Научная статья на тему 'The exchange of protein in the brain'

The exchange of protein in the brain Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
protein / metabolism

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Orucova M.

Here is a study of the exchange of brain proteins.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The exchange of protein in the brain»



Orucova M.

Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University DOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2019-10005 THE EXCHANGE OF PROTEIN IN THE BRAIN


Here is a study of the exchange of brain proteins.

Key words: protein, metabolism

The human body accepts various organic and inorganic substances from the outer environment, transforms them into suitcases, and uses them in life. The metabolism of the external environment and the organism must actually be understood as a chain of complex biochemical reactions. The chain of these reactions consists of the following parts: 1) adoption of substances from the external environment; 2) the use of these substances in the body and their transformation into peculiar substances; 3) segregation of disintegration products into the external environment.

The metabolism goes through the oxidation and reduction of substances. Oxidation reactions in cells are called tissue respiration. Oxidation-reduction processes are the basis of metabolism. During the metabolism process, there are two biological processes, one of which is one of the organisms, ie synthesis of organic compounds (assimilation, anabolism) and organic decomposition (dissimulation, catabolism).

Various enzymes are affected by the rapid growth of metabolic reactions. In addition, vitamins and hormones play an important role in the metabolism.

Protein exchange. Protein molecules contain 5055% carbon, 6.5-7.3% hydrogen, 21-24% oxygen, 2.4% sulfur and 15-18% nitrogen elements, in the human body proteins are mainly plastic and partially energized is used as a source. They form the basis of the cellular structure, and even act as a reference to the body, including the bone tissue. Proteins consist of 30% dry matter, 60% of the heart, 45% of the brain, 63% of the skin and 28% of the bones.

The main stages of protein metabolism include proteins splitting reactions, biological synthesis of proteins, and other organic compounds. The proteins contained in the gland break down in the digestive tract. The short-chained peptides - blood and lympha are transmitted to organs, tissues and cells, and are involved in the synthesis of new proteins necessary for the body.

In the process of life, proteins in the body and tissues are constantly degraded and replaced by new ones.

Calculate the amount of nitrogen that is normally found in the body by nitrogen and, on the other hand, the amount of nitrogen extracted from the urine, the nevi and the skin to determine the amount of protein that is extracted from the body and extracted from the body overnight. The nitrogen contained in the diet is divided into the amount of nitrogen that is removed.

The German figure has a positive value of less than 1 and its lower than 1 indicates the negative balance of nitrogen, the ratio of 1 to the nitrogen balance. Knowing that 1 g of nitrogen contains 6.25 g of protein, it is possible to obtain an idea of the protein exchange based on the nitrogen balance. The level of nitrogen perception of the body depends on the age, activity, and physiological state of the person. In children, positive nitrogen balance is observed in elderly people.

Fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Oils are organic compounds included in the lipid group, not soluble in water. In addition to neutral oils, this group includes complex oils (lipoids), candles and stearins. Neutral oils are composed of 3 molecular high fatty acids and glycerin.

Oils have two types of organisms: reserve oils and protoplasmatic oils. Refined fats are used as an energy source in the body's life activity and protoplasmic oils are involved in the cell structure.

The oils taken from food break down to the fatty acids and glycerin by the effect of lipase enzymes and gallbladder, and are injected into the lymph from the mucous membrane of the gut. Here, some of them are synthesized from the human body fat. The rest is transmitted to the organs, tissues, cells through blood, through the lymph.

Foods and dysaccharides that have been eaten are broken down to monosaccharides in human digestive organs, then glucose and fructose-like blood are absorbed into the bloodstream and delivered to all tissues and cells of the body.

In cells, these substances are used as energy sources and construction materials. Glucose is the most natural source of energy.

Water and salt exchange. In addition to organic compounds, a number of mineral substances are also included in the human body. They can be free of proteins, hormones, vitamins, and others. Mineral substances account for about 4.5 percent of the total body mass. This amount of nutrients needs a growing and growing organism. Depending on the amount of organisms involved in the physiological processes, mineral substances are divided into macroelements, microelements and ultramicroelements.

