Date of publication: April 25, 2023 DOI: 10.52270/26585561_2023_18_20_17
Historical Sciences
Novikova, Elena Viktorovna1
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Sevastopol Institute of Economics and
Humanities (Branch), FGAOU VO "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadskogo", 1, Shelkunova Street, Sevastopol, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]
The article deals with the process of education in the Russian Empire in the XIX-th century. It is shown that the leading trend in the development of education in post-Soviet Russia was the desire to revive various forms of education characteristic of society in the pre-October period, namely, the revival of gymnasiums, lyceums, various schools, cadet corps, etc. Modern Russia is trying to focus on humanistic values, movement towards the ideals of justice, morality and intelligence of the human person. The article focuses on the fact that education should be one of the ways to awaken the social mobility of the population. Today it is necessary to overcome the false stereotypes that have prevailed for many decades and expand the boundaries of historical knowledge, which is important not only for understanding the true place and role of the country in world history, but also for solving the practical problems of renewal, determining the prospects for moving forward to qualitatively new social economic and political decisions.
Keywords: education, history, institute, Russia, society.
The current state of historical and pedagogical knowledge cannot be considered satisfactory for many objective and subjective reasons. One of the most important reasons, in our opinion, is that for a long time all studies on the history of the national school and pedagogy were formed under the influence of the class-conditioned paradigm of the general historical process.
Rigid ideological attitudes, which demanded to give exceptional class assessments of events and phenomena of the past, often deformed the real picture of the development of the national school and pedagogy at many of its stages. This was especially reflected in the study of such a difficult period as the first half of the XIX century. In many studies, this period of national history was considered only as a stage in the formation of the social liberation and revolutionary democratic movement.
The research methods used in the article are generally characteristic of historical and pedagogical research. To implement the principle of scientific historicism, comparative and historical-retrospective methods were used, allowing to comprehend the past, to reveal the complexity and inconsistency of the process of development of national education, as well as the method of actualization, selection, systematization and generalization of historical facts, archival and published materials. The main theoretical method of research is logical-epistemological analysis.
The reliability of the study is associated with a systematic historical approach to the study of the problem by a wide range of sources that ensure the representativeness of the data obtained and their objective assessment; a holistic approach to the study of the problem, the adequacy of research methods to its goals and objectives.
The main trends in the development of domestic pedagogical thought in the first half of the XIX-th century include: the gradual awakening in the public consciousness of interest in education and upbringing, and the leading role in this process belongs to representatives of the noble intelligentsia; close connection between literature and the development of pedagogical thought; the beginning of the formation and development of domestic pedagogical journalism, private and public; expansion of the range of problems related to issues of upbringing and education, which are of interest to many public and state figures. Here are just a few of them: justification of the need for education for the people; problems of value priorities in the development of the national education system; questions of the correlation of universal and national principles in education; the role of the family in the education of the individual; correlation and mutual influence of state and family education; issues of women's education; pedagogy begins to develop as an independent scientific knowledge; the first native pedagogical essays appear, reflecting the different points of view of the authors on the process of education itself, its organization, the principles of building the education system, etc. General education was focused on a wide range of knowledge. The requirements for students were soft, unusual for a European school, the continuity of the levels of the system opened up access to secondary and higher education for all tax-paying classes.
Thus, the liberal policy of the government in the field of education in the first two decades of the 19th century was concretely expressed in the fact that a system of public schools was created and began to develop in the country. Enlightenment received its governing body and partially budgetary funding. Schools were declared classless, education - free.
Our study allowed us to identify the reasons that led to the departure from the original idea of creating a classless, free school in Russia. In addition to a number of pedagogical factors that determined the trends in reforming education (overloaded courses, shortage and poor training of teachers, duplication of gymnasium and university courses, etc.), political motives also played an important role.
From pedagogical considerations, a political thesis was skillfully derived - no one should receive an education above his rank. At the same time, the school should not only teach, but also educate, and this education should be in the hands of the state. This situation could not but affect the state of private boarding schools and the practice of home education. The uprising of December 14, 1825 strengthened the government in the need for a complete transformation of the school system in Russia. The Charter of 1864 created two types of secondary schools: a classical gymnasium and a real gymnasium. In turn, the classical gymnasium was divided into classical gymnasiums with the study of two ancient languages and classical gymnasiums with the study of one ancient language, most often it was Latin.
Studying in these institutions allowed to continue studying at the university in the future. In real gymnasiums, ancient languages were not taught and their graduation did not allow to continue studying at the university, but opened up the opportunity to enroll in technical and agricultural higher educational institutions.
In classical gymnasiums, the courses of mathematics and natural science were reduced, in real gymnasiums the course of natural science was increased, drawing was introduced and two new foreign languages were additionally taught. At the request of the management and students, singing, music, gymnastics, and dancing courses were introduced. The training involved a seven-year course.
