THE FORMATION OF CRITICAL THINKING THROUGH THE ANALYSIS OF A LITERARY TEXT IN GERMAN: METHODOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Akupova V. V., Mamleeva A. F., Orlova O. N., Spiridonova N. S., Popovtseva M. V.

This paper discusses a range of various issues how to teach students majoring in technical fields critical thinking through reading and interpreting the works of Bertolt Brecht. The provided analysis is based upon contemporary approaches related to the theory of interpretation, critical thinking and methods developed. This research deals with the concept of the distancing effect, more commonly known as the alienation effect or the estrangement effect coined by Bertolt Brecht to develop students’ critical thinking skills as well as their skills of examining and breaking information into component parts, making inferences. It is often argued that critical thinking is one of the most essential characteristics of a modern specialist. To be competitive on the job market young specialists must be able to admit that their position may be wrong and continue looking for the information even when they think that they have solved the problem. The estrangement effect implemented by Bertolt Brecht stands for the presentation of the familiar contents in an unfamiliar way to produce a new and unexpected effect. The work discusses the different reasons how alienation effect may become a valuable tool for the enhancement of critical thinking as while reading students do not empathize with the characters and can think profoundly about the plot. Moreover, analytical reading is essential for the development of communicative competence. Critical thinking which is improved through analytical reading can help students to acquire their decision-making skills. The conducted research explores the works of contemporary scholars in the fields of estrangement effect, critical thinking, logics and stylistics. The valuable strategies and techniques to boost students’ critical thinking and text interpretation skills have been identified and analyzed.

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Методика формирования критического мышления у студентов средствами анализа художественного текста на немецком языке

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Акупова Виктория Владимировна,

старший преподаватель Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого, Гуманитарный Институт, Высшая школа инженерной педагогики, психологии и прикладной лингвистики E-mail: akupova_vv@spbstu.ru

Мамлеева Альфия Фяридовна,

старший преподаватель Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого, Гуманитарный Институт, Высшая школа инженерной педагогики, психологии и прикладной лингвистики E-mail: mamleevaal@gmail.com

Орлова Ольга Николаевна,

старший преподаватель Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого, Гуманитарный Институт, Высшая школа инженерной педагогики, психологии и прикладной лингвистики E-mail: orlova_on@spbstu.ru

Спиридонова Наталья Сергеевна,

кандидат филологических наук; кафедры ВШИППиПЛ; Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого, Гуманитарный Институт, Высшая школа инженерной педагогики, психологии и прикладной лингвистики E-mail: nataliasan@mail.ru

Поповцева Марина Владимировна,

старший преподаватель Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет промышленных технологий и дизайна, кафедра иностранных языков E-mail: marinapopo@mail.ru

В статье обсуждается проблема развития у студентов критического мышления посредством чтения и интерпретации произведений Бертольда Брехта. Представленный анализ основан на современных подходах, связанных с теорией интерпретации и критического мышления. Исследование посвящено концепции эффекта дистанцирования, более известного как эффект отчуждения, широко использованного Бертольтом Брехтом. В современном мире считается, что критическое мышление является одной из важнейших характеристик современного специалиста. Личностный рост обучающихся возможен при введении в программы обучения иностранному языку анализа художественных произведений на иностранном языке, которые становятся основой целенаправленного и организованного процесса формирования личности обучающихся. Аналитическое чтение художественного текста в обучении иностранному языку является средством развития мыслительных процессов обучающихся, их критического мышления. Эффект отчуждения может стать ценным инструментом развития критического мышления. При чтении обучающиеся не сопереживают героям и могут объективно и беспристрастно задуматься над сюжетом. Кроме того, аналитическое чтение необходимо для развития коммуникативной компетенции. Критическое мышление, которое развивается с помощью аналитического чтения, может помочь студентам приобрести навыки принятия решений и стать востребованными специалистами.

Ключевые слова: критическое мышление, интерпретация, Бертольт Брехт, эффект отчуждения, аналитическое чтение, коммуникативная компетентность.


