THE EASIEST WAY OF TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE TO YOUNG CHILDREN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
pictures / visual materials / children / teaching / language / songs / poems / stories / role plays / technique / methods / games

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — M. Orzikulova

This article gives information about different methods of teaching English language to young children. Strategies of teaching languages in easy way. Teaching games, songs and stories to young adults. How to improve 4 skills of children: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Very intriguing games to develop communicative skills of a child

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Orzikulova Mavsuma Mamatkulovna

The teacher of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10511150

Abstract. This article gives information about different methods of teaching English language to young children. Strategies of teaching languages in easy way. Teaching games, songs and stories to young adults. How to improve 4 skills of children: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Very intriguing games to develop communicative skills of a child.

Keywords: pictures, visual materials, children, teaching, language, songs, poems, stories, role plays, technique, methods, games.

Teaching language to young learners is considered as the most difficult task. Not all of the teachers are able to teach language to children. Since they are so curious and difficult to educate. Most teachers, teach 1st and 2nd classes, always claim about their hard work and difficulties that they come across. However if you know the easiest and most interesting ways, it will be not so hard. There are some strategies which are considered as an effective way to teach:

Use pictures and visual materials. Pictures are excellent for enhancing learning. Even though a child doesn't know that the word "pencil" actually refers to a pencil, they can recognize what a pencil picture is. Children's comprehension will be enhanced by the combination of text and graphics. Additionally, photos provide your classroom some color and excitement, which improves the learning atmosphere. You might use these fantastic ESL classroom display resources to accomplish this.

Always keep your smile. This is particularly crucial when working with novices. In order to allow students to expand on what they already know, try to keep sentences short. For instance, you may make sure they comprehend the straightforward directions you'll be utilizing in class. Things like "stop and listen" or "put your pens down" could be examples of these. Compared to demands like "stop writing and put your pens down onto the table" or "can everybody please stop what they're doing and listen," these brief yet informative statements are considerably easier to understand.

Keep it funny. When we're having fun, we learn more. We are certain to learn more the more involved we are in a task. Furthermore, having fun in the classroom should not equate to a lack of effort in the classroom. In fact, it can be rather simple. With a plethora of entertaining games and activities that promote language growth in engaging ways, there are tons of instructional tools available to assist ESL learning.

Utilize role plays. Role-playing is an excellent technique to help your students gain confidence and improve their speaking abilities. Learners will be able to practice and enhance their diverse vocabulary in enjoyable ways by providing them with a range of role-play settings. For those who are merely observing, role-playing can also be quite helpful. Even if some students lack the courage to stand in front of their class and act out a customer at a cafe, they can still learn effective speaking techniques by observing their peers. To assist you with this, we offer an abundance of ESL role-playing materials.

Mixed up it. When kids only receive instruction in one method, they soon grow bored, disinterested, and disgusted (just joking, I ran out of things to say). Learners will remain engaged if a variety of learning forms are used, such as games, Power Points, and worksheets.

Use means of technology. Innovation has in practically no time turned into man's closest companion over the new years, and it ought to turn into an educator's dearest companion, as well! Innovation is an extraordinary method for getting kids participated in an example. With so many applications, intuitive games and stages out there, there's parts for an educator to browse to use in their illustrations, very much like these splendid intuitive games.

Debate, debate, debate. Utilizing discussions can be a phenomenal way for your youngsters to foster their talking abilities, influential language abilities, thus considerably more. They can likewise be truly fun exercises to engage in. Pick a point that you realize kids will actually want to offer their viewpoint on-food is generally a decent one for this. Pasta or pizza? Sweet or flavorful? Part your class in two and let them battle until the very end! Simply joking however they can contend as powerfully as they can for their perspective.

Use role plays. A great way for students to improve their language skills is through reading. Stories permit kids to utilize their creative mind, envisioning incomprehensible places and individuals, making a feeling of experience and tomfoolery. Therefore, incorporating this into language instruction can be extremely beneficial to learning.

Utilize verbal and written instruction. In the event that you're setting an undertaking, don't simply make sense of it verbally to students, or by simply recording it on the board by the same token. Make use of both so that students can get used to both hearing and seeing something written down. This is perfect for assisting them with learning elocution and spelling.

