THE EDUCATORS’ VERSUS PARENTS’ ROLES IN PROMOTING THE MORAL VALUES OF CHILDREN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
parents / moral values / children / education / development / ethics / values / personality / родители / моральные ценности / дети / образование / развитие / этика / ценности / личность

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Мамадалиева Дано Марифжановна, Калыгулова Сабыркуль Шамситдиновна

Relevance. The significance of the article is in tackling the current societal worries about raising and nurturing children's moral growth. In a time of fast societal transformations and changing family dynamics, recognizing the essential roles that educators and parents play in molding children's moral principles is vital. This article offers relevant perspectives and useful advice to support parents and educators in instilling moral values in children, ultimately aiding in the development of a more ethical and peaceful society. In today's rapidly changing and interconnected society, it is crucial to instill strong moral values in children. This article emphasizes the importance of collaboration between educators and parents in this endeavor. By highlighting the need for partnership and providing practical strategies, the article aims to empower stakeholders with the skills and understanding needed to effectively navigate the challenges of moral education. As societal norms evolve, discussions like these are essential for promoting the overall development of children in today's world.

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Актуальность. Значимость статьи заключается в том, что она помогает разобраться в проблемах, которые волнуют общество в настоящее время, связанных с воспитанием и развитием нравственности детей. Во времена быстрых социальных преобразований и меняющейся семейной динамики признание важной роли, которую играют педагоги и родители в формировании нравственных принципов у детей, имеет жизненно важное значение. В этой статье предлагаются актуальные перспективы и полезные советы, которые помогут родителям и педагогам привить детям моральные ценности, что в конечном итоге поможет построить более этичное и мирное общество. В современном быстро меняющемся и взаимосвязанном обществе крайне важно прививать детям высокие моральные ценности. В этой статье подчеркивается важность сотрудничества между педагогами и родителями в этом начинании. Подчеркивая необходимость партнерства и предлагая практические стратегии, статья направлена на то, чтобы дать заинтересованным сторонам навыки и понимание, необходимые для эффективного решения задач нравственного воспитания. По мере развития общественных норм подобные обсуждения становятся необходимыми для содействия общему развитию детей в современном мире.




ISSN: 1694-7452 e-ISSN: 1694-8610

№2/2024, 437-446


УДК: 37.035.2

DOI: 10.52754/16948610 2024 2 43






Mamadalieva Dano Marifzhanovna

Мамадалиева Дано Марифжановна Мамадалиева Дано Марифжановна

Master's Student, Osh State University

магистрант, Ош мамлекеттик университеты магистрант, Ошский государственный университет


Kalygulova Sabyrkul Shamsitdinovna

Калыгулова Сабыркуль Шамситдиновна Калыгулова Сабыркуль Шамситдиновна

Dr. Professor, Osh State University

профессор, Ош мамлекеттик университети профессор, Ошский государственный университет skaly gulova@gmail. com




Relevance. The significance of the article is in tackling the current societal worries about raising and nurturing children's moral growth. In a time of fast societal transformations and changing family dynamics, recognizing the essential roles that educators and parents play in molding children's moral principles is vital. This article offers relevant perspectives and useful advice to support parents and educators in instilling moral values in children, ultimately aiding in the development of a more ethical and peaceful society. In today's rapidly changing and interconnected society, it is crucial to instill strong moral values in children. This article emphasizes the importance of collaboration between educators and parents in this endeavor. By highlighting the need for partnership and providing practical strategies, the article aims to empower stakeholders with the skills and understanding needed to effectively navigate the challenges of moral education. As societal norms evolve, discussions like these are essential for promoting the overall development of children in today's world.

