THE HERITAGE OF KHOJA AHMAD YASSAVI AS A FACTOR OF PERFECT PERSONAL EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
perfect personality / Islam / sheikh / Turkic world / spiritual heritage / history / culture / enlightenment.

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Dildor Abdullayevna Sadikova

In this article, there were many great people who gained wide fame and achieved high spiritual influence in the history of Turkic peoples, but like Khoja Ahamad Yassavi, they had an impact on education, literature, culture, and even politics over the centuries. The great figures who passed have been widely studied. Also, it is scientifically proven that the scholars of the East in his time gave a high evaluation to Hazrat Yassavi as "the sheikh of Turkistan" and that the immortal legacy of Ahmad Yassavi was honored as the general spiritual wealth of the world of science.

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Dildor Abdullayevna Sadikova

Ftti senior lecturer at the department of social and humanitarian sciences

In this article, there were many great people who gained wide fame and achieved high spiritual influence in the history of Turkic peoples, but like Khoja Ahamad Yassavi, they had an impact on education, literature, culture, and even politics over the centuries. The great figures who passed have been widely studied. Also, it is scientifically proven that the scholars of the East in his time gave a high evaluation to Hazrat Yassavi as "the sheikh of Turkistan" and that the immortal legacy of Ahmad Yassavi was honored as the general spiritual wealth of the world of science.

Keywords: perfect personality, Islam, sheikh, Turkic world, spiritual heritage, history, culture, enlightenment.

Enter. After the independence of our country, centuries-old changes took place in the socio-economic, political and spiritual-cultural spheres. By a healthy person, we understand not only physical health, but also a person who has matured in the spirit of oriental morals and universal ideas. In the hearts of our youth, we need to establish a healthy attitude towards our rich history, our national values, and the holy religion. As long as there is a national state, its independence and freedom, its traditions and customs, every person living in our country, the growing up of the new generation in all respects, strong will, religious soundness of mind, and faith will grow into adulthood. the importance of raising our spiritual and educational activities to a high level among the general public and our population is incomparable.

The decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 28, 2017 No. PQ-3160 "On increasing the efficiency of spiritual and educational work and raising the development of the field to a new level" and the tasks defined in other regulatory and legal documents in the implementation of this research work serves to a certain extent. From this point of view, it is a scientific and social practical necessity to study spiritual perfection and spiritual ideas expressed in the legacy of our great ancestors, including Khoja Ahmed Yassavi. Most of the Sufi teachings of Khwaja Ahmed Yassavi are devoted to faith. Basically, it is based on the spiritual and mental formation of a person. From this point of view, the great scholar shows that in the status of enlightenment, knowledge is the foundation of the formation of intelligence and thinking in a person, and explains that this status includes the moral


formation of a person. Also, he was able to justify the processes of

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formation of spiritual, intellectual and human morality in their interdependence.

By studying Yassavi's wisdom, students develop spiritual and moral qualities such as kindness, kindness and consideration, generosity, religiousness, contentment, diligence, justice, patience, kindness, honesty, understanding, insight, and wisdom. we have witnessed its development. Addressing young people, he said that acquiring knowledge is not easy, and for this, it requires a person to be willing to constantly search and work diligently on himself, despite all the difficulties and hardships. It is said that only a person with such a character can acquire knowledge and science for years. In this regard, he expresses in the following verses that he studied knowledge under the guidance of his teachers in Bukhara and other cities until he was 20 years old, and as a result, he tried to get rid of the various ailments that he had throughout his life, like all other people. Seventy statuses appeared, Reciting Zikr, my stomach became pure, When I went to Kaida, my grandfather Khizr was present, G'avs-ul-Ghiyyas was drinking wine, I was tired. I am seven and twenty years old, I have passed the status, Bihamdillah, I have completed my service. That's why I fell in love with Haqq. According to the rule of Sufis, Khwaja Ahmed Yassavi chose the path of poverty even after gaining knowledge and receiving irshad (testament), he did not settle down in any place, he went from city to city, village to village, educating the people, He preached knowledge that called for enlightenment, the ruler to faith and honesty, and he condemned ascetics who understood asceticism and piety superficially and did not follow knowledge: O scholar, don't ask for the explanation of people of love. do not take medicine. If you fall in love, don't ask hermits for a sign. If you fall in love on these roads, there is no compensation. Or don't be a hermit, don't be obedient, be in love, work hard and be faithful in the path of love, restrain your lust and be worthy of the gallows, Loveless people have no soul and no faith. As it can be seen from these lines, there are no hypocrites who boast that they are righteous and do impure things among the Smfis. Khoja Ahmed Yassavi strongly condemns you religious people: They walk around claiming to have done the service of the Pir, they walk around claiming to be talibes, They spread the haram -Harishin, they hit their wrists, There is no moisture in their eyes, they enter the people, Listen to my grandfather Arslan's words, congratulations. Studying and analyzing thoughts on science and intellectual education in Yassavi's work "Hikmatar" shows that Khoja Ahmad Yassavi is not only a great religious figure, but also a great poet and a great enlightener and pedagogue. bmladi His observations of the conflicts of life in the environment are distinguished by a wealth of very subtle and deep pedagogical observations. The fact that in Bukhara, which once flourished and reached the height of science and technology, like in other cities, courage, enlightenment, and honesty have disappeared from the kings and governors, ministers and even scientists.Yassavi expresses the fact that there is a gap in social and

spiritual education that worries him very much: Dear people, there is

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no generosity in our people, there is no justice in kings and ministers, there is no answer to the prayers of dervishes, the plague of diversity is falling on the people. said, friends. Or Nokas, a greedy and greedy master of slaves, Arrogance exceeded the limit and became a tyrant. They were despised among the people. The dervish, the scholar's protection made the people unbelievers, see. These verses are verses that have an intellectual, educational and educational power to warn all the people. He always believed that the foundation of perfection lies in education, science, and moral purity, and thus he gained great fame among the people.