Mineral substances contribute to the formation of tissues in the body, add osmotic pressure, form buffer systems and carry other functions. Calcium, phosphorus and iron are of particular importance in the growing organism.

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Sodium and potassium ions play an important role in maintaining acid and alkaline stability in the body, and the formation of the nerve impulse.

Calcium takes an active part in maintaining the integrity of the vessel wall, in the process of blood clotting, enzymes activation, and mediator substances in the brain. It combines with magnesium salts to regulate the normal functioning of the muscles.

As a component of all the tissues of the organism, phosphorus affects the proper development and normal functioning of the nervous system and other tissues. About 80 percent of the organism's phosphorus accumulates in bone tissue. The daily requirement for this element is 1-1.5 grams.

Magnesium is directly involved in several important physiological reactions.

Develops the process of delay in the nervous system. He plays the role of catalyst in iron oxidation processes, is involved in hemoglobin and participates in the transport of oxygen. Daily demand for iron is around 10m.

In the absence of iodine in the organism, endemic ur disease occurs. It accelerates carbohydrate metabolism (thyroxine) with the hormones of the thyroid glucose, activates the glucose gasses absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Sulfur is involved in the organization of spatial structure of protein molecules.

Mineral substances are removed by sweat, urine and najis after being used in the body or collected in different organs, which causes some diseases.

Elements that constitute less than 0.001% of total body mass (manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, etc.) are called microelements. Despite having such a small amount, micronutrient deficiencies cause severe degradation of the body's functions. They are included in the enzymes, hormones, and vitamins that are essential for normal living activities.

Water, as all organisms, is indispensable for the human body, and human water is a component of food and free.

Some water is formed when organisms break down organic compounds. Water is universal as well as amphoteric solubility.

The water that covers us (N2O) boils at 100 ° C, boiling at 0 ° C, colorless, odorless and tasteless. About 65-70 percent of the weight of the human body. Water is a major part of the cells and blood, as well as in the metabolism of the organism, including 0, directly in the biological synthesis and decomposition reactions. Under thirst, people can only survive within 5-7 days. An adult's daily water balance reaches 2.5-2.8 liters. Over the course of the day, the human body produces a lot of products such as oral juice, stomach and intestinal juice, and is again asked for blood. The unwanted part is excreted with respiration, sweat, urine and najis. During the day, the human body extracts up to 2.5 liters of water.

Water metabolism is regulated by a single neurohumoral mechanism. Hormones of the pituitary gland, the kidneys and the glandular glands, as well as the specific "thirst" in the intermediate brain, directly contribute to the regulation of the central water metabolism.

Physiological importance of vitamins. Vitamins first discovered Polish scientist Kazimir Funk in 1912 and gave the same name ("vita" - life). All of the vitamin-known substances known to us in modern times are called vitamins, although they do not contain ami-no acids as Funkun suggests.

Vitamins are essential ingredients for normal body processes in human and animal organisms with high biological activity. They are a product of the activity of plants and microorganisms, and are found in various quantities of nutrients. Vitamins play an important role in regulating the metabolism of a small amount of metabolism in the body. It can become an active agent in the body. In the organism they fail, exchange is broken, illnesses occur. Vitamins do not comply with the needs of the body, called avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis, which is less than hypervita-minosis. The need for vitamins depends on age, nutritional status, health, and other factors. Vitamins in the child's nutritional supplements should normally be used to absorb nutrients, ensure proper child-friendly development, and increase the durability of various infectious diseases.

Known up to 40 vitamins are divided into two groups: water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins.

Water soluble vitamins. Tiamine (Vitamin B1) regulates carbohydrate metabolism in the body, motor, secretory and soreness of the intestines.

It regulates the activity of the nervous system. The deficiency of this vitamin causes the disease from time to time. Symptoms of the disease include muscle tone drop, insomnia, rapid fatigue, and polyneuritis. Patients with long-term penicillin treatment may also develop hypovitaminosis.

Because penicillin drastically reduces bacteria that use intestinal thiamine. The daily demand for Tiamine is 1.2-1.8 mg per person. Since the human body does not have the ability to keep it physically intact, it should take it on a regular basis. Its source is black bread, buckwheat and oatmeal, liver, kidney and other products.

