THE EFFECT OF HARMFUL HABITS ON HUMAN HEALTH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
harmful habit / alcohol / cocaine substance / physiologic / social / economic / alcoholism / hereditary disease

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Parpiyeva O.R., Marifjonovna B.N.

In the following years, the media, radio and television are constantly writing about the harmful habits that affect human health, giving broadcasts and broadcasts. At first glance it seems that this is normal. There are also questions as to what causes and on what grounds there is a sharp worldwide struggle in this case.

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УДК 614

Parpiyeva O. R. senior teacher Marifjonovna B. N.


Fergana State University Uzbekistan, Ferghana city THE EFFECT OF HARMFUL HABITS ON HUMAN HEALTH

Annotation: in the following years, the media, radio and television are constantly writing about the harmful habits that affect human health, giving broadcasts and broadcasts. At first glance it seems that this is normal. There are also questions as to what causes and on what grounds there is a sharp worldwide struggle in this case.

Keywords: harmful habit, alcohol, cocaine substance, physiologic, social, economic, alcoholism, hereditary disease.

When we say a harmful habit, we understand only by increasing the norm of alcohol-containing beverages, such as mottasil consumption, tobacco or unhealthy smoking, drug use, etc. The original? In fact, the concept of harmful habits is somewhat broad, which includes getting used to the dirty diet, that is, not adhering to the eating regime, laziness, lack of work, maltreatment, dirt, dirt, more precisely the UST-head, yard and House pollution, living without any purpose and, as a consequence, not being able to organize his life on the basis of accepted norms and In addition, lack of human culture and ignorance is also a manifestation of a harmful habit. And these habits have many aspects that negatively affect human health. In particular, if non-compliance with the diet regime on its own harms the digestive organs, laziness and lack of work creates the basis for the occurrence of excess weight, and this also leads to the fact that obesity leads to the appearance of excess harmful fats in the body. And living accustomed to impurity creates the ground for the emergence of immorality and uncultured. As a result, there will be an increase in spiritual poor people who do not have their place in society. So what is the reason for the emergence of such harmful habits, penetrating into the daily life of a person and becoming his subconscious engaged training? "We have friends in the family," says Manuchehr. Since the kids then directly depends on the nature of the aspirations of champion guns cerega kelethin environment. Children of Rossiya and personality will affect Atici sarali Insa s-Sina formetanate charaterise Singh using turmudi odati still deb the adoption kilinochi hired tatinga, Celebi shikisai.

The reason for this is primarily because of the family, the family environment. Because, the character of the child is formed in an environment that arises directly through the parent relationship. And the zaral environment, which affects the psyche and personality of the child, is absorbed in its self-formed character and causes the emergence of harmful habits, which are considered normal in his life.

"Мировая наука" №5(26) 2019


The harmful habits listed above directly affect both the physical health of a person and his mental health negatively. Because, the essence of human health is determined both in quantity and in quality, it is considered to be extremely diverse levels - physiologically, psychologically social categories. Therefore, the question of studying and preventing the negative impact of harmful habits on human health is a painful link of society. Today, the upbringing of a perfect person is considered an urgent problem. The perfect person must be mature while directly both mentally and mentally moanan. It's standing that the mentioned harmful habits prevent the formation of such a person. Who can guarantee that a child who is brought up as a perfect person will be born from people who smoke, drink alcohol or consume drugs. And the increase in mental or mental disorders in society has a negative impact on the development of the state, on the development of the country, on the number of advanced countries. We must realize that it is time for these harmful habits to think deeply about the fact that not only does a person have his own health, but also his own negative influence on the future.

Within these harmful habits there are also some types of social significance and common ones, these are like putting a lipstick on alcohol, drinking it for fun and immersing it in the Black Swamp of drugs. In everyday life, in most cases, we give our children a "lesson", which we ourselves do not know and do not understand. To be more precise, our people from time immemorial respect the hospitable guest, write to him a full-fledged table. And on such a full-bodied table, of course, various alcoholic beverages are put together with Nozu-delights. We take a look at the variety of these drinks from Fresh-Fresh beautiful bottles, we ask the guest to taste its taste. All these actions take place before the eyes of our children, and we do not realize that we are giving them the lesson in the above quotation marks. To the proverb" The Bird does what it sees in the nest", we do not even think about the fact that our children will follow later. Let the guest learn to wait, let him see the round, let him know how to communicate with people, let him put the first place in that moment, we do not even know that we are giving lessons about drinking alcohol, without realizing it ourselves, without wanting to. We will notice this later, when our children make it a habit to start drinking, and we will be disappointed. Sometimes even we catch the question of where did you drink it. Factors leading to drinking disorder the most important of all are inadequate income in the upbringing of the child, the opportunity to easily find a drink, a negative example of those around him, an expression of neglect by the church. Today, alcoholism is not only a medical problem, but also a major socioeconomic problem. Because alcoholism is considered a disease as a medical problem, in which a patient's craving for alcohol appears, which he himself can not manage. Mental and somatic disorders are observed in the body of a sick person. If there is an opportunity to return these changes initially, then later irreversible changes will appear. In adult men, such a condition occurs within the period from the moment of quenching the drink to 3-10 years, in young people-up to 3 years.

Мировая наука" №5(26) 2019


As for alcoholism as a social problem, it is a companion of people with a low cultural level, which shows their moral poverty and is considered by them a way of "meaningful" transfer of their free time in quotes.

As for alcoholism as an economic problem, the lack in the family leads to a deterioration in lifestyle, the economic degradation of the family.

So it turns out that alcoholism has nothing useful for the human body. On the contrary, in families with various hereditary defects, mentally retarded children come into the world. Because, excessive consumption of alcohol disrupts the exchange of vitamins in protein, carbohydrate, fat, and 25% of the drink consumed by the mother goes to the content of breast milk. Therefore itself enough for the child to become disabled.

As much as possible enlightened the multifaceted negative consequences of Alcohol, its place in the disappointments that occur in the family and society. At present, in our country, relevant laws and regulations are adopted in this regard and effective work is carried out.


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"Мировая наука" №5(26) 2019 science-j.com


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