According to the famous playwright Bertolt Brecht, an emotionally involved reader loses the ability to think clearly and to assess. He believed that his readers were to remain objective so that they could make rational judgements about any social comment or issues in his work. For that reason, he implemented a range of theatrical devices so that the readers were reminded that they were watching a play; an image of life, not real life itself. According to B. Brecht, the act of distancing the audience from emotional involvement is the verfremdungseffekt. Brecht's epic theatre is the embodiment of socialist realism approach, his desire was to tear off mystical veils from reality, to reveal the true laws of social life in the name of changes in the person, reading or watching the play. C. Silberman thinks that "intervening thinking" is the central category for Brecht, according to which one must change the world [1]. Brecht's epic theatre is supposed to tell the reader about an event, and not embody it, appeal not to feelings, but to reason. Thus, Brecht intentionally creates a distance between the viewer or the reader and the stage so that they understand the idea of a play better. He shows life phenomena and human types from some unexpected angle, creating critical and analytical attitude in the reader. Brecht uses music and scenery but does not strive for a copy of the world, he opts for its image instead. In Brecht's performances, inscriptions and posters are widely used, they function as a kind of commentary on the action of a play. On the screen, inscriptions are projected, "alienating" the audience from the immediate content of the scenes. Then a singer or a storyteller appears, speaking about something different, not related to the actions of the characters. Thus, alienation effect is based on a deviation from the usual, visible appearance of phenomena and objects, a refusal to create the illusion of reality through art. According to Brecht, epic theatre appeals to reason, without denying feeling. He explained that the essential in epic theatre is that it does not evoke a feeling but a thought of a reader. The viewer should not empathize but argue. At the same time, it would be completely wrong to reject feelings. Epic theatre must teach, while telling the viewer about certain life situations and problems. Readers and viewers are to analyze the conditions under which they remain, if not calm, then at least in control over their feelings and being aware and able to think critically, not succumbing to the illusions, define their positions and make decisions. The theory of epic theatre and the theory of alienation are the key concepts of Brecht's literary works. They help to understand and explain the most essential and fundamentally important features of his poetry and

prose as well as the drama. The reader should be able to criticize characters, looking at their actions from different angles. This makes the reader to be able to assess and think critically. Critical thinking is considered as a phenomenon that bears personal significance and manifests itself in the skills of interpretation, analysis, synthesis, assessment, explanation.Brecht creates the effect of alienation by using grotesque, allegory, paradoxes, various forms of the author's commentary that disagree with the usual course of action. The idea is to socially ignite the viewer. The function of the theatre is not to create the illusion of lifelikeness, but, on the contrary, to destroy it, "alienate" the viewer from the depicted picture, thereby creating a new, fresh perception.

Zongs (fromGermander Song - pop song), which are a kind of ballads, close to a jazz rhythm, often of a parody, grotesque character, containing satire and criticism of society are widely used by B. Brecht. Initially they are performed as a sideshow or author's commentary. The songs are performed by the characters, representing their worldview, life positions, and designed to reveal the attitude of the author and actors to these characters. Brecht warned the actors about the distant, "alienated" performance of these songs. The role of songs in his plays is extremely important. "Mother Courage and Her Children" and "The Threepenny opera" are the brightest examples of stage action, dialogue and songs, in which the latter create an organically essential element of the artistic unity [2].

The problem of reading and understanding the works of the author lies in his reader's ability to deduce the meaning. The arguments of the author are not always clearly formulatedand this is done on purpose. Students need to learn argumentation strategies as they are powerful tools for effective reading of Brecht's works. For example, they should be aware that premises and conclusions of arguments may not always be presented in a logical order. By highlighting the components of an argument, the reader can reconstruct the argument in logical order to properly evaluate it. Sometimes two or more arguments can be presented in one passage of text.

Arguments can also be ungrouped in different ways. Analyzing these components and combining them into separate arguments students master their skills in distinguishing between arguments and in assessing them. Sometimes an argument may miss a conclusion. Authors may imply a conclusion without expressing it directly. By analyzing relevant premises, readers can draw correct conclusions. Finally, in some cases, authors may omit a premise. Perhaps the missing premise is well known within the framework of a specific field of study. By extracting the relevant premises and conclusions and placing them in a logical order, readers get the idea. This article deals with reading and interpreting the works of Bertolt Brecht aimed at the development of students' critical thinking skills. The estrangement effect implemented by Brecht stands for the presentation of the familiar contents in an unfamiliar way to produce a new and unexpected effect. The work discusses the different reasons how alienation effect may become a valuable tool for the

enhancement of critical thinking as while reading students do not empathize with the characters and can think profoundly about the plot.

