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Research Focus
Ключевые слова
Workplace Mobbing / Employee Turnover / Job Satisfaction / Psychological Well-being / Workplace Harassment / Bullying / Legal Framework / Organizational Policies / Employee Retention / Work Environment. / Моббинг на рабочем месте / Текучесть кадров / Удовлетворенность работой / Психологическое благополучие / Притеснения на рабочем месте / Издевательства / Правовая база / Организационная политика / Удержание сотрудников / Рабочая среда.

Аннотация научной статьи по технологиям материалов, автор научной работы — Abdukhalilov Rakhmatillo Haydaraliyevich

This study investigates the impact of workplace mobbing on employees' intention to leave their jobs and examines the legal frameworks addressing mobbing. Workplace mobbing, characterized by systematic bullying and harassment, significantly affects employees' psychological well-being, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. Through quantitative analysis of survey data from various industries, the research identifies a strong correlation between experiences of mobbing and increased intentions to leave the job. Additionally, the study reviews existing laws and regulations aimed at preventing and addressing mobbing in the workplace. The findings emphasize the need for robust legal protections and organizational policies to mitigate the adverse effects of mobbing on employees and promote healthier work environments.

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В данном исследовании изучается влияние моббинга на рабочем месте на намерение сотрудников уйти с работы, а также изучается правовая база, регулирующая борьбу с моббингом. Моббинг на рабочем месте, характеризующийся систематическими издевательствами и преследованиями, существенно влияет на психологическое благополучие сотрудников, удовлетворенность работой и намерения текучести кадров. Посредством количественного анализа данных опросов в различных отраслях исследование выявило сильную корреляцию между опытом преследования и увеличением намерений уйти с работы. Кроме того, в исследовании рассматриваются существующие законы и правила, направленные на предотвращение и борьбу с травлей на рабочем месте. Результаты подчеркивают необходимость надежной правовой защиты и организационной политики для смягчения неблагоприятного воздействия моббинга на сотрудников и создания более здоровой рабочей среды.



Abdukhalilov Rakhmatillo Haydaraliyevich

Kimyo International University in Tashkent Namangan branch, master's degree in

business management https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12187589

Abstract: This study investigates the impact of workplace mobbing on employees' intention to leave their jobs and examines the legal frameworks addressing mobbing. Workplace mobbing, characterized by systematic bullying and harassment, significantly affects employees' psychological well-being, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. Through quantitative analysis of survey data from various industries, the research identifies a strong correlation between experiences of mobbing and increased intentions to leave the job. Additionally, the study reviews existing laws and regulations aimed at preventing and addressing mobbing in the workplace. The findings emphasize the need for robust legal protections and organizational policies to mitigate the adverse effects of mobbing on employees and promote healthier work environments.

Keywords: Workplace Mobbing, Employee Turnover, Job Satisfaction, Psychological Well-being, Workplace Harassment, Bullying, Legal Framework, Organizational Policies, Employee Retention, Work Environment.


Аннотация: В данном исследовании изучается влияние моббинга на рабочем месте на намерение сотрудников уйти с работы, а также изучается правовая база, регулирующая борьбу с моббингом. Моббинг на рабочем месте, характеризующийся систематическими издевательствами и преследованиями, существенно влияет на психологическое благополучие сотрудников, удовлетворенность работой и намерения текучести кадров. Посредством количественного анализа данных опросов в различных отраслях исследование выявило сильную корреляцию между опытом преследования и увеличением намерений уйти с работы. Кроме того, в исследовании рассматриваются существующие законы и правила, направленные на предотвращение и борьбу с травлей на рабочем месте. Результаты подчеркивают необходимость надежной правовой защиты и организационной политики для смягчения неблагоприятного воздействия моббинга на сотрудников и создания более здоровой рабочей среды.

Ключевые слова: Моббинг на рабочем месте, Текучесть кадров, Удовлетворенность работой, Психологическое благополучие, Притеснения на рабочем месте, Издевательства, Правовая база, Организационная политика, Удержание сотрудников, Рабочая среда.


Workplace mobbing, defined as repeated, systematic psychological harassment and bullying by colleagues or superiors, has emerged as a significant issue in modern organizational dynamics. This phenomenon not only jeopardizes the mental health and well-being of employees but also profoundly affects their job satisfaction and commitment to the organization.

Consequently, mobbing often leads to increased turnover intentions, creating a substantial impact on organizational stability and productivity.

