Научная статья на тему 'The essence evolucionado process in the system of education qualit'

The essence evolucionado process in the system of education qualit Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Orekhov V.I., Orekhova T.R.

This article discusses the essence of the process of evaluation. Defines the role of evaluation, the purpose of the education system. Given the modern concept of evaluation. All components of the process of evaluation in the education system

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Текст научной работы на тему «The essence evolucionado process in the system of education qualit»


environment. The result of applying active learning methods is to increase the experience of creative activity, readiness to practical activities, the ability to model and to make professional decisions References:

1. Abramova G. A., S. V. A. Business games: theory and organization. - Ekaterinburg: Business book, 2010 - P. 30 - 106.

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5.Svonnikov, V. I. assessment of the quality of learning outcomes certification (competency approach) /V. I. Sannikov, M. B. Chelyshkova.- 2-e Izd., revised and enlarged extra-M.: Logos, 2012. -S 6.Mynbayev A., Z. M. Sadvakasov. Innovative teaching methods, or how to teach, Almaty, 2012. 7.Orekhov, V. I., Orekhova T. R. the Role of business games in the educational process// Bulletin of Moscow humanitarian-economic Institute, M: ihei, №2 (16) 2012

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© Orekhov V. I, Orekhova T.R.,2015

УДК 378

Orekhov V.I.

doctor of economic Sciences, Professor head of the Department of Economics and management (basic)

MISAO Moscow

E-mail:VO15VO@yandex.ru Orekhova T.R.

candidate of economic Sciences Professor of Economics and management (basic), MISAO

Moscow E-mail :otr1@yandex.ru



This article discusses the essence of the process of evaluation. Defines the role of evaluation, the purpose of the education system. Given the modern concept of evaluation. All components of the process of evaluation in the education system


evaluation, quality, education, process project At the moment the Russian system of higher education is going through probably the most intense period of modernization in the entire history of its existence, associated with the development of new Federal state educational standards (GEF) and implementation level of training. Habitual patterns of functioning of educational institutions, their structure, priorities, and legal basis for the work undergo significant changes, conditions of implementation and


their implications require careful monitoring, analysis and forecasting in the framework of evaluation. World experience shows that in the context of the education reform we should increase the effectiveness of management actions, considered as a catalyst of modernization^, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Understanding the important role of management in educational innovation is reflected in the creation of the deployed scientific justification of quality management systems of education based on the priority development evaluation [7 p-32-38]. This interpretation of the role of evaluation is understandable. By itself, the evaluation requiring scientific, organizational, logistical and financial investments, are useless for the analysis of established processes in education, since the outcome and the consequences are quite predictable, and therefore do not require additional effort on research results and implications. Usually to evaluation appeal in those cases, when it comes to the modernization process of education with the aim of improving the quality of implementation results through the implementation of programs or projects, that is, in those cases when it is required to collect information on the results of the innovations and to make effective management decisions on the choice of implementation for the purpose of obtaining optimal results. Thus, in relation to the three elements of the decision-making process in the management of the quality of education (gathering information, generating alternatives and selecting the optimal paths) evaluation performs support functions on all stages of this process.

Not referring to pre-scientific ideas about evaluation, it can be noted that this concept has different interpretations for different categories of participants. Professional evaluator perceives evaluation as a field of activity assessment, collecting and analyzing information, administrator - as a tool for management decisions, and the members of the implementation of a programme or project as an external control, which may help, or may suspend the execution of works on modernization of education even stopped. In the activities of the professionals, the definition of evaluation, most often, associated for the purpose of its implementation, production of which will depend upon a number of causes of treatment to the evaluation and the respective results[7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ]. Undoubtedly, the main purpose of evaluation is to obtain information that contributes to the continuous improvement of the quality management process of education through the implementation of a project or program, as in the course of the work, and at the stage of completion when assessing compliance of the results with the objectives. In addition, it is equally important to obtain information about possible unforeseen consequences of a project or program, both positive and negative, based on new information that was not expected. These unforeseen effects that are not detected during the execution of works on modernization of education, but only with the evaluation, are often very useful for further development of the project or program, or to correct them in the right direction. Thus, the evaluation not only provides an informational basis for management decisions in multicriteria problems of choosing the optimal solution, but also allows to predict the effects of various innovations.

With the development of the theory and practice of evaluation, it was recognized that there are different interests that can be represented in the evaluation even in the case when some of these conflicting interests [14, p-34-41]. As a result at the next stage of development in the last decade of the twentieth century appeared a pluralistic concept of evaluation, which took into account multiple methods, measures, criteria, perspectives, participants and their interests. Thus, the theoretical framework for evaluation developed from manocalzati to many concepts, reflecting the pluralism that has emerged in the educational community. Against the background of such pluralism there is always a big problem with how to synthesize, equal rights and seek justice for all components of multiple concepts. The solution to this problem is achieved not always and not for all participants of the evaluation process, therefore, some of its methods and approaches at times cause the condemnation of the individual groups of artists in projects. Basically, the evaluation is carried out to analyze the achievements and values of the results of programmes or projects in the public sphere, sociology, education.

