Научная статья на тему 'THE GENRE OF SATIRE IN LITERATURE'

THE GENRE OF SATIRE IN LITERATURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Genre / types of art / Genre classification / method of construction / Satirical traditions / жанр / виды искусства / жанровая классификация / метод построения / сатирические традиции.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nayimova, Gavkhar Zokir Kizi

This article provides information about satire, one of the literary genres, its origin, its active use in various literatures and more.

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В статье представлена информация о сатире, одном из литературных жанров, его происхождении, активном использовании в различных литературных источниках и многом другом.

Текст научной работы на тему «THE GENRE OF SATIRE IN LITERATURE»


Nayimova Gavkhar Zokir kizi

Teacher, UzSWLU, English language department of applied sciences 3


This article provides information about satire, one of the literary genres, its origin, its active use in various literatures and more.

Keywords: Genre, types of art, Genre classification, method of construction, Satirical traditions.


В статье представлена информация о сатире, одном из литературных жанров, его происхождении, активном использовании в различных литературных источниках и многом другом.

Ключевые слова: жанр, виды искусства, жанровая классификация, метод построения, сатирические традиции.


Genre (French: qenre - gender, species) - a concept that historically forms an internal division in art forms and represents this division; a special type of work of art that has its own characteristics in the unity of form and content. The division of works of art into genre groups is based on various criteria (chosen theme, artistic and ideological content, aspects of form, etc.); Genre classification in each art form forms its own system.


In literature (artistic and literary creation), the genre is determined by the type of literary work to which it belongs, the size and method of construction of its images (symbolic, figurative, documentary). There are 3 main types of genres: epic genre (heroic epics, novel and story), lyrical genre (poem, elegy, poem, song, etc.), dramatic genre (tragedy, drama, comedy). These genres are further subdivided according to the theme of the work (liquid, domestic, psychological novels; comedy, lyrical comedies and vaudeville, etc.).

In the visual arts, the main genres (liquid, portrait, landscape, etc.) are determined first by what is depicted, and sometimes by the nature of the image. Subsequent (smaller) divisions are defined in art by cognition, ideological evaluation, and the intermingling of parts of the artistic image. Accordingly, the portrait artist's point of view can be not only general (portrait) but also satirical and cartoonish. The

genres of the main genres are formed by the division of the field of image into more private (liquid, sea view marina - a type of landscape).

In music, the place of works in life, depending on the place and conditions of performance, such as domestic, ceremonial, feast and holiday, military music, concert, chamber music; Depending on the characteristics of the performance, there are vocal and instrumental music, as well as solo, ensemble, choir, orchestral and other groups. From the point of view of content and artistic essence, music can be divided into epic (liquid, reading, epic, ballad, etc.), lyrical (singing, aria, hymn, poem, etc.) and dramatic (musical performance, musical drama, opera and symphony).

Genre is a series of historically developed literary works that are combined with a certain set of formal and meaningful features.

From the definition, it is important to distinguish three points in the process of genre evolution:

1. Each genre of literature has been formed over a long period of time (each of which has its own history);

2. The main reason for its emergence is the need to express new ideas in a unique way (meaningful criterion);

3. Distinguish external characters from one type of work to another: size, plot, structure, composition (formal criterion).

Below we provide information about satire, one of the literary genres.

SATIRE (Latin. Satire - a compound, anything) - a type of comic, the perception of the object of the image as a means of cruel laughter. It is a unique way of depicting reality, exposing the absurd, baseless, wrong events and vices of society. The object of satire is "processed" by an image created by changing, enlarging, exaggerating, exaggerating, sharpening, and many other forms of conditionality. The author of S can also use other types of comics (humor, story), but a sharply expressed aesthetic object is characteristic, giving a negative connotation to satire.

Satire was recognized in ancient Rome as a revealing genre of lyricism. It later lost its genre character and became a literary genre that defined the characteristics of many genres (epigram, burlesque, pamphlet, feuilleton, comedy, and satirical novel). Satire is the most important tool of social struggle and is actively influenced by historical circumstances, national and social development. The sharpness of the spiritual power of satire is determined by the universality and universality of the ideal created by denial laughter. The aesthetic function of satire is to awaken and restore

high human feelings in people, in contrast to humility, ignorance and other social evils. In satire, the author's individuality is expressed through uncompromising judgment about the object of ridicule, a clear ideological attitude to it.

