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Ключевые слова
Spiritual intelligence / emotional intelligence / creativity / entrepreneurial intention / entrepreneurship education

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Asrina F.A. Dina, Hermawan Agus, Siswanto Ely

The effect of spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence on students’ entrepreneurial intention is highly important. It should be measured through an intervening variable, creativity. The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, creativity, and entrepreneurial intention, (2) direct effect of spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention through creativity, (3) Indirect effect of spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence towards entrepreneurial intention through creativity in 11th grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Brebes. This is a descriptive research using descriptive analysis techniques and path analysis. The population taken in this study was 349 eleventh grade students of MAN 1 Brebes in the 2019-2020 academic year. The results of descriptive analysis showed that: (1) the spiritual intelligence was considered good. After doing calculation of the direct relationship in the path analysis, it was found that: 1) there was no positive and insignificant effect of spiritual intelligence on creativity, (2) there was a positive and significant effect of emotional intelligence on creativity, (3) there was a positive and significant effect of creativity on entrepreneurial intention, (4) there was no positive and insignificant effect of spiritual intelligence on entrepreneurial intention, (5) there was a positive and significant effect of emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention. Meanwhile, the indirect effect stated that: (1) there was no influence of spiritual intelligence on entrepreneurial intention through creativity, (2) there was an effect of emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention through creativity in eleventh grade students of MAN 1 Brebes.

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DOI https://doi.org/10.18551/rjoas.2020-11.24


Asrina F.A. Dina*, Hermawan Agus, Siswanto Ely

Magister's of Business and Management Education Program, Faculty of Economics,

Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia *E-mail: asrinadina@gmail.com


The effect of spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence on students' entrepreneurial intention is highly important. It should be measured through an intervening variable, creativity. The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, creativity, and entrepreneurial intention, (2) direct effect of spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention through creativity, (3) Indirect effect of spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence towards entrepreneurial intention through creativity in 11th grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Brebes. This is a descriptive research using descriptive analysis techniques and path analysis. The population taken in this study was 349 eleventh grade students of MAN 1 Brebes in the 2019-2020 academic year. The results of descriptive analysis showed that: (1) the spiritual intelligence was considered good. After doing calculation of the direct relationship in the path analysis, it was found that: 1) there was no positive and insignificant effect of spiritual intelligence on creativity, (2) there was a positive and significant effect of emotional intelligence on creativity,

(3) there was a positive and significant effect of creativity on entrepreneurial intention,

(4) there was no positive and insignificant effect of spiritual intelligence on entrepreneurial intention, (5) there was a positive and significant effect of emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention. Meanwhile, the indirect effect stated that: (1) there was no influence of spiritual intelligence on entrepreneurial intention through creativity, (2) there was an effect of emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention through creativity in eleventh grade students of MAN 1 Brebes.


Spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, creativity, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurship education.

As we know, most of the unemployed are high school graduates or the equivalent. Data of the open unemployment rate recorded by BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) in 2020 shows that out of the population, the percentage of vocational school graduates remains the largest (8.49 percent), and followed by senior high school graduates (6.77 percent). Even though the percentage is decreased, it is only less than one percent. It is not too significant. The following is the comparison of data on the unemployment rate from 2018-2020.

In order to reduce the unemployment rate, the government has launched Pre-employment Card as of April 2020. Pre-Employment Card is given to Indonesians who have not got a job yet, regardless of their last education. People from all levels of society can register to the program, and after passing the registration process, they will receive training costs to improve skills or practical skills in the working world. After obtaining a training certificate, the participants have two options, whether to apply for a job at the target company or implement the knowledge they gained during training to open a business.

Pre-employment program participants who have got a job at the company is no longer a burden to the country, while those who have not been accepted at a company at least already have knowledge in the business world; therefore, they are expected to be able to open a business. Furthermore, what will happen to the unemployed who do not participate in the Pre-employment Card Program? In order to prepare people in their 20s to enter the working world, the government provides equip them with knowledge. They are taught about

Craft and Entrepreneurship. In Craft and Entrepreneurship course, there are four main chapters, namely crafts, engineering, cultivation, and processing. In craft, they are taught to create artworks of various materials that are commonly found, engineering is related to technology, and cultivation is related to livestock and agriculture, while the last chapter is related to the processing of cultivation products.

Open Unemployment Rate according to the highest enrolled education (percent), February 2018-February 2020

I Feb-18 ■ Feb-19 ■ Feb-20


o? o? (N?


primary school junior high school senior high school vocational high


Diploma I/II/III


Figure 1 - Labor Force Situation in Indonesia in February, 2020 (Source: Labor Force Situation in Indonesia in February, 2020, https://www.bps.go.id/)

Craft and Entrepreneurship are also taught at senior high school level and equivalent. The researchers conducted this study to find how Craft and Entrepreneurship course could influence the entrepreneurial intention of Madrasah Aliyah students, or equivalent of Senior High School. Entrepreneurial intention is the desire or intention of someone to start a business.

