THE FUNCTIONS OF MEDICAL DICTIONARIES IN MEDICAL DISCOURSE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Dyakova Ekaterina M.

This article is devoted to the functions of created medical dictionaries, their role in the study of future specialists. The author describes the experience of creating medical dictionaries, their functions, shows some features, characterizing the role of dictionaries. The author is sure that in the terminological dictionaries are fixed elements of scientific knowledge, without which scientific and technical research and development would be impossible”. It is pointed out that dictionaries help to increase interest to the subject, motivate to study, processing, orient to assimilation, storage, and extraction of information from memory, using it for the formation and development of the professional-linguistic picture of the world specialist. It is revealed that medical dictionaries play an important role in the formation of professional language picture of the world of medical specialist. Multilingual medical dictionaries created by teachers of the Department of Latin and foreign languages of Astrakhan state medical university, in which Latin and Greek word forms are given, are analyzed. In the dictionaries are given not only Russian but English, French and Latin medical terms. The author believes that such a characteristic of the term is necessary to identify the meaning of the selected parts necessary for the development of professional and linguistic worldview of a medical specialist. Created dictionaries reflect the terminological system of medicine and are designed for communication specialist. In addition, the creation of multilingual dictionaries is associated with the importance of quick and high qualified translation of texts, since the translation performed late can lead to critical consequences. The medical dictionaries are composed in such a way that allow to teach both Russian and foreign students to form communicative competence of the medical specialist. They perform reference, systematizing, and educational functions and have a high degree of normalization and systematization. The author comes to the conclusion that dictionaries not only help medical students in learning Latin language, but also deepen their knowledge and are evidence of the history of human existence.

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Лингвистика и образование. 2021. Том 1 № 4 (4). C. 54-61 Linguistics & education 2021 Vol. 1, no. 4. P. 54-61

Original article



Ekaterina M. Dyakova

Astrakhan state medical university, Astrakhan, Russia caterina.nuara@gmail.com

Abstract. This article is devoted to the functions of created medical dictionaries, their role in the study of future specialists. The author describes the experience of creating medical dictionaries, their functions, shows some features, characterizing the role of dictionaries. The author is sure that in the terminological dictionaries are fixed elements of scientific knowledge, without which scientific and technical research and development would be impossible". It is pointed out that dictionaries help to increase interest to the subject, motivate to study, processing, orient to assimilation, storage, and extraction of information from memory, using it for the formation and development of the professional-linguistic picture of the world specialist.

It is revealed that medical dictionaries play an important role in the formation of professional language picture of the world of medical specialist. Multilingual medical dictionaries created by teachers of the Department of Latin and foreign languages of Astrakhan state medical university, in which Latin and Greek word forms are given, are analyzed. In the dictionaries are given not only Russian but English, French and Latin medical terms. The author believes that such a characteristic of the term is necessary to identify the meaning of the selected parts necessary for the development of professional and linguistic worldview of a medical specialist. Created dictionaries reflect the terminological system of medicine and are designed for communication specialist. In addition, the creation of multilingual dictionaries is associated with the importance of quick and high qualified translation of texts, since the translation performed late can lead to critical consequences.

The medical dictionaries are composed in such a way that allow to teach both Russian and foreign students to form communicative competence of the medical specialist. They perform reference, systematizing, and educational functions and have a high degree of normalization and systematization.

The author comes to the conclusion that dictionaries not only help medical students in learning Latin language, but also deepen their knowledge and are evidence of the history of human existence.

Keywords: lexicography, terminography, vocabulary, medical vocabulary, term, role. For citation: Dyakova E.M. The functions of medical dictionaries in medical discourse, Linguistics & education 2021;1(4):54-61. https://doi.org/10.17021/2021-1-4-54-61.

Научная статья УДК 81.33




Екатерина Михайловна Дьякова

Астраханский государственный медицинский университет, г. Астрахань, Россия caterina.nuara@gmail.com ISSN 2712-9519. ЛИНГВИСТИКА И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ. 2021. Том 1 №4(4) 54

