THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL PROCESSES ON HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Aminova D.O.

Socialization means an unprecedented acceleration of the pace of life. Again, globalization is a process that leads to the cultural, spiritual, and economic integration of nations and peoples. The development of today's world occurs under internal and external factors. Internal and external factors mainly affect the media. In particular, the exchange of information through the media - radio, television, newspapers, magazines and the Internet - is developing. According to scientists, a person receives 85% of information through sight, and the remaining 15% through hearing. This means that the role of television and the Internet is growing.

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Aminova D. O. student master of degree Temez State University


Abstract: Socialization means an unprecedented acceleration of the pace of life. Again, globalization is a process that leads to the cultural, spiritual, and economic integration of nations and peoples. The development of today's world occurs under internal and external factors. Internal and external factors mainly affect the media. In particular, the exchange of information through the media -radio, television, newspapers, magazines and the Internet - is developing. According to scientists, a person receives 85% of information through sight, and the remaining 15% through hearing. This means that the role of television and the Internet is growing.

Keywords: social process, human consciousness, culture, worldview influence, social system, internet, globalization

Within the framework of natural and economic foundations and a certain culture, a person's personal characteristics, consciousness are formed. By meeting their own needs, people begin to interact with each other. Every social process around us, every event has a certain effect on the human mind. The human brain receives and automatically synthesizes information through the eyes, ears and senses. The formation of the human mind is closely linked to what information the brain receives.

Social processes are a single series of changes in social systems, i.e., relationships, institutions, groups, and other types of social systems. In classifying other processes, we assume that the main source of social life is the need to meet needs. People face similar aspirations of other people to achieve a means of satisfying needs. Conflicts of similar aspirations in a given historical situation can give rise to different events, different processes, worldviews and influences on consciousness within certain groups and systems of relationships.

One of the classifications of social processes was proposed by the American sociologists of the Chicago school, R. Park and E. Burgers. They identified the following types of social processes:

Cooperation. Collaboration is the interdependence of people in the process of their activities. A form of labor organization in which a certain number of people participate together or in interconnected labor processes. Collaboration is based on concerted action and the achievement of common goals. Thus, a distinctive feature of the partnership is the desire of its members for mutual benefit. During cooperation, people interact directly and there is an exchange of interactions.

As a system of relationships and interactions, collaboration is always an unstable and changing system.

Competition. The struggle between individuals or groups for possession of limited and unequally distributed goods and values. Competition leads to positive consequences, such as achievements in science and the arts. All the achievements of modern society are related to the incentive value of free competition. Competition also arises through the influence on the human mind. For example, an entrepreneur tries to deviate from the results of another entrepreneur and consciously competes and tries to deviate from it.

Device. A person's ability and desire to participate in the actions of others and to imitate their behavior. It can manifest itself as submission, compromise, or tolerance. This is especially true in children. The child's mind quickly absorbs the news and begins to apply it to life.

Conflict. Conflicts manifested in a direct conflict of opinions, views and interests are the highest stage of development. The confrontation of the participants in this social process is usually accompanied by negative emotions. A social process that an individual or group seeks to achieve by destroying their goals (meeting their needs, pursuing their interests) or subjugating them to other individuals who pursue similar goals. Conflict is a mental process caused by a change in consciousness, a negative impact.

Assimilation. It is a social process in which a certain part of society loses its distinctive features and replaces them with debts and another part. The process of cross-cultural penetration, in which individuals and groups come to a culture shared by all participants in the process, i.e. assimilation is always two-way. This can be both voluntary and mandatory.

Amalgamation. The process of cross-cultural penetration, in which individuals and groups come to a common culture by all participants in the process. Unlike assimilation, the end of the unification process completely blurs the lines between groups, for example, the emergence of one person as a result of the intermingling of two or more ethnic groups.

The success of the socio-economic changes taking place in a society depends on the strength, future, stability of the society, on the human intellect and potential to create material and spiritual products. Nowadays, it is necessary for a person to have an independent mind, to be able to overcome the difficulties in defending his or her opinion, to be able to meet and adapt to the requirements of the social environment, more precisely, to the requirements of the time.

The problem of adaptation to society is one of the main problems of personality psychology. Adaptation is an active process of adapting to changes in a person's living conditions, individual and personality traits in their life and activities. Adaptation is the coordination of a person's needs and motives and interests to the needs of society as an individual. Psychological adaptation of a person is manifested in decision-making, expression of small thoughts, ideas, attitudes to the required behaviors. The adaptation of a person to a society in which he lives a small number takes place in the process of his socialization. The process of socialization is a process that takes place through direct and indirect influence on the mind.

Socialization is the process by which an individual enters the social environment, is absorbed in it, and accepts the norms of the external social environment and explains whether or not to follow them. The concept of 'socialization' is related to two different concepts that are semantically close: 'education' and 'adaptation'. Adaptation, on the other hand, can be seen as an integral part of socialization, its mechanism. Social psychological adaptation, that is, the experience gained by an individual through adaptation and adaptation to social relations, is a form of general socialization.

In the process of socialization, a person learns the social norms of society Reduces, organizes to perform various roles, develops skills of behavior in public. The socialization of a person in this sense is based on his knowledge and understanding of social existence.

Sources of socialization include:

1) The experience gained in childhood - this process is accompanied by the formation of mental functions and the manifestation of the initial norms of social behavior. The human mind receives and implements basic influences and skills in childhood.

2) Social institutions - the system of education and upbringing; from the family to the institutions of higher education and higher education, including work communities;

3) The influence of tones in the process of communication and cooperation. In this case, both in formal and informal contexts, the interaction of the ahams with each other, the rhythms of treatment.


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