Satirical traditions have existed in the works of the peoples of the East since ancient times. Contributing to world culture and spreading the fame of Oriental literature, the works were originally based on folklore based on "A Thousand and One Nights", Sanskrit "Panchatantra", Persian folk tales, series, Turkish and Uzbek anecdotes about Nasriddin. Books (written literature) are also popular in the East. His ideas are inspired by Chinese short stories, Persian literary rubai, and Indian short stories. In Russian literature, M.Ye. Saltikov, Shchedrin and others raised satire to a higher level. In Uzbek literature, the first examples of satire were first created in folklore (in the form of folk and sayings, Nasriddin Efendi, Aldar Kosa), and later developed in written literature. Navoi, Turdi, Makhmur, Gulkhani, Haziq, Muqimi, Zavkiy created in the genre of satire. The further development of satire is connected with the names of Hamza, Qodiri, Ghazi Yunus, Sofizoda, Gafur Gulam, Abdulla Qahhor, Said Ahmad, N. Aminov, S. Siyoyev. Satire has long been known in the fine arts. In Rome, China satirical terracotta sculptures, vases satirical images. Developed in the arts (including graphics). The work of F. Goya, O. Domye, H. Bidstrup and other artists played an important role in the development of satire. Mushtum magazine, Jangovar Kalam and UzTAG Oynasi have made a significant contribution to the development of satire in Uzbekistan.

The literary and performing arts of the satire genre, usually fiction and less fiction, aim to ridicule individuals, corporations, governments, or society, ideally, to ridicule these vices, nonsense, abuse, and shortcomings. Although satire is usually supposed to be funny, its main purpose is often constructive social criticism, using intelligence to draw attention to specific and broader problems in society.

A distinctive feature of satire is the strong irony or irony — the "genre of satire in satire," according to the literary critic Northrup Frye — but parody, burlesque, exaggeration, side-by-side, comparison, similarity, and two participants. all of which are frequently used in satirical speech and writing. This "militant" satire or satire often emphasizes (or at least accepts as natural) what a satirical writer wants to ask.


Satire is a type of satire (see "Aesthetics"), which differs from other types

(humor, satire) in the accuracy of the belief. Satire was originally a lyrical genre. It

was often a poem that was important in terms of volume, in which some individuals

or events were ridiculed. Satire has emerged as a genre in artist literature. The word


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"satire" is derived from the Latin name of a very mythical creature, meaning mocking demigods, half-animals - satirists. Philologically, this is related to the word satura, which in ordinary people means hash-bowl, which is a mixture of different sizes (saturnic verse, as well as Greek sizes) and other unlike lyrical genres, it implies the existence of descriptions of different facts and events. strictly limited and specific image area. Roman satire gave its highest examples in the works of Horace, Persia, and especially Juvenal.

Over time, satire, like other classical genres (elegy, idyll, etc.), lost the importance of a particular genre. Revealing rumors becomes the main character of the satirist, defining its main essence. Satire achieved this goal using a variety of literary forms and genres. True, every time the forms of ancient literature were revived in literature, the satire of the ancient genre was partially revived. So, e.g. In Russian literature of the second half of the 18th century, the classical form of S. was used by Kantemir, Sumarokov, and others, but at the same time they contained satirical comedies and satirical magazines with characters, cartoons, stories, and so on.

Comics are the basis of satire, regardless of genre. Laughter is always a great means of social impact. "... In all morality, there is no stronger cure than it seems ridiculous."


The social functions of comics determine its form: humor, satire, and satire. The social function of laughter and satire is to effectively deal with the object portrayed in the comic. This is the difference between satire and humor and mockery. He differs from all forms of perfect satire in his work, with a strong will and determination. Laughter always involves denial. Along with the laughter in satire, hatred and anger are not as strong. Sometimes they are so strong that they almost push the laughter into the background. The sluggishness of the humorous element in satire has led some researchers to believe that satire is totally ridiculous, that it is insignificant, and that it can only expose enmity with its wrath. Only anger, with the greatest power and tension, does not create satire. Thus, in Lermontov's "Duma" and "On Pushkin's Death," all his protests and rages are not satra, the elements of laughter and rage can be combined in different ways in satire, but outside of comedy you can't shoot satire. Rejecting comedy as a necessary way to build satire, we define satire with criticism and total rejection. The influence of Russian autocracy and bureaucracy can be expressed in a satirical plane (Saltikov-Shchedrin) and in terms of direct criticism and rejection (L. N. Tolstoy). Mayakovsky satirically exposed Palestineism and the

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bourgeoisie, while Gorky also exposed Palestineism and the bourgeoisie, but in terms of direct denial.


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