Аннотация. Статья посвящена функциям создаваемых медицинских словарей, их роли в обучении будущих специалистов. Автор описывает опыт создания медицинских словарей, их функции, показывает некоторые особенности, характеризующие роль словарей. Автор уверен, что в терминологических словарях закреплены элементы научного знания, без которых научно-технические исследования и разработки были бы невозможны. Отмечено, что словари способствуют повышению интереса к предмету, мотивируют к изучению, обработке, ориентируют на усвоение, хранение и извлечение информации из памяти, используя ее для формирования и развития профессионально-лингвистической картины мира специалиста. Выявлено, что медицинские словари играют важную роль в формировании профессиональной языковой картины мира медицинского специалиста. Анализируются созданные преподавателями кафедры латинского и иностранных языков Астраханского государственного медицинского университета многоязычные медицинские словари, в которых даны латинские и греческие словоформы. В словарях даются не только русские, но и английские, французские и латинские медицинские термины. Авторы считают, что такая характеристика термина необходима для выявления значения выделенных частей, необходимых для развития профессионально-языкового мировоззрения врача-специалиста. Созданные словари отражают терминологическую систему медицины и предназначены для общения специалиста. Кроме того, создание многоязычных словарей связано с важностью быстрого и качественного перевода текстов, так как перевод, выполненный с опозданием, может привести к критическим последствиям.

Медицинские словари составлены таким образом, чтобы при обучении как российских, так и иностранных студентов формировалась коммуникативная компетенция медицинского специалиста. Они выполняют справочно-систематизирующую и просветительскую функции, обладают высокой степенью нормализации и систематизации.

Автор приходит к выводу, что словари не только помогают студентам-медикам в изучении латинского языка, но и углубляют их знания и являются свидетельством истории существования человека.

Ключевые слова: лексикография, терминография, словарь, медицинский словарь, термин, роль

Для цитирования: Дьякова Е.М. Функции медицинских словарей в медицинском дискурсе // Лингвистика и образование. 2021. Том 1 № 4(4) С. 54-61. https://doi.org/10.17021/2021-1-4-54-61.

Dictionaries are important in the life of a man. The common function of all dictionaries is to fix, systematize, accumulate and store knowledge about the world and the national language, transfer this knowledge from generation to generation. They expand our knowledge of the language, deepen understanding of the word, and contribute to the development of logical thinking.

For the successful development of science, effective cooperation in all areas of human activity, it is necessary to hammer out the vocabulary and its presentation in dictionaries. A lot of attention is paid to the dictionary creation. We will not dwell in our article on the definitions of the concepts of lexicography, terminography. We'll note that both lexicography and terminography are not only an art, as E. Partridge, J.

Casares [1], G. Wigand and others define, but also a science. Earlier L.V. Shcherba wrote about a dismissive attitude to the creation of dictionaries, while this work "must have a scientific character" [2, p. 308]. Therefore, after V.V. Doubichinsky and other scientists we consider lexicography as science of "creating, studying and using dictionaries" [3, p. 8], which develops successfully and rapidly, despite the painstaking work of their creation. Along with it, terminography also develops, its role increases, the fields of application expand, and as a result, the number of special dictionaries multiplies. Terminography at the same time has been proliferated by S.V. Grinev-Grinevich, Yu.N. Marchuk, V.A. Tatarinov and others.

The reason for the appearance of this section of lexicography is the rapid progress of science, in particular, medicine, which confirms the judgment of Yu.N. Marchuk "today, terminography is at the same time a consequence and a necessary condition for scientific and technological progress. In the terminological dictionaries are fixed elements of scientific knowledge, without which scientific and technical research and development would be impossible" [4, p. 190]. Dictionaries help to involve students in the learning process, increase interest to the subject, motivate to study, processing, orient to assimilation, storage, and extraction of information from memory, using it for the formation and development of the professional-linguistic picture of the world specialist.

Intensive development of medicine, scientific research, progress in the field of telenanotechnologies also could not but affect the state of medical vocabulary. Medical dictionaries appear, as there is "an urgent need to create encyclopedic reference books ..." [5, p. 180], they contain special terms: single-word, multi-word, terminological phrases, abbreviations. Consequently, the dictionary captures the language of medicine, which represents the professional picture of the world.

A person seeks to designate in the language the results of his knowledge [6, p.10]. The addressee finds information about a term in the dictionary. For example, he needs to know the meaning of the term fabella. In the dictionary article he reveals that it is a sesamoid bone located in the tendons posterior to the femoral condyles [7,

p. 235]. But information is a dynamic phenomenon, "contributing to the development of creative thought, and transforming human activity" [8, p. 65].

