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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
cognitive thinking / cognitive interests / creativity / rationality / motivational / intelligence / creative action / educational activity / cognitive motives / technologies / activity / teacher / students / person-oriented

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yu. Matberdieva

In this article, a didactic description of the concept of cognitive thinking is given, its personality intelligence, psychological processes, motivations for the development of students' cognitive interests, problems related to the formation of cognitive thinking skills in elementary school students, and shortcomings in the teacher's work are discussed. The article serves as a resource for general secondary education teachers, researchers and teachers.

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Matberdieva Yulduz Bayramdurdievna

Assistant teacher of Innovational university of Nukus https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo. 10731574

Abstract. In this article, a didactic description of the concept of cognitive thinking is given, its personality intelligence, psychological processes, motivations for the development of students' cognitive interests, problems related to the formation of cognitive thinking skills in elementary school students, and shortcomings in the teacher's work are discussed. The article serves as a resource for general secondary education teachers, researchers and teachers.

Keywords: cognitive thinking, cognitive interests, creativity, rationality, motivational, intelligence, creative action, educational activity, cognitive motives, technologies, activity, teacher, students, person-oriented.

Each person thinks and interacts with the outside world at birth. In this process, his mental activity gradually improves. In the process of students' cognitive thinking, all types of thinking develop, including logical thinking, intelligence, attention, memory, the ability to find solutions, and activities related to creating concepts. That is why conducting research on students' cognitive thinking and its development is of special importance for pedagogy.

From a psychological point of view, cognitive thinking means emotional intelligence, that is, the process of understanding and managing one's feelings, experiences, desires. This skill allows students to complete assignments, find solutions to problems, achieve goals, and communicate. The level of emotional intelligence is determined based on the student's cognitive skills and characteristics. A student with a developed level of cognitive thinking performs his actions, understands the essence of events, has the ability to remember information, can concentrate on one point, coordinate thoughts, has a broad imagination, can find effective solutions to problems, and demonstrates the ability to think logically. Students with such skills possess a certain talent, can perceive a large amount of information, can quickly understand and easily analyze thoughts, make reliable conclusions and make constructive decisions, have a creative and logical approach to solving tasks, and can solve problems while saving time. they operate as entities that can find. The above skills can be formed by developing cognitive thinking in students. It is appropriate to start forming cognitive thinking skills in students from primary grades. Cognitive thinking has its following types:

- according to the unique characteristics of the student's personality;

- according to the level of experience and interpersonal relationships that students have;

- according to the acquired knowledge, skills, qualifications and competencies of students;

- according to the ability to perform tasks;

- according to logical thinking skills;

- according to the ability to concentrate;

- cognitive thinking is carried out according to the development of memory.

Students' cognitive activity levels have three important aspects:

1. Demonstrative-factual thinking. This type of cognitive thinking is formed in children up to 3 years old. It provides an opportunity to solve specific tasks, get to know the world, and in the process, children hold objects with their hands and get the necessary information about them.

2. Visual-image thinking. This type of thinking is characteristic of children aged 3 to 7 years. Cognitive thinking is formed with the help of clear images. Children see things around them and form a clear idea about them. They get acquainted with the function of objects.

3. Distracted thinking. This type of cognitive thinking occurs when students imagine complex things without seeing them.

Students are required to expand their activities to improve their existing cognitive skills. For this, they need to acquire independent knowledge, expand their worldview and strive for regular improvement, develop their intellectual and mobility-based activities.

Experts have developed certain ways and methods of developing cognitive thinking in students. The quality of students' learning activities is directly related to their thinking and perception. That is why most of their actions and methods of activity provide an opportunity to develop cognitive thinking. Students' cognitive thinking skills are developed by doing exercises and assignments during the learning process. That is why it is of particular importance to pay attention to educational materials aimed at forming students' cognitive thinking skills in raising the educational process to a new level of quality. For this, special attention is paid to the formation of stable learning interests in primary school students. Formation of students' cognitive interests is one of the leading problems of pedagogy. Based on the urgency of the problem, it is envisaged to improve the educational activities of primary school students, to update the content of education, and to form methods of independent acquisition of knowledge by students. Formation of cognitive thinking activity in students by developing their cognitive interests has attracted the attention of most scientists engaged in primary education pedagogy.

Developing the talents and abilities of primary school students by forming their cognitive interests, forming moral beliefs in them, as well as identifying the need to study certain types of activities and educational subjects are the main directions of research. Creating a positive motivation and a comfortable emotional environment during the learning process allows students to develop cognitive thinking skills. This issue is addressed by R. Safarova, B. Adizov, N. Tosheva, G. Khasanova, Z. Kholmatova, D. Gaipov, G. Yusupova, E. Yu. Davletov, F. Kochkarova, O. Karakhanova, J. Shomurodov, V. It was expressed in the works of I. Zagvyansky, G. I. Shukina, A. N. Leontev, N. G. Morozova.

In these studies, students are taught to think cognitively, logically, creatively, creatively organize the lesson, create a dialogic situation in the educational process, use heuristic and life tasks, intellectual development of students based on the principle of concentrism of educational materials, direct the acquisition of internal learning motives, reveal the hidden aspects of formation processes. special attention is paid to issues such as finding content of interests.

Formation of students' knowledge interests is a complex pedagogical phenomenon, which should form the basis of the educational process. Because by forming cognitive interests, the effectiveness of the process of teaching students to cognitive thinking is ensured. That's why experts tried to scientifically base the main directions and ways of forming knowledge interests in the educational process. The educational process creates a broad basis for the formation of mental qualities in students. This is the basis of students' abilities and interests. Teaching them to think creatively by forming educational activities is one of the important tasks of the primary education

process. Because the effective formation of cognitive activity creates a favorable situation for the formation of internal motivation in elementary school students and helps them to develop their cognitive activity. The state educational standards of primary education based on the competence approach have increased the social importance of the formation of knowledge interests in students. Because these state educational standards are aimed at forming vital competencies necessary for students to successfully adapt to social life. This serves to ensure that the process of primary education acquires a pragmatic character. Based on the formation of students' cognitive interests, the analyzes clearly showed that pedagogical technologies and valuable pedagogical approaches, which are necessary for the formation of cognitive thinking skills, are not sufficiently applied to the educational process. The existing methodological support does not serve to form cognitive thinking skills in students based on the full development of their cognitive interests. The results of the analysis of the pedagogical experiences of primary school teachers showed that pedagogues face certain difficulties in the process of forming their cognitive thinking skills based on the formation of cognitive interests in students. At the same time, primary school teachers hardly refer to the results of scientific researches, manuals and monographs in the course of their practical activities in the direction of teaching students to cognitive thinking. Most pedagogues try to form cognitive thinking skills in students only in certain situations. Such actions are often random and non-repetitive. Based on the above points, it should be noted that there are certain difficulties and contradictions in teaching students to cognitive thinking based on the formation of their cognitive interests.

1. Sufficient formation of cognitive thinking skills in primary school students, while teachers do not pay attention to the formation of such activities in students.

2. In the educational process, the strength of teachers' desire for traditional teaching is manifested, regardless of the need to organize a person-oriented educational process that serves to form cognitive thinking skills in primary school students.

In order to eliminate these shortcomings, there is an increasing need for effective use of pedagogical technologies that serve to form cognitive thinking skills, taking into account the knowledge interests of students.


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