THE FEATURES OF THE TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH SAYINGS AND PROVERBS INTO UZBEK LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
proverbs / sayings / translation / phraseology / translation equivalence / the adequacy of the translation

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Surayyo Bozor Kizi Hamrayeva

The article discusses the features of the translation of English sayings and proverbs means of the Uzbek language. Phraseological units act as a tool representations of the features of the national mentality, are characterized by a high cultural and national marking, contain, in addition to linguistic, extra linguistic aspects, which causes numerous difficulties when translating from one language to another. The need to convey the extra linguistic aspects of the translated construction necessitates the search for new ways of translating English proverbs and sayings into Uzbek. The article is devoted to the study of the features of the interaction of cultures in the process of implementing translation activities. The study revealed that within the framework of the linguoculturological approach, the most common ways of translating phraseological units are search equivalent, phraseological analogue. Cases of the use of Uzbek phraseological units in situations where it is absent in the original language seem to be not rare.

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The article discusses the features of the translation of English sayings and proverbs means of the Uzbek language. Phraseological units act as a tool representations of the features of the national mentality, are characterized by a high cultural and national marking, contain, in addition to linguistic, extra linguistic aspects, which causes numerous difficulties when translating from one language to another. The need to convey the extra linguistic aspects of the translated construction necessitates the search for new ways of translating English proverbs and sayings into Uzbek. The article is devoted to the study of the features of the interaction of cultures in the process of implementing translation activities. The study revealed that within the framework of the linguoculturological approach, the most common ways of translating phraseological units are search equivalent, phraseological analogue. Cases of the use of Uzbek phraseological units in situations where it is absent in the original language seem to be not rare.

Keywords: proverbs, sayings, translation, phraseology, translation equivalence, the adequacy of the translation.

Proverbs are one of the most important genres of folklore, and today new aspects of linguistics are revealed through the in-depth study of proverbs in comparative linguistics. On the other hand, it is a comparative study of the lingo-cultural and semantic features of proverbs in English and Uzbek in both languages and a generalization of their similarities and differences. In particular, the comparative study of Uzbek and English proverbs proves the similarities and differences in the mentality of the peoples, expressing the extent to which the language reflects the cultural and national customs of both peoples. In order to study this issue, it is necessary to compare the articles describing the national culture of the English and Uzbek peoples, to analyze the national mentality and its characteristics.

National values that reflect the identity of the nation, the culture of the people one of the defining factors is the folklore.

Surayyo Bozor kizi Hamrayeva

Student, UzSWLU


The most popular folklore proverbs, one of the most important

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genres, are in linguistics and folklore is one of the most important topics studied. The most important of folklore the study of proverbs, one of the genres, of folk art in general is very important today.

Our research focuses on the universal features of Uzbek and English proverbs and their similarities and differences compared to other genres of folklore. We will also look at the linguistic aspects of Uzbek and English folk proverbs and get acquainted with the theories of scholars working in this field.

Proverbs have become so common that over the centuries they have been used not only in live speech and interpersonal communication, but also in artistic, has been consistently used in historical and scholarly works, as well as in political and journalistic literature, and is still very active today. Proverbs are a common independent genre of oral art as rare examples of folk wisdom. Conditionally, they can be called international rules of ethics. Proverbs are the result of a very concise, concise, concise and figurative expression of the socio-political, spiritual, cultural, moral and philosophical views of the people, which have been tested in the life experiences of centuries. Proverbs are not specifically created, but emerge as a judgment as a moral value of a conclusion drawn from life experience tested by the demands of a particular circumstance. They show that in the course of human activities in various fields, the product of long-term life experiences has emerged as a stable and unchanging, correct and true conclusion.

Proverbs are one of the genres of concise, profound oral creation, based on the experience and observations of the people over the centuries in socio-economic, political and cultural life. The term proverb is derived from the Arabic word, which refers to utterances and expressions. Phrases, expressions, which are spoken by almost everyone in the same way and understood in the same way, mainly form the genre of proverbs.

Our research covers the basics of intercultural communication, cognitive linguistics, to theories and methods of lingo-cultural and comparative linguistics based. Research results in general linguistics, language and society, the interaction of language and thinking, the role and importance of language in cognitive learning Linguistic materials collected for research and their analysis are used in teaching lectures on general linguistics, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, lexicology, cognitive linguistics, and for students of philological faculties. Manuals, textbooks, dictionaries are both theoretical and practical.

Folk proverbs, which emerged as a unique phenomenon of

language, philosophy and art, are concise form, but a genre with a

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deeper meaning. Each is the beauty of our language, the subtlety of our speech, our intellect and our thinking .Such artistic drops, which can demonstrate the logic with astonishing power, reflect the centuries-old life experiences and way of life of our people, which can be thought of as a mirror image. In this artistic mirror there is life, nature, man, family and attitude to society, socio-political, spiritual-enlightenment, moral-aesthetic and philosophical views.

Proverbs are an international genre by nature. There is no nation in the world that does not have their own proverbs as every nation leaves life experiences to future generations in the form of proverbs. That is why in the oral tradition of different peoples there are many proverbs that are close to each other in terms of content and form.

Proverbs are part of the culture and traditions of a certain people, they have always been, are and will be relevant, despite the development of the economy, technology, progress and further development of culture and other spheres of human activity. At any time, proverbs will be a characteristic feature of one people, an integral part of the richness of its language, an object of attention and research. There are many ways to translate proverbs. Some of them do not need translation at all, because they have equivalents in the target language, while the translation of some is a catchphrase in the target language, which in turn indicates the similarity and parallelism of the two cultures. The above translation methods are not a standard, but just a few examples of the many existing translation methods. Each translator, through trial and error, must find the way that is optimal and convenient for him.

What does a proverb look like when it is studied? There is an important factor in that it is formed through syntactic integrity. The structure of proverbs is formed according to one or more syntactic units, while whole sentences are usually one-part sentences, often clauses by the way. These are the aspects of Uzbek and English folk proverbs which are very similar. We will try to prove our point through the following proverbs:

The absent is always in the wrong- O'zi yo'qning — ko'zi yo'q.

There is no accounting for tastes -Har kim suygan oshini ichadi.

Actions speak louder than words-Gap bilguncha — ish bil.

Advise none to marry or go to war-Har kimning niyati o'ziningyo'ldoshi.

Thus, translation allows you to fundamentally study the traditions, way of life, culture other peoples, which puts forward high requirements for the level of formation professional competence of the translator,

whose tasks include detailed knowledge of only linguistic

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information, but also the socio-historical context, the system axiological modes, guidelines, beliefs, norms of culture, partially fixed in phraseological structures. Achieving equivalence in the transfer process English proverbs and sayings by means of the Uzbek language requires adequate interpretation and subsequent reproduction of not only linguistic, but also extra linguistic (cultural, socio-historical, associative, etc.) aspects of the translated unit, the maximum preservation of emotional coloring original proverb or saying.


Proverbs are the transmission of people's linguistic phrases and cultural manners from one generation into another. That's why the treatment of rendering proverbs must be careful, precise, and not to be expected literally. Not to forget to take into account the proverb cultural, religious, historical background to use the appropriate translation method, hence, achieving a balance between form and content, and also rendering the information the proverb wants to give successfully into the other language without losing the essence of the its meaning.


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1922. -93 p.

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