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Ключевые слова
E-government / governance / public services / efficiency / access / transparency / accountability / digital technologies / cybersecurity / best practices / citizen-centered design / interoperability. / электронное правительство / государственные услуги / эффективность / доступ / прозрачность / подотчетность / цифровые технологии / кибербезопасность / лучшие практики / дизайн / ориентированный на граждан.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rakhmonov Jaloliddin

This article discusses how electronic government (e-government) is revolutionizing public services by improving efficiency, access, and transparency while presenting challenges such as cybersecurity risks and implementation costs. As we move towards a more digital world, e-government will become increasingly important for governments to deliver efficient and responsive services to citizens.

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В данной статье исследуется как электронное правительство революционизирует государственные услуги. По мере того, как мы продвигаемся вперед во все более цифровой мир, электронное правительство будет становиться все более важным инструментом для правительств, чтобы предоставлять эффективные, действенные и оперативные услуги своим гражданам.



Rakhmonov Jaloliddin

Lecturer at Tashkent State University of Law j aloliddin.rakhmanov@gmail .com

Abstract: This article discusses how electronic government (e-government) is revolutionizing public services by improving efficiency, access, and transparency while presenting challenges such as cybersecurity risks and implementation costs. As we move towards a more digital world, e-government will become increasingly important for governments to deliver efficient and responsive services to citizens.

Key words: E-government, governance, public services, efficiency, access, transparency, accountability, digital technologies, cybersecurity, best practices, citizen-centered design, interoperability.


Rahmonov Jaloliddin

Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti o 'qituvchisi jaloliddin.rakhmanov@gmail.com

Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqola elektron hukumat va davlat xizmatlarini qanday qilib yangi jarayonlarga bosqichma bosqich o'tayotganini o'rganadi. Estoniya, Janubiy Koreya va Singapur kabi mamlakatlardagi muvaffaqiyatli elektron hukumat tashabbuslari misollari elektron hukumatning, hukumatlar faoliyati va fuqarolarga xizmat ko'rsatish usullarini o'zgartirish uchun salohiyatini namoyish etadi.

Kalit so'zlar: Elektron hukumat, boshqaruv, davlat xizmatlari, samaradorlik, foydalanish imkoniyati, oshkoralik, hisobdorlik, raqamli texnologiyalar, kiberxavfsizlik, ilg'or tajribalar, o'zaro hamkorlik.


Рахмонов Жалолиддин

Преподаватель Ташкентского государственного юридического



Аннотация: В данной статье исследуется как электронное правительство революционизирует государственные услуги. По мере того, как мы продвигаемся вперед во все более цифровой мир, электронное правительство будет становиться все более важным инструментом для правительств, чтобы предоставлять эффективные, действенные и оперативные услуги своим гражданам.

Ключевые слова: электронное правительство, государственные услуги, эффективность, доступ, прозрачность, подотчетность, цифровые технологии, кибербезопасность, лучшие практики, дизайн, ориентированный на граждан.


In today's digital era, electronic government (e-government) is gaining traction as a revolutionary tool to transform public service delivery. E-government refers to the use of digital technologies to provide citizens with faster, more efficient, and more accessible government services. The advent of e-government is largely driven by the rapid evolution of technology, growing demand for government transparency and accountability, and the need to improve public service delivery.

E-government initiatives have gained momentum worldwide, with governments around the world exploring ways to leverage digital technologies to improve service delivery. The benefits of e-government are numerous and varied, ranging from increased efficiency and cost savings to improved access to services and enhanced transparency and accountability [1].

E-government initiatives include a wide range of services, such as online payment systems, electronic voting, digital ID systems, e-procurement, and many more. These initiatives have the potential to significantly reduce bureaucratic red tape, streamline government processes, and enhance the quality of public services. However, e-government also presents several challenges, including ensuring access to digital technologies, addressing cybersecurity risks, and managing the cost and complexity of implementation [2].

This article will explore the benefits and challenges of e-government and highlight best practices for successful e-government initiatives. We will examine the examples of successful e-government initiatives in countries such as Estonia, South Korea, and Singapore, which demonstrate the potential of e-government to transform the way governments operate and deliver services to citizens. Finally, we will discuss

the future of e-government and its potential to revolutionize public service delivery in an increasingly digital world.

Main part

E-government improve access to government services, particularly for those who may have difficulty accessing traditional channels. For example, citizens living in rural areas may find it difficult to travel to government offices, while those with disabilities may have difficulty accessing physical spaces. By providing digital services, governments can ensure that all citizens have equal access to government services.

Another benefit of e-government is increased transparency and accountability. By digitizing government processes and making information available online, governments can increase transparency and enable citizens to monitor government activities. This can increase public trust in government and reduce corruption. [3]

While e-government offers many benefits, it also presents several challenges.

One of the main challenges is ensuring that all citizens have access to digital technologies. In many parts of the world, access to the internet and digital devices is limited, particularly among marginalized communities. Governments must ensure that they do not exacerbate existing inequalities by relying solely on digital channels for service delivery.

Another challenge is cybersecurity. Digital systems are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, and governments must take steps to ensure the security of their digital infrastructure. This includes implementing strong security measures, regularly updating software and hardware, and training staff on cybersecurity best practices.

Finally, e-government can be complex and expensive to implement. Governments must invest in the necessary infrastructure, including hardware, software, and personnel, to support e-government initiatives. This can be challenging, particularly for smaller or less wealthy governments.

To overcome these challenges and maximize the benefits of e-government, governments should follow best practices. One of the most important best practices is to ensure that e-government initiatives are citizen-centered. This means designing services and processes with the needs of citizens in mind and involving citizens in the design process [4].