The new charter attached great importance to the personal example of the teacher in the upbringing and training of the younger generation; corporal punishment was abolished. The teacher was also allowed to independently draw up curricula, choose textbooks from the list approved by the Ministry of Public Education.
There was no continuity between public schools and gymnasiums, so children of the lower classes did not have the opportunity to receive a full classical education. Their access to higher education institutions was completely blocked.
Another important achievement of the reforms of 1864 was the establishment of women's all-theological schools. In 1870, women's gymnasiums and progymnasiums began to appear. They were all-class, but paid.
In the conditions of reaction after the suppression of the Decembrist uprising, which was interpreted, in particular, as a direct consequence of the false direction of the educational system, the principle of strict estates and bureaucratic centralization was put at the basis of public education, which was embodied in the charter of educational institutions published in 1828.
Thus, initially attempts to create a mass school were doomed to failure in advance. The analysis of personnel, software, financial, material and technical support for the reform of Russian education shows that it was extremely insignificant and could not fully contribute to the success of the reforms.
It should be noted that along with the reform of existing educational institutions, the development and permanent reform of special educational institutions was carried out.
In our work, we were able to trace the dynamics of the strengthening of religious and moral principles in education, the influence of the "theory of official nationality", which proclaimed the initial principles of building the education system in Russia "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality" as truly Russian protective principles, on the functioning and development of educational institutions of various types.
We have revealed the main channels of restricting the access of the poor estates to improving the level of education, that is, in fact, we have analyzed the origins of class segregation in education, the justification of the class-professional nature of the construction of the education system.
At the same time, we note that the Russian schools of that time were distinguished by the practical orientation of teaching. At each stage of education, the foundations were laid for the development of cognitive interest in students, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of students, humanistic attitude to the child, the development of his personality.
Since the second half of the XIX century, the ideas of real education in Russia have been embodied in general education and special educational institutions of various types that were subordinate to different departments. Natural and physical-mathematical sciences, geography and new languages began to occupy a large place in their curricula. Laboratory and practical works on natural history, physics and chemistry have become widespread. The ideas of real education had a significant impact on the activities of classical gymnasiums. Since the 90s of the XIX century. a reduction in the number of hours devoted to the study of ancient languages began to be observed, which ultimately led in 1902 to the withdrawal of teaching ancient Greek beyond the scope of the mandatory program. The penetration of elements of real education into classical gymnasiums was expressed in an increase in the number of lessons assigned to subjects of the natural science cycle and new foreign languages.
No less serious changes have taken place in the programs on the Russian language, history, geography, primarily related to the implementation of the national idea, in order to strengthen the patriotic education of young people.
All this led to the fact that at the beginning of the XX century, real education began to gain more and more popularity, real educational institutions began to become more widespread, as evidenced by statistics on the growth of their number, and many graduates of not only real, but also classical educational institutions sought to continue their studies in areas related to the study of natural and physical-mathematical sciences: medicine, agriculture, technical sciences.
The last quarter of the XIX-th is characterized by the beginning of the struggle for the public school between the zemstvos and the government. The government sought to put the maintenance of schools on the shoulders of the zemstvos, but at the same time it wanted to fully control the educational process. Zemstvos, on the other hand, aspired to a school independent of the government.
In the same period, the pedagogical community itself begins to show great activity. Various pedagogical committees and societies are being formed to promote education. One of the main occupations of these societies was the development of new teaching aids. Although there was no shortage of educational literature, not all textbooks were written by professional teachers.
In general, the network of educational institutions in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XX century was quite diverse. Chekhov Nikolay Vladimirovich, a prominent teacher of the XIX-XX centuries, identified more than seventeen types of single-class and two-class schools, which are not only under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Education, but also various departments. "And all these 17 types often represented huge differences from each other in terms of tasks, environment, and methods of provision and actual management. They also differed in the formulation of the academic part, and therefore in the actual programs of their course".
In the last years of the XX century, Russia is experiencing a serious crisis associated with the transition from a socialist production system to a market economy, which led to a decline in industrial production and, as a result, negative changes in the social sphere. Many public institutions are being destroyed, including the education system, which for many decades has been focused on preparing young people to work in a planned economy.
The rejection of the traditions of the Soviet school, the lack of a clearly formulated motivation for education, vague goals, unclear formulation of pedagogical tasks, not always justified revision of curricula have led to the fact that along with the traditional school, "alternative" secondary educational institutions are being created: colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc., which offer new forms and methods of organizing educational process.
Some educational institutions, returning to the experience of the classical Russian gymnasium, pay increased attention to the subjects of the humanities cycle, include in their curricula the study of ancient languages, for example, Latin, believing that humanitarian education best develops human abilities. At the same time, they often forget that a strong modern state is impossible without economic growth, technological progress, and the development of the country's scientific and cultural potential.