When analyzing the accomplishments svyazyvatsyas the results of the project activity, and the value autosites objective of the project. Thus, the achievement could be assessed by asking the question - how good are the results of the program or project? And the value could be oceanauts the question - for what purpose these important results?[15, p-78-81] Considering the above aspects and contexts in this study proposes a definition of the term "evaluation". Modern understanding of this term in education does not identify it exclusively with the process of obtaining ratings as you might think the result of direct translation (evaluation, assessment, evaluation), and treats it much wider, considering the integrative evaluation category evaluation-analytical activity in the management of the


quality of education.

In General, in accordance with the definition of the author, evaluation is treated as a systematic scientific process of collection and analysis of data to identify the effectiveness and value of the project or program. On the basis of collected data, obtained by measurements and meet the requirements of high reliability, validity and authenticity, management decisions for the project: to approve the results, suspend the project or to redirect it to new purposes. The scope of solutions changeslide be attributed to the field of evaluation. In General, we can assume that in the modern sense of the term in education in the concept of "evaluation" has a whole range of theoretical, methodological and practical work on a systematic investigation of the value and positive impact of projects and programmes in achieving your goals. This impact is analyzed on the basis of indicators on the basis of a unified methodology, combining quantitative and qualitative methods to track the nature and dynamics of change.Thus, evaluation in education is an integrative concept that includes all areas of assessment-analytical activities: setting goals, defining methodological approach (usually based on dynamic methods of analysis of changes of characteristics of learners), the development of logical descriptive or mathematical models, the choice of methods of collection and analysis of information (usually based on the theory of educational measurement and mathematical-statistical methods), the design of the study, generalization of data, methods of processing, interpretation and dissemination of data analysis for managerial decision-making in order to improve the quality of education. [16 p-45-57]

Evaluation refers to definition of the achievements and values of the outcomes based on a defined process. This process in accordance with the level of development of modern society and objective tendencies of modernization of the education system require new approaches to improving quality. References:

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4.Gavrikov, A. L. teacher education at the University. Context-biographical approach: monograph/A. L. Gavrikov, O. M. Zaichenko, O. S. Orlov, M. N. Pevzner, R. M. Sirisena. - Velikiy Novgorod, 2001.-300

5.Gamulin, N. N. Evaluation in education and the integration of curricular and distance learning [Electronic resource]/ N. N. Gamulin. - Access mode: http://www.ito.su/main.php? pid=26&fid=8573

6.Gumerov, F. M. Testing and contest entrants // Development of the testing system in Russia: abstracts. Dokl. vseros. Conf. /F. M. Gumerov.- M., 2000. - Part 2.

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9.Gus'kova, M. V. Evaluation in education: monograph /M. V. Guskov. - M.: Publisher INFRA-M, 2012. - S 0.SvonnikoV, V. I. Measurement and quality of education: monograph/V. I. Sannikov. - Berlin: Springer, 2006. -S. 11.Svonnikov V. I. educational measurement in quality management training: Diss. ... d-RA PED. Sciences: 13.00.01/V. I. Sannikov.- Rostov-on-don, 2006. - S

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15.Frazer, M. Quality Assurance in Higher Education // Ed. by A. Craft: Proceedings of an International Conference. London: The Falmer Press, 1992.

16.Owen, J. M., & Rogers, P. J. (1999). Program evaluation: Forms and approaches. London

© Orekhov V. I, Orekhova T.R.,2015

Удк 37

Алиева Майя Габрассовна

Магистрант 1курса Pchelka72@bk.ru КуБГУ Филиала Славянск-на-Кубани.

Научный руководитель доктор исторических наук, Профессор Анисимова Татьяна Семеновна



Новые ориентиры развития отечественной образовательной системы требуют изменения подходов к пониманию личности в образовательном пространстве, образа выпускника той или иной ступени образования. А также нового смыслового и технологического наполнения образовательного процесса в различных типах образовательных учреждений. В статье рассматривается проблема развития креативности в условиях реформирования отечественного образования. С этих позиций актуализируется необходимость активного поиска наиболее эффективных средств развития креативного потенциала человека на всех этапах его жизненного пути.

Ключевые слова

креативный потенциал дошкольников, инновационные технологии, программы, образовательный процесс,

творчество, креативность.

Повышение качества дошкольного образования является одной из актуальных проблем не только для России, но и для всего мирового сообщества. Решение этой проблемы связано с качественной модернизацией структуры содержания образования, оптимизацией способов и технологий организации образовательного процесса и, конечно, переосмыслением конечной цели и результата образования. Главной особенностью внедрения инновационных технологий, реализуемых в условиях дошкольного образования, становится гуманизация сферы обучения и воспитания. Именно с разработкой идей личностно ориентированного обучения вводятся в содержание образовательно-воспитательного процесса новые параметры. В системе политики образования переход от обучения в виде простого информирования к развитию целостной личности ребёнка становится наиболее актуальной проблемой. Новые ориентиры развития отечественной образовательной системы, отражённые в Национальной доктрине развития образования, Приоритетном национальном проекте «Образование», национальной инициативе «Наша новая школа», федеральном законе «Об образовании в российской Федерации» и других документах, требуют изменения подходов к пониманию личности в образовательном пространстве, образа выпускника той или иной ступени образования. А также нового смыслового и технологического наполнения образовательного процесса в различных типах образовательных учреждений.

Согласно ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» изменяется статус и подходы к пониманию содержания дошкольного образования, что подтверждается введением Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта дошкольного образования. Одной из первостепенных в Концепции модернизации российского образования выдвинута задача достижения нового, современного качества образования, необходимости развития творческих созидательных способностей, приобретение которых невозможно без

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