Научная статья на тему 'The export potential of Uzbekistan’s textile industry'

The export potential of Uzbekistan’s textile industry Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «The export potential of Uzbekistan’s textile industry»

The export potential of Uzbekistan’s textile industry

astonishing, flabbergasting, gobsmacking, amusing and just in style... I’m yearning to join the club as soon as possible" [9]. These words make it abundantly clear that the girl was impressed and mesmerised both by the event itself and AEG as a whole. These words indicate there’s high probability that the girl will decide for NIU RANHiGS in view of her desire to join AEG. Yet by no means this example is exceptional. So, more than 20 % ofAEG student body chose our university thanks to the availability of this particular educational programme [3, 148].

The efficiency of AEG value proposition can be also exemplified by the fact that in 2011 as few as 50 students

applied to the programme, and the attainment level of the vast majority of students left much to be desired. For the purposes of profitability AEG had no other choice but enroll all the applicants. Yet in 2014 the quality (as well as the quantity) of applicants turned out to be next-higher order, and the group of the most outstanding students was formed, that allowed them to start at an initially higher level and maintain high motivation to studies.

All of the aforesaid let us conclude that PVP is an indispensable and highly effective component of UVP, which brings positive results, albeit in Russia, at this particular juncture it is just in its initial stage.


1. Barbara A. S. How to Make a College an Irresistible Brand. Forbes. 23.08.2012.//[Electronic resource]. -Available from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesleadershipforum/2012/08/23/how-to-make-a-college-an-irresistible-brand/

2. Susan S. Employee Value Propositions: a key marketing tool for talent management./Brand learning. 16.10.2009.// [Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://www.brandlearning.com/views-ideas/hr/white-paper-employee-value-propositions-a-key-tool-for-talent-management/

3. Barsukova O. V. Students engagement in education through a foreign language acquisition service branding. Professional education through a foreign language acquisition: collection of articles of the 8th International Conference. - July, 2014.

4. Uvarova N. L. PR-competence formation in professional education through a foreign language acquisition./ N. L. Uvarova, M. O. Simonova. Professional education through a foreign language acquisition: collection of articles of the 5th International Conference. - July, 2011.

5. Uvarova N. L. Linguoeducational niche in academic educational environment. Professional education through a foreign language acquisition: collection of articles of the 7th International Conference. - July, 2013.

6. Menshova Yu. A. Internal PR as a mean of motivating students of complementary qualification “translator in the field of professional communication”. Professional education through a foreign language acquisition: collection of articles of the 7th International Conference. - July, 2013.

7. Menshova Yu. A. Formation of consumer interest in linguoeducational services in high school. Professional education through a foreign language acquisition: collection of articles of the 8th Intern. Conference. - July, 2014.

8. Lanskaya Y. S. Some points on extracurricular activities in which students doing an Interpreter in Professional Communication course take part. Professional education through a foreign language acquisition: collection of articles of the 8th International Conference. - July, 2014.

9. [Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://niu.ranepa.ru/aeg/

Davronov Orzu, Tashkent institute of textile and light industry, teacher of department of "Management" E-mail: [email protected]

The export potential of Uzbekistan’s textile industry

Abstract: the Textile industry of Uzbekistan has centuries-old traditions processing of local raw materials as silk, wool, leather and cotton fiber, which is considered as a country’s national wealth. The Great silk road passed through Uzbekistan and cotton and silk fabric, dressy and casual clothing, the national footwear, suzane with the original drawings were produced by Uzbek craftsmen and were known in many countries of the world.

Keywords: exports, investments, textile industry, textile products, benefits and privileges.


Section 2. Marketing

Introduction: In the modern world textile industry has a high ranking among the industries engaged in the export. It has a wide range of exported goods — from yarn to finished products (apparel and jerseys). From this point of view of the export potential of the industry is large, and its development can be selected from conditions at the time of decision making: the presence of a strategic investor, the world commodity market, the efficiency of the current business plan, the level of preparedness frames in accordance with the requirements of export production.

The main part of the textile enterprises of the Republic are concentrated in the state joint stock company (SJSC) “Uzbek light industry", which includes more than 285 large enterprises and organizations of different ownership forms: 129 — textile enterprises; 120 — sewingknitting enterprises; 36 — silk enterprises; and 7 commercial enterprises. In recent years the company has got rapid development. Since 1991 the production capacity of the enterprises included in the SJSC “Uzbek light industry” in terms of the processing of cotton fiber increased from 136 thousand tons in 1991 to 480 thousand tons in 2013. The annual capacity of enterprises of SJSC “Uzbek light industry: cotton yarn — 373 thousand tons; cotton — 281.8 million square meters; knitted fabric — 81.8 thousand tons; jerseys — 256 million pieces; hosiery — 71.3 million pairs; filaments of raw silk 2.5 thousand tons. They can also release a wind range of garments. In addition, the company also deal in variety of special consumers, including medical products, non-woven materials, the demand for cotton products, special working clothes, Terry products, etc. today enterprises of SJSC “Uzbek light industry” occupies a leading place in the economy for the production of consumer goods.

