

Fourth, the vital and topical initiatives of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev aimed at uniting the efforts of the region and the world in solvingcommon problems have led to a sharp increase in Uzbekistan's activity in international organizations and the strengthening of its role.

It should be noted that at the initiative and proposal of Uzbekistan, the UN Multilateral Trust Fund for Human Security in the Aral Sea Region was established. A number of important UN General Assembly resolutions were adopted to strengthen regional and international cooperation in the Central Asian region - aimed at enlightenment and religious tolerance, sustainable tourism and sustainable development, and the creation of a zone of environmental innovation a nd technology in the Aral Sea region.

In 2020, the country chaired the CIS for the first time and successful ly hosted the Commonwealth Summit, putting forward dozens of initiatives within its framework.

It should be noted that the most important events in the life of the country include the accession of Uzbekistan

to the Turkish Council, the progress of negotiations on membership in the World Trade Organization, getting the observer status in the Eurasian Economic Union. At the same time, our country is completing the process of negotiations on an Enhanced Partnershipand Cooperation Agreement with the European Union and has received the status of а beneficiary state in the GSP + system.

Fifth, economic

diplomacy is becoming increasingly important. Attracting foreign

investment and advanced technologies to the economy of Uzbekistan has significantly


ln general, all of the above factors have contributed to the formation of а new image of Uzbekistan as а country open to comprehensive cooperation. The concept of «new Uzbekistan» got а strong place in the international arena.

Regional cooperation in the new Uzbekistan and Central Asia

From the first days of his presidency, President Mirziyoyev has given priority to radically improving the political situation in Central Asia. First and foremost, а responsible and important

task has been identified, such as initiating a constructive solution to regional issues that have created obstacles to strengthening ties with neighbours in the past. High-level trust and open dialogue have been established with neighbouring

countries, and necessary agreements have been reached to resolve bilateral and regional issues on the basis of good neighbourliness, mutual trust, consideration of each other's interests and reasonable compromises. Uzbekistan's relations with all Central Asian states have risen to the level of strategic partnership.

The President also noted that the phrase «the spirit of Central Asia» has appeared in world political science. This phrase clearly reflects the positive political environment for cooperation and mutual understanding created in our region.

Over the past period, an initiative has been taken to hold regular consultative meetings of the leaders of the region. Three such summits were held in Nur-Sultan, Tashkent and Avaza. Central Asian economic forums are also being held. Trade and economic relations, industrial

cooperation, cultural and

humanitarian cooperation are developing rapidly.

Reflecting on the main issues of regional cooperation, we сап continue to address border issues, joint and rational use of water and energy resources, development and

improvement of transport and communication

systems, regional security, as well as а number of environmental issues.

It should be noted that these areas stem from the regional strategy of the President of Uzbekistan, which includes the following issues:

First, to implement all the agreements reached at the highest level during bilateral talks and in the framework of consultative summits of Central Asian leaders.

Second, to improve the model of regional economic cooperation, increase the effectiveness of cooperation in trade and investment, industrial cooperation, transport, transit, energy and innovation.

Third, to jointly address the current challenges and threats facing our region, including the elimination of pandemics and their consequences, the

solution of environmental


problems, the prevention of transnational threats posed by extremism and terrorism, as well as strengthen interethnic harmony, friendship and brotherhood ties between the peoples of Central Asia.

Logical steps towards

strategic cooperation

Admittedly, preventive diplomacy has proven its usefulness many times in the past, and is still proving its practical strength, including in its approach to the new situation in Afghanistan. lt's not just about bilateral diplomacy. At the international level, a comprehensive system of political-diplomatic

mechanisms aimed at raising awareness of any threats and dangers to national and regional security has been created and is constantly evolving.

For example, in Central Asia, the countries of the region have a system of balanced mechanisms in the form of «5 + 1» dialogue with major partners. Such platforms operate in relations with Russia, the United States, the European Union, China, lndia, the Republic of Korea, and Japan. At the same time, in addition to the CSTO, there are organizations in the region, such as the CIS and the SCO, which discuss topical issues,

in particular, regional security, as wel I as the problem of Afghanistan.

The participation of Uzbekistan as an honorary guest and a member of the SCO in the recent CSTO summit in Dushanbe to discuss the situation in Afghanistan and in the SCO + CSTO format is also an integral part of our balanced and practical diplomacy.

lt should be noted that as a result of active and open policy, Uzbekistan has established strategic partnerships with all countries of Central Asia and the world's major powers. Cooperation with them in the fight against

terrorism and extremism is actively developing, and military-technical ties are successfully advancing. Regular dialogue with partner countries on all aspects of cooperation in the region contributes to the strengthening of regional stability, creating conditions for the prevention of serious threats to security.

AII this allows for effective discussion

and timely resolution of issues on prevention and consistent response to risks.

A meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held in Tajikistan on September 17. Following the summit, Uzbekistan took over the chairmanship of this influential organization. Such a mission imposes a special responsibility on Uzbekistan and at the same time allows it to achieve its goals. At the same time, in preparation for the next SCO summit in 2022, the question arises as to what goals official Tashkent has set for itself.

Over the past period, the SCO has become an important subject of world politics, has taken its rightful place among a number of influential internationaI structures.

The regional partnership based on the principles of the «Shanghai Spirit» is being strengthened. The joint capacity of the member states to counter new threats and challenges is growing, and their economic and cultural cooperation is expanding.

1 n 2022, more than 80 events of international importance are planned to be held under the chairmanship

of Uzbekistan in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. To carry out such a comprehensive task, we have developed a special «Road Map» and the concept of our own presidency. ln it, we took into account the experience ofthe country's presidency in 2004, 2010 and 2016, as well as current realities. There is no doubt that all events under the chairmanship of Uzbekistan in the SCO will be held at the highest level.