According to Krueger (1993), entrepreneurial intention is a commitment to start a new business. Similarly, Bird (1988) also stated that entrepreneurial intention refers to a conscious state of mind that directs one's attention to fulfill the goals in establishing a business unit. It can be concluded that in starting a new business, one must have interest in preparing for his business.

The objective of crafting chapter is that students have the skills to make an item that has a selling value, while selling and marketing skills will be obtained in the entrepreneurship chapter. In the practice stage, students are also demanded to always be creative and innovative in each of their artworks, since an artwork can be attractive if it has product differentiation. In order to make artworks or products that have product differentiation, students should have a high level of creativity.

According to Schumpeter (Zampetakis, et al. 2011), creativity has long been identified as a major component of entrepreneurship, since entrepreneurs must be able to recognize opportunities, generate ideas and innovate. By tang into account Schumpeter's opinion, the researchers took a dependent variable, namely entrepreneurial intention, and an intervening variable, namely creativity.

The results of a research which was conducted by Hamidi, et al. (2014) show that students who are involved in academic programs on entrepreneurship have a higher intention of starting their own business in the future. Meanwhile, Phipps et al. (2015) did not find any positive and statistically significant relationship between creativity and entrepreneurial intention, both for men or women, in their sample from Kenya. From the results of these studies, it can be concluded that research on the relationship between creativity and entrepreneurial intention may have different results, depending on the sample characteristics.

As for the independent variables, researchers took spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence. This research was conducted in Madrasah; therefore, spiritual variable is very

essential and has to be involved. Madrasah is under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, so that it teaches more spiritual values.

The following is a comparison of studies on the relationship between spiritual intelligence and creativity which were conducted by different researchers in different places. First, the results of a research which was conducted by Haghighat, et al. (2016) shows a relationship between intellectual capital and spiritual intelligence on student creativity. Second, the results of research conducted by Rodrigues et al. (2019) found that spirituality does not have a direct and significant effect on creativity. The difference between the two studies is in the educational level of the sample.

The relationship between spiritual intelligence and entrepreneurial intention was studied by Agbim et al. (2013), and the results showed that vision is one of the indicators of spirituality that affect entrepreneurial intention positively and significantly. This suggests that vision will inspire graduates to develop their awareness, which then will direct their attention to entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, Rodrigues, et al (2019) found that spiritual intelligence did not influence entrepreneurial intentions directly and significantly. In the relationship between spiritual intelligence and entrepreneurial intention, there are differences in the use of indicators of spiritual intelligence as well as research samples.

According to Palmer & Stough (Priyono, 2015), spiritual intelligence has a close relationship with emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to effectively understand, express, and manage emotions professionally and effectively in the workplace. The study which was conducted by Arbabisarjon, et al. (2016) shows that spiritual intelligence helps enrich and strengthen emotional intelligence, which in turn helps in achieving high spiritual intelligence. Therefore, essentially, one can live a good, happy and healthy life, both physically and psychologically, if they have a balance spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence.

As a comparison, the previous research which was conducted by Hosseini & Dabaghi (2014) showed a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and employee creativity. Meanwhile, a research which was conducted by Jamadar & Shindu (2015) showed that there were differences in the socioeconomic level of students, in which students with high socioeconomic status have high emotional intelligence and creativity. Conversely, students with low socioeconomic status have low emotional intelligence and creativity. From the comparisons of the results of these studies, it can be concluded that the sample has different characteristics in terms of socioeconomic status.

The research on the relationship between emotional intelligence and entrepreneurial intention which was conducted by Kanonuhwa et al. (2018) concluded that there is a positive between emotional intelligence and entrepreneurial intention. The results of a study conducted by Rodrigues et al. (2019) show that emotional intelligence does not directly affect entrepreneurial intention. It can be concluded that different characteristics of the respondents who filled out the research questionnaire would result in different responses.

Researchers collected and compared the data carefully. There was a research gap that the previous research has not conducted research at Madrasah Aliyah. Therefore, researchers conduct a research at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Brebes. The data of unemployment in Brebes Regency can be seen in the table below.

Table 1 - Unemployment Rate in Brebes Regency, 2011-2019

Area Unemployment Rate (Percentage)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Brebes Regency 6.63 8.22 9.61 9.53 6.49 - 8.04 7.27 7.43

Source: https://brebeskab.bps.go.id/, 2020.

According to BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics), the unemployment rate of Brebes Regency in 2019 was 7.43 percent. Meanwhile, the population of Brebes Regency was 1,722,306 people, so as many as 128,000 people were unemployed. Due to the high number of unemployed, the researchers were intrigued to conduct a research in Brebes Regency. Therefore, the researchers wanted to find how the students' interest in opening a business

through their creativity was influenced by independent variables, Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence.


The approach of this study was quantitative, because it aimed to describe, record, analyze and interpret data about the influence of spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention through creativity. The population in this study was all eleventh grade students of MAN 1 Brebes; there were 349 students from 11 classes.