Use English holidays. Using English holidays can be a fantastic way to create a fun classroom environment. Whether you look at Christmas, Halloween, or Valentine's Day, you can find resources to support your teaching on that topic. This can give children a chance to also get creative and explore other cultures.[1]

As a teacher I always use these strategies to make my students interested. Teacher should always utilize different games and methods in order to prevent boring atmosphere. For kids and children using pictures, cartoons, songs, poems, stories and role plays is so effective. Without visual and audial materials it will be so boring and simple that all pupils began to be bored and stressed. It is so funny if we utilize many games. For some language instructors, the possibility that games can be useful for their understudies might be challenging to comprehend. Without a doubt rivals contend that games are a guilty pleasure and are in opposition to best homeroom practice. However a greater group of exploration plainly recognizes a wide assortment of advantages related with the utilization of games in the language study hall. An outline of the primary concerns follows underneath.

Utilization of target language - Obviously this is a definitive goal for any homeroom action, yet game play explicitly expects understudies to utilize the objective language to partake, impart, convince and haggle with different players to win. Thusly, understudies are utilizing their useful and responsive language abilities.

Fun - Games are agreeable and can assist with keeping illustrations from being standard and exhausting. They establish a positive homeroom climate by drawing in and holding students' advantage and commitment.

Low pressure - While playing a game, understudies change from zeroing in on their utilization of language to attempting to win. As such the feeling of dread toward pessimistic remarks can be decreased and students with low certainty can completely take part. As a result, developing fluency in communication is easier. Utilization of target language - Obviously this is a definitive goal for any homeroom action, yet game play explicitly expects understudies to utilize the objective language to partake, impart, convince and haggle with different players to win. Thusly, understudies are utilizing their useful and responsive language abilities.

Fun - Games are agreeable and can assist with forestalling examples All inclusive - The normal confusion is that games just work with more youthful students, however they can be similarly strong with grown-ups, who are in many cases more apprehensive about homeroom support.

Inspirational - Games bring a component of rivalry into language realizing which can assist with making an intentional utilization of language Naturally, students who see the relevance and impact of what they are learning are more engaged and motivated to learn.

Understudy arranged - As Chen recognizes most understudies who have encountered game-situated exercises hold uplifting outlooks towards them (Additionally, research by Huyen and Nga found that understudies loved "the casual climate, the intensity, and the inspiration that games brought to the study hall."

Adequacy - Huyen and Nga's examination additionally found that understudies learnt at an expanded speed and held a greater amount of the vital data through messing around contrasted with learning through repetition techniques. Games can likewise be involved by educators in a wide assortment of situations. They are similarly strong toward the start of an illustration to lay everything out, during class to convey a key learning objective or toward the finish of an example in the event that you've an extra opportunity to fill. Significantly, games can likewise be utilized to foster a wide assortment of language abilities - to rehearse/test new jargon or punctuation focuses in gatherings or matches, as a brief for composing work or as a talking exercise as players attempt to persuade/convince their schoolmates.

Anything game you're wanting to play, clearing up the reasoning of the game for the understudies in the class is fundamental. Make sure that every student is aware of the learning benefits of the activity. If you don't take this step, students might think you're just adding a fun part of the lesson to waste time. it's actually significant that games (like all learning exercises) don't naturally speak to all language students. Students who are battling with their investigations as of now will be worried about further presenting themselves to analysis. Similarly, it's critical to keep an equilibrium- such a large number of games and understudies start to consider what realizing is really going on![2]

Numerous educators definitely realize that showing English through melodies gives pleasure to the homeroom. This article takes a gander at why melodies benefit understudies and how to involve them in a tomfoolery and useful way. For more information, keep reading, and be prepared to be inspired to use music with your ESL students!

To begin with, we'll investigate the mind boggling advantages of involving melodies as a piece of ESL instructing. Then we'll think about a portion of the issues educators experience utilizing ESL tunes, which deter them from proceeding. At long last, we will figure out how tunes can be utilized effectively, so your understudies learn quicker, partake in your classes more and truly can chime in. Melodies assist with learning jargon, language structure, and grammar.