B2 is involved in vitamin-riboflavin carbohydrate and nitrogen exchange. It is considered necessary to absorb oils in the body, stimulates the activity of the central nervous system, the oxygen absorption of the eye's cornea. Its deficiency causes a number of changes in the immunity of the organism, skin and mucous membranes.

The daily requirement for human riboflavia is between 1.5-2.5, depending on the accepted food. These vitamins are rich in liver, breast, kidney, heart tissue, milk and dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

PP vitamins (nicotine acid) have antipellacic and vasoconstriction effects. This vitamin deficiency causes pellagra in humans. Symptoms of the disease are dermatitis, diarrhea, glossitis, etc. occurring in the open parts of the body.

In the body's tissues, PP is not synthesized. Daily demand for it is 12-18 mg. Its quantity in liver, kidneys, animal muscles, mushrooms, tomatoes, roots, spinach and cabbage are sufficient.

Vitamin P-pyridoxine positively affects growth by participating in the synthesis of amino acids in the

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body, regulating the collection of copper, iron elements, helping the central nervous system to function, preventing the dominea and participating in fat metabolism. The deficiency of this vitamin is observed in very few cases.

Human should take 0.3 mg vitamin B for overnight. Pyridoxine is quite common in meat and vegetable products, and beer and dough are more common in yeast.

Vitamin B12 (ciancobalamin) is pure in the form of dark red, odorless, tasteless crystalline substance, synthesized in microorganisms.

Plants do not coincide. Siancobalamin stimulates the activity of the breathing organs, eliminates nerves and gastrointestinal disorders. The daily requirement for this vitamin in organisms is 0.5-1.0 milligrams.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a crystalline substance that is a good solution in water. Antiscorbit has an effect, bactericidal, antitoxic effect, increases immunity. The vitamin deficiency results in the syndrome of swelling, palpitations, gum, palate, intestinal wall, subcutaneous connective tissue, and so on. is characterized by anemia. The daily requirement for children under the age of 7 is about 35 mg in vitamin C and 50 rng relatively in older age. It only enters the body with food, most fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, lemon, hips, peppers, cabbage, etc. products are available.

Fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A (retinol) affects the dyeing process and immunity. Its deficiency weakens vision, accelerates the bumps of epithelial cells, slows the growth of bones, and aggravates bone tissue in the elderly.

In the body, vitamin A is derived from provitamin carotene and carotenoids. Carotene is found in some plants-roots, tomatoes, hips. Its mastering depends on the method of cooking. Vitamin A is more in fish oil, milk, butter, egg yolk, and liver. Vitamin is quickly dissolved in the air, so these foods should be kept in covered containers, and the daily requirement for humans is 2 to 2.5 mg.

Vitamin D or antimicrobial vitamins are caused by ultraviolet rays in sterile and sterols in animal and plant tissues.

Sterines are the provident of vitamin D and turn into active vitamin D in the human body due to ultraviolet rays. This vitamin is active in fish oil, egg yolk,


liver, animal fat and milk. The daily requirement for the body's vitamin is 750 units. When it is not present, rickets develops in children, which means that the process of slimming goes bad, and the bones are quickly bent. These are just the opposite. Vitamin E removal.

Vitamin E is a hydrogen carrier in the body, it participates in phosphorus and fat metabolism, has an anti-inflammatory effect. This vitamin is found in the green portion of the plants, in the egg yolk, butter and milk. When not touted, phosphorus metabolism, muscle ATF metabolism, normal development of cells are disrupted.

Vitamin K has a significant biological effect on blood clotting because the intestinal microflora of a human being has enough vitamin K to absorb vitamin K in foods does not lead to avitaminosis in humans. Antibiotics, gallbladder and intestinal microflora are affected during the diarrhea, there is a risk of avitaminosis. Milk children are in high demand for vitamin K.

If they do not have vitamin deficiency, hemor-rhagic diathesis may occur. At this time, 1 mg of vitamin K should be administered parenterally. Foods such as cabbage, spinach, root, chickpeas, poultry, eggs, liver, milk and other products are rich in vitamins.


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