The sampling technique used in this research was probability sampling, while the method used was proportional simple random sampling. The sample was taken using Slovin's formula. Based on the calculation, it was found that the research sample was 186 students. Data collection instruments used were in the form of documentation and questionnaires. The questionnaire used Likert scale with 5 measurement scales. The data was explored using two types of questionnaire, namely closed questionnaire and open questionnaire.

This study used path analysis techniques, which are to determine the direct or indirect influence between the research variables, namely independent variable, intervening variable, and dependent variable. Path analysis is the application of multiple linear regression analysis that has been implemented previously based on theory (Ghozali, 2011: 249).

Figure 2 - Relationship between Variables using Path Analysis

The following is the model equation of this research:

Z = pzx2+ pzx2+e2 Y = pyx1+ pyx2+ pyz + Ei

Before doing path analysis, the classical assumption test was carried out to find out whether the model can be used as the basis for an unbiased estimation of the path analysis model, while the classical assumption test series used are the linearity test and normality test. T test and F test was conducted to test the validity of the regression equation related to the proposed hypothesis.


This research was measured using questionnaires consisting of 30 statements, which were then given to 186 respondents. The results of descriptive analysis of each variable are presented in Table 2.

Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, it can be concluded that the variables used in this research were considered good.

Table 2 - Results of Descriptive Analysis

No Variable Grand mean Classification

1 Spiritual Intelligence 3.92 Good

2 Emotional Intelligence 3.65 Good

3 Creativity 3.61 Good

4 Entrepreneurial Intention 3.97 Good

T test was used to show the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable partially, with a significance level of 0.05; then, the ttabie value is 1.9728. T test can be done by comparing the results of tcount with ttable. If tcount is greater than ttable, then H0 is rejected, and Ha is accepted, and if t is less than ttable, then H 0 is accepted, and Ha is rejected; therefore, the test results are as follows.

Table 3 - The Effect of Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence on Creativity

Independent Variable Tcount ttable Sig Note

Spiritual Intelligence 1.730 1.9728 0.085 H0 is accepted

Emotional Intelligence 4.752 1.9728 0.000 Hq is rejected

Thus, the results of hypothesis testing state that:

• There is no positive and insignificant effect of spiritual intelligence on creativity.

• There is a positive and significant effect of emotional intelligence on creativity.

Table 4 - The Effect of Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence on Entrepreneurial Intention

Independent Variable Tcount ttable Sig Note

Spiritual Intelligence 0.148 1.9728 0.883 Hq is accepted

Emotional Intelligence 2.020 1.9728 0.045 Hq is rejected

Creativity 4.411 1.9728 0.000 Hq is rejected

The results of hypothetical testing on independent variable (entrepreneurial intention) are as follows:

• There is no positive and insignificant effect of spiritual intelligence on entrepreneurial variable,

• There is a positive and significant effect of emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial variable.

• There is a positive and significant effect of creativity on entrepreneurial variable, From the results that have been presented in the table above, it will produce an indirect

effect between exogenous and endogenous variables. The indirect effect of Spiritual Intelligence (X1) on Entrepreneurial intention (Y) obtained is 0.136 x 0.331 = 0.045, while the indirect effect of Emotional Intelligence (X2) on entrepreneurial intention (Y) is 0.374 x 0.331 = 0.124. The path coefficient of the unidentified variable which affects the value of

Z (E2) = 11 - 0.215 = 0.886, while the path coefficient of unidentified variables that affects the

value of Y (E1) = - 0.195 = 0.897. Table 4 below presents the results of the interpretation of path analysis that the researcher has processed.

Table 4 - The Effect of Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence on Entrepreneurial

Relationship between Variables Effect

Direct Indirect Total

Xi towards Z 0.136 - 0.136

X2 towards Z 0.374 - 0.374

Xi towards Y 0.012 (0.136 x 0.331)= 0.045 0.057

X2 towards Y 0.171 (0.374 x 0.331) = 0.124 0.295

Z towards Y 0.331 - 0.331

E2 0.886

Ei 0.897

Source: Raw data processed by the researchers, 2020.

The calculation result of indirect effect resulted in the following hypotheses:

• There is no effect of spiritual intelligence on entrepreneurial intention through creativity.

• There is an effect of emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention through creativity.


The results of the path analysis show that all of the relationships tested with spiritual intelligence had no direct nor indirect effect. The researchers indicated that the questionnaire cited from international journals, which is of course in English, has limited meaning when it is interpreted into Indonesian, and the Madrasah Aliyah students taken into sample could not appreciate the meaning at the level of spirituality even though the variable description has a good score. This happens since in general, the process of appreciation of the level of spirituality occurs in oneself with their environment and beliefs, whereas the curriculum applied in schools only focus on deepening the religious material and practices.


Future researchers are expected to develop entrepreneurship research, especially on spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence by using other intervening variables. The variables that can mediate spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence are perceived behavioral control, personal attitudes (Rodrigues, et al. 2019), and proactivity (Zampetakis, et al., 2009). Previous researchers also suggested self-efficacy, self-employed, family environment, and learning environment/ friendship.


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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