The rising awareness of workplace mobbing necessitates a closer examination of its effects on employees and the effectiveness of existing legal frameworks designed to address this issue. Despite growing recognition, many organizations still lack comprehensive policies to prevent and manage mobbing, resulting in prolonged exposure to a toxic work environment for affected employees. The legal landscape, while evolving, often provides inconsistent protections, leaving many employees vulnerable to ongoing harassment.

This study aims to explore the intricate relationship between workplace mobbing and employees' intention to leave their jobs. By conducting a thorough analysis of survey data from various industries, we seek to identify the prevalence and impact of mobbing on employee turnover. Additionally, this research will review current laws and regulations pertaining to workplace mobbing, assessing their effectiveness in safeguarding employees and suggesting potential improvements.

Through this investigation, we aim to underscore the urgent need for robust organizational policies and legal protections to mitigate the detrimental effects of mobbing. Ultimately, this study aspires to contribute to the creation of healthier, more supportive work environments where employees can perform their duties free from harassment and psychological abuse.


Research Design

This study employs a mixed-methods research design, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to comprehensively investigate the effect of workplace mobbing on employees' intention to leave their jobs and to assess the efficacy of existing legal measures addressing mobbing.


The study involved a diverse sample of employees from various industries, including corporate, healthcare, education, and public sectors. Participants were selected through stratified random sampling to ensure a representative distribution across different job roles, organizational levels, and demographic backgrounds.

Data Collection

1. Quantitative Data Collection:

o Survey Instrument: A structured questionnaire was developed, incorporating validated scales to measure workplace mobbing, job satisfaction, psychological well-being, and turnover intentions.

o Workplace Mobbing: The Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised (NAQ-R) was used to assess the frequency and severity of mobbing behaviors experienced by employees.

o Job Satisfaction: The Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) was utilized to evaluate overall job satisfaction.

o Psychological Well-being: The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was employed to measure the psychological well-being of participants.

o Turnover Intentions: A standardized scale was used to assess employees' intentions to leave their current job.

o Administration: The survey was distributed electronically to ensure broad reach and convenience for participants. Responses were collected over a specified period to ensure adequate participation.

2. Qualitative Data Collection:

o In-depth Interviews: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a subset of survey respondents who had indicated experiences of mobbing. The interviews aimed to gain deeper insights into their personal experiences, the impact on their work life, and their perceptions of organizational and legal responses to mobbing.

o Interview Guide: An interview guide with open-ended questions was developed to ensure consistency while allowing for flexibility to explore emergent themes.

o Recording and Transcription: Interviews were audio-recorded with participants' consent and transcribed verbatim for analysis.

Data Analysis

1. Quantitative Analysis:

o Descriptive Statistics: Descriptive analyses were conducted to summarize the prevalence and characteristics of mobbing, job satisfaction, psychological well-being, and turnover intentions among participants.

o Inferential Statistics: Correlation and regression analyses were performed to examine the relationships between workplace mobbing and turnover intentions, controlling for potential confounding variables. SPSS software was used for all statistical analyses.

2. Qualitative Analysis:

o Thematic Analysis: Interview transcripts were analyzed using NVivo software. A thematic analysis approach was adopted to identify and explore key themes related to experiences of mobbing, its impact on job satisfaction and well-being, and perceptions of legal and organizational measures. Coding was conducted iteratively, with themes refined through constant comparison and discussion among the research team.

Legal Review

A comprehensive review of existing laws and regulations related to workplace mobbing was undertaken. This involved:

• Legal Document Analysis: Examining relevant statutes, regulations, and policy documents to identify legal provisions addressing mobbing.

• Case Law Review: Analyzing court cases to understand how laws are applied in practice and their effectiveness in protecting employees.

• Policy Analysis: Reviewing organizational policies to assess their alignment with legal requirements and their effectiveness in preventing and addressing mobbing.

Ethical Considerations

The study adhered to ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects. Key ethical considerations included:

• Informed Consent: Participants provided informed consent prior to participation, with clear information about the study's purpose, procedures, and their rights.

• Confidentiality: Measures were taken to ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of participants. Data were stored securely, and identifying information was removed from reports.

• Voluntary Participation: Participants were informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.

By employing a mixed-methods approach, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of workplace mobbing on employees' intentions to leave their jobs and to evaluate the adequacy of existing legal frameworks. The findings will inform the

development of effective strategies and policies to combat workplace mobbing and support affected employees.


Quantitative Findings

1. Prevalence of Mobbing:

Out of 500 surveyed employees, 38% reported experiencing some form of mobbing in the workplace within the past year.

The most common types of mobbing behaviors reported included persistent criticism (45%), social isolation (33%), and spreading of rumors (27%).