Keywords: parents, moral values, children, education, development, ethics, values, personality



МаанилYYЛYк. Макаланын мааниси балдардын адеп-ахлактык жактан eсYШYн жогорулатуу жана ecrYPYY боюнча коомдук тынчсызданууларды чечYYДe. Коомдук езгеруулер^н жана YЙ-бYлeлYк динамиканын eзгeрYШYHYн учурунда, балдардын адеп-ахлактык принциптерин калыптандырууда мугалимдердин жана ата-энелердин маанилуу ролун таануу eтe маанилYY. Бул макалада балдарга адеп-ахлактык баалуулуктарды YЙрeтYYДe ата-энелерди жана мугалимдерди колдоо YчYн тиешелYY кeз караштар жана пайдалуу кенештер берилет, акыры этикалык жана тынч коомдун eнYГYШYнe жардам берет. БYГYнкY кYндe тез eзгeрYп жаткан жана бири-бирине байланышкан коомдо балдарга кYчтYY адеп-ахлактык баалуулуктарды YЙрeтYY eтe маанилYY. Бул макалада мугалимдер менен ата-энелердин ортосундагы кызматташтыктын маанилYYЛYГY баса белгиленет. внeктeштYктYн зарылдыгын баса белгилеп, практикалык стратегияларды камсыз кылуу менен, макала кызыкдар тараптарга адеп-ахлактык билим берYYHYн кыйынчылыктарын натыйжалуу чечYY YЧYн зарыл болгон кeндYмдeрдY жана тYШYHYктY берууге багытталган. Коомдук нормалар eнYГYп келе жаткандыктан, азыркы дYЙнeдe балдардын жалпы eнYГYYCYн илгерилетYY YЧYн ушул сыяктуу талкуулар маанилуу.

Ачкыч свздвр: заманбап жаштар, сергек жашоо, жаман адаттар, COVID- 19, иммунитет.



Актуальность. Значимость статьи заключается в том, что она помогает разобраться в проблемах, которые волнуют общество в настоящее время, связанных с воспитанием и развитием нравственности детей. Во времена быстрых социальных преобразований и меняющейся семейной динамики признание важной роли, которую играют педагоги и родители в формировании нравственных принципов у детей, имеет жизненно важное значение. В этой статье предлагаются актуальные перспективы и полезные советы, которые помогут родителям и педагогам привить детям моральные ценности, что в конечном итоге поможет построить более этичное и мирное общество. В современном быстро меняющемся и взаимосвязанном обществе крайне важно прививать детям высокие моральные ценности. В этой статье подчеркивается важность сотрудничества между педагогами и родителями в этом начинании. Подчеркивая необходимость партнерства и предлагая практические стратегии, статья направлена на то, чтобы дать заинтересованным сторонам навыки и понимание, необходимые для эффективного решения задач нравственного воспитания. По мере развития общественных норм подобные обсуждения становятся необходимыми для содействия общему развитию детей в современном мире.

Ключевые слова: родители, моральные ценности, дети, образование, развитие, этика, ценности, личность.


Nowadays we are talking about moral values, values-based education, and values-based society. We all know that moral values disappoint and are not respected. The role of a teacher and a parent is significant in promoting moral values in a student or child. It is our responsibility to provide moral education to our children as early as possible. They look to us as role models. If we want them to grow up to be productive members of society, we must teach them how to do so. Moral values are not a learning process, but instilling them by their own behavior. Value literally means something that has a high price, something precious, expensive and worthwhile. In the course of life, a person accepts the good and avoids the bad. Acceptable and unacceptable, good and bad - this is the nature of values. Values are established, and they are feasible in practice. The development of moral values is the axis around that a person's personality and character revolves (Madmarova, 2021; Dastanbek kyzy & Murzakmetov, 2023).

Teaching children responsibility at an early age helps them understand their purpose in society. They will understand that the world does not revolve around them and that they have a duty to their fellow men. This will teach them to be more selfless and put the needs of others before their own. At the end of the day, it is our responsibility as adults to ensure that our children become productive members of society. There is no better time than today to develop them into reliable and responsible adults.