Akulypin P.V. (1993) Count S.S. Uvarov and his role in the life of Russian society. Pedagogy. Number 4. P. 94. (In Russ).
Andreevsky I.V. (1900) Classical and real education. 52 p. (In Russ).
Blinov V.I. (2001) The development of education in Russia in the XVIII - early XX centuries under the influence of changes in views on the goals of education. M. 224 p. (In Russ).
Ershov B., Novikov Yu.N., Voytovich D., Ermilova O., Dushkin O., Lubkin Y. (2019) Physical culture in formation of spiritual education of young people in Russia. The European Proceedings of Social Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. Pp. 3648-3653. (in Russ).
Ershov B.A., Nebolsin V.A., Solovieva S.R. (2020) Higher education in technical universities of Russia. 7th International conference on education and social sciences. Abstracts Proceedings. Pp. 55-58. (in Engl).
Ershov B.A., Perepelitsyn A., Glazkov E., Volkov I., Volkov S. (2019) Church and state in Russia: management issues. 5th International conference on advences in education and social sciences. Abstracts Proceedings, e-publication. Pp. 26-29. (in Engl).
Ershov B.A., Zhdanova T.A., Kashirsky S.N., Monko T. (2020) Education in the university as an important factor in the socialization of students in Russia. 6th International Conference on Advances in Education. Abstracts Proceedings. Pp. 517-520. (in Engl).
Feoktistov JI.H. (1865) Materials for the history of enlightenment in Russia. St. Petersburg. 185 p. (In
Gorbunov P. (1872) Programs and regulations of city schools of the Ministry of Public Education (according to the Regulations of May 31, 1872). M. 125 p. (In Russ).
Haptagaeva E.G. (1974) Pedagogical and educational activities of the Decembrists in Siberia.: Dis. . candidate of pedagogical Sciences. Irkutsk. 214 p. (In Russ).
Ovchinnikov A.V. (2000) The development of Russian legislation on public education at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Pedagogical and political-legal problems of education in Russia of the late XIX-early XX centuries. Collection of articles. M. Pp. 22-42. (In Russ).
Pryanikova V.G., Ravkin Z.I. (1995) History of education and pedagogical thought. M.: New School. 93 p. (In Russ).
Pugachev V.V. (1964) On the question of S.S. Uvarov's Political views in the 1810s. Scientific notes of Gorky State University. Issue 72. Vol. 1. P. 130. (In Russ).
Rodnikov V. (1914) History of Russian pedagogy. Kiev, Publishing house of N.Ya.Ogloblina. 132 p. (In
Rozhdestvensky S.V. (1910) Materials for the history of educational reforms in Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries. St. Petersburg. 396 p. (In Russ).
Schmidt K. (1880) History of Pedagogy. Vol. 4., Part 1. M. 588 p. (In Russ).
Semevsky V.N. (1906) An essay from the history of political and social ideas. Former. St. Petersburg. Number 1. Pp. 1-59. (In Russ).
Shabaeva M.F. (1951) From the history of Russian progressive Democratic pedagogy. News of the APN. Number 33. Pp. 57-61. (In Russ).
Shkarubo S.N. (2021) Historical Features of Life of the Peasantry in the XIX Century. Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research. Tom 12, Issue 14. Pp. 73 - 80. (In Engl).
Stoyunin V. (1878) From the history of education in Russia at the beginning of the XIX century. Ancient and new Russia. Number 1. Pp. 46-49. (In Russ).
Tolstoy D.L. (1883) A look at the educational part in Russia in the XVIII century until 1872. St. Petersburg. 210 p. (In Russ).
Tsimbayeva N.I. (1989) "Under the burden of knowledge and doubt": Ideological searches of the 1830s. Russian society of the 30s of the XIX century: People and ideas. Memoirs of contemporaries. M. 256 p. (In Russ).
Tsirulnikov A. (1992) From the secret archives of the Russian school. M.: Pedagogy Press. 120 p. (In
Uvarov S.S. (1864) The Decade of the Ministry of Public Education (1833-1843). St. Petersburg. 161 p. (In Russ).
Vodovozov V.I. (1986) Selected pedagogical works. M., 1986. 480 p. (In Russ).
