Научная статья на тему 'The ecological problems of the Barents Region. Our mission'

The ecological problems of the Barents Region. Our mission Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Bespelyukhina Julia

The article reviews the problem of environmental protection of the Barents region, highlights that our planet is on the verge of global ecological catastrophe, considers what measures can be taken for the environmental protection.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The ecological problems of the Barents Region. Our mission»

замечательно написал синолог В. М. Алексеев в «Китайской народной картине: Духовная жизнь старого Китая в народных изображениях». В самом деле, веселые друзья напоминают странствующих шутов, которые со временем подготовили почву уличной актерской традиции в социальном обществе Китая. В результате стали появляться актерские сцены: при храмах, в деревнях на площади, на лодках посередине реки, в частных домах и т. д. Все это дало повод В. М. Алексееву написать, что «можно, не боясь преувеличения, назвать Китай страной театра» [1, с. 60].

Соответственно, многие яркие забавные истории, сыгранные уличными актерами, позднее превратились в рассказы, передаваемые из уст в уста. С этого времени, скорее всего, и начинается формирование в фольклоре образов плешивого, кривоногого, сопливого и других. В дальнейшем традиционные действия героев дополняются чисто литературными приключениями.


1. Алексеев В. МКитайская народная картина. Духовная жизнь старого Китая в народных изображениях. М.: Наука, 1966. 260 с.

2. Джон А. А. Материальная культура дунган. Поселение, усадьба и жилище (конец Х1Х - ХХ в.). Фрунзе: Илим, 1986. 152 с.

3. Дунганские народные сказки и предания / сост. М. А. Хасанов и И. И. Юсупов. М.: Наука, 1977. 573 с.

4. Малое С. Е. Язык желтых уйгуров: Тексты и переводы. М.: Наука, 1967. 219 с.

5. Рифтин Б. Л. источники и анализ сюжетов дунганских сказок // Дунганские народные сказки и предания / сост. М. А. Хасанов и И. И. Юсупов. М.: Наука, 1977. С. 403-506.

6. Хуэйзу минжынди гуж^р (Дунганские народные сказки) / сост. и коммент. М. Хасанова. Фрунзе: Илим, 1976. 158 с.

7. Цибузгин В. и Шмаков А. Заметки о жизни дунган селения Каракунуз Пишпекского уезда Семиреческой области // Записки Семипалатинского подотдела Западно-Сибирского отдела Императорского Русского географического общества. Семипалатинск, 1909. Вып. 4. С. 12-28.

The Ecological Problems of the Barents Region. Our Mission Bespelyukhina Ju. (Russian Federation) Экологические проблемы Баренцева региона. Наша миссия Беспелюхина Ю. Д. (Российская Федерация)

Беспелюхина Юлия Дмитриевна / Bespelyukhina Julia — преподаватель иностранного языка, Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Мурманской области Северный колледж физической культуры и спорта, г. Мончегорск

Abstract: the article reviews the problem of environmental protection of the Barents region, highlights that our planet is on the verge of global ecological catastrophe, considers what measures can be taken for the environmental protection.

Аннотация: в статье дан обзор основных проблем защиты окружающей среды Баренцева региона, обозначена угроза существования всего живого на Земле и указаны основные меры, которые должны быть предприняты для защиты окружающей среды.

Keywords: ecological problems, nature, pollution, environment, pressure group, government.

Ключевые слова: экологические проблемы, природа, загрязнение, окружающая среда, влиятельные

группы, правительство.

Ecological problems have no borders. The problems and prospects of the blue planet interest not only scientists and futurologists, but also industry, politicians and public. There is hardly a young person who is not conserved with the preservation of our natural habitat. To recognize environmental problems and master them, to reduce and avoid environmental pollution, to discover and develop ecologically sound technologies - there are the essential building blocks for our future.

Scientists predict that by the year 2050 the population will be doubled what is today. The fact remains that the rate of food production fell behind population growth in many of developing countries. The annual fish catch already exceeds what the world's oceans can successfully sustain. If we go on using our natural recourses at today's rates, we will have used up the entire reserves of cooper, natural gas and oil by the year 2054.

European countries solve these problems together: the necessary measures are taken, congresses and conferences are organized, and these questions have already the reflection in the legislation of many countries. All are encouraged to make a contribution towards protecting the environment. Dedication and the courage to change our way of thinking are called for.

We are to stop pollution. Many countries in the world are trying to solve the problem of the pollution in many ways, either by trying to burn fossil fuels more cleanly, new power plants use a method, which cuts sulphur emission down by 80 per cent, etc. Developing such technologies may raise the price of electricity a little, but will save millions of trees, plants and animals and human health [2].

People don't have to wait for their government to make changes in the environmental regulations. Reducing exposure normally demands only modest alterations in our daily routine. Giving up smoking, taking out carpets, improving ventilation, using water and air filters, avoiding household products, containing toxic compounds, will make our houses and offices healthier place to live and work. We can grow plants and trees, to purify waste, to build the purification systems, to start urgent campaigns in order to preserve environment.

Nowadays there are many pressure different groups in many countries, which try to find solutions to the problems of pollution at the national and international level. So they are groups of people with a common interest in trying to draw the public attention to environment problems, to influence the government decisions.

Greenpeace is a very famous pressure group. Its headquarters are in Amsterdam, but it operates in 25 countries worldwide. The aim of Greenpeace is to protect wildlife of nuclear tests and toxic wastes.

«Friends of the Earth» is one of the British pressure groups with an international reputation. Its general aim is to conserve the planet's resources and reduce pollution. Now it operates in 44 countries worldwide [1].

The Nature Protection Subgroup of the Barents Euro - Arctic Council's Working Group on Environment, implements and coordinates co - operation on biodiversity and habitat conservation in the Barents Region.

Finland, Sweden and Norway have been co - operating with Russia in the field of biodiversity and habitat conservation for more than 20 years. Finland and Russia have built a transboundary network of protected areas around the concept of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia.

The Barents Euro - Arctic Region represents some of the last intact pristine wilderness areas in Europe. The last remaining intact old - growth forests are also located in northern Europe, mainly in the Russian parts of the Barents Euro - Arctic Region.

In the northern part of the Region the eco - systems are relatively intact but vulnerable. The Barents Region is recognized as an increasingly important part of the global natural heritage, requiring protection and sustainable management.

Threats to the remaining intact wilderness areas continue to grow due to increasing and often unsustainable use of natural resources such as gas, oil, mineral and forests, aquatic and other living resources. Biodiversity loss and habitat fragmentation remain the biggest threat to the biodiversity of the Barents region [3].

Several protected areas have been established along national borders within the Barents Euro - Arctic Region. Also, wildlife management and protection of migratory species require co - operation between the countries. Co - operation and exchange of experience are regarded as both a challenge and an opportunity.

In conclusion I'd like to say that people must develop new safe technologies that won't destroy and damage the environment. More and more people are beginning to understand that a clean and healthy nature is important. And there is no escape from this ecological crisis without organizing a single body dealing with the environmental problems, developing and carrying out a nation wide program of environmental protection and co - operating with international schemes. We have to keep the Earth green and healthy and full of millions of wonderful creatures.


1. Faizulina I. E. The Ecological Problems. Murmansk: SIEI MR SVT «MPC», 2011. 40 p.

2. LomanovaE. Ozone and the Greenhouse Effect // English, 2000. № 13, 14, 15.

3. BARENTSwatch 2010 is published by Bioforsk Soil and Environment Svanhovd, the Norwegian Ministry

of Environment and Nordic Councils of Ministers.

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