Literature Review

Reading and analysing fiction is based upon the interpretation of cognitive and emotional images, discretely presented in the individual consciousness in the form of a problem, topic, situation, structured fragment of reality. Author's description is a means of creation of a cognitive-emotional image [3]. Fiction analysis and interpretation prepares readers for the future life in society, successful communication, it develops their ability to find a common language, sympathy, enhances their decision making skills by helping them to interiorise the experience of characters, boosts their prediction skills.

Moral choices made by the characters should be deeply analyzed since reflection has an educational potential. Through reading, a complex cognitive activity aimed at meaning comprehension is implemented [4]. Thus, while working on text analysis and interpretation, it is essential to organise it in such a way that students do several cognitive activities to extract the author's meanings from the text. The question arises about how deeply one should read a literary text to be able to infuse meaning from it.

Researchers discuss the conditions for gaining knowledge through fiction and how theories of meaning and interpretation can be effectively applied. A number of theories are based on the hypothesis that the educational function of fiction cannot be implemented without hermeneutical reading. The interpretation of a literary text must be done at several cognitive stages. This will help readers avoid judgmental attitudes and bias [5]. It can be assumed that reading with elements of hermeneutics will help solve this problem, since thanks to it, one can read with full understanding of the idea of the text, paying special attention to its style and linguistic form. In addition, the hermeneutic rethinking of the text makes it possible to actualize it in the mind of the reader. Hermeneutics is considered as the art of interpretation, its theory and understanding of texts [6]. Hermeneutic reading is often described as a method of inquiry, where texts are used as a source of data for understanding. Results are generated by topics or categories that reflect knowledge of the phenomenon in question [7].

According to A.R. Luria, there are different degrees of reading depth: reading, analysing the motives of the actions of the character, and those that prompted the author to write the work [8]. The perception of the text does not guarantee penetration into the meaning of the work, since when creating texts, authors can "play" with external signs of integrity and coherence, deliberately deceiving the reader, directing their thought along the wrong path.

As for reading a fiction in a foreign language, it is necessary to additionally point out the fact that the problem is not always revealed by the reader when reading a foreign language literary text and, though understanding the meaning of individual words, the




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reader often cannot identify the entire idea of the work. According to N.V. Kulibina, a foreign reader, despite knowing the meanings of words, often does not understand its whole idea [9]. Psychologists M. Robek and R. Wallace believe that understanding is an invariable condition for reading [10]. According to R. Jerrig, successful penetration into the world of narration is mediated by the presence of a set of cognitive processes in the reader. However, the researcher believes that this set is always presented in reader's life and is required for everyday routine [11]. The reader must not be allowed to understand only the main plot lines, without delving into the meaning and system of actions of the characters, ignoring their goals and motives. Often, errors in the interpretation of the text arise because readers take their stereotypical assessments and opinions for granted, use them as a basis and do not deduce meaning from the text, but rather draw their own judgments from the text. They miss, and often do so on purpose, even explicit authorial hints.

In hermeneutics, the imagery of a work of art is considered as the awakening of reflection. Readers understand texts if they understand the textual situation under consideration. The problem that is present in each text always contains certain knowledge that follows from the previous experience accumulated by the author because of the experience of similar situations. Reflection helps in revealing the most vivid images and ideas and expands the individual's field of self-knowledge. Knowledge about the role and purpose of man, their attitude towards others and the world, feelings and ideals, the foundations of morality and ethics are the subject of fiction.