The development of moral values in children is becoming more relevant and significant in modern society. Upbringing and education for children involves not only transfer of knowledge and skills, but also the formation of their moral beliefs, ethical norms, and values. However, the constraining factors of modern life, such as the influence of mass culture, technological progress and social changes, pose challenges for parents and educators in ensuring the adequate development of the moral compass in children.

This article is aimed at analyzing and discussing the role of educators and parents in this process, identifying effective strategies and methods for promoting moral values among children in various spheres and contexts of their lives. With the growing influence of mass media, rapid technological development and changes in the socio-cultural environment, the issue of the formation of moral values in children is becoming the subject of increasingly intensive discussions and research. The moral development of children can be influenced by both positive and negative aspects of modern life. Parents and caregivers are instrumental in leading this process in this context.

Besides the parents who should take the responsibilities in building their children' morality, school also plays a huge role as the institution that promotes moral development and conveys the moral values for the school.

The focus of a modern school is not only the education of students, but also the development of their universal, moral values and norms, the ability to communicate with other people and, in addition, the maintenance of mental and physical health. Primary school age is the time when a child absorbs, accumulates and assimilates everything that humanity has accumulated for him. When a child goes to school, his lifestyle, routine and daily routine changes completely and new relationships develop with the people around him, including the teacher. A primary school teacher is a mediator between the world of children and the world of adults. Therefore, his main task is to raise a developed personality. The teacher plays a huge role in the education and development of his students, their

social adaptation. What our society will be like tomorrow depends on the performance of teachers. The teacher is responsible for the fate of each of his students. According to Morgan (2016), students spend too much time online and this will affect their development morality. The aggressive content from social networks will influence students' decision-making and behavior in real life. Teachers should be aware of their responsibilities and play their role in guiding students to do the right thing and thus could help students develop their morals.

Literature Review

"Parents are a child's first teachers and role models." They are responsible for shaping up the child's behavior and implementing positive values in them. Children listen, observe and imitate their parents. So it is important that they should be good role models the kids would want to follow. Parents are the ones who first appear in children's lives. Therefore, they should play their roles in inculcating moral values to their children. The study highlights the various roles in which parents should play to shape their children's morality. As parents, they are the closest person to the children. So, there should not be any reasons for them to delegate their roles to other parties because psychological abuse can bring negative impacts developmentally on children. At home, they must spend time and engage themselves in educating their children. The stronger the bond between parents and children, the higher morality is found among the children.

From the research we have found, there was a research conducted to examine the responsibility for the moral education of the child (Oladipo, 2009). The result reported that every single institution plays a role in shaping the children's morality. The institutions mentioned in the research include parents, teachers and religious institutions. The morality of the children cannot be shaped by depending on any single institution solely. With the cooperation between the institutions, the child will have a meaningful moral education. The study was further supported by Danielle (2014)

who mentioned parental socialization had an impact on children's moral behaviors. If there is parental awareness in shaping the children's morality, then the parents should socialize with their children more often. It was reported that there were various kind of socialization practices among parents. The parents would choose which practice to be used depending on the situation and the child's characteristics. The interaction between mother and child aims to socialize the child. At the same time, the children would exert their influence on the mothers as well. This is one of the highlights in the study.

Langier (2016) discussed about the family's factors that lead to the moral depravity of younger generation in the context of modern families. In the modern families, the parents would delegate their duties to the others because they were too busy pursuing their careers. It's hard for proper educational influence to take place. Besides that, lack of parents as the role models was another factor. Family breakdown and remarriages were common phenomenon in modern families and had an impact on the child. Last but not least, the limitation of contact between grandparents and grandchildren was reported to have a negative effect on children's development.

The parental practices and the characteristics of parent-child relationship in shaping the behavior, moral affect and cognition in children were investigated (Soorya& Sunil, 2018). The parenting practices, such as discipline, conversations and modeling should be used by the parents in

teaching the moral codes and standards. The most effective parenting style reported was the use of authoritative style which the moral values could be internalized.