On the role of textile industry in the macro-economic complex of the country can be judged by the following data: today it provides approximately one fifth of gross domestic product, it contains one third of all workers employed in the industry. In different years the textile industry was formed from 25 to 28 % of the revenue part of the state budget. Coordination of the development of the textile industry’s sectors attracting investment and technical re-equipment of its leading enterprises, the increase in exports and the expansion of import substitution is carried out by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Investments: Be stable work to increase the share of enterprises with modern high-performance equipment. Put into action more than 1.6 million spinning spindles, 100 thousand cameras, which amounted to 89.3 per cent

from the existing stock of technological equipment [2]. Spinning equipment — “Rieter” (Switzerland), “Shlaf-horst”, “Trutzchler” (Germany), “Savio” (Italy), “Saurer Czech” (Czech Republic), “Toyota”, “Howa”, “Murata” (Japan) and “FA-225”, “FA-0013”, “FA-515”, “FA-517” (China) and other Weaving machines — “Dornier” (Germany), “Somet”, “Vimatex” (Italy), “Pikanol” (Belgium), “Sulzer” (Switzerland), “Toyota”, “Tsudakoma” (Japan) and other Equipment knitting production “Pai Lung” (Taiwan), “Kauo Heng” (China), “San Yong” (South Korea), “Orizio” (Italy), “Terrot”, “Mayer & Cie” (Germany) and other dyeing and finishing Equipment production — “Beneks”, “Serteks” (Turkey) and others Equipment sewing production “Pffaf” (Germany), “Rimoldi”, “Orizio” (Italy), “Eagle”, “Gerber” (Turkey), “Oshima”, “Juki”, “Brother”, “Yamato” (Japan), “Siruba” (Taiwan), “Sunstar” (South Korea) and others.

The established program of development of the textile industry of the Republic on 2015-2019 provides for:

• the saturation of the domestic consumer market of goods nomenclature of light industry;

• the increase of export potential of the industry;

• the sustainability and balanced growth of industrial production;

• the further technical and technological renovation of enterprises, including by attracting foreign direct investment;

• the creation of new jobs;

• the saturation of the domestic consumer market of goods nomenclature of light industry.

The adopted program of development of the textile industry of the Republic on 2015-2019 provides: the creation of additional capacity in the production of denim, Terry fabrics and products hosiery products, ready-made knitwear and knitted technical textiles [3].

During the years of independence in the textile industry of the Republic of attracted investments of more at 1.91 billion. USA:

• created more than 150 enterprises with participation of foreign investors from Germany, Switzerland, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Turkey, USA, India and other;

• were sold more than 52 proj ects specialized in the production of clothing (sportswear, clothing for adults, children’s clothes, underwear and other;

• the exports of the company increased from 7 to 770 million USA;

• were commissioned of a modern textile enterprise including finishing, knitting and garment manufacturing [1].


The export potential of Uzbekistan’s textile industry

The geography of export: Persistent policy of increasing the export potential of the textile industry is already producing tangible results: in the industry has increased the number of technically advanced enterprises, the leading indicators of productivity, profitability, product quality and breadth of its assortment, wages compared to average industry performance; internal market of Uzbekistan was added attractive, fashionable items (suits, jackets, clothing, knitwear, and so on) provided joint ventures. The population of the country had the opportunity to purchase affordable, high-quality goods at the level of world standards; the industry is continuously increasing the share of finished consumption goods in the total volume ofmanufactured products, it is exempt from raw slope and proceeds to deep processing of local raw materials, which ensures multiple increasing value added per unit of raw materials; on export-oriented enterprises have appeared a lot of new jobs, and work on them is prestigious.

Enterprises of SJSC “Uzbek light industry” are the following textile products: cotton yarn (Ne5 to Ne40) pneumatic, ring, combed the spinning method; cotton fabric to 220 cm. width in the range; cotton knitted fabrics: Weft knitting stitch, Interlock, Ribeye, French Terry, Velour jerseys on the basis of severe and painted; readymade garments-knitwear in a wide range, women, men and children; fabric technological purpose; haberdashery; hosiery; nonwoven fabric; wool technical; medical wool, gauze and bandages.

The country’s exports of textile enterprises of SJSC “Uzbek light industry” are Russia 36.8 % (cotton yarn, fabrics, knitted fabrics and ready-made garments-knit-wear), Turkey is 18.8 % (cotton yarn, knitted fabrics and finished products), China and 16.2 % (cotton yarn), the EU and 15.3 % (cotton yarn), South Korea 5 % (cotton yarn and fabric) and the rest of the country is 8 %.

The range of export products of enterprises of SJSC “Uzbek light industry” for 2013 is the following: cotton yarn — 62.7 % cotton fabric — 7.3 % cotton knitted fabric — 6.2 %, ready-made garments-jerseys 17.4 % and other textile products — 6.4 % [4].