The Department of Latin and Foreign Languages of Astrakhan State Medical University published bilingual or multilingual medical dictionaries. Their creation is connected with the need to satisfy the needs of the trainees, awareness and normalization of the special vocabulary necessary for them. A prerequisite for creating such dictionaries was a social order (teaching Latin and medical terminology to foreign students). When creating dictionaries, the authors relied on the proposition that the terms are "a dynamic phenomenon, they are born, are formed, deepen in the process of cognition and can change in connection with the development of science ..." [9, p. 114]. The terms have been isolated from special medical texts. Such an approach to the creation of dictionaries, according to the judgment of L.N. Belyaeva, implies "the formation and use of a corpus of real texts, which can be considered as a database for solving not only research, but also practical lexicographic tasks" [10, p. 218]. The dictionaries contain Latin and Greek word forms. This characteristic of the term is important because it is easy to break them into parts and determine the meaning of the selected parts. The created dictionaries reflect the term system of medicine and are designed for professional communication specialist. In addition, the creation of multilingual dictionaries is associated with the importance of speed and high quality translation of texts, while late translations can lead to critical consequences.

Latin-English-Russian dictionary of ophthalmological terms, compiled by L.A. Tatarinova and A.I. Plotnikov [11], includes more than 1,700 units representing diseases of the organ of vision. For the convenience of the addressee, the terms-eponyms, the names of surgical instruments, abbreviations that are often found in this field of medicine are placed at the end of the dictionary as an application. The dictionary is based on the Latin vocabulary, which consists of more than 90% of all types of eye diseases. It should be noted that, along with the Latin vocabulary, there are proper English terminological units. The authors of the dictionary also included

outdated vocabulary, which is found in the works of the classics of medicine and is needed to define the etymology of the word.

Russian-German-English dictionary of terms in the field of medicine "surgical instruments" by T.V. Lukoyanova [12] includes medical terms in Russian and their analogues in German and English. The dictionary is built on the cluster method. For example, the device - for the imposition of the gastrointestinal anastomosis, for the imposition of the esophago-intestinal gastric anastomosis - for suturing the root of the lung - for suturing large vessels, etc. Abbreviations are given immediately. In the nest alphabetical order is observed in definitions that are located after the tilde, replacing the generic term.

The Latin-Russian-French dictionary of terms in dentistry [13] contains 1500 terms and terminological combinations. It will help students to understand the meaning of the term, to perceive its internal content. Each term is accompanied by stable combinations. For example, erosion, onis, f - erosium dentium - dental erosion, erosium dentium diaetica - dental erosion caused by diet, erosium dentium medicamentosa - dental erosion, drug erosium dentium inflammatoria - dental erosion inflammatory. The dictionary provides synonyms and antonyms, the etymology of the term. Each Latin term is accompanied by a translation in Russian and a definition in Russian and French. For example, absessus (L. Abscedere) -abscess: an abscess - a cavity filled with pus and bounded from the surrounding tissues and organs by the pyogenic membrane. The definition of the term allows the learner to isolate "the conceptual sign of the term", to understand "how the conceptual structure of the linguistic sign-term is formed" [14, p. 114]. In addition, the dictionary is informative because authors give in it various types of classifications of dental diseases. In such a way the knowledge of the future physician is formed. The basis of the selection and description of the terms of the dictionary are formed by two principles: the relevance of the unit and its relative stability.

The Latin-Russian-English-French Dictionary of Clinical Terms [15] is interesting for its electronic application. This is due to the need to obtain the necessary information quickly, which is relevant at the present stage. Medical terms

set forth in several languages allow teaching both Russian and foreign students to form a foreign language communicative competence of a medical specialist. Using this dictionary one can be used when study the discipline "Medical terminology", which is taught in the second year. In the class students get acquainted with the basic methods of term formation.

As part of the creation of dictionaries, one made an attempt to build a multilingual model of the lexicographic description of the term system of medicine. These dictionaries integrate the parameters of various types of dictionaries (explanatory, translational, educational, encyclopedic, and electronic). They perform reference, systematizing, and educational functions and are distinguished by a high degree of normalization and systematization.

The abovementioned dictionaries have the goal to help students to learn Latin, to deepen the knowledge of general and encyclopedic nature of preventive medicine and dentistry. The terms recorded in the aforementioned dictionaries reflect the knowledge of future specialists, their speech and thought activity. Being a carrier of special medical information necessary for optimization of the cognitive activity of physicians, a tool of knowledge in the field of medicine, they denote phenomena, processes communicative and cognitively significant in the medical space, the dynamics of the development of medicine. Medical dictionary, resulting from the progress of medicine; stands as evidence of the history of human existence [9, pp. 113-114].

Naturally, there is a need to create medical dictionaries, for example, a dictionary of synonyms of medical terms, eponyms, metaphor terms, etc. We believe that these dictionaries will appear in the course of further terminological research; There is no doubt that the study of the state of medical terminology should be based on the rich tradition of studying the language of medicine, on generalizing the vast experience of presenting medical terms not only in dictionaries, but also in scientific and didactic texts, etc.

© E.M. Dyakova, 2021


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