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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Belenkova Yulia S.

The paper shows the ways of developing students' autonomy in education and the importance of teaching self-learning skills. The article determines the factors of students’ self-organization in the process of independent work. The author presents the main methodological aspects of developing students' metacognitive skills and describes the system of metacognitive skillsformation. The system consists of four stages: informational, control, operational, analytical. The techniques and methods of metacognitive skills formation are indicated. One of the most effective methods is the project method. It helps to improve communication skills,to use authentic resources,it stimulates motivation, increases cognitive activity, it helps to organize an independent form of work and to form metacognitive skills. The success and effectiveness of students' independent work largely depends on the organization of this activity.

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DOI: 10.25586/RNU.HET.21.04.P.29 УДК 378

Ю.С. Беленкова,

Самарский государственный технический университет

The Effectiveness of Students' Independent Work and Metacognitive Skills Formation

One of the main objectives of higher professional education is the organization of independent cognitive activity of students. Independent work stimulates the cognitive motives of learning and creativity, contributes to the development of self-education skills, the desire for self-development[1].

Self-education is an important part of lifelong education throughout life, along with general and professional training. Lifelong education is understood as a systematic, purposeful activity to acquire knowledge and develop skills, abilities, and necessary qualities both in all types of general and special educational institutions, and in the process of self-education [3].

Independent work has many possibilities, since there is not only the assimilation of educational material, but also its expansion, the formation of the ability to work with various types of information, the development of analytical skills, control skills and planning of study time [2].

To increase the efficiency of students 'independent work, it is necessary to develop students' metacognitive skills.

Metacognitive skills are skills that allow us to regulate and control cognitive activity independently. The term "metacognition" means the ability to analyze one's mental strategies and manage one's cognitive activity,

© Ee^eHKOBa 2021

Самарский государственный технический университет

it was introduced by the American scientist John Flavell. He noted the importance of metacognition in cognitive activity and in achieving the educational goals [6].

Thus, one of the most important tasks is to teach students to set goals and objectives independently, choose suitable strategies, see complex problems and solve them, analyze what they have read or seen, draw conclusions and analyze the results of their activities.

From our point of view, metacognitive skills formationprocesspass-es through four stages: informational stage, meaningful stage, operating

stage, controlstage, and analytical stage.

The information stage is associated with the search and study of the necessary information.

Students are supposed to get the following metacognitive information:

- information about their individual cognitive processes,

- information on how to perform tasks, what are the requirements,

- information about learning strategies.

The substantive stage is associated with setting the goal and objectives of each lesson, with determining the

YULIA S. BELENKOVA Samara, Russian Federation

Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, Samara State Technical University. Research interests: study and application of effective methods of teaching foreign languages, development of metacognitive skills in the process of self-education and self-development. Author of 29 published works. Email address: yubelenkova@mail.ru

ЮЛИЯ СЕРГЕЕВНА БЕЛЕНКОВА Российская Федерация, г. Самара

преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Самарского государственного технического университета. Сфера научных интересов: изучение и применение эффективных методов обучения иностранным языкам, развитие метапознавательных способностей и навыков в процессе самообразования и саморазвития. Автор 29 опубликованных научных работ. Электронная почта: yubelenkova@mail.ru

The paper shows the ways of developing students' autonomy in education and the importance of teaching self-learning skills. The article determines the factors of students' self-organization in the process of independent work. The author presents the main methodological aspects of developing students' metacognitive skills and describes the system of metacognitive skillsformation. The system consists of four stages: informational, control, operational, analytical. The techniques and methods of metacognitive skills formation are indicated. One of the most effective methods is the project method. It helps to improve communication skills,to use authentic resources,it stimulates motivation, increases cognitive activity, it helps to organize an independent form of work and to form metacognitive skills. The success and effectiveness of students' independent work largely depends on the organization of this activity.

Key words: independent activity, self-education, metacognitive skills, self-organization, development of autonomy.

Показана важность обучения самостоятельной учебной деятельности и охарактеризоваы пути развития самостоятельности студентов. Отмечается, что лавным в ней является не приобретение готовых знаний, а усвоение определенного способа мышления, обеспечивающего формирование студентом новых знаний. Освещены основные методические аспекты развития метапознавательных навыков, Раскрыта методика их форирования, состоящая из четырех этапов (информационный, содержательный, операционный, контрольно-аналитический). Указаны приемы и методы развития метапознавательных навыков студентов. Среди наиболее эффективных методов выделен метод проектов. Показано, что этот метод помогает развивать навыки информационной деятельности, использовать аутентичные ресурсы, стимулировать мотивацию к процессу обучению, повысить познавательную активность, организовать самостоятельную форму работы, формировать метапознавательные навыки и способность к рефлексии. Успех и эффективность самостоятельной работы студентов во многом зависит от организации этой деятельности.

Ключевые слова: самостоятельная работа, самообразование, метапознавательные навыки, самоорганизация, развитие самостоятельности.

content of theoretical and practical material.

The operational stage involves the selection and application of methods, means and strategies for the students' metacognitive skills formation. It is possible to use such methods as discussion, play, problem learning, case technologies, project method and other methods that increase the activity of students and their motivation.

The control and analytical stage involve the control and analysis of the level of metacognitive skills development that the student possesses. The main methods at this stage are observation, questioning, testing, analysis, generalization, and others [4].

There are effective techniques for teaching metacognitive skills, which include the following techniques: prompting questions, metacognitive experience (the teacher speaks out how he solves the problem, and the student adopts this experience), questions to yourself, speaking out loud, drawing up tables, charts, and graphs, drawing up plan and others.

One of the effective methods that contribute to the development of metacognitive skills is the project method. This is the organization of project activities of students on the topic using the Internet. Project activity is based on the group work of students in solving a problem assignment. This method helps to improve communication skills,-to use authentic resources, to stimulate motivation, to increase cognitive activity, to organize an independent form of work, to form metacognitive skills.

Working on a project, students must clearly define the plan and the result of their activities, determine the stages of this activity:

1. ask yourself the questions you need to find answers to,

2. identify the problem to be solved,

3. choose a strategy for solving the assigned tasks,

4. analyze the collected information,

5. reflection and introspection [5].

The success and effectiveness of students' independent work largely depends on the organization of this activity. There are many different methods, techniques, and strategies for teaching metacognitive skills that work for some students and not for others.

The success of training depends on the correct methodology and on the teacher's ability to use various teaching methods and techniques.

The main thing in effective learning is the awareness of significance, motivation, and purpose. As for the independent work of students, only independent work based on the formed metacognitive skills and strategies of cognitive activity will bring results.


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6. Flavell J.H. (1976) Metacognitive aspects of problem solving. In The nature of intelligence. HiUsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. Pp. 231-235.

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