That's why, simultaneous teaching a foreign language and literature provides a versatile understanding of the reality. L.S. Vygotsky and A.A. Leontiev consider reading as a complex type of mental activity, a process of perception and processing of a text, which results in self-consciousness, understanding and inner development [12, 13]. The very process of interpreting the text is of a dialogical nature. In the mind of H. Gad-amer, dialogue becomes possible due to the interpretive function of reasoning, and interpretation is characterized by questions. People seek answers when they look for understanding. Nevertheless, an answer cannot be understood without a question that conditioned it. The hermeneutic understanding of the text implies the possibility of its constant analysis, which brings the interpreter to a new level of thinking and attitude towards oneself and what is happening [14].


In this study, we consider a text analysis system as a means of achieving deep understanding of fiction in a foreign language. That's why we reckon that itit necessary to include elements of logic in the system of analysis of a work, which implies the consideration of some concepts of reasoning: deduction and induction, syllogistics, attributive statements and logical relations. When creating a model of analytical reading, we used

B. Bloom's taxonomy, which is the basis for the classification of educational goals and objectives [15].

From the point of view of B. Bloom, the goals of learning directly depend on the hierarchy of thought processes, such as: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation [15]. This study also covers D. Cluster's ideas that the reader thinks critically when new, already understandable ideas are tested, evaluated, developed and applied [16].

Through interpretive reading and the acquaintance with the author's biography students get knowledge about the author. A set of post-text linguistic exercises, the analysis of the structural and semantic organization of the text, its stylistics leads to the understanding of the main idea of the text. Doing of a number of posttext exercises is aimed at developing students' oral speech. The assignments on the development of logic and argumentation represents the application of the knowledge gained in the discussion of contradictory life situations. Writing an essay on a given topic for the implementation of reflection has analytical nature and represents synthesis and evaluation levels of the taxonomy. Problem-based learning implies various methods of group work. In foreign language classes, students should not feel that the topic they are discussing is not considered important, avoid dialogue, since this leads to a decrease in their academic performance.

Below is a brief structure of the scheme for the analysis of fiction we used in order to penetrate into the ideas of works, created by B. Brecht:

1) The main purpose of this passage is

2) The key question asked by the author is

3) The most important information in this passage is____________. (facts, experience, data that the author uses to confirm his conclusions).

4) The main findings / conclusions in this passage are________.

5) The key idea we need to understand in this passage: _______.

By these ideas, the author means______

(What are the most important ideas you need to understand in order to guess the author's course of reasoning?

What does the author mean by these ideas).

6) The main assumption (s) underlying the author's point of view:____

(What does the author take for granted (which can be questioned).

7) If a) we accept this course of reasoning, the consequences will be_____.

(What consequences can be if people take seriously the author's reasoning? Here it is necessary to trace the logical consequences of the author's position.

You need to use the conclusions that the author draws if you think they are logical, but you should try to prove why you think they are true)

If b) we do not take this argument seriously, the consequences will be______. (What are the

consequences if people ignore the author's reasoning?)

8) The main point of view presented in the work

Students answer the questions based upon knowledge of the theory of argumentation and logic. At this stage, the connection between the elements of linguistic and logical analysis is especially clear.

Linguistic analysis of a literary text is necessary for the creation of correct argumentation at the stage of fiction discussion. In the process of argumentation and when evaluating arguments, students need to correctly use the lexical units of the language. Students should be encouraged to check the meaning of words in the vocabulary so that they can see that they are being used correctly. Emphasis should be put on the polysemantics and context of the argument. To do this, learners must check the definitions of various words, make sure that their descriptions are accurate in the context of the argument. It is necessary to ask students to check the clarity of the statement of the argument, to clarify whether the argument makes sense, to pay attention to the degree of clarity with which the argument is made. It should be checked whether this wording has contradictions that may additionally indicate any personal bias of the author.


The goal of fiction lies in the creation of the spiritual integrity of a person. If, after reading it, the student begins to think about the meaning of life, the place in it, goals, the path to self-improvement and the potential for spiritual growth, this goal has been achieved. In the process of reading, students demonstrate the following abilities: they must distinguish facts from opinions, understand literal or implied meanings, identify details related to the issues raised by the author, find out cause-and-effect relationships; build logical relationships; be receptive to multiple points of view; make reasonable judgments; and apply the knowledge gained in practice.