2. Impact on Job Satisfaction and Psychological Well-being:

Employees who reported experiencing mobbing had significantly lower job satisfaction scores (mean = 2.1) compared to those who did not report mobbing (mean = 4.2), as measured by the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS).

The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) scores indicated that employees subjected to mobbing had poorer psychological well-being (mean = 5.8) than their counterparts (mean = 2.4).

3. Turnover Intentions:

A strong positive correlation was found between experiencing mobbing and turnover intentions (r = 0.68, p < 0.001). Employees who experienced mobbing were more likely to express intentions to leave their job.

Regression analysis revealed that mobbing significantly predicted turnover intentions, accounting for 46% of the variance in employees' intention to leave (P = 0.68, p < 0.001).

Qualitative Findings

1. Personal Experiences of Mobbing:

Interviews with 20 employees who reported mobbing revealed common themes of emotional distress, decreased motivation, and a sense of helplessness.

Many participants described a lack of support from management and colleagues, exacerbating their feelings of isolation and frustration.

2. Impact on Work Life:

Participants reported that mobbing negatively affected their work performance, with many indicating a loss of focus and productivity.

Several employees mentioned taking sick leave due to stress and anxiety caused by mobbing.

3. Perceptions of Organizational and Legal Responses:

The majority of interviewees felt that their organizations lacked effective policies to address mobbing. Many reported that complaints were often dismissed or inadequately addressed.

There was a general consensus that existing legal protections against mobbing were insufficient. Employees expressed a need for stronger enforcement of anti-mobbing laws and better support systems within organizations.

Legal Review

1. Existing Legal Frameworks:

The review of legal documents revealed that while there are laws aimed at preventing workplace harassment, specific provisions targeting mobbing are limited and vary significantly across jurisdictions.

Case law analysis indicated that successful legal actions against mobbing are rare, often due to the difficulty in proving systematic harassment and the lack of clear legal definitions.

2. Effectiveness of Legal Protections:

The analysis highlighted several shortcomings in the current legal framework, including vague definitions of mobbing, high burden of proof on the victim, and inadequate enforcement mechanisms.

Recommendations from policy analysis suggest the need for clearer definitions, lower burden of proof, and stronger penalties for perpetrators.

The results of this study demonstrate a significant impact of workplace mobbing on employees' intention to leave their jobs, as well as their job satisfaction and psychological well-being. The findings underscore the necessity for organizations to develop comprehensive anti-mobbing policies and for lawmakers to strengthen legal protections against mobbing. By addressing these issues, it is possible to create healthier, more supportive work environments that can reduce turnover intentions and enhance employee well-being.


Interpretation of Findings

The findings of this study highlight the pervasive and damaging effects of workplace mobbing on employees' intentions to leave their jobs. The quantitative data revealed a substantial prevalence of mobbing, with 38% of surveyed employees reporting experiences of systematic harassment. This high incidence underscores the urgent need for organizations to address mobbing proactively.

Job Satisfaction and Psychological Well-being: The significant reduction in job satisfaction and psychological well-being among mobbing victims aligns with existing literature, which consistently shows that workplace bullying and harassment have deleterious effects on mental health and job satisfaction. The lower job satisfaction scores and higher psychological distress levels among mobbing victims emphasize the profound impact of mobbing on employees' overall work experience and mental health.

Turnover Intentions: The strong positive correlation between mobbing experiences and turnover intentions suggests that employees subjected to mobbing are more likely to consider leaving their jobs. This finding is critical for organizations as high turnover can lead to increased recruitment and training costs, loss of institutional knowledge, and disruptions in workflow. The regression analysis, which showed that mobbing significantly predicts turnover intentions, indicates that addressing mobbing could play a crucial role in retaining talent.

Qualitative Insights

The qualitative data provided deeper insights into the personal and professional repercussions of mobbing. Employees described experiencing significant emotional distress, decreased motivation, and feelings of helplessness, which further impacted their work performance and engagement. These personal accounts highlight the human cost of mobbing and the need for organizational cultures that support and protect employees.

Organizational and Legal Responses: The perceived lack of effective organizational policies and support systems was a recurrent theme in the interviews. Many employees felt that their complaints were dismissed or inadequately addressed, contributing to a sense of injustice and further alienation. This points to the necessity for organizations to implement clear, accessible, and robust anti-mobbing policies, along with training programs to ensure all employees understand and adhere to these policies.

The legal review revealed that existing laws often fall short in providing adequate protection against mobbing. The variability and limitations in legal definitions, combined with the

high burden of proof placed on victims, make it difficult for employees to seek redress. This inadequacy highlights the need for legislative reforms to provide clearer definitions of mobbing, lower the burden of proof for victims, and enforce stricter penalties for perpetrators.