Another best practice is to ensure that e-government initiatives are interoperable. This means that digital systems should be able to communicate with each other, allowing for seamless service delivery and reducing duplication of effort.

Finally, governments should prioritize cybersecurity and ensure that they have strong security measures in place to protect their digital infrastructure.

The E-Government Development Index (EGDI) is a measure of a country's capacity to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) to deliver public services. The index is compiled by the United Nations, and measures three dimensions of e-government: the availability of online services, the human capacity to use them, and the reach of government services through various channels [5].

In the diagram, Uzbekistan, Denmark, South Korea, and Kazakhstan are compared based on their EGDI scores. Denmark and South Korea are shown to have the highest EGDI scores, indicating a high capacity to deliver public services through ICTs. Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, on the other hand, have lower EGDI scores, indicating a lower capacity for e-government (1-picture) [6].

Global Perspective E-government is a global phenomenon, with many governments around the world implementing digital initiatives. Some of the most successful e-government initiatives have been in countries such as Estonia, South Korea, and Singapore.

E-Goverrmenl Development Index


World Leader Denmark

Region Leader Republic of Korea

Sub-Region Leader Kazakhstan

0.7265 1

I 1

0.9717 1

1 1

0.9529 1 4

1 1

0.862S i

-•-World Average -»- Region Average ■■■ Sub-Region Average j

E-Government Development Index 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2005 2004 2003

Uzbekistan (Rank) 69 87 81 80 I00 91 87 109 79 81 174

Uzbekistan (Value) 0.72650 0.66650 0.62070 0.5433.5 0.46951 0.50991 0.44975 0.40570 0.41 135 0.39651 o.ooooo

1-picture. E-government Development Index

Estonia, for example, has implemented a highly successful e-government system, known as e-Estonia. This system allows citizens to access a wide range of government services online, including voting, paying taxes, and accessing medical records. The system has been highly successful, with over 99% of Estonians using it regularly [7].

South Korea has also implemented a highly successful e-government system, known as the National Information Society Agency (NIA). This system provides a wide range of digital services, including online voting and public service delivery. The system has been praised for its user-friendliness and accessibility [8].

E-Participalion Index


World Leader Japan

Region Leader Japan

Sub-Region Leader Kazakhstan

0.6136 i T

1 i

1.0000 < t

1 1

1.0000 * i

i 1

0.8068 * I

■ World Average Region Average Sub-Region Average

E-Participation Index 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2005 2004 2003

Uzbekistan (Rank) 55 46 59 47 71 60 36 93 105 123 151

Uzbekistan (Value} 0.61360 0.80950 0.75840 0.67797 0.47058 0.23680 0.31 428 0.09090 0.03174 0.01639 0.00000

2-picture. E-participation Index

The E-Participation Index (EPI) is a measure of a country's capacity to use ICTs to engage citizens in the policymaking process. The index is compiled by the United Nations, and measures various aspects of e-participation, including the availability of information and services online, the level of engagement and participation by citizens, and the impact of these initiatives on government policy [9].

In the diagram, Uzbekistan, Japan, and Kazakhstan are compared based on their EPI scores. Japan is shown to have the highest EPI score, indicating a high level of citizen engagement and participation in the policymaking process through ICTs. Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan have lower EPI scores, indicating a lower level of citizen engagement and participation through ICTs [10].


Finally, Singapore has implemented a highly integrated e-government system, known as the Singapore Government Electronic Services (eCitizen). This system provides citizens with a one-stop portal for accessing a wide range of government services, including applying for permits and licenses, paying taxes, and accessing healthcare services. The system has been highly successful, with over 80% of Singaporeans using it regularly.

These success stories demonstrate the potential of e-government to transform the way governments operate and deliver services to citizens. By leveraging technology, governments can increase efficiency, improve access to services, and enhance transparency and accountability.

In conclusion, e-government is revolutionizing public services and has the potential to transform the way governments operate. By digitizing processes and services, governments can increase efficiency, improve access to services, and enhance transparency and accountability. However, e-government also presents several

challenges, including ensuring that all citizens have access to digital technologies, addressing cybersecurity risks, and managing the cost and complexity of implementation. To maximize the benefits of e-government, governments should follow best practices, including prioritizing citizen-centered design, ensuring interoperability, and prioritizing cybersecurity. As we move forward into an increasingly digital world, e-government will become an ever more important tool for governments to provide efficient, effective, and responsive services to their citizens.


1. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2018). E-Government Survey 2018: Gearing E-Government to Support Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies.

2. European Commission. (2020). The European eGovernment Action Plan 20162020.

3. World Bank. (2021). E-Government.

4. Meijer, A., Curtin, D., & Hillebrandt, M. (2012). Open Government: Connecting Vision and Voice. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 78(1), 10-29.

5. Panagiotopoulos, P., & Aloudat, A. (2016). Towards a Framework for E-Government Transformation: Lessons from the Singapore Experience. Government Information, 33(3), 472-483.

6. UN E-Government Survey 2022: Digital Government in the Decade of Action for Sustainable Development - United Nations

7. Handbook of Research on E-Government Readiness for Information and Service Exchange: Utilizing Progressive Information Communication Technologies - Adeoye, Blessing & Ayo, Charles

8. E-Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications -Management Association, Information Resources

9. Electronic Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications -Management Association, Information Resources

10. Kostopoulos, G., & Tsoukalas, I. A. (2020). E-Government and Governance: An Overview of Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings. Information Polity, 25(2), 93-111.

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