Another important point. Within the framework of its participation in the activities of international systems,includingtheSCO, Uzbekistan is advancing practical initiatives

aimed at developing the effectiveness of mutually beneficial cooperation between the partner countries, while at the

same time making significant domestic changes. These include sustainable economic development, increasing the inflow of foreign investment and exports of national goods and services, modernization of transport infrastructure, as well as improving the legal framework and mechanisms for the protection of the rights of citizens abroad.

ln short, the next SCO summit in Uzbekistan is a good opportunity to promote the interests of the state and the people, to further strengthen the role and importance of the organization, to realize its potential in a new and fuller way.

The image of Uzbekistan is changing radically

On October 5, Tashkent hosted an international conference on «Uzbekistan: rapid reforms over five years», dedicated to the radical changes that have taken place in the country in recent years. The conference was organized at a high level. It was attended by diplomatic missions of foreign countries, representatives of international

organizations, well-

known foreign scientists and experts. The event


was а great success due to the efforts of the organizers, as well as the close relationship and open dialogue in the mutual discussions of the participants.

One of the plenary sessions during the conference was dedicated to the tasks of ensuring security, religious

tolerance and interethnic harmony, as well as pursuing а balanced, constructive foreign policy. AII these interrelated areas аrе covered in the fifth priority direction of the program of radical reforms being implemented in our country - the Strategy of Action for the five priority areas of development of

the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021.

lt should be noted that the conference participants had a lively and open discussion on the progress of reforms aimed at making Uzbekistan one of the developed democracies.

The radical reforms launched in Uzbekistan have played an invaluable role in the country's transitiontoa new, modern path of development and modernization, increasing the effectiveness of domestic and foreign policy. This view is also reflected in the views of foreign experts and diplomats.

During the discussions, our foreign colleagues noted that due to the open and constructive foreign policy of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the role and importance of our country in international relations has been significantly strengthened. One of the main results is a radical change in the image of Uzbekistan. We can see this in the fact that Uzbekistan is perceived in the world as a democratic society, a strong, competitive economy, innovative institutions and inf rastructure.

Pragmatic foreign policy

Looking at the modern world from a realistic point

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of view, unfortunately, it is worth noting that the competition of major powers continues on a global scale, and it sometimes takes on an open and even severe character. Of course, the consequences of the secret and sometimes uncompromising confrontation between the major participants in some global processes are being observed in various regions of the world, including Central Asia.

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ln addition, our region remains due to a number of known factors an attractive place where the geopolitical interests and hidden claims of major powers have historically clashed.

Therefore, if the Centra 1 Asian states do not take the necessary measures to further strengthen their

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sovereignty and state independence, ensure regional stability and security, as well as create a positive political situation in the region, the rivalry of major powers could lead to tensions in the region.

The interests of the major powers involved in the Central Asian process are diverse, and they sometimes have common ground, but in some cases are conflicting. No matter how diverse these interests are, they exist and are closely linked to historical, geographical factors as well as global trends. Clearly, the clash of aspirations of such states is not in the interests of the countries of the region, as they sometimes impose a «geopolitical choice» on the Central Asian states, and an approach to one side could lead to tensions in relations with the other.

Uzbekistan's foreign policy is aimed at preventing the violation of national interests,ensuring equal, mutually beneficial relations with all parties interested in partnership with it. The means to achieve this goal include theformation ofa balanced strategic partnershi p with near and far abroad, the development of constructive and good neighbourly relations with neighbouring countries, the establishment of a stable regional security system that will mitigate the full impact of global change. For example, the Summit of Central Asian Leaders will play an important role in this regard.

It must be

acknowledged that the main principles and priorities of Uzbekistan's foreign policy are aimed at

ensuring sovereignty and freedom of movement in the international arena. One of the important directions is to form а multi-stakeholder system of strategic partnership with all major players in world politics and, on this basis, to develop relations with several major partners simultaneously without losing independence, to advance national interests.

To date, Uzbekistan has formed for itself a balanced set of relations with the world's leading countriesand international organizations, maintaining geopolitical balance and ensuring the diversity of partners in the political, trade and economic spheres.

The country has a wide range of foreign policy partners. Today, we have equal relations with more than 135 countries and mutually beneficial trade and economic relations with more than 120 countries. Uzbekistan also has an optimal diplomatic network

covering 55 regions of the world, represented by 55 embassies, consulates and permanent

representations in international


It should be noted that the broad system of partners does not mean for

us a chaotic relationship in foreign policy. On the contrary, in developing our relations with every state and every international organization, there are clear, well-thought-out pragmatic tasks that meet the interests of our state.

Uzbekistan pursues a peacefulpolicy.Thecountry has been cooperating on an equal footing with its foreign policy partners on the basis of universally recognized international norms and principles of respect for sovereignty, non-interference in

internal affairs, peaceful settlement of disputes, non-use of force and consideration of mutual interests.

Such an approach will lead to the continuation of large-scale reforms within the country, the active use of bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms to ensure the most favourable external conditions for attracting foreign investment and technology, as well as the formation of multi-sectoral transport

corridors that can reliably and sustainaby guarantee Uzbekistan's access to major world markets.

It should be noted that it is time to conduct in-depth research on the application of the pragmatic multi-vector

model in the foreign policy of Uzbekistan, as the practice in this area has its own experience and characteristics. One of the main features of the Uzbek model of multi-vector foreign policy is that its priority vector is national interests.

The concept of multi-vector has a positive and constructive meaning. We apply the principle of «equal distance proximity» rather than «equal distance» to our various major partners. Uzbekistan pursues an active and at the same time flexible policy towards international partners, involving them in the process of promoting and implementing our initiatives.

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