Implications for Practice and Policy

Organizational Policies: Organizations must develop comprehensive anti-mobbing policies that include clear definitions of mobbing behaviors, procedures for reporting and addressing complaints, and protection for whistleblowers. Regular training and awareness programs can help cultivate a culture of respect and inclusivity, reducing the incidence of mobbing.

Support Systems: Providing support systems such as counseling services, mediation, and conflict resolution can help victims of mobbing cope with its effects and find constructive ways to address their situation. Organizations should ensure that these services are accessible and that employees feel safe and supported when using them.

Legal Reforms: Policymakers should consider revising existing laws to provide more robust protections against mobbing. This could include clearer legal definitions, reduced burden of proof for victims, and enhanced enforcement mechanisms. Legal reforms should aim to create a safer and more equitable work environment where employees are protected from psychological harassment.

Limitations and Future Research

This study has several limitations. The reliance on self-reported data may introduce bias, as employees may underreport or overreport mobbing experiences due to fear of retaliation or personal perceptions. The cross-sectional design limits the ability to draw causal inferences between mobbing and turnover intentions.

Future research should consider longitudinal designs to better understand the causal relationships and long-term effects of mobbing. Additionally, expanding the study to different cultural and organizational contexts can provide a more comprehensive understanding of mobbing and its impact globally. Research could also explore the effectiveness of specific organizational interventions and legal reforms in reducing mobbing and supporting victims.

This study underscores the significant impact of workplace mobbing on employees' intentions to leave their jobs, job satisfaction, and psychological well-being. The findings highlight the urgent need for organizations to develop and implement effective anti-mobbing policies and for lawmakers to strengthen legal protections against mobbing. By addressing these issues, we can create healthier, more supportive work environments that promote employee well-being and retention.


This study provides compelling evidence of the significant impact of workplace mobbing on employees' intentions to leave their jobs. The findings reveal that mobbing is a prevalent issue across various industries, with substantial negative effects on job satisfaction and psychological well-being. Employees who experience mobbing are significantly more likely to express intentions to leave their jobs, highlighting the critical need for organizations to address this issue to maintain a stable and productive workforce.

Key Findings

1. Prevalence of Mobbing: A notable percentage of employees reported experiencing mobbing, indicating it is a widespread problem that needs urgent attention.

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2. Impact on Job Satisfaction and Well-being: Employees subjected to mobbing exhibited lower job satisfaction and poorer psychological well-being, underscoring the detrimental effects of mobbing on individual health and workplace morale.

3. Increased Turnover Intentions: There is a strong correlation between experiencing mobbing and increased turnover intentions, suggesting that mobbing significantly contributes to employee turnover.

4. Inadequate Organizational and Legal Responses: Many employees felt unsupported by their organizations and perceived existing legal protections as insufficient, pointing to gaps in both organizational policies and legal frameworks.

Implications for Practice

Organizational Actions: Organizations must take proactive steps to prevent and address mobbing. This includes:

Developing clear anti-mobbing policies and procedures. Providing training and awareness programs to educate employees about mobbing and its consequences. Establishing robust support systems for victims, such as counseling services and conflict resolution mechanisms.

Creating a Supportive Culture: Organizations should foster a culture of respect and inclusivity. Encouraging open communication and ensuring that employees feel safe to report mobbing without fear of retaliation is crucial.

Implications for Policy

Legal Reforms: Policymakers need to strengthen legal protections against mobbing. This can be achieved by:

• Clarifying legal definitions of mobbing to encompass a broader range of behaviors.

• Reducing the burden of proof required for victims to take legal action.

• Implementing stricter penalties for perpetrators to deter mobbing behaviors.

Enforcement and Support: Enhancing the enforcement of anti-mobbing laws and

providing better support mechanisms for victims is essential. This includes ensuring that legal avenues for redress are accessible and effective.

Recommendations for Future Research

Further research should explore the long-term effects of mobbing on employees and organizations, utilizing longitudinal studies to establish causal relationships. Additionally, examining the effectiveness of specific organizational interventions and legal reforms in various cultural and organizational contexts can provide deeper insights into best practices for preventing and addressing mobbing.

Final Thoughts

Workplace mobbing is a serious issue that significantly impacts employees' well-being and organizational health. By recognizing the severity of mobbing and implementing comprehensive strategies to combat it, organizations and policymakers can create safer, more supportive work environments. This, in turn, will enhance employee satisfaction, reduce turnover, and promote a more positive and productive workplace culture.


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