While analyzing the works of Bertolt Brecht the students followed the steps of the analysis:

1. To determine the subject of the text by the title: (Study the title and introduction). This results in the development of their ability to anticipate and understand:

a) the content of the text.

b) complex phrases or supra-phrasal unities.

c) the structure of the entire work.

2. To identify text problems by title and to prepare preliminary questions on the topic

3. Definition of keywords and expressions, creation of associations.

This resulted in their ability to use a dictionary and other reference publications. The ability to use the information related to a given text: knowledge about the author, his worldview, his life, era the text belongs to, knowledge about the psychology of the depicted types of characters, their experience, etc.

4. Based on the available illustrations, to make an assumption about the topic of the text.

5. To read the questions / statements and determine their topics and problems.

6. To give answers to the questions.

7. To establish connections that are expressed by the author.

8. To interpret them, connecting with the general idea of the text.

9. To reconstruct the author's intention, relying not only on the information from the text, but also on formal elements of the text (genre, structure, language).

10. To confirm the correctness / consistency of statements;

11. To make a plan for the text, highlighting its main thoughts;

12. Dramatization of a whole text or its excerpts.

The technique which was used for the development of critical thinking is the "Prediction tree", created to work with fiction analysis. This technique is used for the critical thinking enhancement through reading and writing and helps to boost imaginative thinking, co-relate arguments and facts, trains student's the ability to make decisions and predictions.

A tree trunk is a selected topic, a key issue in a topic, a simulated or real situation that presupposes multiple solutions. The branches of a tree are the options of assumptions that are introduced by the words: "Perhaps ...", "Probably ...". The number of branches is not limited. Leaves of a tree are the arguments that prove the correctness of the assumption (indicated on the branch). This technique was applied at the stage of reflection.


Students have found out that Brecht opts for a person of an advanced worldview, who necessarily expresses the opinion. The author introduces a special figure of the narrator and achieves a synthesis of epic and dramatic elements. His works are enhanced by emotional strength, pathos, open manifestation of passions. Brecht tries to dispel the legends about the beauty of suffering and patience. He wants the tragedy to spark thinking about how to prevent it from happening. He assumes that realism is the most reliable way of influence.

That is why, in "Mother Courage and ger children" there is such a consistent and genuine "true" face of life shown even in small details. But one should bear in mind the double nature of this play - the aesthetic content of the characters, i.e. reproduction of life, where good and evil are mixed regardless of our desires, and the voice of Brecht himself, dissatisfied with such a picture. It's clearly represented in the Zongs of his works.

Wach auf, du verrotteter Christ! Machdichandeinsundiges Leben! Zeig, was fureinSchurke du bist, Der Herr wird es dirdannschongeben. VerkaufdeinenBruder, du Schuft! VerschacherdeinEheweib, duWicht

The characters are outlined in all their complex contradictions. The most interesting is the image of An-




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na Fierling, nicknamed mother Courage. Zongs performed as a sideshow or author's commentary draw the attention of the reader and the listener to the conflict of the work. As it was mentioned above, designed to reveal the attitude of the author and actors to these characters they help the readers to identify the authors position and that's why they have to be read closely, paying special attention to the set of stylistic devices.

Zongs help the reader to understand the characters of the work better. Eilif, embodies courage, Schweitzerkas - honesty, the mute Katrin - kindness. And each of them is devastated by their best features. Thus, Brecht leads the viewer to the conclusion that in conditions of war, human virtues lead to the death and tragedies. That's why every war is just a tragedy.

Using the fate of the children of Courage as an example, the author shows the "wrong side" of human dignity, which is revealed in a war. When Eilif takes cattle from people, it becomes clear that courage has turned into cruelty. When Schweitzerkas hides money behind his own life, it is impossible not to be surprised at his stupidity. Katrin's muteness is perceived as an allegory of helpless kindness. The playwright prompts us to think about the fact that in the modern world, virtues must change.

Theideaof the tragic doom of the children in the play is generalized by an ironic "zong" about the legendary personalities of the history, who, allegedly, also became victims of their own merits. The problem of reading and understanding the works of the author lies in the reader's ability to deduce the versatility of his characters. Mother Courage possesses a sober mind. But she is a product of the tough and cynical Thirty Years War. Brecht's realism manifests itself not only in the outlining of the chief protagonist but also in various flat and minor ones. Thus, we realize that the main effect is reflected indifferent conflicts and juxtapositions.