From the research conducted in year 2009, it talks about the responsibility in shaping children's morality. We know that the children's morality cannot be a sole responsibility for an institution. Instead of that, the school and religious institutions should work together with the parents to shape the children's morality. Besides that, paternal support is more important than maternal support in preventing delinquency. This best explains why the child raised in single parent's families is found more problematic than those who grew up in intact family in society nowadays.

In addition, the parenting styles should be focused in order to develop the children's morality and decrease antisocial behavior among the youths. Authoritative parenting style includes solving problems with a child, setting clear rules and expectations, open communication. Authoritative parenting is discovered to be the most effective parenting style with authoritarian coming in second. Both permissive parenting styles are ineffective in shaping the children's morality. The permissive and authoritarian parenting styles might contribute to the criminality among juveniles. The factors identified in the permissive and authoritarian styles are poor parenting practices, emotional negativity, and weak parents-children bonds and soon. The parents must be responsible in playing all the roles in shaping the children's morality. In order to have a child, they should be mentally and physically prepared because it is not easy to educate a child. Moreover, the parents have to think twice before adopting the most appropriate parenting style.

Materials and Methods

This article uses a mixed-methods research design to comprehensively examine the roles of educators and parents in promoting moral values children. By combining qualitative and quantitative methods, cognitive, affective and contextual aspects can be comprehensively investigated. The study consists of two phases: an initial quantitative phase to identify general trends and patterns, and a qualitative phase to explore individual learners' experiences and perceptions in more depth.

The research carried out at Gramotey School focused on understanding how teachers and parents contribute to instilling moral values in children. The study revealed that both educators and parents showed great interest and dedication to the research, showing a shared commitment to the importance of the topic. Their active involvement not only allowed for a thorough investigation but also emphasized the significance of working together. By collaborating closely, educators and parents play a vital role in promoting overall moral growth in children and creating a supportive educational environment both at home and in school.

Two independent variables were used: attitude and personality traits, and one dependent variable: academic performance. The data were collected by completing an attitude and personality questionnaire that could be compared with documented data, i.e., students' academic performance in English language learning. A unique questionnaire which consists of 15 questions related to students' attitudes and personality traits was created with the help of a new website survio for the researcher. The participants, who varied in age and English language proficiency, completed the questionnaires which included questions about their personality traits, language learning strategies, motivation and English language proficiency. Statistical analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between personality traits and English language learning outcomes.

Data obtained as a result of the study

1. Information on the educational institution

Gramotey school is located in Osh, Kyrgyz Republic. The head of this educational institution is Akbaralieva Larisa Ruslanovna.


The participants included 4 female language teachers, ranging between 30 and 50, in private school, Gramotey. The teachers held university degrees in teaching English. The participants' teaching experience ranged from seven to twenty years. Teacher A has twenty years of teaching experience, teacher B,C and D have between ten and fifteen years of teaching experience. All four teachers work at private school Gramotey. These participants were chosen voluntarily after expressing their willingness to participate in the study.

# Female Teaching experience Teaching language subject

1 Teacher A 20 years English

2 Teacher B 10 years English

3 Teacher C 8 years English

4 Teacher D 7 years English

To protect the confidentiality of the participants, all names in this document are coded as teachers A,B,C and D were interviewed in the first study. The interviews were performed in English language.

Appendix 1

Data Collection

1. Questionnaire: A structured questionnaire was developed to collect data on the roles of educators versus parents in promoting moral values children The questionnaire included questions that are structured and efficient tool for collecting data necessary to understand the complex dynamics of moral value promotion in children.

2. Interviews: A structured interview was conducted to provide a systematic and reliable method for gathering data from educators and parents about their roles in moral values instillation.

3. Informed Consent: Before each research study, we obtained informed consent from each research participant. It contributes to the integrity of the research process by ensuring that participants enter into the study voluntarily and with full understanding. This helps prevent coercion or manipulation of participants.

