В статье уточняются понятия: мобильность, педагогическая мобильность, профессиональная мобильность, мобильная лингводидактика. Определяются виды, факторы и уровни педагогической мобильности. Определяется понятие и инновации мобильной лингводидактики в информационно-образовательной среде обучения. Определяются преимущества и недостатки мобильной лингводидактики.
Ключевые слова: мобильность, инновации, педагогическая мобильность, профессиональная мобильность, личностная мобильность, мобильные сетевые педагоги, мобильная лингводидактика.
This article is about such concepts as mobility, pedagogical mobility, professional mobility, mobile linguodidactics. It defines the types, factors and levels of pedagogical mobility. It defines the concept and innovation of mobile linguodidactics in information-educational learning environment. It defines advantages and disadvantages of mobile linguodidactics.
Keywords: mobility, innovation, pedagogical mobility, professional mobility, personal mobility, mobile network teachers, mobile linguodidactics.
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Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках научно-исследовательского проекта РГНФ «Исследовательская лингводидактика по русскому языку: теория, практика, инновации» за № 15-04-000567а.
Professional activities, in Vol. H. Pedagogical, confronts man certain requirements: it must be professionally competent, socially adapted, active and etc. Working in a constantly changing environment, the teacher must be prepared for possible changes. From our point of view, this state can be designated as "educational mobility".
Psychologically dictionary term mobility refers to the concept of motion. It can be, literally, the physical movement of the stimulus, object or organism; or it may be, metaphorically, through the movement of the sphere, which can be social, professional or even informativem.
The term "professional mobility" psychologically Kovalev's dictionary is defined as the ability and willingness of the individual rather quickly and successfully acquire new equipment and technology, to acquire the missing knowledge and skills to ensure the effectiveness of the new career-oriented activities^!.
Mobility is the concept of interdisciplinary. This quality is linked by researchers with the flexibility and mobility of motivation, conscious change stereotypes and ductility. For successful implementation in the modern world a person must have the psychological flexibility, the ability to make choices and to exercise creativity, be mobile. To do this, a person needs the awareness of their internal orientations[3].
Before you realize the existing potential of mobility, it is necessary to form it. Formed personal mobility allows you to choose the path of other types of mobility, without prejudice to the person for the purposes of effective self-improvement.
To work in the new information and educational environment need a qualitatively different approach to teacher training. More recently, the teacher needed only assured basic computer skills. Staying in such positions, we ignore the already formed philosophy of evolution of electronic devices, digital, info- and telecommunication technologies consists in the fact that every professional has authoring tools, allowing to solve basic professional tasks independently anywhere in the world. Consequently, the training of the teachers should be done with the installation of the acquisition they are not common, and professionally-oriented knowledge and skills of using information and communication technologies in the practice of teaching foreign languages. New qualities necessary for the simple reason that in the growing online world hardware information and technology, including educational, quickly become obsolete without prompt updating and creation of a modern teacher can not effectively control the adjustable-governmental process, even more so to predict and influencing them[4]. Thus, the most urgent on the agenda is the issue of training teachers of mobile network.
The rapid growth in the use of mobile and handheld information technology — devices such as PDAs PDA (Personal Digital Assistants[5]), smartphones[6], laptops, and tablet PCs in teaching and learning has become an important part of the information of the learning environment, including foreign languages. Computers and the Internet have become essential educational tools, technology has become more portable, accessible, effective and easy to use, it is significantly expanding its information-educational learning environment, and its property of mobility makes it available in any place where there is Internet access.
Thus, we can speak of a science and formation of a new term "Mobile linguodidactics» — learning a foreign language with the help of mobile and portable information technology is not dependent on geographical and temporal factors.
The introduction of tablet PCs in the pedagogical process now allows the use of mobile Internet access with equal, if not greater functionality than the desktop.
Most mobile devices are useful in education, management, organization and teaching for practitioners, as well as technicalsupport tools of learning for students.
Mobile Linguodidactics has several major advantages:
• students can interact with each other and with the teacher, and not to hide behind the large monitors [7];
• it is easy to place in the audience more mobile devices than several desktop computers;
• pocket or tablet PCs (PDAs) and electronic books more easily and take up less space than files, papers and books, and even laptops. Recognition by a stiluz or the touch screen is more clear than with the keyboard and mouse. Built-in mobile and portable devices microphone and a dinamics allows speech recognition technology and listening, that is-is an essential aspect of linguistics as a whole;
• there is the possibility of changing tasks and working together; students and teachers can send the text via e-mail, cut, copy and paste, transfer devices within the group, to work with each other using the infrared function of a PDA or a wireless network, for example, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi;
• mobile and portable devices can be used anywhere, anytime, including at home, on the train, in hotels — it is invaluable for work-based training;
• new technical devices such as mobile phones, gadgets, gaming devices, etc., attracting students — young people who may have lost interest in education.
However, you must consider the existing deficiencies and mobile linguodidaktiks:
• small screens of mobile PDAs limit the amount and type of information that can be displayed;
• there is limited storage capacity for mobile phones, smartphones and PDAs;
• batteries should work regularly, and data may be lost if it is not done correctly;
• they can be less reliable than desktops (although the tablet PC begin to solve this problem).
• difficult to work with graphics applications, especially in mobile phones.
• the market is changing rapidly, especially for mobile phones and smartphones, which leads to rapid obsolescence;
• thoughput may be reduced if a large number of users using wireless networks.
Obviously, to use the new features of mobile linguistics in the information-educational evronment necessary organizational, research and methodological work on the introduction of modern strategies, forms and methods of mobile learning in the educational process.
From the above we can draw the following conclusion — the future of mobile linguodidactics requires joint efforts of mobile manufacturers, mobile service providers, mobile application
developers, as well as subjects of the educational environment (teachers and students).
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