Manmußsichstellnmit den Leuten, eine Hand wäscht die andere, mitdem Kopf kann man nichtdurch die Wand [17].

When Courage sings in the fourth scene: 'You have to face the people, one hand washes the other, you can't get through the wall with your head", Katrin embodies the opposite. If the mother seeks profit, Katrin always stands for resistance. For the sake of other people, she refutes her mother's attitude, but sacrifices her own life for it.

Convincing the young soldier not come into conflict with the authorities, mother Courage sings, as it were, to him, but in fact to herself a "song about the great surrender", about the damage and sheer failure of lofty designs and daring plans in a collision with life. But in this song, Brecht, with the help of a subtle, imperceptible move, creates an underwater counter current, enters into a dialogue against mother Courage.

It was found out that B. Brecht expresses his ideas through the conflicts which take place in the plot, be-5 tween the songs and the actions of the actors. These § conflicts are the basis for the alienation effect itself. S3 The students have identified, analyzed and investier gated the conflicts created by the author. They worked I on them according to the given structure in the process

of discussion. As the development of critical thinking is possible wherever there is a problem situation, we may assume that the problems and conflicts analyzed by the students with the help of "prediction tree" technique which provides the discussion with the potential for making assumptions and hypotheses, was fundamental for the development of critical thinking.

It is always necessary for learners to offer ideas for problem solutions, to think creatively about them, it is crucial to evaluate all possible options and prioritize those that are likely to be most effective. It is also essential to evaluate the solutions proposed by other students and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Learning based on a problem identified in a particular text provides a wide field of opportunities for the application of critical thinking skills. The problem itself is the driving force for learning motivation.

The presence of problem situations and conflicts in the text of "Mother Courage and her children" pushed students to the need to explain several phenomena that underlie their existence. Working in a group in the process of communication in a foreign language, students were searching for the ways to solve these problems. Thus, we may assume that their critical thinking skills were being trained. The problem prompted the analysis of the facts and phenomena, which often contradicted the everyday ideas of students and scientific concepts about these facts. They created hypotheses - their advanced conclusions which were worded in a foreign language. Here various tasks on comparison, juxtaposition and opposition of facts, phenomena, rules were widely used and ignited discussion and critical thinking skills development.


Reading the works of Bertolt Brecht analytically the students were able to recognize andidentify the distancing effect. They found out that it is based on conflict between the visual representation and the comments of the author, which are often given in the form of a zong. They assumed that it's important to read between the lines in order to see what the true picture is.

A range of various techniques typical for analytical reading were used to teach students majoring in technical fields critical thinking through reading and interpreting the works of B. Brecht. The alienation effect or the estrangement effect created by Bertolt Brecht helps students to develop critical thinking skills as well as their skills of examining and breaking information into component parts, making inferences. The set of various techniques used in class made students not to empathize with the characters but think profoundly about the plot. Thus, the main goal which was set by the author was reached.

The didactic functions of the works of B. Brecht include a powerful cognitive function, thanks to which his texts become a universal unit of communication and learning. Due to their motivational and stimulating function, the purpose of which is to interest the reader, to induce them to speak out on a certain problem; the emotional-evaluative function, aimed at understand-

ing and appreciating the author's intention, as well as encouraging students to express their opinion, critical thinking is developed. The psychological function of the works of B. Brecht is also obvious, it is aimed at changing the emotional state and attitudes of students, familiarizing them with certain values of society and expanding their general outlook. Thus, by reading and analysing the works of B. Brecht, students increased the level of their proficiency in their foreign language, developed their logics and critical thinking skills.


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8. Luria A.R. Some general questions of psychology as a science // Reader on the course "Introduction to psychology" / Ed. - comp. E.E. Sokolova. M., p. 23-34.

9. Kulibina N.V. Literary text in linguodidactic comprehension: Monograph / N.V. Kulibina. - M.: State. IRYa, 2000. - 303 p.