Data Analysis:

By maintaining open communication and coordination, parents and teachers can collaborate effectively to instill strong moral values in children through various methods.

1. Aligning their messages and actions is crucial for parents and teachers to provide children with a consistent moral framework.

2. In order to serve as positive role models for children, role models must demonstrate moral behavior and values in their actions.

3. Common moral values like honesty, empathy, and respect should be prioritized and reinforced consistently.

4. Moral education can be included in the curriculum by teachers, and parents can provide support for these lessons at home through discussions and activities.

5. Sharing insights, concerns, and strategies to support children's moral development is possible through regular communication between parents and teachers.

6. The reinforcement of moral values learned both in home and in school can be achieved by involving children in community service projects or social responsibility activities.


The study explored in depth the roles of educators and parents in promoting moral values children. The qualitative data suggests that teachers and parents both have crucial roles in cultivating moral values in children. Teachers typically provide structured moral education at school, while parents reinforce these values at home through everyday interactions and setting an example.

Participants emphasized the significance of positive role modeling by both teachers and parents. Children not only learn moral values through explicit teaching but also by observing and mirroring the behavior of the adults around them.

Effective communication and consistency between teachers and parents were identified as key elements in fostering moral development in children. When teachers and parents share similar values and support each other's messages, children are more likely to internalize those values.

Different challenges were discussed by participants, including conflicting messages between home and school, cultural disparities, and constraints in time and resources. Strategies to address these challenges included encouraging open communication, providing parental resources, and integrating moral education throughout the curriculum.

At what age should morals be taught?

■ since birth

■ in preschool age (3-6)

■ at school age (7-12) in adolensce (13-18)

Appendix 2

Early inclusion of children in the development of moral values can have a lasting impact on their development. At an early age, children are just beginning to build their core values and beliefs. Providing them with an understanding of moral principles from the very beginning will help them build a foundation for future moral growth.

What role do you consider more important in the formation of moral values in children?

OH parents

■ educators

■ both roles are equally important

Appendix 3

Most of the participants consider both roles equally important because they complement each other and provide a diverse impact on the development of children's moral values. Parents play a crucial role as the first teachers and examples for children, while educators in school or daycare also have a significant influence, enriching the experience and offering additional perspectives. Additionally, children may have varying degrees of interaction with parents and educators at different stages of their development, and both roles can be significant at different points in a child's life.

How often do you discuss moral issues and values with your children?

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0



several times a week rarely or never

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Appendix 4

These findings highlight constant discussion of moral issues plays a crucial role in children's consideration of moral issues. It helps set expectations, ensure free communication between children and adults, develop empathy, take into account family and educational values, and help children resolve moral dilemmas and develop ethical decision-making skills. These discussions not only take into account moral values, but also take into account psychological intelligence and the development of ethical thinking in children.


Based on the existing research data, educators and parents each play crucial roles in instilling moral values in children, with their contributions being vital and complementary. Teachers create a nurturing environment where children learn about respect, honesty, and empathy through interactions and curriculum content that emphasizes moral development. On the other hand, parents serve as significant influencers, shaping their children's moral compass through their own actions, values, and conversations at home.

The results of our study highlight the need to take into account collaboration between educators and parents is important to reinforce consistent values, allowing children to internalize moral lessons effectively. Research suggests that when what children learn at school aligns with their experiences at home, they can better understand and apply moral values, contributing to their well-being and to a more compassionate society.


Cooperation between educators and parents is crucial for the formation of moral values in children, as confirmed by the study results. The process is bolstered by both sides, which provide valuable examples, guidance, and support to children. The development of children's stable moral

principles and successful adaptation to society is facilitated by effective interaction between educators and parents. Further research and practical activities in this area can focus on the development of programs and strategies aimed at strengthening the interaction between educators and parents to ensure the harmonious development of moral values in children.


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