Benefits and privileges for enterprises: The Republic created a stable framework for economic activity, simplification of licensing procedures, business registration and certification of products, a large number of different benefits for joint ventures and foreign enterprises and others:

• the opportunity to buy in the production of cotton fiber with a discount of15 % from the prices formed in accordance with the quotations index “A” and his Uzbek component published “Cotton Outlook” by installments for 90 days;

• the exemption from the payment to the budget of all kinds of taxes and fees, excluding value added tax;

• the exemption from payment of customs duties (except customs clearance fees) for imported equipment, components that are not produced in the Republic of raw materials used for production before January 1, 2016;

• the delay in the payment of customs duties (except customs clearance fees) for up to 60 days from the date of acceptance of customs Declaration in the production of textile goods, not included in the list approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic;

• the right to reduce, within three years, the taxable base for the profit tax in the amount of funds allocated for modernization, technical re-equipment of production, the loans for these purposes, and reimbursement of the cost of leasing object, using the depreciation funds, accrued during the relevant reporting period;

• the exemption for a period of five years from the payment of property tax for newly commissioned with new technological equipment;

• the resolution, in exceptional cases, the company SJSC “Uzbek light industry” for the period till January 1, 2016 to purchase for freely-convertible currency (accrual of the value added tax at zero rate) textiles, semi-finished products (yarn, fabric, knitted fabric and waste cotton spinning) on the domestic market at prices not lower than the world, existing at the time of conclusion of the contract, meaning that at least 80 percent of the products produced from these semi-finished products will be sent for export;

• the textile industry, exporting more than 80 % of its products are exempt of tax;

• is to improve the quality and competitiveness, as well as expanding the range of products of the textile industry for the period till 1 January HTA enterprises of SJSC “Uzbek light industry” exemption from payment of import customs duties imported for their own needs chemicals, dyes, fittings and accessories, as well as other auxiliary materials not produced in the Republic;

• the textile industry, exporting more than 80 % of its products are exempt of tax.

Conclusion: In order to encourage and promote the export of domestic producers and increase their competitiveness features:

• the lower the share of exports from 80 to 50 % of the sales volume at which the textile enterprises will be granted exemptions from property tax. This will increase the supply of crude oil on the domestic market for the subsequent production of goods for export;

• the expansion of the list of products for which granted customs privileges during the import. In particular,


Section 2. Marketing

auxiliary materials, fabrics and accessories that are not produced or not produced in the Republic, and used in the manufacturing process of the finished product;

• shall be exempt from the payment of customs duties on components, raw materials and materials not only

enterprise specializing in the production of non-food consumer goods, but also other importers.

This will contribute to the development of the internal market of the product and reduce the cost of textile enterprises.


1. Madjidov Sh., Khakimov B. Viewpoints about potential stimulation and possibilities of investments on textile industry Uzbekistan.//European journal ofbusiness and economics. - Volume 6. - 2012. - Р. 22-24//[Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://ojs.joumals.czAndex.php/EJBE/article/view/138.

2. Madjidov Sh., Khakimov B. About investment condition of silk branch.//European Applied Sciences. Journal. ORT Publishing. - Shtutgart, Germany. - 2014. - No. 7.

3. Investment program of the State Joint stock company «Uzbek light industry», 2015-2019.

4. Uzbekistan in figures 2010-2013. Statistical compendium. The state statistics Committee of Uzbekistan. - Tashkent, 2011-2014.

5. [Electronic resource]. - Available from: htpp://www.legprom.uz.

Muminova Nargiza, department of "Management", Tashkent institute of textile and light industry E-mail: [email protected]

Segmental analysis of the market potential of the textile industry of Uzbekistan

Abstract: In this article, on the basis of the conducted marketing research studied the possibility of increasing the export potential of the textile industry.

Keywords: segment, market, export, textile industry, textile product.

Introduction: the Textile industry is not only industry that produces non-food consumer goods for the population, but also has a social dimension, as it promotes the creation of new jobs. With the development of the textile industry in Uzbekistan hopes for a solution to many economic and social problems. This fact makes this industry a relevant object for opportunistic marketing research. Textiles for Uzbekistan has a special meaning.

Analysis: Marketing analysis of the market potential of the textile industry involves the study of market structure to identify unreached segments and search marketing capabilities.

The main objective of this review is to present the material, sufficient to confirm the assumption that the proposed product is a steady demand and can be implemented in terms of competition.

There are many options analysis of market potential with different numbers of stages and different content of these stages. Selection of the best option is made based on the nature of the tasks and characteristics of consumer

demand and market competition. The standard algorithm of market analysis usually consists of several stages, which can be implemented in different orders [1]:

1. Product detail — involves a description of the scope of application of the product, its consumer properties and features. The analysis of these parameters is in table form on the basis of objective parameters (weight, price, properties, etc.) or through the assessment in nominal scale (point system).

2. The definition of market capacity — involves a description of the target groups of consumers (type, need, area), the degree of saturation of the market and assessment of effective demand. As sources of information used data from the state statistics, consulting organizations and Resellers, as well as the method of observation.

3. A competitive analysis involves the analysis of marketing strategies and tactics of competitors, explored the occupied proportion of the target market. The analysis of these parameters is carried out in tabular form by quantitative (in national currency, items, etc.) or qualitative (in percent) evaluation.


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