10. Robeck M., Wallace R& R& The Psychology of Reading: An Interdisciplinary Approach (2nd Edn) (Psychology Library Editions: Psychology of Reading) 1st Edition. ISBN-13: 978-1138092679.

11. Gerrig, R. Experiencing Narrative Worlds: On the Psychological. Activities of Reading. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993. 1-25.

12. Vygotsky L.S. В 92 Psychology of human development. - M .: Publishing house Meaning; Publishing house Eksmo, 2005. - 1136 p,

13. Leontiev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. - M .: "Education", 1969. -168 p.

14. Gadamer G.G. About the circle of understanding // Gadamer G.-G. Relevance of the beautiful. - M .: Art, 1991. p. 72-82.

15. Bloom, B.S., Engelhart, M.D., Furst, E.J., Hill, W.H., & Krathwohl, D.R.A. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain. NewYork: DavidMcKay.

16. Cluster, D. (2001). What is critical thinking? International journal about thinking development through reading and writing, Peremena, 4, 15 -

17. Brecht, Bertolt: Hauspostille. MitAnleitungen, Gesangsnoten und einemAnhange. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp 1999.


Akupova V.V., Mamleeva A.F., Orlova O.N., Spiridonova N.S., Popovtseva M.V.

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

This paper discusses a range of various issues how to teach students majoring in technical fields critical thinking through reading and interpreting the works of Bertolt Brecht. The provided analysis is based upon contemporary approaches related to the theory of interpretation, critical thinking and methods developed. This research deals with the concept of the distancing effect, more commonly known as the alienation effect or the estrangement effect coined by Bertolt Brecht to develop students' critical thinking skills as well as their skills of examining and breaking information into component parts, making inferences. It is often argued that critical thinking is one of the most essential characteristics of a modern specialist. To be competitive on the job market young specialists must be able to admit that their position may be wrong and continue looking for the information even when they think that they have solved the problem. The estrangement effect implemented by Bertolt Brecht stands for the presentation of the familiar contents in an unfamiliar way to produce a new and unexpected effect. The work discusses the different reasons how alienation effect may become a valuable tool for the enhancement of critical thinking as while reading students do not empathize with the characters and can think profoundly about the plot. Moreover, analytical reading is essential for the development of communicative competence. Critical thinking which is improved through analytical reading can help students to acquire their decision-making skills. The conducted research explores the works of contemporary scholars in the fields of estrangement effect, critical thinking, logics and stylistics. The valuable strategies and techniques to boost students' critical thinking and text interpretation skills have been identified and analyzed.

Keywords: critical thinking, interpretation, Bertolt Brecht, alienation effect, distancing effect, analytical reading, stylistics, finding evidence, communicative competence.


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13. Leontiev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. - M .: "Education", 1969. -168 p.

14. Gadamer G.G. About the circle of understanding // Gadamer G.-G. Relevance of the beautiful. - M .: Art, 1991. p. 72-82.

15. Bloom, B.S., Engelhart, M.D., Furst, E.J., Hill, W.H., & Krath-wohl, D.R.A. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain. NewYork: DavidMcKay.

16. Cluster, D. (2001). What is critical thinking? International journal about thinking development through reading and writing, Pere-mena, 4, 15 -

17. Brecht, Bertolt: Hauspostille. MitAnleitungen, Gesangsnoten

und einemAnhange. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp 1999. p,








8. Luria A.R. Some general questions of psychology as a science // Reader on the course "Introduction to psychology" / Ed. - comp. E.E. Sokolova. M., p. 23-34.

9. Kulibina N.V. Literary text in linguodidactic comprehension: Monograph / N.V. Kulibina. - M.: State. IRYa, 2000. - 303 p.

10. Robeck M., Wallace R& R& The Psychology of Reading: An Interdisciplinary Approach (2nd Edn) (Psychology Library Editions: Psychology of Reading) 1st Edition. ISBN-13: 9781138092679.

11. Gerrig, R. Experiencing Narrative Worlds: On the Psychological. Activities of Reading. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993. 1-25.

12. Vygotsky L.S. B 92 Psychology of human development. - M .: Publishing house Meaning; Publishing house Eksmo, 2005. -

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