Learning with melodies works since youngsters hear entire sentences and retain language structure and punctuation subliminally. It's a simple way for them to learn and recollect words and expressions. They can involve significant language in setting. Youngsters hear jargon and expressions in a characteristic and significant setting and presently not as secluded words or sentences. Songs can be fun and catchy, which is different from listening comprehension. ESL students will enjoy hearing a song many times over several months, as long as you don't play it too much in one lesson. Songs enhance listening skills.

Naturally, listening to any English song helps listening skills as long as the language is within the learner's grasp. They improve speaking fluency with the natural rhythms of language.

When teaching English through songs, it's best to use recordings by native speakers. This way, students hear natural rhythms and stress, which helps their pronunciation and speaking fluency. Appeal to broader learning styles. Use actions to go with each song. Any song can have appropriate actions, not just obvious ones like Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. Incorporating movement and mime pushes the boat out to reach more pupils by encompassing various learning styles in class. Sensation and material students will lock on to utilizing their bodies to the music while Hear-able students are right at home tuning in. Visual students see others making the activities and can see story pictures or jargon cheat sheets connecting with the melody. Everyone is cheerful, aside from the little minority of individuals who could do without music! Melodies are fun and rouse students. Just at number seven on this rundown, yet an enormous advantage is that utilizing music can lift the air in class, get an increase in energy and vitality that catches the kids' consideration and spurs them in their journey to learn English. Songs have the power to boost self-esteem. Teaching English through songs is a great way for children to listen to and practice their English in a group setting. They can join in when they can without being picked on and learn more and more as they listen. Students can acquire a gigantic lift in certainty from this, which permeates through to all learning. Tunes are memory that makes a difference.

We in general expertise tunes can lock onto our psyche mind, which is conclusively what we want for our English language understudies. Songs help with homeroom the board. More standard anyway crucial to a teacher is that putting on a tune stands apart for students right away. Everyone partakes with the exercises and starts to ring in. The educator as of now has their thought if they didn't already! In frame, showing English through tunes licenses students to hear English in setting, regularly. Students can focus on piece at least a time or two, draw in with TPR works out (hard and fast genuine response), and value learning. Tunes can help them focus and animate them to recall and hold the language. Moreover, music supports homeroom the executives. So with this multitude of awesome advantages of showing English through melodies, for what reason don't more instructors utilize them on a more regular basis? The undeniable issue is that numerous English melodies are miserable for ESL students. Most English melodies have an excessive number of words since they are composed for local speakers, so youthful ESL fledglings can't chime in. [3]

Songs are an excellent way to learn English and have fun at the same time. They may be a fun and engaging approach to practice or learn the target language. Songs are an effective teaching tool for English, and you may utilize them in the classroom to help your students with their grammar, accents, and vocabulary expansion. There is no doubt that using songs to teach English is highly natural and scientific. If you choose your music and activities carefully, you may be pretty effective. Here are some suggestions for incorporating music into your lessons.

Youngsters are naturally drawn to stories. Tales evoke enchantment and awe for the world. We may learn lessons from stories about life, others, and ourselves. Narrating stories to kids is a special technique to help them comprehend, appreciate, and value diverse cultures. It may also help them create a favorable attitude toward individuals of different ethnicities, nationalities, and faiths.

Narrative techniques and cross-cultural comprehension. Storytelling has the potential to improve cross-cultural understanding and communication in a variety of ways. Tales have the power to...

1. Permit kids to investigate their own cultural heritage

2. Give kids the opportunity to interact with individuals from other cultures so they may develop empathy for strangers in strange settings.

3. Provide understanding of various customs and beliefs

4. Teach kids that wisdom is a universal trait shared by all nations and peoples provide understanding of common life situations


1. https://www.goabroad.com/articles/teach-abroad/how-to-teach-english-to-young-learners

2. https://sanako.com/how-to-use-games-in-your-language-classroom

3. https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/how-use-songs-english-language-classroom

4. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/using-songs-in-teaching-english-as-a-foreign-language

5. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/professional-development/teachers/managing-resources/articles/storytelling-benefits-and-tips

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