In the history of the Turkic peoples, there have been many nobles who have gained wide fame and achieved high spiritual authority, but like Khoja Ahamad Yassavi, the Turkic peoples have been leading the spiritual life for centuries, and until these days Sufism, literature, culture, and even politics The great figures who have had an impact on the front can be counted on the fingers.

"Khoja Ahamad Yassavi - the last convert to Islam and the first poet of Islam -was an ideologist, and in the same sense it was his lot to act like Dante in the emergence of the great Eastern renaissance," says Professor Yashar Karayev. In fact, Ahmed Yassavi fulfilled an irrevocable and unforgettable historical task not only as the creator of a new sect, but also as the first creator of Turkish mystical poetry. Turkish is a beautiful, powerful and generous language. Texts related to Buddhism and Monism were interpreted in this language in ancient times. Poems expressing the concepts of other religions were written in this language. But Ahmed Yassavi was the first to raise his mother tongue to the status of the language of the sect. Therefore, every word and every phrase in his poems is as holy, bright and divine as the truths of Islam.

Ahmad Yassavi's historical service in Turkish literature is certainly not limited to the fact that he started the tradition of hikmatnavis. Along with the poems that meet the requirements of the prayer, qasida, discussion genre, "Merozhnoma" is also included in "Devoni Hikmat". Yassawi's verses in praise of Hazrat Muhammed alayhissalam have been inspiring readers since the time of their creation and are able to influence any creative person.

Alisher Navoi wrote the following words about this great Turkish pir: "Ahmed Yassavi is the sheikhul mashaikh of Turkestan estate. His authority was high and famous, and his merit was great and incomparable. The murid and the companion are great, and the shahu gado is at the threshold of his will and sincerity.

So, Khoja Ahmed Yassavi is a blessed and valuable person for all Turkic peoples. The names, sects and works of Piri Turkistan Khwaja Ahmed Yassavi and the works entitled "Devoni Hikmat" are known and popular among all Turkic peoples. This is why Ahmad Yassavi's religious-mystical teachings and poetry have been read and studied in many regions of the world for centuries.

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Knowing Yassawi means first of all knowing Sharia, Tariqat, Enlightenment and Truth. To know Yassavi means to rise to the status of perfection by deeply understanding the secrets of the human mind, heart and soul. The life of Ahmed Yassavi, who occupied an extremely important place in the moral and spiritual life of our ancestors, was humiliated and separated from the people during the former Shura system. But even then, the blessed name and poems of our great grandfather lived in the hearts and memories of our people. Therefore, one of the meritorious works was to prepare "Devoni Hikmat" for publication and deliver it to a wide readership. It was not for nothing that the edition of "Devoni Hikmat" published by Kamal Eraslon was used as a basis for this. Because in the 20s of the 20th century, an extremely remarkable achievement was achieved in the field of legal studies in Turkey.

This was the creation of the book "The first mystics in Turkish literature" by the famous Turkish scholar MF Kupruli. Since then, the study of Yassavi's heritage and the publication of his works have not stopped in the brotherly Turkish land. In particular, in the next ten years, Turkish researchers made great progress in this field. We would like to say that every scientist who intends to carry out scientific works that will make a certain contribution to systematic studies should be aware of these studies. Besides, there are still many unexplored aspects of Yassavi's work. In this sense, it would be appropriate to draw attention to this scholar at the level of the Organization of Turkic States, establish an international award in his name, or establish an international charity fund. However, the Turkish world understands and accepts all the works of the sheikh, piri, benazir scholar of Sufism in Turkish. His poems written in Turkish are distinguished by the simplicity of the language, but the brightness and clarity of expression. This decision will be another important step towards the cultural rapprochement of the Turkic peoples.

On the other hand, the role of religion, history, and philosophy is invaluable in educating young people in the spirit of love for science and loyalty to the Motherland. As President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted: "National history should be created with a national spirit. Otherwise, it will not have an educational effect. We need to teach our youth to learn from history, draw conclusions, arm them with historical knowledge and historical thinking.'

It can be concluded that Yassavi's works praise the original human qualities such as purity, honesty, modesty, kindness, honest living, striving to control one's desires, and being a believer. Oppressors, bribe takers, bigoted sheikhs, ignorant and ignorant people are condemned. This is why Ahmad Yassavi's wisdom has been published again and again in our country during the years of independence. The spiritual and religious heritage of Khoja Ahmed Yassavi, one of the dear saints of the Turkic peoples, is of great importance in the education of modern

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youth in the land of all Turkic peoples, it can serve as an important factor in raising their spirits and strengthening their cooperation.


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