Новикова Елена Викторовна1
1 Кандидат исторических наук, доцент, Севастопольский экономико-гуманитарный институт (филиал), ФГАОУ ВО "Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского", улица Шелкунова 1, Севастополь, Россия, E-mail: [email protected]
В статье рассматривается процесс образования в Российской Империи в XIX веке. Показано, что ведущей тенденцией в развитии образования в постсоветской России было стремление возродить различные формы образования, свойственные обществу в дооктябрьский период, а именно возрождение гимназий, лицеев, различных училищ, кадетских корпусов и.т.д. Современная Россия пытается сосредоточиться на гуманистических ценностях, движении к идеалам справедливости, нравственности и интеллекта человеческой личности. Статья акцентирует внимание на том факте, что образование должно стать одним из способов пробудить социальную мобильность населения. Сегодня необходимо преодолеть ложные стереотипы, господствовавшие на протяжении многих десятилетий и расширить границы исторических знаний, которые важны не только для понимания истинного места и роли страны в мировой истории, но и для решения практических задач обновления, определения перспектив продвижения вперед к качественно новым социально-экономическим и политическим решениям.
Ключевые слова: образование, история, институт, Россия, общество.
Akulypin P.V. (1993) Count S.S. Uvarov and his role in the life of Russian society. Pedagogy. Number 4. P. 94. (In Russ).
Andreevsky I.V. (1900) Classical and real education. 52 p. (In Russ).
Blinov V.I. (2001) The development of education in Russia in the XVIII - early XX centuries under the influence of changes in views on the goals of education. M. 224 p. (In Russ).
Ershov B., Novikov Yu.N., Voytovich D., Ermilova O., Dushkin O., Lubkin Y. (2019) Physical culture in formation of spiritual education of young people in Russia. The European Proceedings of Social Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. Pp. 3648-3653. (in Russ).
Ershov B.A., Nebolsin V.A., Solovieva S.R. (2020) Higher education in technical universities of Russia. 7th International conference on education and social sciences. Abstracts Proceedings. Pp. 55-58. (in Engl).
Ershov B.A., Perepelitsyn A., Glazkov E., Volkov I., Volkov S. (2019) Church and state in Russia: management issues. 5th International conference on advences in education and social sciences. Abstracts Proceedings, e-publication. Pp. 26-29. (in Engl).
Ershov B.A., Zhdanova T.A., Kashirsky S.N., Monko T. (2020) Education in the university as an important factor in the socialization of students in Russia. 6th International Conference on Advances in Education. Abstracts Proceedings. Pp. 517-520. (in Engl).
Feoktistov JI.H. (1865) Materials for the history of enlightenment in Russia. St. Petersburg. 185 p. (In
Gorbunov P. (1872) Programs and regulations of city schools of the Ministry of Public Education (according to the Regulations of May 31, 1872). M. 125 p. (In Russ).
Haptagaeva E.G. (1974) Pedagogical and educational activities of the Decembrists in Siberia.: Dis. . candidate of pedagogical Sciences. Irkutsk. 214 p. (In Russ).
Ovchinnikov A.V. (2000) The development of Russian legislation on public education at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Pedagogical and political-legal problems of education in Russia of the late XIX-early XX centuries. Collection of articles. M. Pp. 22-42. (In Russ).
Pryanikova V.G., Ravkin Z.I. (1995) History of education and pedagogical thought. M.: New School. 93 p. (In Russ).
Pugachev V.V. (1964) On the question of S.S. Uvarov's Political views in the 1810s. Scientific notes of Gorky State University. Issue 72. Vol. 1. P. 130. (In Russ).
Rodnikov V. (1914) History of Russian pedagogy. Kiev, Publishing house of N.Ya.Ogloblina. 132 p. (In
Rozhdestvensky S.V. (1910) Materials for the history of educational reforms in Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries. St. Petersburg. 396 p. (In Russ).
Schmidt K. (1880) History of Pedagogy. Vol. 4., Part 1. M. 588 p. (In Russ).
Semevsky V.N. (1906) An essay from the history of political and social ideas. Former. St. Petersburg. Number 1. Pp. 1-59. (In Russ).
Shabaeva M.F. (1951) From the history of Russian progressive Democratic pedagogy. News of the APN. Number 33. Pp. 57-61. (In Russ).
Shkarubo S.N. (2021) Historical Features of Life of the Peasantry in the XIX Century. Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research. Tom 12, Issue 14. Pp. 73 - 80. (In Engl).
Stoyunin V. (1878) From the history of education in Russia at the beginning of the XIX century. Ancient and new Russia. Number 1. Pp. 46-49. (In Russ).
Tolstoy D.L. (1883) A look at the educational part in Russia in the XVIII century until 1872. St. Petersburg. 210 p. (In Russ).
Tsimbayeva N.I. (1989) "Under the burden of knowledge and doubt": Ideological searches of the 1830s. Russian society of the 30s of the XIX century: People and ideas. Memoirs of contemporaries. M. 256 p. (In Russ).
Tsirulnikov A. (1992) From the secret archives of the Russian school. M.: Pedagogy Press. 120 p. (In
Uvarov S.S. (1864) The Decade of the Ministry of Public Education (1833-1843). St. Petersburg. 161 p. (In Russ).
Vodovozov V.I. (1986) Selected pedagogical works. M., 1986. 480 p. (In Russ).